Synonym of highly evaluated


To have ascertained by measurement
took determined ascertained established measured appraised assessed calculated checked confirmed discerned gauged identified gaged quantified rated verified computed counted discovered figured out found out calibrated checked up on detected divined estimated learned learnt picked up sized up worked out solved tallied got a fix on gradated reckoned totaled totalled enumerated figured summed cast cast up totted up put a figure on valued judged counted up added up numbered set added ciphered totted summed up weighed totalized toted cost summated told put toted up guesstimated called doped out run down kept tabs sized metered numerated ranked figured up graded placed accounted footed reckoned up set at put a value on set down looked upon unravelled unraveled guessed resolved assayed deciphered recorded scaled valuated squared costed fixed fixt priced adjudged added together made pegged quantitated marked counted noses looked over found the sum of weighed up ticked off considered answered taken account of ran down took account of cracked classed classified held put a price on esteemed unriddled regarded deemed aggregated scored viewed believed worked wrought surveyed untangled put a stopwatch on puzzled out riddled out cost out conjectured supposed spanned approximated run over looked on thought through set a figure put down as counted out counted off marked out typecast checked out averaged put down for measured out looked into figured something out meted worked something out put together footed up calculated roughly read timed held to be accounted for counted heads broke broken brake putten did addition done addition clocked devised writ formulated thought disentangled holden settled plused plussed explained setted a price on plumbed prophesied predicted realized registered audited combined surmised deduced priced out dissected span stood categorized positioned tested examined specified analyzed eyed subtracted divided multiplied interpreted as tagged decided on graduated balanced number crunched found the solution to amounted analysed made an estimate of found an answer to typecasted paced off roughly calculated found a solution to sussed out thought of as took stock of regarded as totalled up taken the measurements of piled up categorised took the measurements of buttoned down cleared up judged to be ran over taken stock of realised figured in viewed as budgeted considered to be racked up kept score deemed to be counted one by one thought to be budgeted for stacked up thought of made out pigeonholed reckoned to be tabbed portioned marked down as looked on as guessed at tallied up had one's number found to be made of written wrote taken gotten the measure of got the measure of gotten a fix on took the measure of taken the measure of taken account took account readen saw as seen as taken for took for


To have ruminated or mulled over
thought pondered reflected deliberated considered contemplated analyzed debated dwelled dwelt figured out meditated reasoned ruminated understood analysed appraised apprehended brainstormed brooded cogitated comprehended concentrated discerned examined figured intellectualised minded mused processed rationalised speculated stewed studied weighed wondered cerebrated chewed ideated intellectualized logicalized mulled puzzled over racked brains rationalized sorted out excogitated lucubrated put on thinking cap used one's head noodled around perpended weighed up mused on chewed over stewed over took under consideration mused over mulled over stopped to consider sized up pictured gave thought to thought out envisioned reflected on thought over thought about reviewed hashed over hypothesized dwelled on decided on reflected upon went over made sense of made hypothesised formed assessed brooded over clarified meditated on looked into agonized over took stock of cogitated on formulated thought through took into consideration turned over kicked around wondered about pored over questioned revolved entertained wrestled with turned eyed ruminated on deliberated on cogitated about pored on given thought to turned over in one's mind deliberated about ruminated over ruminated about brooded on read judged chewed on deliberated over considered the pros and cons of imagined dreamt dreamed rolled summed up thought on brooded about discussed puzzled conceived of conceived meditated over speculated about worried about sweated over beat one's brains out about pondered on looked at daydreamed daydreamt discovered explored digested contemplated on mooned agonized built castles in air hammered away at pondered over played around with agonised asked oneself about thought hard toyed with thought of conjectured soul-searched self-reflected inquired perused investigated looked inward scrutinized read up taken stock of hit the books surveyed probed envisaged woolgathered introspected dived into gone over self-questioned estimated dissected compared ratiocinated consulted anticipated viewed delved into philosophized argued sweat gave consideration to given consideration to cerebrated on poured it on pored thought up found an answer to found a solution to wallowed in trifled with lingered on spent too much time thinking about cudgeled your brains kept thinking about flirted with kept talking about had a think about problem-solved scrutinised chewed the cud let one's thoughts wander asked oneself had in mind beaten one's brains out about kicked about read between lines knocked around figured something out talked over conjured up come up with philosophised enquired lingered upon dreamt up meditated upon run up a flagpole readen given much thought to learnt tutored coached plugged gave some thought to dug crammed plunged chewn refreshed given some thought to learned grinded ground gave much thought to inspected researched guessed stargazed pulled an all-nighter elucubrated burned the midnight oil cracked the books boned up learnt the ropes burnt the midnight oil applied oneself buried oneself in polished up visualized visualised perceived surmised queried found gone into went into considered the possibility of supposed stared into space entertained the thought of monitored identified determined registered bethought fantasized scanned theorized checked pinpointed seen fancied imaged saw daresaid daresayed presumed suspected assumed tuned out zoned out tripped out postulated suspicioned enquired into spaced out assimilated accepted looked over checked out mooted fantasied resolved reflected about visioned beheld deduced appreciated depictured inferred projected balanced cudgeled marveled marvelled cudgelled devised chawed rated rehashed sweated tracked worried taken under consideration messed with deliberated upon formed theories played with percolated thought idly about regarded sensed called the turn had thoughts about conducted a survey of hazarded a guess indulged in wool-gathering entertained idea batted it around had your head in the clouds debated with oneself looked at as an example doped schemed psyched out tackled thought hard about doubted unearthed dealt with batted around called it recollected made suppositions mulled over things doped out looked considered as an example flashed on entertained the possibility of batted about expected revolved in one's mind went on about gone on about brought to light chewed over things theorised guesstimated run it up flagpole puzzled out came up with worked out felt ruminated upon speculated on metabolised experimented beat one's brains dwelled upon ran up a flagpole thought upon uncovered dabbled with scoped out cooled out fantasised planned conjured up an image of argued the pros and cons of slept on it canvassed entertained the idea of conducted research into metabolized had a hunch stewed about dwelt upon made guesses thought deeply burnt midnight oil burned midnight oil founden fand been through gone through went through took taken beholden beaten one's brains ran it up flagpole done research did research taken under advisement took under advisement took in aspired to taken in taken as an example took as an example bore in mind taken into consideration born in mind


To have considered or estimated to be
made estimated derived gaged inferred reckoned suspected approximated assessed believed calculated concluded considered counted determined forecast forecasted gathered gauged judged regarded appraised deduced guessed put supposed surmised thought calculated roughly called conjectured counted up figured guesstimated numbered predicted doped out put a figure on worked out discerned esteemed deemed perceived appreciated adjudged viewed sized up held ranked adjudicated imagined read intuited ascertained hypothesized presumed presupposed theorized grasped fathomed comprehended assumed postulated sensed understood recognized cognized registered observed caught on to weighed up summed up weened grokked twigged tumbled to opined philosophised expected felt speculated hypothesised cottoned on to assimilated recognised deciphered savvied divined decoded ventured fancied noticed knew saw apprehended theorised philosophized noted suggested dug detected daresaid daresayed had a hunch reasoned conceived suspicioned come to the conclusion gleaned had a feeling posited holden dared say anticipated trusted found had a sneaking suspicion made out thought it likely extrapolated took it taken it counted on allowed apperceived came to the conclusion scented pretended smelt smelled had sneaking suspicion hazarded a guess accepted learnt learned picked up premised felt in one's bones contemplated predicated drew the inference drawn the inference had a funny feeling seen credited had a suspicion had a sneaking feeling decided discovered construed had a foreboding taken for granted took for granted felt in gut took taken readen founden fand foresaw foreseen rated realized heard maintained bet taken it as given took it as given sayed said gotten the impression got the impression set identified relied told valuated classed feared got set a figure on foretold set forth heard tell realised banked on thought likely set store by put forward read between lines cast computed got the impression of got vibes gotten vibes took as read taken as read known got the idea gotten the idea regretted wanted wished prayed desired yearned propounded budgeted submitted advanced wondered mused stated conceded longed longed for asserted valued proposed distinguished resolved betted solved awaited accounted meditated deliberated hypothecated placed caught compassed seized promised oneself looked forward to ratiocinated kept fingers crossed hung in knocked on wood deemed likely felt confident had as one's opinion just knew syllogized had faith thought to crossed your fingers projected just known watched for admitted cogitated implied putten beheld tasted dreamt dreamed disbelieved gotten gat posed planned on reflected interpreted as built castles in air formulated a theory formed theories were aware of pondered stumbled on estimated as had vibes called the turn cerebrated jumped the gun become cognizant of been aware of formed an opinion of formed opinion roughly calculated reputed regarded as postulated that come to know doped formed an impression of schemed theorized that psyched out was aware of classified viewed as called it made suppositions risked assuming ventured a guess excogitated thought it probable reviewed taken as a hypothesis chewed over brainstormed held to be caught on took a stab contextualized felt to be rationalized had the impression counted upon conceived to be figured out ruminated classed as viewed as being weighed thought of as being reflected on picked up on become aware of thought it likely that run it up flagpole took as a hypothesis took a shot taken it as read become conscious of formed a theory made an estimate of come to the conclusion that regarded as being harbored suspicion beat one's brains had an awareness of felt in bones had an idea felt for differentiated took it as read rationalised cottoned to classed as being taken a shot hoped calculated to be kicked around made guesses contextualised imagined to be depended caught the drift acknowledged looked on as thought probable studied had a sensation of regarded as likely looked on as being taken a stab taken something read took something read beaten one's brains ran it up flagpole bargained for came to the conclusion that seen as being saw as being has funny feeling had funny feeling drew conclusions drawn conclusions drew drawn taken something on board saw the light took something on board saw through seen the light seen through taken it for granted took it for granted taken something as given took something as given believed to be saw as seen as took to be taken to be taken for took for beholden took as gospel truth sworn by swore by taken as gospel truth taken stock in took stock in fallen for fell for gotten the drift took in were cognizant of got the picture been cognizant of was cognizant of gotten to know gotten the picture became aware of taken in became conscious of came to know became cognizant of got the drift got to know


(of a quantity) Having been measured or quantified (with precision)

Antonym of highly evaluated

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