Synonym of excessively detailed


Having many details
full thorough complete comprehensive exhaustive minute specific elaborate exact meticulous particular particularised particularized all-inclusive circumstantial itemised itemized accurate precise all-embracing blow-by-blow definite explicit extensive painstaking developed encyclopaedic encyclopedic elaborated enumerated finicky seriatim in depth point-by-point at length careful scrupulous in-depth rigorous conscientious intensive diligent assiduous sweeping punctilious methodical thoroughgoing fussy all-out total close absolute fastidious attentive demanding inclusive universal compendious searching embracive cyclopedic concentrated omnibus persnickety nitpicking intense exacting strict profound studious picky far-reaching finical all-in cover-all broad-gauge broad-gauged nice pernickety panoramic pedantic out-and-out concerted all-encompassing sedulous focused deep intent earnest choosy delicate widespread ample perfectionist whole clean entire critical global focussed clocklike full-scale systematic efficient overnice fine strenuous determined whole-hog full-dress from A to Z hair-splitting ultra-careful keen resolute exclusive active dainty abundant plentiful copious persistent energetic old-maidish fussbudgety finicking choosey correct umbrella catholic desperate insistent broad specialised specialized unqualified laborious consummate heedful broad-ranging radical mathematical punctual religious grand intact perfect integral plenary compleat wall-to-wall nit-picky nit-picking fiddly considered lock stock and barrel soup to nuts tough all the way slam-bang royal plenty counted alert faithful selective intrinsic topical thoroughpaced appropriate actual stage by stage step by step unabridged profuse lavish rich leaving no stone unturned liberal sufficient personal immediate considerable pinpoint intricate experienced hairline proper refined plenteous adequate complex complicated microscopic right long choate uncut largest satisfying unlimited substantial meaningful significant conscionable stickling cautious duteous firsthand direct penetrating most in detail spot-on essential elemental authoritative intimate special categorical serious purposeful first-hand white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's extremely particular scrutinising scrutinizing hard-to-please wide well researched scholarly blanket overarching wholesale over-fastidious carping faddish difficult over-particular wide-ranging eclectic coast-to-coast interdisciplinary nationwide countrywide cross-disciplinary faddy overcritical pass-remarkable tricky expansive multidisciplinary general across the board encircling containing infinite overall comprising discursive across-the-board synoptic overprecise hairsplitting well informed well argued well reasoned the works the whole shebang the big picture of great scope difficult to please well-rounded well rounded full-spectrum undistracted unbroken collective wholehearted engrossed unadulterated unshared unreserved consistent unalloyed unmitigated overscrupulous conventional unflagging unswerving sincere dedicated united absorbed unanimous committed continued rigid fast fixed steady deliberate circumspect undivided all vigilant definitive full-blown no stone unturned the word pervasive extended rangy unrestricted large-scale far-flung worldwide indiscriminate major all-round common all-around unconditional violent broad-brush prevalent generic mass international scopic vast utter severe drastic extreme great overwhelming outright advanced rampant pervading pandemic panoptic heavy fierce terrible huge vicious ferocious massive replete almighty blistering furious frightful dreadful large full-out stringent excruciating rife big sizable draconian forceful explosive boundless hellacious ghastly encompassing ubiquitous scopious fearsome broad-based maximal omnipresent hard full-blooded integrated epidemic thorough-going revolutionary fearful permeating popular inescapable diffuse full-on heavy-duty without exception one-size-fits-all company-wide straight-out important decisive plenipotentiary strong powerful sound encyclopedical encyclopaedical broad-spectrum unrestrained unbounded pronounced bird's-eye panned aggregate downright marked unfathomable wholistic rounded faultless undiminished uncompromising excessive holistic prevailing predominant diametrical ultra iconoclastic expanded lengthy catchall outspread preponderate protracted humongous cosmopolitan ecumenical all in big picture sophisticated bulk quantitative abysmal unreduced hefty on a large scale all over the place in toto all together all-together catch-all with everything included ball-of-wax multinational mundane worldly regular astronomical accepted unshortened unimpaired non-selective unexclusive involved uncondensed inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating swelling in quantity in the mass in bulk root-and-branch everything full-sized fully developed spacious extendable stretchy voluminous enlargeable distending top-to-bottom all-over wall to wall whole-length full-length whole enchilada unabbreviated hook line and sinker whole nine yards roomy dilatant spread-out fully fledged capacious expansile unsuppressed sprawling unrepressed enormous fully formed fully grown tremendous broad in content including all members including all categories terrific fantastic whopping thumping roaring very great acute vehement rip-roaring exquisite vigorous accelerated all-absorbing high-pressure speeded-up


Detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements
intricate elaborate complex complicated fancy involved meticulous sophisticated convoluted tangled labyrinthine knotty byzantine difficult entangled involute impenetrable tortuous confusing labyrinthian tricky bewildering unfathomable daedal baroque complicate hard involuted baffling obscure abstruse undecipherable recondite multifaceted confused puzzling Byzantine perplexing cryptic jumbled fiddly Gordian enigmatic dense thorny ornate inscrutable advanced serpentine interlaced cumbersome nuanced multifarious delicate Daedalian winding knotted mixed deep muddled troublesome minute painstaking difficult to understand full of twists and turns exact refined tough incomprehensible confounding mystifying problematical unintelligible abstract unclear sinuous circuitous high-tech mixed up mazy heterogeneous variegated hi-tech Daedalean esoteric mind-boggling mysterious paradoxical mind-bending inexplicable profound vexing mystical thought-provoking rambling fathomless inordinate subtle dainty unwieldy layered devious fine ramified clever gimmicky new awkward twisted ravelled rococo raveled finicky challenging long-drawn-out can of worms maze-like drawn-out elite demanding top-level high-level higher-level beyond one's grasp ambiguous gnarly enigmatical unsolvable hard to explain above your head hard to solve beyond comprehension hazy opaque over one's head compound composite manifold compounded miscellaneous collective multiform conglomerate multiplex mixed-up motley multipart interwoven mosaic meandering mingled multiple problematic arduous thorough particularized extensive particular full studied precise perfected laboured careful skillful prodigious inextricable labored circumstantial skilful imposing gingerbread overworked many-faceted particularised overdone blow-by-blow highly wrought high tech arcane unaccountable wildering chaotic insoluble beyond one disconcerting Delphic clear as mud dark unanswerable occult taxing ticklish messy strange hidden concealed worrying murky disorienting serious befuddling heavy secret misleading formidable vague spiny insolvable inconceivable as clear as mud hard to understand secretive mystic nebulous recherché Greek to me clear as dishwater plotty scrambled perplexed long-winded mazelike amazing surprising state-of-the-art labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthal labyrinthiform labyrinthic stunning astonishing eye-popping staggering rarefied radical intertwined contradictory inconsistent indivisible inseparable disorganized disarranged stupefying astounding frustrating bemusing weighty hermetic hermetical muddling hairy varied disordered uncanny veiled drastic trying impossible fiendish blurring unsettling daunting operose strenuous little known odd clandestine weird shadowy kaleidoscopic disorganised peculiar sweeping extreme revolutionary complete muddlesome mistakable untold pluridimensional multidimensional covert shrouded irreducible indirect roundabout major unresolvable unexplainable funny indissoluble impossible to separate clouded cloaked indecipherable unrevealed anagogic cloak-and-dagger black cabalistic unstraightforward irresolvable without a solution unsolved unresolved unable to be solved unconcluded elliptical overlong verbose deceptive lengthy uninterpretable riddling oblique oracular elliptic unexplained coded cunning perverse difficult to follow fuliginous illegible technical incredible illogical indecisive far-out double-edged braided not easily understood unknowable incognizable unimaginable sibylline twined ungraspable Greek impossible to understand beats me all Greek to someone too hard to understand double Dutch too difficult to understand all Greek to you knurly gnarled wound


Accurate or correct in all details
exact accurate precise correct true faithful right strict explicit unerring perfect veracious definite proper specific authentic literal genuine clear valid distinct close faultless thorough unequivocal factual errorless good express impeccable veridical particular veritable sound verbatim dinkum certified fair certifiable indubitable undistorted downright sharp watertight admissible identical clear-cut spot-on dead-on bang on spot on on-target error-free on target on the mark blow-by-blow on the money inch-perfect on the button on the nail bona fide dead on on the beam right on bull's-eye nailed down on the numbers unambiguous defined definitive unmistakable categorical meticulous certain absolute pinpoint crystal clear on the nose flawless direct univocal minute scrupulous manifest careful comprehensive punctilious rigorous judicious lucid understandable rigid systematic methodical complete actual reliable clearly expressed infallible straightforward plain unquestionable obvious overt blunt emphatic patent exhaustive perspicuous unqualified sure stated well-defined easily understandable appropriate conscientious fastidious unwavering painstaking deft solid skillful matter-of-fact regular severe ultraprecise discriminating concrete scientific discriminative just skilful truthful punctual authoritative decisive surgical individual determinate stringent canonical specified given well defined irrefutable conclusive undisputed unimpeachable unrefuted straight undeniable official final word for word formal without error delicate uncompromising finely tuned clearly defined special textbook whole picture-perfect in depth stark model unbroken to a T picture-book classic polished unambivalent nonambiguous evident dead right perfected letter-perfect to a turn inerrant unblurred transparent cut and dried black and white spelled out cut-and-dried open-and-shut black-and-white sharply defined hard and fast indisputable real proven incontrovertible incontestable legitimate so convincing unassailable positive trustworthy undoubted legit pure unfailing established kosher effective inarguable verifiable authenticated beyond doubt confirmed dependable compelling unarguable honest sure-enough well-founded unchallengeable credible beyond question verified irrefragable unanswerable palpable accepted acceptable demonstrable accomplished firm ideal self-evident fail-safe assured echt deadly open and shut beyond dispute sheer pukka pucka attested believable unmistaken safe failsafe sensible undebatable foolproof observable apodictic uncontroversial surefire sure-fire unblemished exactly right not in doubt decided free of error well-grounded tangible unalloyed beyond a shadow of a doubt indefectible consummate well grounded seamless existent exemplary supported circumstantiated validated intrinsic immaculate reasonable conventional exquisite logical rational substantiated perceptible inescapable demonstrated amen justified fitting standard outright realistic uncanny telling justifiable reasoned unflawed defensible dead inevitable in every respect normal all right guaranteed commonsensical defendable informed de facto fit levelheaded commonsense unvarnished sober commonsensible cogent acknowledged prudent set vindicable clinching balanced forceful holding water efficacious airtight without fault just so hard warranted very pronounced marked tested nailed-on on the right track settled right as rain on the ball can't-miss honest-to-goodness just right undisputable double-checked as plain as a pikestaff no mistake staring one in the face on the level utter out-and-out thoroughgoing lethal total masterly especial unmitigated satisfactory preferable establishable warrantable original arrant unswerving unadulterated solemn unfeigned omniscient demonstrative unshakable lawful proved legal irreproachable inerrable invariable well-proven uncounterfeited bonafide unelaborated uncontestable unequivocable creditable word-perfect OK irrevocable apparent spotless stainless natural unfaked holding up standing up bare cold O.K. recognized confirmable resolute doubtless intact on the dot pat flat undoubtable true-blue undeceptive sure thing no two ways about it righteous stone okay equitable secure characteristic archetypal representative guileless typical ingenuous archetypical copybook impregnable fair dinkum irresistible holding up in wash clean irrebuttable overwhelming invincible ironclad apodeictic artless unaffected simple in the bag as sure as eggs is eggs recognised questionless for sure on track right stuff along the right lines average unpretentious undesigning unpretending down pat beyond a shadow of doubt for certain no ifs ands or buts without doubt odds-on supreme nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle high-principled hunky-dory dinky-di apt sovereign dead-center real McCoy honest-to-God sure-thing for-sure no buts about it for real real stuff on the up-and-up really-truly suitable just what we need as true as I'm sitting here on the line on the up and up as true as I'm standing here like it is just what the doctor ordered without blemish orthodox tried and true insured concluded stipulated tried and tested ensured absolutely right very accurate exactly correct by the book to the point due applicable learned meet qualified felicitous pretty desired becoming suited befitting scholarly nice documented respected de règle straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth A-okay ten out of ten note-perfect unfabled coherent powerful substantial strong sustainable plausible congruent viable grounded supportable perceptive persuasive sane deductive workable maintainable probable arguable astute weighty pragmatic analytical practical germane determinative discerning analytic pertinent relevant stable consequent consistent uncorrupted intellectual potent well-reasoned well-advised well reasoned well thought out well advised able to hold water down-to-earth clear-headed


Constituting or referring to all of something
whole entire complete full total comprehensive exhaustive unabridged completed overall consummate outright conclusive thorough uncondensed unexpurgated grand integral perfect unqualified maximum undivided untouched broad inclusive intact compleat extensive gross undiminished unabbreviated unreduced plenary unbroken uncut aggregate uninterrupted utter all-inclusive full-blown full-length full-scale wide-ranging integrated uncensored thoroughgoing replete lock stock and barrel faultless whole enchilada whole nine yards the works unimpaired all whole-hog whole-length full-dress hook line and sinker organic unedited encyclopedic universal compendious global embracive undocked imperforate unitary encyclopaedic all-embracing overarching all-in all-encompassing general absolute cyclopedic combined panoramic omnibus in-depth broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged ample unshortened all-out far-reaching sweeping blanket umbrella long across-the-board composite full-blooded maximal categorical full-on choate expansive in depth wall-to-wall across the board continuous full-out open final livelong categoric unmitigated unified pure sheer unrevised wholistic finished rounded quorate holistic standard-length indivisible fully constituted long-range long-term big picture added full-fledged before tax before deductions wide accumulated catholic advanced collected collective corporate whole shebang in sum whole schmear wholesale cumulative developed out-and-out eclectic widespread summative coast-to-coast interdisciplinary nationwide countrywide cross-disciplinary broad-ranging radical clean multidisciplinary catchall full-sized fully developed encircling containing comprising of great scope well rounded infinite discursive well-rounded full-spectrum whole ball of wax the whole shebang synoptic the big picture all-round fully fledged in toto ball-of-wax all-around catch-all all together without exception with everything included all-together fully grown fully formed copious abundant plentiful adequate plenteous itemized largest itemised unlimited most


Giving clear and vividly explicit details
graphic vivid explicit striking clear expressive forceful descriptive illustrative lively pictorial picturesque telling uninhibited cogent colourful lucid lurid powerful punchy realistic rich shocking startling delineated visual effective highly coloured photographic well-drawn colorful compelling comprehensible concrete convincing definite distinct eloquent figurative forcible full incisive intelligible lifelike moving perspicuous precise stirring strong unequivocal well defined well delineated well drawn well expressed leaving nothing to the imagination faithful true-to-life dramatic true to life evocative authentic stimulating exact interesting arresting scintillating memorable unforgettable fascinating sharp fresh crystal clear animated definitive characterful imaginative unusual distinctive narrative revealing accurate retentive intense acute affecting haunting impressive natural emotive graphical active theatrical undistorted naturalistic naturalist three-dimensional near photo-realistic living representational sharply-etched credible speaking filmic believable representative factual real true cinematic original meaningful persuasive influential energetic authoritative emphatic hard-hitting touching irresistible impactful passionate artistic symbolic pictographic significant important enthusiastic dynamic vigorous exciting effectual potent weighty inspiring inspirational pivotal crucial aggressive motivating articulate efficacious zappy swayful alluring masterful motivational efficient impelling capable able purposeful successful material imposing far-reaching bold chocolate-box pleasant vivacious zestful bright invigorating racy noticeable great eye-catching in-your-face envigorating refreshing good illustrated succinct terse pithy instrumental scenic rousing fluent provocative guiding enticing seductive competent fateful formative monumental useful swaying central responsible contributory decisive controlling encouraging momentous operative consequential robust inducing critical considerable animating sketched engraved etched seen portrayed pictoric painted illustrational pictured marked-out outlined blocked-out diagrammatic traced depicted iconographic coherent authoritarian rational reasoned pertinent sufficient plausible on the ball logical puissant reasonable vehement unanswerable grand charming mighty direct theatric histrionical trenchant sound graceful well-founded relevant well reasoned performant satisfying powerhouse high-powered poignant suggestive emotional meaning charged ardent indicative sympathetic pregnant revelatory allusive inspired visionary indicating emotion indicating feeling demonstrative deeply felt understanding pointed pathetic full of emotion thoughtful representing open warm ingenious easy-to-read full of feeling spirited brilliant mobile communicative sensitive alive indicating tender masterly showy silver-tongued responsive signifying


Visually impressive or showy
elaborate baroque ornate decorated fancy ornamented embellished extravagant intricate decorative flashy florid ostentatious plush showy adorned elegant fussy posh busy garnished luxurious rich sophisticated sumptuous flash rococo skilful skillful wedding-cake over-elaborate with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles beautiful complex gingerbread complicated overwrought gingerbreaded flowery overdecorated gingerbready bedizened aureate overelaborate high-wrought bedecked resplendent jewelled superficial fine metaphorical opulent dazzling tawdry gilded luscious glossy bright jeweled flaunting magnificent glamorous ornamental sparkling meretricious splashy colored brilliant lavish gaudy glitzy coloured wordy verbose embroidered variegated fancily decorated highly wrought flamboyant overdone exaggerated garish pretentious lurid chintzy over-embellished over-ornate colorful colourful loud cluttered frilly overstated overworked labored laboured bold jazzy over the top chichi swanky outrageous swank bombastic arabesque grandiose impressive vivid intense striking strong eye-catching gee-whizz twee cottagey quaint glowing vibrant bizarre grotesque curlicued gilt pretty-pretty glaring overblown attractive very elaborate whimsical artistic contrived crowded obtrusive vulgar pretty tasteless deluxe classy swish theatrical over-detailed convoluted lucid animated naff convivial merry spiffy quality snazzy towering extreme superior select ritzy devilish untidy mixed-up overripe excessive messy muddled disarranged staged disorderly kitsch glittering dressy exquisite delicate prime fanciful special peacockish exciting camp dashing tacky brash froufrou fancible unusual cushy custom beautifying highfalutin brassy excessively ornate excessively ornamental flaming luxuriant sporty fun high-class trashy flaring razzle-dazzle gimcrack strained high-quality fancy-pants overembellished swashbuckling OTT


Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple affected overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant overdone declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complex complicated decorated involved hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da overblown windy high-sounding tumid rhetoric pleonastic flatulent sonorous Ossianic convoluted flamboyant labored laboured strained magnific hifalutin long-winded hyperventilated stilted arty-farty gassy gaseous over-elaborate periphrastic fulsome swollen baroque diffuse histrionic discursive theatrical tedious redundant voluble circuitous circumlocutory exaggerated sesquipedalian rambling haughty garrulous tautological eloquent loquacious lengthy palaverous gabby chatty ponderous pedantic self-important portentous grand-sounding stuffy windbag repetitious logorrheic big-talking figurative tortuous rococo tumescent Ciceronian embellished dramatic ornamental epideictic stagy fluent elocutionary ambagious Demosthenic Demosthenean silver-tongued imposing boastful big mannered braggart Falstaffian boasting bragging actorly stodgy rotund high-falutin curlicued roundabout high egotistic high-minded snobbish wedding-cake busy gingerbread prim solemn blathering very elaborate elegant blustering pontifical wandering indirect rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash oratorial tall decorative garnished rich luscious tiresome shallow superficial breezy euphemistic stuffed shirt over-the-top full of hot air circumlocutionary arty overelaborate high-wrought flashy formal verbal linguistic protracted digressive long-drawn-out maundering bold overinflated serious arrogant grave stylistic booming melodramatic arresting waffly talky highly decorated contrived glib mouthy vocal grand effusive articulate logorrhoeic superfluous fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian talkative full of verbiage Miltonian Homeric iterative epic euphistic tall-talking meandering overlong boring gossipy conversational multiloquent long wearisome prolonged gushing big-mouthed babbling chattering multiloquous yakking dragged out communicative with the gift of the gab expansive motormouthed blabby jabbering chattery profuse padded loose-lipped interminable gossiping prattling repetitive gibbering slick smooth having kissed the blarney stone loose dull able to talk the hind legs off a donkey yacking alliterative wittering gobby prosy diffusive drawn-out extended unending rattling spun out empty vague waffling endless laborious reiterating disquisitional forthcoming random lavish copious exuberant open unreserved circumlocuitous circumlocutional circumlocutious bigmouthed vociferous lyrical outgoing running on outspoken having kissed the Blarney Stone drivellous motormouth blessed with the gift of the gab desultory excessively communicative over-talkative excursive leaping digressionary digressional all jaw big mouthed perissological stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian prating spreading free musing erratic broad deviating roaming roving informal tautologous repeating monotonous unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum full of air having kissed the Blarney stone marathon lasting spun-out time-consuming dragging long-lived dragged-out far great lingering long-lasting long-term slow overextended tardy late delayed boundless dilatory sustained limitless seemingly endless for ages forever and a day without end


(literally or figuratively) Very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or extent
vast wide elephantine humongous mighty astronomical colossal enormous expansive gigantic grand huge immense incalculable massive monstrous monumental prodigious substantial tremendous big eternal gargantuan ginormous mega mountainous stupendous unlimited ample boundless broad comprehensive considerable endless epic extensive giant great humungous immeasurable infinite large limitless super voluminous astronomic capacious gross herculean mammoth sizable sizeable almighty cosmic grandiose heavy hefty illimitable inordinate measureless monster terrific titanic weighty whopping widespread awesome bulky cosmical excessive exorbitant expanded extreme formidable generous gigantesque heroic imposing interminable leviathan oceanic overwhelming towering unwieldy walloping whacking abundant bumper commodious cyclopean galactic Gargantuan handsome heroical hulking jumbo mundo overgrown oversized pharaonic planetary plenteous prolific spacious sweeping thumping unbounded vasty Brobdingnagian Herculean supersize Himalayan king-size king-sized never-ending supersized thumping great very big very great very large whacking great whopping great far-flung far-reaching spread-out stretched-out super-duper whale of a all-inclusive king size global universal exhaustive wholesale mass major intercontinental worldwide international nationwide heavyweight good significant healthy large-scale wide-ranging across-the-board all-encompassing wide-reaching goodly oversize roomy extraordinary brobdingnagian stellar outsized outsize tidy biggish Bunyanesque extended deep largish cavernous behemoth serious appreciable pythonic blimp profuse dirty great open extravagant boxcar solid husky mastodonic substantive impressive fantastic long giant-sized comfortable magnificent marked staggering massy extra-large ponderous high rambling thorough whaling phenomenal princely lofty behemothic cumbersome Homeric plentiful complete respectable gaping lavish mondo chasmal outstanding striking copious all-embracing unfathomable tall inclusive august interdisciplinary multidisciplinary rangy giant-size cross-disciplinary rolling airy pronounced magnific outspread full remarkable uncrowded notable yawning rip-roaring superabundant palatial immoderate cumbrous titan catholic spread out glorious thundering majestic noble stately splendid unusual regal bountiful decent fathomless super-colossal imperial wide open royal gallant abysmal baronial man-size of considerable size man-sized severe extortionate barn door material steep extremely large roaring decisive conclusive emphatic consequential larger-than-life great big resounding unmistakable memorable noteworthy unqualified out-and-out general encyclopedic cavelike compendious bottomless kingly spacey outstretched utmost intense cracking superhuman disproportionate proud profound pervasive surpassing undue encyclopaedic monolithic awful stiff mahoosive terrible supreme numerous protracted exaggerated exceptional far-ranging reasonable Cyclopean lengthy jumbo-sized unrestricted extremely big overmuch fat fair across the board momentous sky-high intemperate plumbless indiscriminate plethoric profligate improvident unreasonable plummetless whopper unrestrained megalithic socking great scopic scopious overabundant unmeasurable full-size spanking good-size good-sized not to be sneezed at much unending mastodontic exceeding steady a whale of a super colossal over the odds earth-shattering earthshaking hollow strapping beefy powerful brawny burly hulky ominous astounding grandiloquent Miltonian daunting high-ceilinged liberal mesomorphic thrashing Brobdignagian elephantic bigger than life Moby larger greater strong chambered wide-open awkward OS through the ceiling not inconsiderable statuesque maximum top incredible high-flown bombastic high-sounding rich unhandy ungainly multitudinous spectacular fine unmanageable thick latitudinous beamy prolonged noticeable uttermost unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy vital crucial heightened escalated increased jacked up radical bull decided bounteous profitable maxi paramount in-depth rare max acute inflated blanket prevalent tolerable lank ambitious horrific fierce dreadful harsh prime pretty far reaching swelled fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized comprising above average abnormal intensified fearful elevated classic extra large worth taking into account urgent fundamental critical unexclusive wide physically thunderous high-cost arduous exalted chasmic superior marathon essential central pressing bonny thoroughgoing very long distinct important decent-sized wall to wall panoramic broad-based cyclopedic broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged embracive all-in broad-ranging omnibus thorough-going wall-to-wall encyclopedical encyclopaedical discursive abyssal sunken inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating swelling meaningful ultra extendable stretchy enlargeable distending real worthwhile key unplumbed deep-set eventful historic firm sound dilatant expansile unsuppressed sprawling unrepressed useful valuable principal very deep big-deal tectonic major-league extending far down unwarranted unbridled superfluous gratuitous needless unconscionable prodigal surplus uncontrolled wanton resplendent superb dissipated indulgent imprudent dizzying overdue insane overweening uncurbed intolerable redundant outrageous wasteful unhampered ridiculous recrementitious stratospheric unchecked overindulgent ludicrous overboard overextravagant supernatural overkill unfettered overgenerous extra unnecessary silly more devilish preposterous uninhibited opulent luxurious plush out of all proportion self-indulgent too many O.T.T. way out uncalled for too much a bit much OTT over the top swanky elaborate classy flash flashy splashy theatrical awe-inspiring


Capable of making fine distinctions
subtle astute shrewd keen sharp acute clever fine ingenious intelligent perceptive percipient quick sagacious adroit aware canny discerning insightful intuitive penetrating sapient sensitive bright brilliant cerebral dextrous dexterous discriminating incisive smart thoughtful wise analytical cagey cagy genius intellectual knowing perspicacious piercing politic precocious savvy skilful analytic brainy complex deep deft exacting experienced intriguing judicious quick-witted ratiocinative skillful vigilant fly on the ball whip-smart rapier-like razor-like razor-sharp sharp-witted prudent sly artful cunning calculating wily crafty guileful profound discreet tactful critical sage argute foxy smooth clear-sighted delicate sophisticated observant pawky erudite tactical diplomatic heads-up considerate careful scheming knowledgeable long-headed polite enlightened cautious alert streetwise courteous ready heady hardheaded suss tricky clear-eyed hard-boiled slick devious designing cute dodgy nimble respectful gnostic sympathetic suave polished slippery refined opportunistic urbane poised gracious beguiling quick off the mark quick on the uptake sensible razor-edged trenchant knife-like fast supersmart clear civil media-savvy understanding rational gentle ultrasmart selective penetrative seemly cordial skilled exceptional mannerly cultivated resourceful sharpened cultured wary probing nifty capable tasteful insighted accurate able hyperintelligent nimble-witted treating with kid gloves searching agile sharp as a tack not born yesterday finely honed leery exquisite whiz good einstein precise adept apt razor sharp strategic conciliatory conniving arch bland contriving heedful fastidious keen-witted foresighted minute acuminous Machiavellian sneaky underhand innovative creative softly-softly kid-glove exact witty inventive shifty original imaginative not missing a trick innovational innovatory disingenuous inspired farsighted smart as a tack having smarts quick on the trigger knowing how many beans make five nobody's fool with all one's wits about one pioneering manipulative unscrupulous inside shark astucious calculated originative trailblazing artistic Promethean insidious learned gifted enterprising far-seeing deviceful wised up in the know on the inside on top of up on talented scholarly elaborate philosophical masterly abstruse serious informed recondite weighty esoteric arcane difficult reflective hermetic hermetical effective decorous kind occult orphic acroamatic secret thinking outside the box complicated tough circumspect watchful full of insight showing great knowledge with great knowledge prickly thorny intricate hairy sticky fiddly knotty sussed hep problematical problematic worldly-wise street smart street-smart with it as sharp as a tack tricksy spiny catchy


To have depicted pictorially or artistically
shown depicted characterized described exhibited given a picture of illustrated modeled modelled outlined portrayed presented reflected represented delineated embodied epitomized exemplified mirrored pictured characterised epitomised illuminated symbolised symbolized mimicked rendered gave a picture of showed personified typified expressed instantiated manifested incarnated demonstrated emblematized bodied substantiated materialized incorporated externalized stood for personalized externalised personalised materialised indicated encapsulated exteriorized objectified denoted signified displayed evinced meaned meant marked bodied forth realized betokened imaged instanced reified set out realised actualized designated featured concretized ostended conveyed hypostatized projected corresponded to highlighted evidenced painted spotlighted spotlit identified sketched typecast branded constituted implied evoked distinguished suggested reproduced limelit limelighted vivified recorded interpreted tabbed completed impersonated set forth imitated summed up put on copied traced given human form to taught gave human shape to given human shape to gave human form to proved instructed exposed revealed labeled labelled styled defined classed stamped heralded trained explained coached inculcated lectured drawn limned drew flagged pegged typecasted charactered chronicled classified recounted categorized pigeonholed connoted captured underlined notated pinpointed walked through introduced visualized visualised related unfolded envisaged photographed narrated equaled equalled performed produced staged tagged ticked ticketed communicated visioned composed caricatured perceived conceptualized sculpted drafted enacted cited personized bought for peculiarized served as a typical example of conceived of draughted reported painted a picture of generated equated singularized sold for presented as marked out plotted served as served as an example of signalised conceited lived as envisioned marked off made human checked off referred categorised stewarded signalized gave shape to played the part of acted out pointed out stated specified made a diagram of viewed individualised given shape to individuated snapt made a drawing of played the part conceptualised substituted for corresponded individualized snapped substituted mapped out pointed to brought alive designed conjured up a picture of equated with contained prove proven alluded to drawn a picture of drew a picture of appeared for gave a human face given a human face hominified assumed the role of appeared as acted in place of acted as were shown the position of showed the position of gave form to given form to given an idea of gave an idea of showed how something works shown how something is done gave a demonstration of shown how something works given a demonstration of showed how something is done gave an instance of given an instance of gave an example of given an example of

Antonym of excessively detailed

Music ♫

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