Synonym of excessively determined


Having or displaying resolve
resolute driven unwavering single-minded firm unswerving unswervable undaunted intent committed steadfast indefatigable staunch stalwart earnest tenacious unfaltering unhesitating unflinching persistent pertinacious persevering strong-minded strong-willed unshakeable steely dedicated insistent stubborn adamant dogged purposeful obstinate purposive obdurate resolved decided deliberate inflexible relentless intransigent implacable uncompromising unyielding unbending immovable unrelenting spirited brave fixed bold courageous manful plucky stout bulldog set indomitable unshaken strenuous unflappable four-square untiring stout-hearted wholehearted gritty mettlesome vigorous gutsy indurate inexorable serious stiff strong unbendable unmovable unshakable valiant compulsive full of determination grim perseverant rock-ribbed steady unchanging undeviating unflagging constant meaning business spunky true forceful tough hard rigid willful headstrong zealous mulish tireless bullheaded pigheaded stiff-necked intractable self-willed hard-nosed perverse adamantine opinionated hardened assertive wilful hardheaded energetic emphatic assiduous aggressive decisive enthusiastic feisty unremitting ossified pat active intense refractory inconvincible diligent self-opinionated settled keen solid intrepid bound lionhearted doughty eager industrious iron-willed ambitious dynamic fearless pushy recalcitrant ardent sure dead set bent focused dead set on fierce enterprising strict sedulous rigorous game confident iron focussed bloody-minded positive vehement patient motivated hardy daring devoted heroic unmalleable audacious gallant contumacious ruthless powerful bent on passionate domineering dauntless hard-line fanatical definite unpersuadable bound and determined uncooperative contrary cussed unappeasable certain valorous balky hardline bull-headed importunate enduring go-getting bent upon obsessed unfailing self-assertive fiery defiant harsh ballsy militant demanding hell-bent sturdy high-spirited stable incompliant absolute potent unqualified avid in-your-face set in stone unmanageable stern assured intensive do-or-die resounding unreasonable remorseless diehard loyal stringent cantankerous hell-bent on dyed-in-the-wool hell-bent upon self-confident uncompliant unafraid authoritative rugged adventurous imperious full-blooded resilient dominant gutty cast-iron hanging tough hard-working severe conscientious die-hard have-a-go forcible set in one's ways hard and fast categorical insubordinate froward hard-driving stubborn as a mule impassioned unsparing muscular commanding driving bullish established never-failing locked in faithful bolshie out fervent robust set on hard-hitting unvacillating nervy brassbound unswayable unwearied violent unalterable dour concentrated all-out difficult high-powered sincere immutable unchangeable abiding inexhaustible lusty obsessive unshrinking hard-core awkward rebellious weariless competitive self-starting goal-oriented self-driven unstoppable inveterate thirsty authoritarian merciless aspiring unadaptable hungry explicit desirous self-assured pig-headed stouthearted ornery heroical bossy exacting hearty undauntable pushing punchy genuine self-possessed greathearted self-asserting can-do pitiless go-ahead Herculean hard-and-fast unfearful incessant sustained reliable dogmatic trusty final fixated brick-wall conclusive forward hell bent on occupied thorough overbearing as game as Ned Kelly untoward effective laborious painstaking studious draconian animated lively ungovernable wayward definitive pressing deep restive responsible unrestrained flat unwearying dependable inspired inexpugnable cruel disobedient perky persisting dashing determinate striving influential good true-blue invariable gung ho sprightly never-tiring unaccommodating extreme lion-hearted unforgiving brisk red-blooded iron-fisted unfluctuating in earnest ironclad sound mean gladiatorial warlike venturous unequivocal consistent regular intent on heavy-handed not giving an inch two-fisted clamorous persuasive scrappy absorbed engrossed unvarying cross-grained eager beaver attentive ball of fire pulling no punches determined to complete entreating insistent on hard as nails standing one's ground continuous exigent preoccupied concentrating invincible fast tried and true stop at nothing committed to the idea of total deaf to reason tried and tested urgent immersed unconquerable specified independent brassy undivided express fervid unassailable unceasing defined precise unblinking stony unstinting oppressive burning hellbent full obstreperous entire peppy jumping grind hyper determining blunt uncontrolled unbridled wild disciplinary unmitigated thoroughgoing outright tried tried-and-true ferocious hardworking undeterred engaged unconditional clamant frozen resourceful unstinted monomaniacal vital unsurpassable invulnerable renitent unlimited utter peremptory formidable zippy plugging alert busy bouncy combative manly snappy unalloyed unadulterated unmoved mule radical gingery unpermissive contentious entrenched peppery downright pushful thrawn whole-hearted heartfelt cutthroat unquestioning truculent daredevil trustworthy imperative honest zesty bustling confirmed wrapped up contrarious deep-dyed well-founded secure tough-minded go-go cocksure bloodthirsty hopping chivalrous inalterable no-nonsense doctrinaire unabated venturesome racy storming progressive pioneering assaultive undismayed mean business careful undefeatable stroppy all out dire hopeful opinionative death-or-glory carnivorous spartan hardhearted exact standing pat unmodifiable out-and-out irreversible even uniform narrow-minded flat-out herolike calculable frisky high-pressure trustable antagonistic austere full of life on the go invariant tough nut to crack full of spirit dug in stand pat tough nut self-seeking get up and go power-hungry wrong-headed high-reaching high-octane in the bag not backward in coming forward on one's mettle having killer instinct serious-minded writ in stone sticking to one's guns tyrannical power-loving self-disciplined mature ended predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed repeated immoveable firmly-based professional devout realistic unintimidated not joking restless hardboiled buckled down stanch observant mullish convincing compelling resistant sworn pious sporting all exclusive enrapt whole uninfluenced stiffened cohesive unending unretiring unbeatable pleading noncompliant watchful unbudgeable perseverative proactive coherent great redoubtable iron-jawed unsentimental durable immalleable undiscouraged direct beseeching begging concerted possessive unforgetful mutinous self-motivated sagacious non-compliant unsinkable arduous taxing forbidding illiberal sticky frightless uptight picky pounding mortal hard-headed pervicacious indelible ingrained irremovable macho irrepressible mettled hidebound unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable consumed compelled impassive single-minded about firm about exhausting resolute about temerarious blinkered obstructive unhelpful unruly unimpressible fit telelogical calculated impregnable adventuresome possessed stony-hearted unimpressionable heady unbreakable believing in oneself perceptive take charge careerist impertinent bullhead unrepentant uncompassionate unemotional puritanical orped unfearing sedate galvanized impelled thrusting going all the way convinced swashbuckling in place in position ineluctable cynical impavid undefeated brutal permanent quiescent continuing fireball continued plodding as stubborn as a mule unflexible crisp involved straight Ramboesque in for long haul nose to grindstone clear-sighted straight out set in your ways hard-shell locked-in firm in spirit induced obsessional imprudent chin-up foolhardy fortitudinous immobile necessary compulsory cold fish proof against persuasion untameable insurmountable bulletproof insuperable steamroller self-respecting powerhouse stuffy concrete meaning what one says fire-eating cool hard-bitten resolved to never give up operose obsessive about inflexible about fixated on fanatical about intent upon with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way tall in the saddle incontrollable rebel uncontrollable disobliging trying exasperating recusant pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised riveted static ramrod playing hard ball crying reiterative monotonous keen as mustard agreed like bad penny cut-throat do or die hold the fort hold your ground hold the line impassable thick-skinned toughened imposing not discouraged unmoving changeless deep-rooted long-standing deep-seated bred-in-the-bone rooted intrenched arranged preset constructive formative creative developmental foundational seminal emulous not put off insistent about controlling be out for blood nose to the grindstone intensely competitive fiercely competitive dog-eat-dog hang-tough go for broke ultra-careful meticulous decided upon cut-and-dried strait-laced set in concrete unquenchable bitter furious granite like a ball of fire on the make desiring success predetermined allotted prearranged with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in enthralled vying decreed prescribed tough as old boots disciplinarian callous drastic ascetical by the book astringent uncharitable hard-hearted browbeating rough ascetic unsympathetic autocratic grave no going back quantified as tough as old boots obscene pornographic X-rated planned incommutable competing close searching employed scrupulous working minute particular tied-up elaborate punctilious like death and taxes collected composed arrogant impatient poised determinant known limited warring opposing oppositional effectual urged on stipulated still stated shoo-in unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on carefree safe triumphant resisting unnatural mannered dictatorial pontifical pedantic religious fussy with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone ultimate distinct unwaivering prevailing seasoned real unambiguous unreserved going sensible not subject to change high-handed intolerant arbitrary unrestricted self-reliant spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful malign fractious crucial unquestionable unchallengeable opinioned cool-headed sparkling magisterial small-minded unbowed unfeigned undiluted warm through-and-through exciting flourishing vivacious electrifying despotic fascistic high and mighty bigoted formal prejudiced one-sided egotistical dictative effervescent flamboyant alive dazzling authentic fullhearted happening airy stirring virile humming colourful zestful kinetic colorful animate buzzing vivid rousing posed hang tough spry coruscating bubbly stimulating astir sparky fresh thriving abuzz determinative quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious comprehensive bouncing springy vibrating pert radiant sensitive breezy responsive abubble jazzy pizzazzy pizazzy vibrant jaunty spanking aboil categoric exhaustive full-scale belligerent chippy confrontational discordant brawly argumentative agonistic disputatious gay predictable decent infallible upright plumb clean maximum consummate alive and kicking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring full of beans full of vim and vigour bright and breezy full of pep full of get-up-and-go hundred percent whole-souled bona fide honorable unimpeachable honourable truthful reputable impeccable respectable righteous high-principled stark supreme simple sheer arrant rank pure stone chirpy without reservations veracious incorrupt crashing deadly optimum dead profound very dreadful perfect true-hearted flip hot-tempered hostile have a bone to pick on the outs at loggerheads hot have chip on shoulder battling fighting have it in for bodacious blank fair blooming full-blown full-on cotton-picking straight-out


Thorough, to a great degree, with intensity
intensive intense fierce acute deep profound terrible heavy ferocious dreadful keen vehement violent almighty vicious blistering excruciating hard furious frightful explosive hellacious ghastly exquisite fearsome severe thorough concentrated fearful strenuous full complete comprehensive vigorous serious exhaustive detailed meticulous thoroughgoing extensive rigorous scrupulous total sweeping elaborate painstaking concerted resolute sedulous careful conscientious searching assiduous methodical minute widespread close demanding radical accelerated fast insistent persistent in-depth all-out heavy-duty all-embracing all-inclusive out-and-out all-encompassing all-absorbing high-pressure speeded-up desperate extreme strong great powerful excessive sharp very great searing forceful extraordinary harsh agonizing burning intensified agonising raging potent marked biting flaming piercing consuming insufferable unbearable relentless wild heartfelt major passionate bitter cutting penetrating tough drastic protracted fervent vivid exceptional awful earnest overpowering heightened considerable uncontrollable immoderate ardent enormous energetic fiery hot all-consuming urgent overwhelming heated deep-seated turbulent tumultuous frenzied forcible unendurable inordinate tempestuous immense intemperate terrific durable industrial-strength real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting sound grave pronounced intolerable hellish diabolical inexcusable dire unforgivable grievous reprehensible indefensible sincere dangerous unstoppable emotional wholehearted disgraceful shameful parlous very bad abject inclement heartrending deepest hearty harrowing torturous boiling baking scorching supreme deep-rooted racking poignant transcending tormenting deeply felt high sizzling roasting unqualified torrid sweltering blazing undue diligent exaggerated compelling fervid zealous strained pungent stinging shrill impassioned tropical parching withering eager fanatical mother of all resounding ungovernable scalding significant rabid rampaging uncontrolled rampant riotous devastating unrestrained feverish storming uncurbed inflamed unchecked unbridled unmanageable unfettered emphatic blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling red-hot perfervid convulsive painful enraged blustery ruinous peppery critical paroxysmal stormy volcanic dynamic outrageous aroused coercive boiling hot very hot out of control full of force gale force cut-throat warm-blooded huge like a furnace tremendous gigantic colossal prodigious formidable massive sizeable vast mighty humongous whopping mega horrific ginormous monstrous awesome whacking stupendous very big whacking great large whopping great thunderous more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand


Having been recommended or approved, typically by an authority


Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards doing something
keen eager enthusiastic excited itching anxious pumped raring enthused hungry yearning agog ardent exhilarated passionate vivacious exuberant interested longing sprightly zealous animated willing ambitious dedicated impatient wholehearted wishing antsy ebullient fervent nuts pleased stoked animate committed desirous lively solicitous thirsty vehement appetent avid dying energetic hot thrilled athirst crazy driven intent juiced motivated titillated wild devoted fanatical geeked ready spirited voracious gung ho hepped up high-spirited hopped-up intent on keyed up mad keen as keen as mustard chomping at the bit keen as mustard raring to go ready and willing earnest hearty fiery dynamic zestful aflame afire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans champing at the bit warm vigorous striving rabid obsessed fervid fascinated passional great forceful rhapsodic tantalized industrious concerned unqualified nutty intense wacky perfervid hoping hankering gaga active diligent tantalised assiduous bugged conscientious zesty warmblooded turnt gone on red-hot greedy hot to trot inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized aroused encouraged moved uplifted influenced activated energised galvanised stirred up self-driven craving desiring pining covetous breathless perky peppy gagging bright bursting gay sparky aching zippy frisky vital brisk buoyant thirsting bouncing happy jaunty inclined airy wishful mettlesome snappy ravenous insatiable pizazzy pizzazzy springy kinetic jazzy pert spanking rapacious hopeful racy playful restive chipper restless alert dying to upbeat amenable fired up rarin' to go sparkling chirpy psyched bouncy gluttonous acquisitive jolly delighted elated sportive cheerful desperate joyful cheery glad insatiate awakened edacious wanting ravening sunny itchy piggish swinish hoggish grasping feverish expectant charged esurient blithe psyched up frolicsome straining at the leash on tenterhooks beside oneself worked up spry desirous of on fire heated full of vim and vigour full of life unquenchable electrified jovial mad unappeasable burning prodigious joyous refreshed self-starting revitalized merry ripe potty engaged high restored tumultuous uncontrollable intemperate hung up disposed daft wolfish game effervescent revitalised bubbly unsatisfied confident piggy gutsy gannet-like can-do carefree vibrant blithesome scintillating pumped up exciting gladsome breezy winsome lightsome in a hurry gamesome hankering after juiced up geared up frolic crank light-hearted eupeptic canty itching for peart zingy on pins and needles waiting with bated breath lighthearted in want of happy-go-lucky dying for cranked up brash jumping swinging in suspense in good spirits needing approving touched atingle edgy diehard avaricious curious chafing straining impetuous habitual enthralled aggressive proactive bullish banzai lusting gotta have impassioned for ok with sympathetic take-charge extremely enthusiastic dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with full of enthusiasm lacking unreluctant all agog all a-gog full of vim and vigor full of pep spoiling cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry sapless set on bent on supportive urgently requiring agile nimble in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on inquisitive chafing at the bit quenchless frantic frenzied hysterical raving uproarious delirious longing for hoping for atremble aquiver consumed with desire mirthful untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained keen on sparkly zappy festive partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust in a frenzy anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for crying out in great need of gleeful debonair wick entertaining dramatic positive unslakable inextinguishable inappeasable excitable enlivened overjoyed euphoric enraptured ecstatic insouciant frivolous full of energy fairylike as merry as a grig as lively as a grig dashing light hyper grooving very excited ready for willing for avid for on the edge of your seat spoiling for in urgent need up for it convivial cheering devil-may-care rollicking jocose fun-loving pleasure-seeking unconcerned slaphappy laughing rakish jocund jocular exultant sexy stimulating importunate clamorous urgent demanding insistent crying pressing unsatisfiable exigent limitless ludic waggish jumping up and down lustful hopeful for envious aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring keen for elevated giddy piqued tickled tickled pink on cloud nine intoxicated forward in high spirits as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy on top of the world pushy self-assertive presuming never satisfied exhilarating heady uncontrolled greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for in favor in favour omnivorous alive blissful jubilant good-humored good-humoured reinvigorated invigorated predatious strong distinctive piquant rich poignant tart sharp peppery clever tasty tangy pungent witty gingery forcible turned on aspiring to hungered unfilled compulsive unable to be satisfied anticipatory go-getting revivified rejuvenated renewed rested cock-a-hoop devouring waiting expecting revived vitalized reenergized relaxed empty gorging starving starved dog-hungry gross sating awaiting anticipating agape anticipant covetous of lusting after like a new person like new untired rehabilitated reanimated unwearied fresh bright-eyed strengthened tireless unfatigued bushy-tailed fresh as a daisy fortified perked up like a new man indefatigable pepped up freshened quickened in need of watchful apprehensive with an appetite with a yen very hungry starved to death looking for waiting on on edge with bated breath anticipative prepared vigilant bubbling irrepressible vivid lusty rocking full of fun full of the joys of spring bright and breezy


Fixed or arranged in advance
set established decided agreed arranged specified predetermined appointed prescribed scheduled settled prearranged regular usual customary standard defined planned assigned habitual predictable recommended routine stable normal stipulated confirmed fixed chosen allotted destined designated intended ordained decreed selected preset meant pre-planned preplanned pre-established programmed bound designed delegated calculated arranged in advance proposed decided beforehand named commissioned authorized elected installed preordained nominated authorised controlled given ordered commanded pre-agreed arranged beforehand advance pre-decided inevitable encoded inexorable premeditated foredestined precogitated forethought doomed deliberate established in advance set up expected heading anticipated slated envisioned advised cut and dried concluded resolved promised projected due booked targeted clinched fated required purposed pinned reserved en route worked out concrete asked for consigned directed to routed to prepared appropriated set apart routed directed entrained nailed wished-for hoped-for counted on wrapped up sewn up heading for aimed at ordered to bound for headed for going to bent upon set in stone conventional common traditional accepted ordinary stock accustomed familiar typical general wonted popular prevailing orthodox everyday recognized time-honoured ritual recognised prevalent current average ritualistic universal natural commonplace acknowledged methodical long-established time-honored classic regulation classical going cut-and-dried run-of-the-mill systematic widespread official chronic mainstream orderly characteristic frequent daily prescriptive approved standard-issue fashionable ubiquitous quotidian proven steady workaday household unremarkable mechanical unexceptional sanctioned representative acceptable garden-variety inveterate enduring day-to-day lasting cut-and-dry formal proper bog-standard historic tried and true tried and tested stereotyped ceremonial prosaic old constant vanilla staple consistent formalistic plain rooted formulaic organized in vogue existing widely used garden variety common or garden matter-of-course entrenched identified well worn present specific regimented ready rampant dyed-in-the-wool seasoned folk strict organised stated rife ancestral long-lived age-old old-world long-standing old-time ceremonious systematized ingrained received ruling true repeated periodical periodic regulated favourite favorite traditionary valid precise influential predominant staid archetypal in style deep-rooted basic permanent in fashion explicit understood archetypical simple systematised public cyclic standardized immemorial ceremonialistic typic reliable doctrinal standardised by the numbers old hat comfortable obvious particular contemporary latest extant modern respected pervasive appropriate correct obligatory mandatory compulsory fitting methodic stereotypical gut default majority overall abiding ancient venerable immortal ageless delineated boilerplate canonical uneventful humdrum bureaucratic procedural endorsed admitted timeless undistinguished decorous punctilious rigid reigning certain sop wont establishment legal documented express authoritative one-size-fits-all touted unadventurous conformist indicated declared unopposed passed legit okayed preferred assumed known memorable unforgettable undying deathless certified lawful standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut same old in the groove according to Hoyle businesslike quantified listed in force well-known legitimate perennial taken for granted coherent structured societal agreed upon plotted written definite finished trite hardened arrived at noted bona fide institutional detailed inherent symptomatic well-established foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated automatic long-term ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing proverbial proved true to form in keeping to be expected only to be expected individualistic native in character par for the course on the cards clichéd cliched … all over true to type commonest ineradicable spelled out qualified laid down postulated predominating even laid out inured habituated traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style sound officially recognized operative dominant main preponderating principal secure unshakable vested hard-shell irradicable val sorted out in the cards done and dusted preponderant comprehensive catholic all-embracing in circulation regnant sweeping fundamental worldwide ecumenical uniform rhythmic deep-seated symmetrical unchanging unvarying recurring firmly established patterned measured dependable invariable balanced congruous harmonious consonant successive accordant alternating punctual serial exact in order plastic grind so-so white-bread most common most usual most frequent


Characterized by a good or happy sentiment
positive good happy heartening cheerful hopeful buoyant great heartwarming hearty joyful promising welcome auspicious bouncy bubbly comforting ebullient effervescent encouraging enthusiastic jocund lively optimistic pleasing propitious reassuring believing bright cheering fresh rose-colored rosy sanguine sunny can-do cheery feel-good go-getting gratifying redeeming stirring uplifting proactive up upbeat unmarred confident assured expectant golden likely trusting fair encouraged roseate keeping the faith looking on the bright side idealistic bullish favorable hoping Panglossian favourable full of hope ambitious merry utopian high looking through rose-colored glasses likely-looking full of promise disposed to look on the bright side up and about lucky capable assuring supportive satisfying felicitous eager willing keen excellent satisfactory Pollyannaish buoyed up of good cheer disposed to take a favourable view seen through rose-coloured spectacles inclined to look through rose-coloured spectacles always expecting the best single-minded high-powered anticipative sure certain secure anticipating trustful unflagging cocksure anticipant satisfied comfortable reassured calm inspirited expecting emboldened content doubtless at ease looking forward to on cloud nine ray of sunshine on top of world joyous delightful glad gladsome jolly gay gladdening wonderful enjoyable pleasurable festive fantastic mirthful jovial magical light-hearted heart-warming warming soul-stirring jaunty charming engaging grand splendid agreeable heavenly exciting celebratory lovely magnificent glorious marvellous marvelous fabulous ecstatic delighted jubilant elated contented vivacious overjoyed euphoric enraptured hilarious blissful chuffed amusing rapt exhilarated thrilled exuberant carefree glowing riotous pleased stoked grinning humorous uproarious wrapped pleasant winsome larking boon jumping boisterous radiant peaceful rapturous grooving lighthearted zippy thankful orgasmic rhapsodic zappy smiley saturnalian rollicking blithesome entranced fulfilled paradisiacal paradisal rhapsodical untroubled enchanted fun beatific paradisaical frolicsome zingy rocking rejoicing beaming paradisiac rousing well triumphant paradisaic chirpy perky gratified sportive captivated chipper convivial light peppy sparkling playful blest tickled laughing smiling gleeful blessed entertained blithe exultant wild intoxicated in seventh heaven tickled to death over the moon blissed out can't complain beside oneself with joy on top of the world looking good full of beans starry-eyed as pleased as Punch in high spirits as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy walking on air cock-a-hoop tickled pink rip-roaring in good spirits on a high floating on air as happy as Larry fun-loving flying high in a good mood jumping for joy like a dog with two tails


Nonstandard form of indisputable
undisputable undeniable indisputable incontrovertible indubitable irrefutable incontestable positive unquestionable definite conclusive unambiguous absolute clear undoubted unmistakable sure unequivocal evident plain true reliable inarguable unassailable demonstrable guaranteed fixed sound genuine real authoritative unerring ascertained confirmable destined establishable firm hard infallible known predestined provable set supreme trustworthy verifiable safe on ice salted away sure thing having down pat in the bag certain unarguable unanswerable irrefragable accomplished unchallengeable watertight proven beyond dispute beyond doubt obvious beyond question beyond a shadow of a doubt patent manifest convincing compelling airtight self-evident clinching categorical undebatable emphatic clear-cut decisive definitive final apodictic ultimate not in doubt palpable transparent valid telling confirmed accurate forceful assured decided unqualified persuasive authentic undisputed acknowledged accepted uncontested doubtless nailed-on established express cogent strong unquestioned well-founded demonstrative straightforward plausible open and shut factual credible unchallenged recognized flawless dependable concrete effective powerful without doubt veritable uncontroversial not in question uncontestable recognised solid outright actual downright foolproof irresistible flat unimpeachable observable pronounced marked settled undoubtable sure-fire weighty precise apparent impressive as plain as a pikestaff satisfying tangible cold staring one in the face immutable as sure as eggs is eggs influential determinate bona fide unchangeable unvarying binding convinced confident verified undoubting faultless unfaltering unshakable satisfied unwavering persuaded uncompromising unchanging unfailing material complete unquestioning impregnable potent unconditional free from doubt faithful rational trusty double-checked pure sheer secure perfect reasonable straight implicit without loopholes resolute surefire black-and-white well grounded hands-down no mistake sure-enough specific believable explicit direct open-and-shut irrevocable efficacious substantial cut-and-dried realistic distinct determinative lucid consummate forcible flat-out straight out no ifs ands or buts authenticated de facto certified substantiated literal inescapable demonstrated existent certifiable inalienable tyrannous admitted dogmatic arbitrary inoppugnable overpowering without question freely admitted not disputed unbreakable reasoned authenticating unequivocable invulnerable sober invincible inevitable open validating inexpugnable stable frozen sealed hard-and-fast veridical unfabled nailed down strict rigid stringent irrebuttable overwhelming ironclad odds-on apodeictic well-proven compulsive insistent resounding unvarnished that's a fact pat superior well-grounded prominent logical serious inerrant questionless failsafe well reasoned no two ways about it fail-safe can't-miss tacit for sure one hundred per cent no ifs and or buts cast-iron inflexible rigorous invariable unalterable bare beyond the shadow of a doubt last deciding virtual implied self-assured self-conceited self-confident unhesitating down pat for certain there are no two ways about it all sewn up can bet on it exhaustive no ifs ands or buts about it essential unacknowledged rank affirmative determinant revealing settling resolving irrefrangible enduring steadfast unshaken abiding constant changeless never-failing steady for a fact exact nof ifs ands or buts real-life objective real-world attested validated out-and-out cocksure thoroughgoing thorough uncontradicted right total fair unalloyed beyond a shadow of doubt litmus test all out likely probable what you see is what you get especial very legitimate intrinsic perceptible effectual well-defined pertinent urgent trenchant sharp coercive relevant intuitive intelligent formidable ingenious insightful incisive great well-established crystalline beyond a doubt assuasive suasive verisimilar hard and fast supportable sustainable checkable empirical testable empiric colourable moving true-to-life possible acceptable carrying conviction swaying presumable believeable satisfactory hopeful unambivalent attestable evincible inferable deductible nonambiguous luculent blunt unreserved pellucid perspicuous candid barefaced bald unblurred ringing comprehensible univocal understandable luminous intelligible lucent crystal limpid broad easily understood black and white bright-line crystal-clear no holds barred no catch well defined no strings attached no fine print crystal clear straight from the shoulder point-blank bald-faced clearly expressed


Inclined to behave in a reckless or outrageous manner
desperate dangerous rash violent foolhardy hasty hazardous risky daring impetuous wild frantic furious reckless audacious incautious lawless madcap precipitate headstrong anxious bold headlong heinous monstrous scandalous atrocious careless distracted shocking venturesome worried death-defying devil-may-care imprudent ill-advised overhasty injudicious impulsive unconsidered premature unguarded heedless thoughtless indiscreet harum-scarum unthinking ill-considered unwary irrational temerarious harebrained fiery insuppressible passionate immature frenzied jumping to conclusions hotheaded precipitant ill-judged improvident unthought-out adventurous venturous brash slapdash hare-brained unwise ill-conceived misjudged not thought through badly thought out irresponsible precipitous foolish hot-headed over-adventurous helter-skelter overbold gadarene spur-of-the-moment drive-by misguided hurried flying cursory pell-mell rushed sudden inconsiderate impolitic negligent tactless daredevil indelicate stupid inadvisable mindless undiplomatic short-sighted quick speedy inexpedient silly inattentive graceless unheeding swift senseless inappropriate abrupt kamikaze hell-for-leather unmindful casual rapid neglectful inadvertent fast impractical breakneck ill-thought-out regardless blind overconfident wrong-headed remiss flighty half-baked perfunctory unsafe unobservant spontaneous maladroit lavish myopic asinine crazy extravagant giddy crackpot unpremeditated immoderate outrageous indifferent unrestrained daft crackbrained unexpected death-or-glory untimely absent-minded unsubtle crude rough lightning superficial offhand unwatchful untactful unreasonable brief rushing unpolitic unconcerned imperceptive frivolous wanton insensitive prodigal gauche intemperate shortsighted previous capricious automatic gruff uncaring profuse cavalier clumsy cock-eyed excessive wrong tearaway impromptu whirlwind harsh undesirable blithe over-venturesome ignorant napping bungling unpolished inept fleeting reactive haphazard brisk blundering awkward uncircumspect vulgar unsagacious astigmatic unadvised instantaneous fleet unpredictable unalert unvigilant off-guard uncareful instant short instinctive playing with fire mechanical oblivious absurd preposterous nonchalant ridiculous idiotic inane knee-jerk wasteful unconscious untroubled impracticable scatterbrained ill-timed unworkable involuntary intuitive erratic unplanned spendthrift unworried unforeseen witless uninterested irreflective unanticipated abandoned thriftless boorish blunt dumb unreasoning unreserved feckless wacky hectic unsuitable unintelligent passing carefree desultory mad sharp immediate subitaneous summary adventuresome unfettered deaf listless near-sighted fanciful expeditious sloppy snap coarse unsound careless of dozy crass bull-in-a-china-shop hot breathless rapid-fire nippy splitting snappy galloping zippy fleet-footed dizzy rattling blistering confused short-term lax misconceived fast and loose credulous unprepared meteoric accelerated prompt unlooked-for quickie without warning nearsighted whistle-stop off guard jumping the gun ad hoc short-lived cool heady fearless intrepid courageous radge unrealistic unadvisable unthoughtful surprising snatched brave dauntless undaunted infelicitous garrulous nosy riotous chaotic lively trigger-happy tempestuous empty-headed barmy suicidal naive unfortunate childish scatty fantastic unduly quick unsympathetic disregarding shiftless profligate too soon inopportune startling nonsensical leaving self wide open off the deep end happy-go-lucky wide open uneconomical unthrifty unfeeling derelict nonobservant half-cocked risk-taking ludicrous lunatic fantastical easy-going spur of the moment unaware uninformed off deep end out on limb slipshod undiscerning unreflective unsophisticated dotty dippy inconstant divvy unintended airy flippant insouciant unpractical brainless fatuous illogical gratuitous supererogative fly-by-night ditsy delinquent short-range restricted limited extemporaneous unwarned unknowing unsuspecting swaggering breezy romping light-minded disorderly disregardful nutty insane unreal bizarre self-destructive overnight fast-track squandering free-spending reflex unintentional unwitting uncouth tasteless incidental apathetic whimsical uninhibited momentary fluctuating fickle fitful unsensible inconvenient pointless improper unrecommended uncreative unimaginative careless of one's duty callous emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed unfussy purposeless lackadaisical fugacious transitory without regard straightforward alacritous quick-fire unhesitating in the dark supererogatory hit-or-miss cyclonic hurricane tumultuous very fast tornado half-hearted slight token lacking foresight slack rude unmeditated vacant unmeant brutish not recommended asleep at the switch out to lunch sketchy routine eager fierce ardent like a bull in a china shop heavy-handed free and easy uncalled-for impassioned vehement unbridled unreasoned shallow random depthless uncritical uncivil unseemly unreflecting uncautious wary ad-lib fervid restive forgetful unperceptive winging it fast-and-loose not in the loop badly planned overventuresome caught napping foot-in-mouth hit or miss heedless of unsmart uncontrolled not careful abundant free volatile asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin pay no mind sticking one's neck out any old way asleep on the job inattentive to disregardful of going off deep end paying no heed to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to spasmodic acute quickened out of control misplaced explosive unusual steep speeded unwarranted erroneous high-speed without notice fallacious unfounded off the top of your head express without delay out of the blue not bargained for mistaken deluded misled extremely fast dangerously fast at speed disinformed stray errant deceived bum-steer bearded faked-out erring stonewalled straying flat-out off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path uncalled for at full tilt


Having a mind (inclination) for something or a certain way of thinking about things
minded amenable disposed fain game glad inclined ready willing contemplating convinced decided desirous intending intent liking planning prepared purposing resolved set aiming at aspiring to leaning toward settled on thinking of of a mind to predisposed eager of a mind given in the mood prone liable keen agreeable apt likely happy pleased enthusiastic zealous susceptible subject biased tending content ardent open favourably inclined game for raring to go nothing loath delighted prejudiced not unwilling able wont motivated leaning towards partial capable of tending towards vulnerable at drop of hat feeling like in danger of tending toward bent consenting compliant devoted sensitive apt to get likely to get likely to have with a tendency to get exposed in danger of getting at risk of accommodating obliging favorable acquiescent cooperative biddable like-minded in favor well-disposed one in accord with receptive so minded in favour helpful tractable favourable so-minded persuadable responsive wired have-a-go yearning pining hungry pumped excited longing avid hot agog up voracious thirsty wholehearted enthused interested itching hankering fervid psyched fervent craving earnest juiced aching wishful passionate raring solicitous wild crazy dying ready and willing hot to trot as keen as mustard up for gung ho hepped up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed rarin' to go pysched up on for waiting with bated breath hopped-up champing at the bit keen as mustard mad keen athirst anxious impatient stoked antsy nuts geeked greedy great vehement ambitious appetent chomping at the bit wishing exuberant exhilarated vivacious ebullient lively animated desiring spirited committed dedicated titillated energetic fanatical gagging hearty restless high-spirited keyed up sprightly thrilled animate warm fiery stimulated hopeful obsessed driven dynamic covetous itchy zestful intent on aflame afire active diligent assiduous dying to in a hurry full of beans restive edgy chafing straining desperate feverish straining at the leash vigorous hung up breathless habitual unreluctant engaged diehard hoping impetuous restored refreshed revitalized rabid revitalised fascinated passional ripe set on bent on on pins and needles desirous of on tenterhooks self-starting on the edge of your seat heated hankering after rhapsodic nutty wacky perfervid forceful tantalized industrious concerned unqualified intense conscientious gaga turnt gone on tantalised red-hot bugged zesty warmblooded chafing at the bit psyched up full of enthusiasm inspired longing for hoping for wanting stirred inspirited galvanized roused energized encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated keen on anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for energised self-driven stirred up galvanised ready for willing for avid for aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for grasping acquisitive envious thirsty for turned on itching for craving for greedy for ravening for dying for wishing for hungry for more than willing


Done or performed with a conscious purpose or intent
conscious deliberate knowing intentional calculated intended purposeful studied wilful premeditated purposive voluntary willed willful considered witting planned preconceived rational reasoning reflective responsible set strategic aforethought prepense volitional on purpose pre-planned self-conscious done on purpose designed prearranged advised measured thought-out thought out in advance thoughtful unforced wanton willing purposed reasoned predetermined weighed designful contrived autonomous free-willed mannered deliberately planned contemplated artificial meant studious cold-blooded prepared uncompelled express aimed schemed gratuitous unbidden thought out with forethought meditated preconcerted predestined proposed laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up cognizant contracted anticipated mindful wary meditative aware accidentally on purpose framed up stacked deck cut-and-dried tactical politic predesigned predeterminate organized organised judicious unprompted free diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected prudent optional freewill discretionary cunning computed outlined prospective estimated open volunteered unsolicited well-planned well thought out ungrudging volunteer elective discretional uncoerced unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory readily given permissive spontaneous independent unprescribed self-imposed controlled freely wished unasked not required chosen elected opted self-induced gladly given willingly given self-inflicted of your own free will careful with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice investigated examined feigned strained forced affected laboured guarded overworked labored reviewed plotted overdone well-considered thought-through thought-about gone into well-thought-out thought through destined programmed expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan circumspect informed scrupulous cogent lucid methodical contemplative pondered provident justified commonsense sensible intelligent well advised well-founded well chosen well thought-out sober planful cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing carefully chosen deliberative selected with care directed steered marked settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated


Firmly determined, resolute


(of a quantity) Having been measured or quantified (with precision)


Spending a lot of time studying or reading
studious academic intellectual scholarly serious bookish earnest thoughtful erudite learned book-loving brainy diligent donnish hard-working meditative reflective swotty assiduous cerebral sedulous bookworm busy contemplative eager grubbing lettered well-informed well-read intelligent educated highbrow cultured knowledgeable well read literary widely read scholastic enlightened well educated literate cultivated wise pedantic clever well informed clerkly civilized sophisticated discerning philosophical rational civilised well-educated bluestocking egghead genius versed accomplished illuminated sapient keen analytical schooled philosophic thinking deep-thinking smart ivory-towerish impractical deep bright formal sage sagacious informed esoteric recondite sharp switched-on intellectualist intellectualistic highbrowed experienced well versed eggheaded geeky intellective longhair taught logical calculating nerdish blue nerdy trained well-versed astute scientific in the know solemn grave studied knowing educational pedagogic formalistic precise dry pointy-headed pedagogical sussed well schooled labored book-learned classical belletristic bookly laboured long-haired profound brilliant psychologic creative well versed in inventive meaty weighty pithy expert skilled tutored sharp-witted fast gifted ultrasmart alert exceptional quick supersmart nimble hyperintelligent quick-witted solid grounded posted abstruse well-rounded judicious well-grounded conversant omniscient sound polymath pansophic professorial very smart sensitive engrossed ratiocinative absorbed polished cogitative introspective reflecting musing pondering prudent deliberate measured considered pensive museful ruminative careful whip-smart able coached instructed discriminating nurtured professional formed fitted developed shaped enriched acquainted corrected prepared finished initiated reasonable reasoning intellectually aware well-taught thoughty book smart detail oriented savvy obscure into wise up perceptive sensible insightful shrewd percipient perspicacious aware canny acute penetrating precocious didactic refined intuitive with great knowledge familiar full of insight politic versant showing great knowledge ingenious overnice schoolish au courant foresighted doctrinaire advanced reasoned au fait inkhorn abreast urbane good up-to-date proficient crack skilful skillful masterly adept in the picture virtuoso plugged in tuned in pompous ostentatious stilted arid hairsplitting dull punctilious egotistic fussy priggish sententious particular nit-picking reliable justified genteel school farsighted foxy cagey sentient pedantical briefed astucious couth clear-sighted polite cosmopolitan courteous liberal talented mannerly well-reasoned well-founded well reasoned worldly cognizant plugged-in understanding well-bred well thought out cool practiced hip practised down clued-up elite mature streetwise seasoned excellent heady practical clued up genned up up to date superior witty resourceful choice whip in the loop competent worldly-wise first-class very intelligent first-rate Einstein whiz kid genial nimble-witted self-aware advised cunning theoretical well-briefed directed deliberated coherent levelheaded subtle schoolmasterly arcane just valid strategic tactful hermetic hermetical metaphysical abstract desirable over-subtle congruent firm sober unintuitive argute tactical responsible acroamatic occult orphic secret commonsensical commonsense commonsensible unprovincial adult dependable well-advised well judged well advised thought out having been around planned out incisive precisionist overprecise hair-splitting nitpicking instructive edifying instructional educative on the ball crafty cluey quick on the uptake whiz academical artistic primed artistically aware veteran gracious tolerant high-class savant blue-stocking elegant distingue tasteful traveled appreciative chivalrous arty gallant esthetic ace qualified complete master consummate crackerjack compleat professed masterful great aesthetic travelled college university collegiate grown-up tasty tuitional propaedeutic dogmatic informational with good taste well mannered level-headed well up up on provocative gripping intriguing stimulating thought-provoking apprized well briefed abreast of the facts filled in up to speed rehearsed informative teaching familiar with up apprised progressive open-minded riveting heavy captivating powerful interesting heavyweight absorbing fascinating knowledgeable about abreast of informed about witting alive comprehending conscious acquainted with hep apprehensive broad-minded hip to free-thinking wised up knowing what's what practised in skilled in well informed about proficient in apprised of well up on au fait with at home with experienced in no stranger to at home apt kept posted au courant with up to speed on plugged into up to date on perfect in genned up on on the beam clued up on cognizant of down with smooth gnostic sophic


As great, high, or intense as possible or permitted
maximum utmost greatest most paramount supreme top highest topmost biggest largest maximal consummate extreme full last max nth outside ultimate utter uttermost all-out best concentrated mostest superlative thoroughgoing major enormous complete great total leading absolute unqualified sheer capital sovereign greatest possible chief pre-eminent foremost prime dominant primary big principal downright preeminent thorough head pure predominant lead ruling arch intense first out-and-out optimum severe acute categorical outright tremendous profound main premier superior unmitigated unconditional stark key peak deadly excellent matchless central furthermost cardinal overriding master grand prominent arrant primal unadulterated unalloyed rank overbearing commanding overmastering sovran greatest amount of prevailing uppermost flat-out extraordinary first-class number one numero uno exceptional high categoric crowning definite plumb critical whole flat clean very unlimited peerless fair dead dreadful apex apical finest elite transcendent bodacious blooming inimitable perfect tiptop unsurpassable blank prior loftiest record unequaled unparalleled unsurpassed controlling top-notch unrivaled unrivalled presiding supereminent essential first-rate top-drawer crucial top-tier cotton-picking straight-out unequalled number-one umpteenth maxi greater lion's share comprehensive exhaustive full-scale farthest better larger unreserved stone unstinted regular simple resolute unrestrained final fundamental basic crashing unremitting culminating undiminished vital staple pivotal outermost furthest strongest focal salient crack fine quintessential urgent remotest farthermost unmatched hugest upmost five-star second-to-none arch- indescribable raging mortal full-on full-blown important endmost aftermost outmost very great terminal mother of all serious considerable farthest away furthest away solid conspicuous egregious optimal reigning premium high-level immense massive herculean flawless impeccable errant positive perfected chronic ideal finished incomparable authoritative ascendant regnant unprecedented predominate core unassailable prodigious pronounced surpassing incredible phenomenal stupendous colossal gigantic elevated unexcelled utopian prevalent dominating unexampled domineering governing thundering right deep hellacious proper outrageous brutal overwhelming harsh flagrant gross almighty grievous uber veritable preposterous radical exemplary nonpareil select undefeated unbeaten unbeatable monstrous giant extensive superb remarkable titanic humungous gargantuan humongous necessary grave deep-dyed beyond compare a cut above the rest record-breaking first class industry leading prize-winning number 1 topflight best possible top of the line top of the range top-of-the-range second to none top drawer without equal par excellence sans pareil top-class thumping outstanding marvelous vast rare leviathan mountainous astronomic ginormous astronomical marvellous eminent notable illustrious crown zenithal highest-ranking top-ranking unequivocal real entire unrestricted plain undiluted dyed-in-the-wool infernal right-down blasted explicit wholehearted through and through in every respect undivided blessed confounded wholesale direct genuine full-bore unambiguous clear certain indubitable unbounded firm conclusive blatant plenary overt unmodified unmistakable inveterate true unbroken unquestionable all-fired sure unrelieved clear-cut undeniable straight out prize patent no catch unmixed express emphatic glaring unstinting sweeping fixed unquestioning point-blank all out without reservations constant no ifs ands or buts infinite limitless straight apodictic palpable unmistaken mere elaborate brazen decisive accurate steadfast uncompromising naked intensive detailed unblemished exact obvious assured unabridged authentic barefaced undisguised exclusive unalleviated unconstrained open unvarnished rigid everlasting double-dyed all determinate actual wide in-depth rigorous out and out specific steady minute true-blue perpetual eternal endless abundant uncontrolled no holds barred without reservation no kicker no strings no fine print incessant royal true blue continuous unrelenting staring quite single altogether customary transparent adamant assertive insistent bloody unregenerate usual shameless decided atrocious infamous notorious vile peremptory relentless austere stone-cold arrogant enduring abiding never-failing unfaltering unabated effusive gushing rightly so called untempered unmoderated unmollified unbending through-and-through horrible huge point blank oppressive sublime untarnished habitual undying confirmed persistent unsoftened grim resounding definitive forthright no joke unhesitating untouched unaltered overarching undisputed totalitarian uninterrupted inclusive unshaken in every way unshakeable personal immediate completed unshakable intricate meticulous experienced fulfilled embedded constructive virtual practical inevitable implicative inarticulate intrinsic hidden inferential unquestioned implicit unuttered contained one hundred per cent no strings attached precise firsthand penetrating developed accomplished mature elemental encyclopedic particular spot-on special encyclopaedic intimate first-hand valid dinkum faultless ripe honest strict dead-on certified good faithful pukka on-target echt so satisfactory pucka sure-enough unerring certifiable admissible sound factual focused undistracted collective engrossed unshared consistent undoubted watertight veridical immaculate amen inerrant bona fide bang on undistorted solemn unswerving dedicated united absorbed unflagging sincere focussed unanimous committed scrupulous attentive continued concerted fast deliberate circumspect diligent vigilant intent right on lock stock and barrel most extreme most important most prominent most excellent most influential most outstanding


To have fixed or shaped the form or character of
dictated influenced decided governed impacted shaped affected controlled impacted on formed molded moulded swayed acted on altered forecast forecasted had an effect on worked on guided motivated inspired prompted aroused regulated directed biassed biased won over channeled channelled seduced had a part in trained pulled strings acted upon got at gotten at ruled prevailed roused brought to bear carried weight instigated talked into something argued into touched had an impact on upset struck exerted influence on hit moved modified impressed conditioned reached made an impression on transformed infected changed hurt stirred overcome hit hard struck at stricken overwhelmed involved disturbed stimulated fazed attacked impinged prevailed over told on got to shope shapen damaged devastated troubled constrained perturbed tainted manipulated overcame concerned excited impinged upon spread to marked took hold of emotionally moved had a bearing on taken hold of impressed on carried hat hitten shaken up shook up borne upon gotten to bore upon born upon injured vitiated corrupted afflicted crippled destroyed spoilt contaminated ruined spoiled marred demolished impaired ravaged annihilated persuaded compromised harmed distorted sabotaged prejudiced twisted warped restrained occurred defiled polluted checked contained captured convinced impelled angled inhibited crushed tamed slanted poisoned curbed garbled saddened distressed pained grieved agitated debased bridled mastered weakened blighted stretched doctored animated straught impassioned spurred kept measured disciplined held subdued talked into skewed struck down threw thrown played havoc with born on shepherded grabbed pulled in knocked back registered with bowled over made an impact on held in check brought in referred to regarded kept a tight rein on encroached left a mark on inclined got made an impression reined in centered upon trespassed related disposed meddled intruded interacted with gotten through to made inroads predisposed turned someone's head got through to knocked for six steered urged carried weight with rubbed off on obtruded bended bent tugged at your heartstrings exerted an influence on imposed left an impression on interrupted touched a chord prevailed on wreaked havoc on pertained to induced pried colored coloured quickened interested broke broken brake drawn drew shaken shook worn away wore away holden belonged to stricken down underlay underlain gotten gat struck a chord stricken a chord gone to your head went to your head done damage to wrought havoc on did damage to wrought havoc was a factor in got the better of gotten the better of been a factor in were a factor in gotten through got through


To have come to a judgment
finalized resolved confirmed specified agreed to concluded decreed designated ruled on adjudged adjudicated arbitrated authorised decided on deemed finalised judged settled on agreed on assigned authorized cinched clinched figured out fixed upon nailed down named ordained pinned down prescribed setted worked out squared off squared up declared ruled held pronounced decided counted found set selected picked appointed elected chosen chose nominated opted for established singled out picked out fixed settled fixed on plumped for handpicked cherry-picked arranged adopted allotted put in power preferred favoured favored stipulated tagged settled upon delegated figured indicated voted for accepted arrived at voted in come to a decision about embraced decided upon returned identified recognized taken took allocated scheduled fancied installed culled made resolved on fingered pegged tapped put in set a date for optated made a decision put one's finger on recognised set aside come to an agreement cast come to a conclusion pointed out put down for marked come to a decision hand-picked came to a decision about gone for went for distinguished spotted pinpointed wanted desired wished pleased craved defined located dealt apportioned tasked ID'ed IDed voted limited announced wished for prearranged nailed completed closed commissioned designed peached imposed opted agreed sealed achieved branded denoted placed employed made a choice worked came to a decision balloted received signed up came to a conclusion discriminated between made choice hypothecated fixed up instructed demanded yearned solved predestined admitted inclined toward voted into office came to an agreement espoused detailed loved called the shots classified dictated made up one's mind laid down made a selection slotted felt disposed to assigned the part to capped liked called the shots on come down in favour of proposed tabbed constituted pointed to wrought sifted out called for given gave saw fit seen fit willed taken on took on taken a decision on took a decision on agreed upon lay down chosen by ballot chose by ballot gone down the line went down the line given the part to gave the part to came down in favour of taken up took up


To have ascertained through analysis or investigation
ascertained discerned discovered established deduced detected figured out found out identified learned learnt verified worked out fand fathomed figured found perceived uncovered added up conceived confirmed contrived intuited noticed observed picked up realised realized recognised recognized saw sensed spotted unearthed came upon caught on descried diagnosed divined got got to know had a hunch read sized up came to know made out got on to wised up to sussed out doped out hit upon distinguished seen picked up on gotten on to unmasked puzzled out checked checked out double-checked made certain judged made sure became acquainted with come upon gotten to know become acquainted with revealed disclosed dug up gained obtained dug out attained acquired exposed rooted out achieved located sighted nosed out gotten come to know caught on to twigged rumbled ferreted out heard espied caught fathomed out debunked ran down glimpsed run down explored elicited routed out encountered scouted up scared up tumbled to turned up sniffed out dredged up tracked down hunted up had an aha moment thought of hunted down looked up hit on lit upon got wind of got wind of the fact gotten wind of got wise to the fact gotten wise to got wise to spied beheld noted viewed regarded picked out caught sight of eyed remarked witnessed pinpointed set eyes on beholden clocked placed caught a glimpse of put one's finger on slanged looked at pinned down marked clapped eyes on got a glimpse of laid eyes on fingered named singled out determinated diagnosticated eyeballed pointed out analyzed tagged ID'ed IDed slang put a name to had sight of isolated got a load of analysed gotten a load of discriminated selected decided differentiated remembered separated pegged rummaged told apart heeded buttoned down tabbed traced peeked at become aware of peeped at met with glanced at known knew brought to light described came across demarcated stumbled on recalled specified chanced on happened upon labeled labelled recollected set off set apart validated flagged substantiated list differenced secerned told between put the finger on sorted out tracked called to mind told come across decided on settled on unlocked met stared at gazed at scoped out focused on glared at zeroed in on gaped at made a diagnosis split hairs run to earth peered at gawked at studied surveyed dug struck searched out smoked out lit on smelt out gotten a fix on got a fix on known by sight knew by sight became aware of happened on chanced upon bumped into singularized collated divided estimated qualified signalized classified categorized individuated characterized sifted parted extricated pronounced came up with settled certified fixed corroborated nominated marked off told from designated interpreted scented transpired mentioned listed marked out made certain of indicated contrasted made investigated keyed out smelt smelled keyed carded decried made up your mind on knew again known again peached watched told the difference between decided between made a distinction between differentialized understood tasted defined tapped homed in on flashed on nailed made a distinction told the difference tripped over nailed down taken notice took in antithesized got at told which is which taken in took notice separated out gotten an eyeful of become conscious of laid hands on characterised weeded out cropped up hooked signalised took note kenned discerned a difference got a sight of taken notice of popped up categorised localised flashed become known filtered out identified problem rubbernecked comprehended localized ran to earth individualised spied out traced back taken note come to pass took notice of antithesised individualized come up with agnized stumbled across got an eyeful of came to light chosen chose gotten at stricken came to pass became known rung a bell rang a bell became conscious of took note of taken note of wised up gotten a view of got a view of drew a distinction saw a difference drawn a distinction knew what's what known what's what seen a difference got an eyeful taken a gander seen briefly gotten an eyeful saw briefly took a gander corralled collared happened bumped chanced tripped on laid fingers on arrived at ran into ran across fell in with pitched upon stumbled upon hunted out lucked into


To have measured the quantitative amount of something
measured calculated quantified assessed calibrated checked evaluated appraised computed gauged gaged got a fix on gradated established ascertained confirmed identified discerned verified rated discovered figured out found out counted picked up divined sized up checked up on took learned worked out estimated learnt detected reckoned totaled totalled tallied enumerated figured cast judged summed cast up totted up put a figure on valued counted up added up set numbered added summed up put totted guessed weighed told considered totalized toted cost supposed ciphered called conjectured summated forecast toted up believed placed guesstimated accounted footed run down looked upon thought deduced regarded surmised assayed ranked reckoned up valuated figured up sized made deemed numerated adjudged kept tabs set at put a value on set down doped out recorded squared costed esteemed graded fixed fixt priced expected metered scaled added together reasoned suspected decided predicted pegged foretold looked over found the sum of forecasted quantitated weighed up ticked off solved classed concluded ran down inferred classified held put a price on gathered scored aggregated assumed extrapolated viewed spanned surveyed presumed imagined put a stopwatch on prophesied putten understood derived cost out marked subtracted divided multiplied construed anticipated counted on approximated come to the conclusion counted noses run over fancied looked on thought through set a figure put down as cut ice counted out counted off typecast checked out taken account of put down for looked into put together worked something out footed up took account of calculated roughly thought of read timed held to be counted heads did addition done addition clocked accepted devised writ formulated examined holden settled plused plussed conceded explained setted a price on plumbed resolved speculated heard span audited registered combined ratiocinated conceived postulated projected syllogized priced out stood categorized positioned schemed taxed planned budgeted outlined interpreted as tagged decided on marked down stumbled on balanced taken noticed analyzed number crunched eyed amounted presupposed analysed made an estimate of came to the conclusion typecasted intuited paced off formed opinion roughly calculated cataloged marked out tallyhoed thought of as averaged took stock of regarded as totalled up itemised taled noted piled up felt for hypothesized inventoried differentiated categorised gleaned tested buttoned down heard tell judged to be itemized ran over taken stock of rationalised figured in catalogued measured out viewed as figured something out specified considered to be meted contemplated racked up philosophized trusted kept score had a hunch banked on deemed to be counted one by one thought to be budgeted for contextualised stacked up made out philosophised adjusted pigeonholed reckoned to be hypothesised tabbed portioned marked down as looked on as guessed at accounted for tallied up contextualized rationalized had one's number found to be posited made of thought likely written wrote took the measure of taken the measure of wrote down written down drawn drew conclusions drawn conclusions drew gotten the measure of got the measure of gotten a fix on taken measure took measure taken account took account taken the measurements of readen took the measurements of saw as seen as taken for took for drawn the inference foresaw took it taken something on board taken it foreseen drew the inference took something on board saw through saw the light seen the light taken for granted took for granted seen through


To have forecasted the future or the fate of something in advance


(rare) To have impelled and directed towards an object or action
drove impelled induced inspired motivated caused coerced compelled encouraged forced goaded influenced instigated led mobilized moved obliged persuaded pressed prompted propelled pushed spurred conditioned directed emboldened enthused envigorated galvanised galvanized inclined invigorated mobilised predisposed prodded provoked roused sparked triggered urged actuated imposed on incited made spurred on stimulated oriented swayed convinced disposed biassed biased affected brought gave brought round got impressed on prevailed on enticed enkindled prevailed effectuated drew made willing generated produced engendered set off occasioned brought about created effected brought on bred catalyzed stirred up precipitated invoked elicited catalysed yielded aroused fostered promoted sparked off spawned translated into kindled initiated wrought excited evoked worked whipped up gave rise to stirred set in motion put in motion activated cajoled given rise to brought forth talked into won over begat begot put up to begotten fomented contributed to coaxed prest brought to pass brought around worked up called forth tempted touched off yolden yold converted egged on led to started driven drave druv inveigled prevailed upon leaded originated fired up awakened inflamed beared triggered off animated advanced hatched lured put across pressured introduced done did realized set going made for achieved wheedled raised drew on drawn on brought out realised fired accomplished whetted impressed pricked nudged gotten gat developed set on ended in cultivated piqued wakened developt drawn pressurized rallied sold invited procured established pressurised quickened set up exhorted fulfilled furthered dragooned sweet-talked agitated solicited inspirited talked round instilled enacted keyed up brought into being bore borne instituted rendered charmed seduced struck made happen incentivized soft-soaped summoned satisfied mustered gained turned involved sicced made possible brainwashed contributed actualized made to happen brought in sold one on necessitated allured launched entailed reasoned performed attained culminated in educed prejudiced hounded blandished wooed touched contrived brought off secured put in place brewed abetted impassioned bended bent hooked whipped argued got round worked on set afoot pulled in called into being spread it on twisted one's arm put pressure on built up turned on flattered given attracted helped began begun blarneyed found beguiled manoeuvred afforded carried out earned argued into drew forth drawn forth badgered conduced to provided conduced coaxed into maneuvered fetched changed carried through supplied altered impacted interested stung constrained captured pulled off harassed extorted meant meaned appealed sucked in spelled fermented bullied bestirred evinced asked delivered extracted requested sowed the seeds of finished in demanded waked conjured governed caused to happen caused to occur countenanced worked over summoned up rooted on called up twisted someone's arm turned out got up brought round to the idea of added up to revved up buttered up made a believer conjured up pushed forward stricken executed expedited had a hand in perpetrated ignited returned had a part in sown the seeds of founded drawn out drew out netted conducted enforced completed carried off upset engineered organized called got around gotten around won courted conceived planned talked obtained manifested engaged fascinated managed discharged jaundiced played a part in hurt imparted pleaded pled formed palavered energized exacted modified cracked slanted challenged plotted manipulated schemed reached controlled entreated tendered captivated coloured prepared hit hit hard picked advised pitched guided played a role in wreaked hassled suggested recalled primed set a match to set light to set alight set on fire set fire to inaugurated grabbed compassed snowed enchanted oiled soaped bantered conned needled started up rekindled enthralled made up organised exerted influence on impacted on smooth-talked indoctrinated redounded to terminated in propagated progenerated favoured favored told on raked in called on put mind at ease proved to prodded into put on made of a mind to paid out put someone's mind at rest brought pressure to bear on brought to senses put someone up to something cooked up drummed up put into action sounded roweled issued put a match to put together softened up commanded set on foot gained confidence of leaned on set caught the eye of rowelled got to sweetened up put one in mind of wheedled into annexed bid acted as a stimulus to put match to payed out brought home to energised insisted on put the heat on put the screws on overcome multiplied set astir forwarded tried to persuade spirited up lit a fire under led to believe set in asked for colored carried cost got somebody on your side gotten somebody on your side added to accelerated risked amounted to holp holpen extraught woke woken nagged into gave birth to gotten up exposed made sensitive given birth to sent implemented burned burnt devised administered enflamed invented designed pulled fixed fixt consummated formulated acquired administrated finalized petitioned begged concocted enjoined succeeded in planted gripped transformed lodged implanted bought landed paid wormed payed manufactured projected besought implored admonished beseeched adjured finished disturbed perturbed overwhelmed troubled campaigned appropriated harangued purchased held accrued assured revived fanned tended prepossessed poisoned required concluded devastated attacked infected awaked grieved pained concerned shaped saddened distressed damaged bestowed garnered furnished reapt reaped scored torched insisted enlivened rivetted lent absorbed caught hypnotized riveted opened spellbound importuned mesmerized occupied engrossed inflicted absorpt bewitched kick-started steeled commandeered dug adapted proffered echoed bagged counseled counselled sanctioned nagged drove on driven on decoyed egged duped crowded bootlicked softened deceived massaged brownnosed deluded jollied stroked tantalized twisted misled entrapped constituted waxed presented vivified buoyed setted burning run magnetized moulded entranced enraptured thrilled reassured imposed exhilarated heartened empowered dictated vitalized uplifted decided opened the door for struck at fazed reproduced had enlisted derived propagandized encapsulated hustled expressed copped proselytized proposed snew snown exercised proved sharpened succeeded reignited sought to influence made an impression on bowled over emotionally moved charged boosted made certain called out sensitized worked into lather juiced finalised equaled made waves thought up cajoled into predetermined mesmerised distorted appealed to steamed up blossomed cracked down solicited votes pressed your case laid it on trumped up taunted molded gravitated toward acted as a incentive to procreated steamrolled knocked for six indicated resurrected petitioned for tugged at your heartstrings lashed pulled down flirted with finagled brainstormed campaigned for made a pitch for gained somebody's support suggested to incarnated strong-armed looked laid eggs rationalized wrested milked gotten going pulled strings led by the nose hinted rabble-roused made partisan expected dispelled someone's doubts exerted impinged upon spitballed impressed to bought up forced upon demonstrated to implied corralled made up to costed resulted fanned the flames of lit caused to appear bought out sensitised begged for managed to get hinted to had an effect on sued reasoned someone into believing overcame gotten to refreshed budged reasoned someone into lobbied whomped up magnetised acted as an incentive to fired with enthusiasm turned somebody on to rationalised used pressure on made biased elated pepped up leant to hauled in brought pressure to bear got going marked hyped come out made compulsory latched on to laid it on thick brought up had as a result acted upon prevailed over psyched offered turned one's head pushed for psyched up taught regarded beamed boosted up agitated for leaned to picked up had as a consequence started the ball rolling sold for made partial parented related rubbed the right way crazed equalled cheered on sired brought to mind railroaded into signed soft-sold bulldozed into reminded one of had an impact on nobbled emerged propagandised brought over tantalised plugged dispelled doubt skewed switched on titillated proselytised hypnotised impinged converted to commended mustered up thumped called for splashed rousted lighted insinuated fanned the fire knocked back proselyted led to do made you of a mind to brought to reason gathered in oiled the wheels of called to mind not minded knocked down buoyed up caused to feel certain made expectant politicked admitted exerted influence laid hands on got possession of handed a line pleaded with incentified pumped up sucked up to came by turned someone's head spotted caused to believe made a haul won argument tried to influence had the effect of started off swayed opinion reduced turned the trick beckoned wiled suscitated pressured someone into pressurized into talked over drummed come up with left the door open to caught hold of posed squeezed sold to pressed someone into bulldozed won around kowtowed billed dreamt up wangled verged played up to brought on oneself gained one's confidence run into high pressured arranged for founden fand boughten holden awoken awoke ran been a factor in was a factor in were a factor in stricken up struck up gotten things rolling got things rolling worn down wore down shope acted on shapen gave off given off got next to gotten next to bade billboarded applied pressure added fuel sowed sown broke in broken the ice broken in broke the ice ridden herd on rode herd on gave the incentive to given the incentive to took taken showed a preference for shown a preference for gotten smoking got smoking burned up burnt up grew into ran into grown into was responsible for been responsible for was partly responsible for were partly responsible for were responsible for been partly responsible for given incentive gave incentive gave incentive to given incentive to shaken hitten shook hat gotten hold of got hold of drew in drawn in threw thrown broken open given forth came up with given birth came out threw together broke open gave birth thrown together gave forth prove proven borne upon shook up went to your head taken hold of born upon gone to your head took hold of shaken up bore upon hastened speeded up sped up


(archaic, obsolete) To have brought or to have come to an end


To have demonstrated to be true based on facts
established proved demonstrated showed indicated signified signaled signalled displayed exhibited manifested denoted ascertained attested to corroborated evidenced substantiated validated confirmed verified certified affirmed ratified settled revealed sustained testified to upheld authenticated bespoke evinced justified exposed expressed illustrated proclaimed supported bore out declared made clear made evident presented showed clearly spelled out spelt out underscored vouched for assured backed up cleared up concluded documented endorsed espoused expounded got across guaranteed ostended showcased showed once and for all asserted attested vouched circumstantiated noted reinforced elucidated proven shown pointed out borne out registered predicated pointed projected prescribed laid out made plain made out laid bare clarified made known explained witnessed discovered testified produced evidence produced proof flagged up submitted proof established evidence submitted evidence demonstrated the truth witnessed to the fact that seen bore witness gave substance to the fact that showed beyond doubt borne witness given substance to the fact that shown beyond doubt disclosed betrayed communicated suggested broadcast conveyed represented symbolized intimated prove bespoken betokened divulged bespake symbolised pointed to imparted implied argued aired uncovered given away gave away announced read reflected connoted embodied marked personified broadcasted epitomized let out let slip let drop told of beared witness to let the cat out of the bag exemplified designated typified unveiled instantiated pointed toward advertised spilled spilt made manifest published publicized hinted at publicised epitomised incorporated incarnated meaned meant externalized materialized unmasked told evoked inferred advertized hinted bodied insinuated personalized made obvious exteriorized flashed set forth externalised personalised materialised put on view put across promulgated stated sweared realized pointed at pinned down encapsulated unearthed bared released leaked professed blabbed actualized emblematized concretized uttered upholden spelled voiced relayed pinpointed reified related vented stood for come out with hypostatized objectified realised witnessed to added up to mirrored specified said relaid brandished featured depicted deposed pronounced talked enunciated carried heralded alleged asseverated mouthed uncloaked portrayed claimed averred cited exclaimed backed detailed checked sounded reported maintained protested warranted paraded brought to light unbosomed disseminated spouted purported addressed shown clearly put someone in mind of put into words passed on put forth signposted put on display referred to put one in mind of put over signed spread it around brought out into the open made public smacked of let it all hang out let cat out of bag completed let on about put on show put forward tested beared spieled put you in mind of demonstrated the truth of sworn swore came out with spoke gave the game away gotten across given the game away spoken alluded to spake highlighted articulated unfolded had trumpeted labelled labeled spotlighted vindicated spotlit mattered distinguished identified mentioned blazed blazoned informed verbalized avowed vocalized flagged delineated alluded furnished predicted underlined notated characterized described recorded promoted submitted worded remarked limelit pressed vivified opined recited limelighted instanced posted annunciated found blared circulated placarded shewed detected outed flaunted unclosed conjured up turned up disported portended foretold gave out given out shown to be true showed to be true ticked tagged branded imaged tabbed ticketed imported shouted offered phrased mumbled muttered delivered blurted avouched contended chattered cried repeated admitted enounced outlined pleaded orated pled proposed blazed abroad constituted proof of constituted evidence of shouted out pegged drawled sounded off adduced mounted yammered denuded murmured developed stood up for characterised jawed waved around arranged passed leaded you to believe summoned up allowed to be seen blew wide open referred brought to mind yakked called had the attributes of appeared convinced presented oneself as blurted out emphasised pulled the plug on trotted out reminded one of had a case verbalised engaged asked caught out discussed gestured towards blasted stated on oath reminded pointed in direction of translated naked ventilated popped off soliloquized retold stipulated stumped bodied forth summarised found out shown once and for all talked about resulted from vocalised winked served as evidence of augured reminded you of gabbed showed up brought out promised quoted adverted strutted piped unclothed adumbrated shouted from the housetops called to mind got at leaded to the belief occurred summarized sounded out chirped resulted bewrayed fixed cracked decreed marked off piped up with checked off spilled the beans on exposed to view passed the word buttoned down added up said so crossed heart recounted narrated given substance to accosted declaimed shadowed emphasized pictured regurgitated tipped off smoked out bore shot off one's mouth blown wide open stated publicly tokened gave substance to gassed led to believe stressed intoned confessed reeled off borne got off rehearsed made you think of sported modulated exposed information traced had the qualities of lipped shouted from the rooftops called up whispered blazoned abroad perorated shewn lay out amounted to got on a soapbox gotten on a soapbox gotten off thrown out spoken about given voice to spoke about given utterance to gave utterance to gave voice to threw out gave credence to given credence to given shape to gave shape to gotten at drove at driven at shown the position of showed the position of given human form to gave human shape to given human shape to gave human form to blown the whistle on blew the whistle on took the wraps off taken the wraps off given the show away gave the show away shown evidence of showed evidence of taken the lid off took the lid off gave testimony given testimony gave the impression given the impression given the idea gave the idea sang swore up and down sworn up and down gave facts given facts sworn to swore to gave one's word given one's word sung partaken of partook partook of partaken


To have considered or estimated to be
made estimated derived gaged inferred reckoned suspected approximated assessed believed calculated concluded considered counted forecast forecasted gathered gauged judged regarded appraised deduced evaluated guessed put supposed surmised thought calculated roughly called conjectured counted up figured guesstimated numbered predicted doped out put a figure on worked out understood perceived appreciated discerned comprehended grasped fathomed ascertained intuited registered assimilated apprehended cognized caught on to twigged tumbled to cottoned on to savvied dug expected imagined assumed presumed esteemed sensed presupposed deemed got speculated fathomed out figured out identified got one's head around made sense of got the point of cottoned to got it got the idea of interpreted conceived of viewed established sussed got the drift of made out latched on to adjudged sized up construed saw compassed became cognizant of took in got the message got the picture got a fix on got the hang of held adjudicated ranked anticipated envisaged took envisioned prophesied foresaw foretold saw coming had a hunch prognosticated predetermined soothsaid foreknew took for granted posited gotten seen gotten a fix on taken in become cognizant of gotten it gotten the message gotten the hang of gotten the picture read hypothesized theorized postulated recognized observed summed up weened opined deciphered divined fancied noticed knew theorised philosophized weighed up grokked philosophised felt hypothesised recognised decoded ventured noted suggested detected rated reasoned conceived valued set down set decided come to the conclusion computed extrapolated gleaned placed holden classed accounted sayed said valuated hazarded a guess looked upon daresaid daresayed weighed pegged maintained put forward classified dared say looked on took it taken it came to the conclusion allowed premised projected measured thought of had sneaking suspicion formed an opinion of thought likely put down as graded accepted resolved predicated assayed trusted analysed sized realized drew the inference drawn the inference analyzed realised taken for granted solved found foreseen surveyed visualized visualised contemplated suspicioned checked dreamt dreamed taken cast pretended read into looked over sussed out checked out formed an impression of put a value on made an estimate of set at typecast thought it likely put down for putten categorized augured hazarded presaged vaticinated ruled assigned quantified distinguished forewarned taken it as given took it as given collected portended readen fixed fixt marked planned pigeonholed prevised ratiocinated told auspicated spaed discovered counted on calibrated ciphered had a sneaking suspicion regarded as held to be adumbrated categorised looked on as grouped drew drawn advanced submitted declared propounded pronounced proposed had a feeling had the feeling sorted contended ordered unravelled codified unraveled heard branded learnt learned took as read taken as read treated budgeted decreed typed founden fand pictured settled arranged implied foreboded metered telegraphed compartmented distributed ranged separated assorted indexed compartmentalized scaled previsioned announced reputed visioned priced imaged positioned foreshadowed forefelt foreknown enumerated set a figure on compartmentalised allowed for run over set a figure gotten the measure of put a price on list formed opinion roughly calculated dare-said set forth heard tell psyched out viewed as looked into banked on deemed to be picked got the measure of put in order scored counted upon credited made of read between the lines cooked up thought through featured puzzled out typecasted come to the conclusion that boiled down set store by read between lines bet one's bottom dollar buttoned down broke down added up jumped to a conclusion rated as made a guess at quantitated put two and two together dreamt up regarded as likely come to understand took as gospel truth sworn by seen something coming swore by saw something coming got the idea taken as gospel truth taken as a hypothesis gone out on a limb saw as went out on a limb seen as took as a hypothesis taken it as read taken stock in gotten the idea took it as read took stock in remarked commented cracked mooted aired volunteered answered examined designated charted unriddled purposed asserted conceited disentangled wrought worked conceded labelled labeled arbitrated umpired proclaimed refereed untangled stated plumbed broke broken brake reflected relegated bracketed contrived digested filed editorialized fantasized ideated reviewed apprised held that hypothecated spanned charged awarded apportioned sentenced sweared posed omened characterized syllogized triaged espied entertained criticized followed imputed admired dissected gradated stood tipped considered it right gat cogitated revered schemed summed taxed outlined extracted deducted planned on decided on weighed in sparked fantasied squared passed judgment entertained the idea looked for stumbled on took a shot at called the turn eyed signified thought up found an answer to ranked as characterised paced off found a solution to marked out divided subscribed to the opinion averaged made up one's mind about trumped up postulated that planned for priced out tallied seen it coming boded judged to be theorized that figured in taken a shot at considered to be meted prepared for called it came to understand bought made rough guess risked assuming thought about ventured a guess came to the conclusion that told in advance ruled on figured on budgeted for selected bode brainstormed timed editorialised expressed an opinion taken it for granted took it for granted portioned took a stab picked out marked down as counted chickens guessed at pre-empted diagrammed took a stab at pieced together thought it conceivable foretasted contextualized rationalized reckoned on checked something out found to be formed the opinion granted tagged forespelled marked down classed as warned of viewed as being had a sneaking suspicion of hoped for thought of as being lapped up found the solution to thought it likely that respected had a hunch of eyed up took a shot conjured factored into admitted regarded as being assessed the worth of halsened thought of as waited for arrived at laid money on made head or tail of criticised had an idea felt for reached conclusion differentiated tested delineated taken account of cleared up lined up saw it coming ran over allotted rationalised provided for classed as being fantasised taken a shot crossed heart diagramed measured out taken a stab at figured something out specified riddled out demonstrated parted conjured up took account of broken down thought to be contextualised contemplated the possibility of created reckoned to be chanced tabbed accounted for happened upon induced factored in had one's number looked on as being averred listed taken a stab watched for taken something read took something read span known believed to be foreshowed foreshown drew conclusions drawn conclusions drawn inference drew inference took the measure of taken the measure of taken measure of took measure of fallen for fell for took to be taken to be looked at took as fact taken as fact taken measure took measure taken something on board saw the light took something on board saw through seen the light seen through forespoke forespoken saw handwriting on wall seen handwriting on wall taken for took for seen as being saw as being taken the measurements of took the measurements of taken account took account got to the bottom of gotten to the bottom of saw in the cards bargained on bargained for seen in the cards taken something as given took something as given sworn swore extraught taken to mean drawn a conclusion drew a conclusion took to mean took the view swore up and down sworn up and down boughten taken the view


To have designed or planned an approach for a given task or project
developed devised brainstormed drafted came up with carved out conceived concocted contrived cooked up formulated laid out lay out outlined put together thought up brewed brought conjured up decided draughted dreamt up drew up drummed up hammered out innovated invented made up planned plotted put up started up threw together threw up trumped up visualised worked on arranged coined envisaged envisioned framed hatched imagined modeled modelled pictured pioneered pondered projected ran up ruminated sparked speculated strategized visualized choreographed got obtained sparked off carried out churned out cobbled together cranked out ground out manufactured tailored thrashed out turned out designed fashioned crafted shaped set up authored fabricated rendered formed composed originated engineered created produced compounded diagramed comprised moulded diagrammed assembled constructed molded advanced began executed setted brought on cast worked pieced rigged machinated wrought forged organized made prepared organised schemed shope mapped out worked out masterminded set out blueprinted manipulated charted built maneuvered manoeuvred budgeted finagled schemed out strategized about wangled come up with negotiated finessed calculated orchestrated blocked out drawn up fit directed excogitated sculptured established sculpted sketched set coordinated managed laid evolved vamped up delineated erected carved fixed cut programmed sketched out vamped got ready fit together thought of instituted founded found marshalled marshaled intrigued thrown together conducted mapped confected brought about cogitated structured roughed out regulated represented generated fitted hewed hew patterned whittled traced effected angled fixed up knocked together put in order prefabbed whipped up hit upon arrayed raised controlled initiated conspired processed methodized readied adapted depicted scheduled compassed synthesized shaped up adjusted carven ordered improvised codified constituted prefabricated jockeyed operated discovered handled systemized made ready thought out minted achieved worked up plotted out built up pulled strings synthesised jacked up played games drew drawn disposed standardized rationalized schematized staged contemplated thrown up influenced hammered illustrated exploited run described affected forecast tabulated guided styled spawned dreamt dreamed made uniform tightened up pulled together straightened up graphed stamped wrote written administrated mobilized superintended steered conceited ideated detailed reared kneaded hewn procured ranged cost imaged stage-managed prepped mass-produced conditioned mounted supervised categorized edited quarterbacked derived chiseled chiselled elevated knocked out perfected spitballed concerted sorted out ad-libbed joined put out faked it accomplished groomed jerry-built made arrangements for compiled mobilised put over die-cast cobbled up set down made a diagram of put on run up fudged together set stage doped out pieced together systematized pulled wires completed systematised conceived of played it by ear swung settled on standardised doctored cost out hit on becast categorised rationalised fulfilled knocked off elaborated put in place superstructed cast about beat put through put one over defined staggered plied considered classified caused studied deliberated weighed premeditated fantasized intended proposed slated portrayed cultivated ran perpended forecasted indited yielded sequenced estimated propagated conceptualized fancied inaugurated pounded malleated planned out used painted administered limned harvested recorded documented registered perceived thought ahead colluded complotted visioned minded combined brought out succeeded costed brought off supplied pulled off equipped encompassed meditated chalked out blocked penciled pencilled caricatured profiled settled adumbrated hallucinated remodeled remodelled accounted furnished outfitted accoutred configured made arrangements figured on reckoned on figured out fixed to laid in provisions roughed in lined up etched started presided over fabulized fantasied balanced resolved promoted educed fangled beared conformed brought together machined built castles in air engraved hatched a plot formed a mental picture of skeletoned translated into sorted scammed patted edified laid the foundations of traced out regimented roughhewed caused to happen made a chart of tooled succeeded in carpentered moved crystallised thumbed predicted dreamed about laid plans winged it got up marked out made provision cobbled passed realized instigated come to an agreement inventoried fitted out anticipated fictionalised realised smoothed used to advantage participated in a conspiracy beat into shape become turned dealt with turned to one's advantage prepared for batched made a drawing of cogitated on filled in had the bright idea of prioritised copied roughed budgeted for modified come to terms wheeled and dealed penciled in planned ahead mixed formed a picture of made financial arrangements timetabled made a drawing smoothed the way storified crystallized tossed off framed up milled made a diagram brought into being found a way reconstructed connived fantasized about thought through stirred up slapped together shifted fingered wheeled and dealt coconspired ad libbed worked it cooked counterfeited suited converted trimmed planted looked after made up off the top of one's head pencilled in crayoned diddled made plans for upstaged straightened out ironed out whomped up indexed consummated fantasised mixed up prioritized played upon computed licked into shape made provisions phased fictionalized come to terms about made plans performed conceptualised made preparations for pulled things together wrangled matured hashed out begun marked got off purposed finished appointed mulled over accommodated engineered a way endowed conned begot begat begotten yolden yold seen saw equipt bargained for gotten roughhewn bore borne gotten up gotten off done drawings did drawings swang it swung it oversaw overseen beaten beaten into shape came to terms about agreed on agreed to came to an agreement came to terms thrown threw did wrote out written out done becomed becomen grew grown drew plans of drawn plans of seen in your mind's eye saw in one's mind seen in one's mind saw in your mind's eye were responsible for gotten off the ground was responsible for gotten together gotten going been responsible for taken care of saw about took care of seen about got together got going seen to saw to got off the ground

Antonym of excessively determined

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