Synonym of non disabled


Having the full range of one's physical abilities
abled fit healthy strong in shape robust strapping well hale sound sturdy hardy vigorous wholesome unimpaired whole able-bodied in good health in good shape in good trim fighting fit in trim well-conditioned hale and hearty in fine fettle fit as a fiddle in good condition as fit as a fiddle in tip-top condition in top form as fit as a flea strong as an ox as right as rain not disabled athletic muscular trim tough buff lusty hearty rugged stalwart powerful slim shredded fine muscled toned ripped right as rain toned up in the pink active husky blooming bouncing energetic stout brawny bursting with health firm flourishing thriving burly alive and kicking jacked well-built beefy in rude health sinewy physically fit fresh lively normal aerobicized virile up to snuff full of life all right solid in excellent shape muscly fit as a flea sporty hard hunky Herculean good red-blooded in good physical shape able OK in fine feather substantial restored sound in body and limb stark thewy right healthful resilient vital in good kilter flush gingery hardened up to par mighty physical potent agile nimble lithe hard-bitten chipper in good physical condition thickset bushy-tailed bright-eyed powerfully built staunch hefty solid as a rock in good form undamaged broad-shouldered invigorated peppy dynamic iron uninjured capable toughened forceful well-developed resistant hunky-dory very well inured glowing herculean solidly built two-fisted powerhouse durable as strong as a horse sane seasoned safe full of vim cast-iron hard as nails young better healthier very healthy recovered refreshed rehabilitated ok disease-free mesomorphic well-proportioned healed manly lean cured mended in perfect health bounding A1 together luxuriantly health-conscious masculine rested proper okay bursting with good health well-made strenuous manful as strong as a lion fitter energised strengthened perky sprightly full-bodied built fresh-faced fine and dandy stable in peak condition untroubled spirited hulky musclebound up to scratch relieved full of beans muscle-bound vitalized energized rude unharmed well muscled soothed intact bright-eyed and bushy-tailed roaring rough strong as an lion strong as an horse comfortable fast bombproof outdoorsy outdoor as right as a trivet sports-loving flawless vibrant wide-ranging undecayed well-constructed perfect rigorous unhurt unblemished safe and sound rosy-cheeked hanging together holding together the picture of health tenacious rigid stiff inflexible indefatigable enduring unbreakable leathery hard-wearing indestructible good at sports unflagging cohesive dense steeled molded conditioned tight moulded resolute tough as nails heavy-duty withstanding long-lasting made to last dogged determined aggressive gritty unyielding obdurate stubborn obstinate feisty doughty cynical as tough as old boots tough as old boots hard-nosed self-assertive self-confident high-powered

Antonym of non disabled

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