Synonym of putting yourself in someone else's shoes


The feeling of compassion or sympathy caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others
pity compassion sympathy kindness humanity charity mercy commiseration kindliness feeling tenderness benevolence kindheartedness understanding warmheartedness heart softheartedness ruth bigheartedness warmth leniency forbearance largeheartedness clemency grace comfort solace mercifulness condolence goodness lenity solicitousness quarter sorrow philanthropy favour rue favor emotion compunction good-heartedness fellow feeling concern sensitivity care consideration regard kind-heartedness goodwill brotherly love solicitude humaneness love warm-heartedness tender-heartedness gentleness altruism affinity rapport thoughtfulness affection support thought caringness fellowship amity tolerance softness neighborliness neighbourliness attention heed heedfulness concernment tender loving care condolences tenderheartedness benignity caring harmony magnanimity friendliness consolation encouragement closeness aroha appreciation soul comity mindfulness considerateness friendship feelings humanitarianism reassurance good-fellowship attentiveness good will nobility principle generosity character constitution interest TLC unselfishness tender feelings carefulness brotherliness sisterliness compassionateness soft-heartedness decency graciousness receptiveness lenience patience receptivity unity concern for others heart of hearts interestedness succor succour camaraderie intimacy companionship comradeship togetherness identification connection relating vibes responsiveness caritas communion mutuality awareness agape company optimism assuagement easement gladdening condolement inspiration cheer cordiality amiability familiarity amicability fondness good feeling sympathetic response Christian love loving concern sisterhood brotherhood cordialness sodality partiality mutual affection sociability charitableness beneficence indulgence lovingness courtesy respect helpfulness benignancy mildness devotion liberality tact selflessness cooperation motherliness fatherliness liberalness discretion virtue openheartedness hospitality affectionateness mind notice faith courteousness tending aid moderation watchfulness sweetness bounteousness bounty moderateness bountifulness munificence nobleness assistance magnanimousness largesse generousness sufferance acceptance self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention big-heartedness looking after forgiveness permissiveness inner beauty collaboration amenability lack of severity mutual support good neighbourliness rallying round pleasantness geniality niceness politeness congeniality obligingness public-spiritedness liking attachment passion endearment sentiment desire warmness devotedness admiration soft spot puppy love amore ardor crush warm feelings strong fondness ardour shine benefaction charitability


A feeling of affinity or rapport with someone or a group of people
kinship affinity rapport closeness harmony sympathy understanding accord bond community togetherness friendship association alliance communion compatibility link fellow feeling fellowship concord agreement unity camaraderie relationship connection close relationship peace attraction amity rapprochement comity interrelationship congeniality chemistry simpatico hitting it off like-mindedness good vibrations same wavelength special relationship affiliation tie mutual understanding soul good vibes union warmth correspondence intercourse communication sharing communing close relation shared feeling mutual fondness converse participation intimacy contact intercommunication spiritual union vibes nonverbal communication interaction amicability goodwill consistency accordance chime orderliness cooperation order tranquillity serenity peacefulness peaceableness agreeableness lawfulness comradeship decorum stability single-mindedness tranquility good will partiality predisposition propensity penchant predilection affection proclivity disposition leaning fondness tendency devices habitude impulse turn aptitude inclination bent thing bias druthers liking bone genius predilection towards partiality for liking for understanding of fellow feeling for aroha inclination towards closeness to cotton penchant for attraction towards fondness for weakness preference proneness taste love appetite fancy favor favour attachment soft spot passion shine desire inclining relish like hankering susceptibility yen favoritism favouritism devotion cup of tea thirst prejudice enjoyment aptness appreciation love affair itch readiness tilt mind stomach liability longing urge habit type likelihood use palate enthusiasm mindset feeling tenderness thing for velleity keenness devotedness crush wish relation partisanship custom will orientation whim familiarity temperament nonobjectivity tendentiousness flash appetency integration regard pleasure groove dish care nepotism ply way weakness for sentiment belonging amore preferential treatment addiction one-sidedness warm feelings parti pris unfair preference jobs for the boys sweet tooth propinquity eye bag zeal prepossession openness gusto tooth allurement drift propension willingness set slant potentiality acceptance choice option capability having as one's type capacity craving yearning flame fetish appetence partnership trend movement fixation aspiration turn of mind inclusion need interest infatuation hang-up preoccupation fascination obsession craze mania sense of place entanglement embroilment humour list humor persuasion fraternization relations engagement affair ties endearment friendliness warmness responsibility attentiveness kindness caring clanship reverence admiration respect concern ardor solicitude emotion ardour involvement fraternisation puppy love strong fondness regard for love for affection for affinity for sense of belonging belongingness associateship membership feeling for admiration for high regard sentiment for relationship with friendship with reverence for respect for intimacy with tenderness for personal association social bond sense of community


Strike in support of others


A close similarity or affinity
identity sameness identicalness selfsameness congruence congruity likeness oneness similarity uniformity accord alikeness closeness indistinguishability interchangeability unity accordance alignment correspondence parallelism rapport symmetry unanimity agreement equality equivalence resemblance semblance similitude analogy parity comparability conformity affinity consistency equivalency par adequation correlation harmony coordinateness analogousness comparison equalness coequality unison unvariedness standardization evenness compatibility standardisation comparableness no difference levelness form homogeneity consonance guise community nearness image relationship appearance simile coincidence similar nature dead ringer parallel commensurateness match monotony tedium repetition predictability concurrence concord congruency association homogeneousness conformance duplication counterpart Xerox facsimile carbon double clone model effigy copy photocopy ditto reproduction concordance study picture photograph delineation replica representation depiction portrait smoothness lookalike regularity uniformness knock-off balance equilibrium synonymy interchangeableness exchangeability synonym equatability coherence coordination equipoise union compliance mapping matching alliance agreeing affiliation complying tune equal terms look connection aspect embodiment relation commonality kinship impression relatedness approximation interrelation proportion synonymity collation reciprocity common denominator look-alike point of comparison likes of two of a kind peas in a pod conformation metamorphosis shape make link bearing interconnection linkage interrelationship liaison tie-in interdependence approach tie pretence bond pretense air veneer fit propinquity nexus tie-up overlap mutuality likening equation collaboration constancy linkup yoke interoperability order support approximateness ringer homology metaphor spitting image like of proportionality birds of a feather equating commonalty conformability interaction interchange fitness commonship quits draw analog analogue corollary apposition concurrency coexistence application intersection level pegging kin kindred interface coupling attachment interdependence of interrelatedness universality universal confederation cooperation partnership hookup network common ground steadiness shared quality equity harmonization conforming congruousness harmonisation common factor invariability stability counterpoise shared belief invariableness poise symphony stasis equilibration concinnity consonancy orchestration even-steven hang homeostasis tension antithesis equability symmetrical balance equableness lack of variation lack of change even tenor front show facade figure airs façade face disguise act masquerade pose mask playacting charade name mien veil put-on seeming simulacrum mood showing outward appearance aura feel feeling false front

Antonym of putting yourself in someone else's shoes

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