Synonym of shootdown


To demonstrate or expose to the falsehood of something
refute disprove discredit rebut debunk confute belie disconfirm confound falsify controvert negate contradict invalidate shoot full of holes negative explode shoot down in flames deny give the lie to gainsay challenge drive a coach and horses through blow out of the water prove false blow sky-high quash demolish show to be false prove wrong repudiate counter expose prove to be false call into question knock the bottom out of dispute oppose contest disaffirm contravene overthrow disclaim reject disavow disagree with blow sky high make a nonsense of question query disown disallow puncture declare untrue disagree argue break deflate be at odds with show to be wrong overturn destroy bust nullify silence dissent from discount weaken undermine debate oppugn cross prove to be wrong raise doubts about poke full of holes set aside blow up tear down defeat show up impugn traverse cast doubt on prove unsound compromise show in its true light forswear annihilate go against bring to naught put down knocks props out from under shut up vanquish subvert ridicule discard prove impossible put paid to cut down to size pick holes in deceive throw out knock props out poke holes in find unfounded shoot holes in knock bottom out of put under suspicion pooh-pooh shake one's faith in argue with naysay withstand brush aside resist fly in the face of combat fight impeach attack criticise criticize take issue nail uncover throw light on unmask set straight catch out humble pick a bone dissent against examine declare to be untrue quibble over pick an argument with address altercate answer hammer away at argue the pros and cons of bandy words concerning canvass contend contend over quibble about argue against crush canvas moot squelch wonder about put up argument bandy differ with argue about take issue with protest against take a stand against have an argument about pettifog wrangle object to give thumbs down to agitate against flatten ruin erode take down a peg prick reduce knock bottom out put an end to knock props from under take wind out of sails retract backpedal rebuff take back curb ban take exception to begrudge call on say no to enjoin from restrain exclude forgo taboo doubt revoke prevent keep back turn thumbs down disbelieve recant stand in the way block not buy spurn hold back withsay sacrifice forbid disacknowledge conflict with run counter to buck reverse assail call in question renounce counteract hinder thwart obstruct check repel cancel confront infirm parry take on cancel out disapprove of annul frustrate impune impede balk duel discuss clash with abjure call in baulk dare withspeak differ be inconsistent with be at variance with eschew refuse renig welsh renege thumbs down say the opposite of counterclaim refuse to accept give up drop out have bone to pick wash your hands of weasel out of worm out of defend against plead against retaliate against go back on your word defy convict evert top abnegate burn defend oneself against be against zap smear blast slam traduce knock zing tar trash burn down dispose of reply to bar counterattack face dislike interrogate fight against be anti inquire battle stand up to contend with denounce litigate be hostile to take struggle against test investigate remonstrate accost gainstay turn the tables face down dissent speak against frown at put up a fight against neutralize set your face against stand up and be counted against protest be in defiance of assault not countenance search out disapprove neutralise speak out against bombard strive against quarrel with take a stand withstay encounter be in opposition to taunt enquire mistrust run down come down on swipe at skin alive cast doubt upon throw doubt on cast aspersions upon stick it to cut to shreds throw the book at pin on thumb nose at suspect call out distrust demur against demur about be a dissenter from throw down scorn unbelieve not swallow scoff at be incredulous of be unconvinced about not believe give no credence to not accept be suspicious of


To refuse, or to vote against
kill veto nix negative blackball down reject turn down refuse squash ban give the thumbs down to bar give the red light to disallow embargo boycott throw out negate shutdown vote down say ‘no’ to prohibit forbid block interdict outlaw proscribe dismiss rule out overrule quash nullify stop rule against preclude dissent declare null and void pass on not go for pass by decline discountenance deny pass place an embargo on put down put an end to cut censure throw away give thumbs down defeat disapprove put a stop to burn refuse permission to put the kibosh on thumbs down repudiate exclude snub debar expel remove ostracize blacklist oust vote against shut out evict shun cashier drum out disfellowship cold-shoulder spurn get rid of keep out ostracise leave out in the cold give the cold shoulder force out give the cold shoulder to black freeze out banish ignore avoid send to Coventry prevent rebuff suspend put an embargo on eliminate excommunicate except discount blank restrict disown cut off lock out close out count out exile omit enjoin disbar disclude inhibit disqualify obviate occlude sideline deny access to abjure coldshoulder estop leave out refuse to admit cut out say no to declare ineligible set aside pass up shut the door on ice out have nothing to do with steer clear of wash your hands of hand someone the frozen mitt have nothing more to do with give a wide berth to disentitle deprive cancel have done with leave in the cold check thwart consider undesirable override circumvent limit refuse admission to refuse entrance to refuse to employ hit list put on hit list bounce eject shut off shut out of stand in the way of overthrow disregard bate overturn countermand reverse invalidate not count miss out outvote disclaim disavow put out ward off prevent from entering refuse admittance throw taboo zing censor disacknowledge strike pass over drive out stonewall withhold patronage abstain from stopper stymie keep back refrain from knock back give the thumbs down fetter turn your back on stay away from brush off impose sanctions hold aloof from refuse to take part in rusticate restrain criminalize suppress halt illegalize penalise criminalise penalize make illegal desert jilt scorn renounce declare illegal repulse disdain repel drop eschew abnegate forsake officially forbid close down unfollow unfriend despise cast aside cast out leave off give someone the brush-off give someone the big E give someone the go-by scoff at cut dead give someone the air kick in the teeth not buy break with bin off give someone the push swear off give the elbow


To criticize or pillory, typically harshly
attack criticise criticize pillory pan rubbish trash pick holes in tear to shreds condemn lambaste savage slam bash knock slate pull apart pummel bag slag off hammer pummelled roast crucify flay monster throw brickbats at revile take to pieces skewer give something a battering excoriate slash disparage find fault with jump on take apart censure lay into bad-mouth denounce blast abuse diss reprehend maul have a go at tear to pieces denigrate castigate do a hatchet job on vilify flame assail deprecate vituperate reprobate potshot blame belabor lambast scathe cut up give a bad press to pull to pieces belabour put down pick to pieces criticize severely pitch into give someone bondi berate reprimand malign sledge derogate reprove slag objurgate dis fault run down jeer at deride dispraise carp at cast aspersions on denunciate tear into vituperate against give someone a bad press cavil at criticize harshly give something a bad press weigh into destroy tear apart belittle slur inveigh against give some stick to disapprove of bag on lash into rail against animadvert on scourge pour scorn on hit out at arraign give flak to nitpick about lace into rate besmirch asperse carp skin cavil talk down nit-pick find fault depreciate detract from scoff at review unfavorably rap criticize strongly bring under fire impugn rebuke chastise admonish cane blister bollock refute chide reproach rollick harangue carpet fustigate bawl out chew out argue with assault verbally jump down one's throat give someone hell jump on one's case start on tear off a strip fulminate against disagree with tear a strip off dress down haul over the coals snap someone's head off give someone a rollicking sail into remonstrate with give someone a bollocking take to task rap over the knuckles give a rocket pile in start in give someone a roasting bite someone's head off take on go for the jugular lash out ream out insult decry slander vilipend defame scold discredit stigmatize slight rip lash contemn stigmatise speak ill of speak evil of dump on cut down drag through the mud throw mud at upbraid traduce calumniate smear scorch tongue-lash take down come down on pick at cry down do down nag at libel downplay lecture dismiss bring into disrepute curse discount nitpick spread lies about judge blacken the name of clobber sully the reputation of blacken the reputation of zap slug give a bad name read the riot act downgrade conduct a smear campaign against call down get at throw shade poor-mouth trash-talk cast a slur on nitpick over find lacking pass judgment pass strictures upon speak badly of get angry with brand animadvert upon badmouth harsh score baste rag jaw keelhaul execrate ridicule ream scorn heap rant at trim fluff inveigh hit slog give a talking-to rail at give a tongue-lashing rake over the coals lay down the law show someone up blacken someone's reputation diminish complain about rail cut to bits skin alive give bad press do a number on expose to ridicule hold up to shame give the business slang throw shade at accuse growl rile minimize lessen deflate devaluate compromise humiliate cheapen minimise tell off give someone a dressing-down play down kiss off write off light into tie into yell at rip into beat up on bark at blacken debase mudsling demonize dig jinx demonise give a black eye tear down rag on rip up


To subject to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior
mock deride ridicule jeer gibe scout skewer jibe laugh at taunt scorn sneer scoff flout jibe at sneer at poke fun at make fun of tease pillory scoff at banter jeer at rib kid make sport of take the mickey take the piss out of poke mullock at treat with contempt rag on insult chaff lampoon rag rally roast razz twit hold up to ridicule make jokes about flout at josh be sarcastic about put down goof on laugh to scorn make a monkey out of wind up needle sling off at knock contemn pooh-pooh satirize quiz dis pan cock a snook at hoot jive make a fool of jape pull one's leg treat contemptuously heap scorn on fleer laugh out of court make a monkey of show contempt chiack show contempt for thumb nose at satirise disrespect scout at expose to ridicule mimic humiliate raz send up run down deflate cartoon make a game of rail at poke borack show up make a laughing-stock ride haze hold up to shame expose unmask make someone a laughing stock diss heckle hector abuse hiss catcall interrupt boo barrack shout down shout at shout disapproval jab whistle at shout disapproval at call names comeback put on blow raspberries at snipe give the Bronx cheer to quip dig catcall at make a crack hiss at give a hard time boo at hoot at blow raspberries jest poke fun disdain disparage dismiss detract denigrate slight torment vilify lout slam detract from dump on pour scorn on do a number on parody caricature burlesque joke travesty spoof guy imitate belittle bait take off fun goad do ape bother pick on harass affront annoy censure badger pester hassle rot smoke revile gird shuck fool provoke condemn have on outrage criticize disturb despise plague impersonate distort copy sledge exaggerate sniff at sneeze at crucify gibe at slag off wisecrack yuck yuk jolly gag criticise poke borak at nudge irritate dog squib denounce offend aggravate lead on bedevil harry slap lambaste attack worry fool around hound slur sham discount savage laugh bash slate reproach crack underrate swipe dump grin leer snigger hammer pervert decry rubbish monster mime reprehend find fault with excoriate hoax misrepresent bag pummel slash set up swipe at lay into quip at hold in contempt rank out mess around pummelled take to pieces pull someone's leg give Bronx cheer do an impression of turn up one's nose look down on cut up pasquinade make fun wound snicker smile frazzle rail kid around get at cock a snook make a joke of upbraid twitter tear to pieces persecute disrupt be scornful about disbelieve discredit reject raspberry pun sally snicker at snigger at curl one's lip fleer at make light of have a joke with do a takeoff of twist sheikh sheik smile at irk torture nark gall thumb one's nose stultify play on dig at whistle cut down get susurrate make a mockery of nag anger discomfit bully faze disconcert rattle embarrass chivy whisper seethe murmur spurn bite one's thumb at be contemptuous of hoodwink trick dupe deceive delude beguile hack you off get on the nerves of be on the back of butt in shout catcalls at make game of con bamboozle gull cozen get in the hair of utter catcalls mess make cutting remarks about say contemptuously curl your lip at frolic gambol reprobate take in flimflam mislead yank someone's chain turn your nose up at rap importune vex devil gnaw beleaguer treat with disdain laugh in the face of rot someone pull someone's chain mess about put someone on fool about play a prank play the fool play a practical joke play tricks play a joke play a trick sound snap skin blast castigate give a rough time reprimand rebuke chastise harangue blame admonish impugn reprove berate fulminate against flirt with remonstrate with cane be at pull apart take to task carpet rollick flame carp tear into bawl out dress down rate bollock sail into haul over the coals disapprove of objurgate give someone a bollocking have a go at give a rocket pass strictures upon give someone hell tear a strip off pick to pieces ream out give someone a bad press chew out tear off a strip animadvert on nag at give someone a rollicking rap over the knuckles give someone a roasting pick holes in stigmatize brand represent play flay emulate act personate copycat lash parrot fake heap perform monkey enact ditto stigmatise take apart pantomime give a bad press to show someone up make believe do like go like cast a slur on do an impersonation of


To kill by shooting
kill smoke waste fell murder slaughter gun down bring down eliminate liquidate exterminate wipe out off take out rub out butcher eradicate finish off mow down do in knock off assassinate annihilate execute terminate destroy slay ice whack do to death put to death top cut down stiff erase bump off massacre do away with blow away dispatch croak polish off take the life of end the life of decimate scrag neutralize snuff get put away snuff out extirpate zap neutralise cut to pieces do for dispose of make away with cause the death of put down put to sleep get rid of cancel abolish obliterate blot out hit put an end to give someone the works terminate with extreme prejudice remove expunge sweep away stamp out efface extinguish finish clean up wipe off the face of the earth root out wax black out purge nix torpedo wipe from the face of the earth scratch excise grease carry off down squash claim wash out scrub raze trash take put paid to put to the sword total take someone's life wipe off the map deep-six demolish put end to take care of stretch out shoot silence blackball guillotine hang suffocate garrotte smite lynch sacrifice crucify asphyxiate strangle immolate garrote blow someone's brains out send to the gas chambers ethnically cleanse send to kingdom come vaporise vaporize quash weed out remove all traces of blow sky-high ink out strike out score out axe wreck cover knock out ax cut defeat smash cross out KO ravage desolate blank out destroy root and branch level sink obscure take apart X-out delete block out wipe off face of earth blue pencil mark out devastate blow to bits rub off end ruin shatter cream pull down pulverize wrack nuke gut crush pulverise tear down stop put a stop to kill off nullify dispense with give the chop suppress undo overturn overthrow discard overwhelm uproot bring to an end cut out negate annul invalidate dissolve disannul drop abrogate quell squelch shed abate scrap discontinue check disrupt overcome exclude banish trim put the kibosh on strike behead knock something on the head dust off exsect decapitate electrocute take away wreak havoc on lay waste put out genocide mutilate stun abort upset wipe blast depopulate wipe off see the back of kayo scrub out mass murder break off incinerate burn poison commit genocide cut a swath through overpower rout worst put the lid on murk kill in cold blood chill do knife take a life smother garotte cool best put someone out of their misery get shot of burn away cast out phase out drive out clear away sterilise drag take down sterilize drag down stone rid gas take off administer the coup de grâce give the coup de grâce drive to the wall move in for the kill strip curb expurgate blue-pencil send to the chair stone to death send to the gallows send to the gas chamber put before a firing squad send to the gibbet string up send to the electric chair scour cleanse bowdlerize scratch out cross through stifle lift edit out dele beat cull benothing subdue repress spoil edit amputate exscind cut up lop off put a line through elide bowdlerise X out scissor out launder slash damage desecrate thin out scotch crack down on shake out rout out clean out nip in the bud quench rid of consume dismantle impair reduce the numbers of scourge thin out the population of havoc trample prostrate overrun leave in ruins break up rescind repeal wreak havoc leave desolate void revoke vacate retract withdraw avoid countermand null repudiate vitiate ditch dump subvert junk prohibit jettison disestablish chop deracinate inhibit supersede set aside strike down roll back call off throw out close down put kibosh on


To shame or put down
humble humiliate shame degrade demean abase chasten debase disgrace subdue mortify sink abash break belittle crush own reduce chagrin cheapen discredit dishonor dishonour lower cause to lose face embarrass make a fool of smirch tear down bemean deflate discomfit squash demote foul overcome silence snub squelch upset bring down cast down pull down put away put down put to shame strike dumb take down bring low cut down to size make eat dirt make someone eat crow make someone eat humble pie pop one's balloon put one away bring down a peg cut to the quick make one feel small force to eat humble pie put someone in their place take down a peg or two take down a peg settle someone's hash fix someone's wagon disparage denigrate run down diminish smear devalue show up bastardize defame profane dehumanize vilify dehumanise bastardise derogate disconcert reproach quash malign slur bring shame to slam censure ridicule pan lower the status of downplay blister rip cut down drag through the mud cast aspersions on do a hatchet job on detract from play down pooh-pooh take the wind out of your sails corrupt pervert vitiate deprave warp subvert debauch poison deteriorate demoralize lessen defile blot injure prostitute wither discountenance canker confuse vanquish brutalize demoralise brutalise make ashamed make uncomfortable give a black eye make someone feel ashamed cause to feel small put out of countenance dispirit cow slander discourage dismay dishearten flatten sully stigmatize tarnish stain besmirch destroy debunk dash taint calumniate soil knock down puncture balloon besmear insult mudsling expose let down easy disfavor disfavour compromise disesteem stigmatise bring into disrepute knock the stuffing out of kick in the teeth drag through the mire reflect badly on bring shame upon let wind out of sails give a bad name put in a bad light show in a bad light deprecate decry ruin the reputation of bring into disfavour minimize blacken someone's name depreciate destroy someone's credibility damage someone's reputation dismiss discount diss dis vilipend trash deride undervalue knock scorn criticize trivialize underrate mock underestimate downgrade rubbish slate revile condemn abuse misprize minify bash detract asperse roast dispraise understate marginalize scorch cry down dump on do down trivialise sneer at pour scorn on take to pieces hold cheap slag off poor mouth criticise kiss off laugh off poor-mouth scoff at have a go at treat lightly pooh pooh take a swipe at minimise make light of talk down shoot full of holes marginalise trash-talk bad-mouth laugh at sour grapes pull apart hit out at write off pick holes in blacken libel traduce speak ill of attack slight bring shame on bring discredit to scandalize scandalise damage disrespect denounce impugn fling mud at sling mud at spot speak evil of do a number on tear into blacken the name of befoul vituperate assail spoil muckrake cast a slur on blotch spread scandal about blemish throw mud at breathe on contemn pillory tar and feather give a bad name to lambaste rip up and down drag down rail against hammer flame rap disdain run smear campaign lay into blacken the reputation of hurt offend inveigh against fulminate against skewer pummel bag blast brand pummelled speak badly of undermine spread lies about berate pull to pieces bring dishonour to taunt monster blame tease disregard reprehend reprobate sully the reputation of sell short scoff conduct a smear campaign against reject throw brickbats at tell lies about make lose face damage the reputation of find fault with dress down label drag someone's name through the mud blight condescend jump on deign mar wound rebuke reprimand stoop castigate outrage execrate deplore excoriate backbite sledge devaluate ruin reprove anathematize despise harm badmouth demonize scold demonise prejudice upbraid villainize descend opprobriate caricature burlesque fault misrepresent curse objurgate sneer spurn rate jeer rag treat disrespectfully reflect negatively cast a slur run a smear campaign against throw shade brush aside call down take to task write false reports about muddy the reputation of have the last laugh on drag someone's name through the mire look down one's nose at cast in a bad light harm the reputation of get the better of sully someone's reputation mark wrong spread tales about drag name through mud back-bite depress betray crawl blackguard lie about blacken the character of belie question object disapprove discommend expostulate make little of frown subjugate affront clamor against annoy desecrate attaint sell out provoke mistrust repudiate think little of be untrue to oneself beat down weaken demolish aggravate abandon one's principles cast a slur upon decrease be prejudicial to cast slur on put zingers on look down on touch darken lose face sling mud cavil at carp at withdraw reduce the status of not go for drag through mud put hooks in tar animadvert disapprove of knock off write down zing take dim view of slap complain snipe at hit rail insinuate let down take apart come down on hold forth against tear to shreds soft-pedal mark down take away tame gloss over irritate disoblige cut up proscribe cut rate take away from take swipe at throw stones at succumb skin alive take to bits subtract from blot your copybook miscall slang gird slap in the face hit where one lives give offence to do discredit to arraign savage cause offence to denunciate put in one's place be rude to lower oneself debase oneself be reduced to debase yourself lower yourself be reduced demean oneself cut dead slag prosecute maul declaim slash characterize call names hurt somebody's feelings ignore step on one's toes impeach skin ostracise indict ostracize blemish the reputation of tarnish the reputation of be a discredit to dig jinx class categorize mark classify injure the reputation of cast aspersion taint someone's name blacken someone's character stain someone's good name accuse falsely sully someone's name tarnish someone's name soil someone's name lace into declaim against disclaim disown discard give something a bad press give some stick to animadvert on charge with identify describe maltreat become a stain of the escutcheon of become a blot of the escutcheon of brush off mistreat scout characterise call categorise name oppress tell someone to get lost flout twit persecute treat contemptuously gibe jeer at make fun of jibe at give someone the brush-off cold-shoulder cast aside look right through someone give the cold shoulder to sweep aside mark out rag on rip up chide dig at make sport of rally be scornful about ride poke fun at disbelieve bite one's thumb at fleer at show contempt laugh to scorn boo take the mickey poke mullock at take the piss out of scout at accuse of being admonish chastise lecture carpet label negatively cheat aggrieve trespass wrong trim ill-treat score baste keelhaul lambast row jaw flay wig impose upon do wrong to do injury to do a disservice to sin against ill-use bad mouth take advantage of do the dirty on do an injustice to offend against ream rake accuse lesson cavil jawbone tongue-lash rail at tell off bawl out lay on slap someone's wrist give someone a mouthful call to task give someone a telling-off give someone a wigging give a rocket pull up give someone what for give comeuppance read the riot act haul over the coals give someone a dressing-down remonstrate with rant at give the devil ream out give a talking-to give someone some stick give someone an earful chew out tick off tear off a strip give someone a row point the finger give someone a rollicking rap over the knuckles give someone a rating give someone a roasting express disapproval of


To put an end to, especially formally
repeal annul rescind abolish cancel invalidate nullify revoke abrogate reverse void recall vacate withdraw avoid countermand quash disannul retract abate dissolve negate null override overrule make void obviate render invalid set aside backpedal blow dismantle kill KO lift nix renig roll back strike down veto X-out zap back out opt out stand down throw over wash out weasel out wipe out worm out declare null and void repudiate overturn scrub take back undo scrap drop call off axe stop abort do away with terminate overthrow abandon recant ax disallow render null and void discontinue vitiate end cry off renege put an end to obliterate call remove ditch annihilate abjure rule against eliminate scratch renounce suspend discharge erase forswear cut neutralize dump unsay discard disclaim neutralise abnegate cancel out delete halt reject desist throw out foreswear backtrack on withcall give up go back on renege on black out stamp out break off blue pencil call back alter back out of upset efface disavow suppress disestablish expunge waive counteract cease shelve get rid of dismiss disown deny offset break cast aside remit blot out declare invalid bring to an end welsh eradicate knock something on the head make null and void back down take out extinguish change finish overset down prostrate jettison junk revert disaffirm chop countervail rebut subvert trash forget unmake deracinate supersede squash redline outvote torpedo retreat knock down bring down countercheck redress make ineffective nig divorce disqualify counterbalance quit rub out snuff out ignore backtrack relinquish give the chop root out take away forget it exclude sweep away forsake dispense with draw back do a U-turn on interrupt forget about break with rule out withdraw from back off eat your words pack in desist from lay off cut off go back on your word declare discount back-pedal on postpone backwater relax bleep refuse mothball sever go against watergate wangle out chuck in restrict compensate limit confine knock out finish off do in undermine weaken pull the plug crawl out of get off the hook wind down phase out cork up hush up bottle up shut down render void take off forbear pull back retire refute put damper on unfit impair circumduct raise apostatize call in row back climb down counterpoise turf belay dominate flout defy defeat predominate prevail put the lid on contradict call all bets off ride roughshod over trample underfoot contravene frustrate ding blackball impugn traverse stonewall cross oppose belie disprove purge omit blow sky-high render meaningless excuse oneself pull out beg off check arrest bring to naught trample upon do a U-turn do an about-turn edit black counterorder censor dial back worm out of put down turn down elide dele ink out cross out blank out strike out x out put a line through block out blue-pencil stroke out edit out X out white out wimp out cop out crap out render inert turn thumbs down wipe slate clean bring fly in the face of get cold feet default on default retrograde recede apologise apologize retrocede pull up forgo kick shun can retreat from welsh on fail to honour go back cut short forfeit reel in fall back take in row back on shake jilt sacrifice pull out of rat on knock it off call a halt stop midstream pull the plug on call it quits change one's tune change mind do an about-turn on turn your back on part with resign from eighty-six finish with dust off write off break up pack up knock off have done with leave off lay off of throw up retire from shut off part from cut out give over do an about-face break your word break a promise break promise cop out of have change of heart destroy exterminate extirpate liquidate squelch excise prohibit inhibit shed clean up put the kibosh on close down put kibosh on


To beat in a contest
best beat defeat conquer knock off overcome triumph over trounce prevail over put away rout take down beat up cream crush drub floor overthrow overwhelm subdue take care of thrash total trash vanquish whip wipe the floor with blast deck demolish knock out KO lick shut down smash wallop waste wipe out bulldoze clobber lambaste master tan wax checkmate humble put someone in their place quell whomp annihilate blow away blow out dispatch edge out flatten outfight overbear overmatch overpower slaughter subjugate unseat upend upset win against blow out of the water put in the shade run rings around tank undo pip at the post worst skunk surmount get the better of stop take get trim hammer get around make mincemeat of own paste stuff shellac murder destroy quash do down bring someone to their knees crucify take to the cleaners walk all over massacre pound outdo marmalize kill pulverize beat hollow turn inside out pulverise be victorious over smother surpass give someone a drubbing slam outclass bury cane give someone a hiding suppress better walk over defeat utterly repress dominate smoke whup whop whap dust tromp bomb top skin outstrip control reduce throw gain a victory over outplay prevail snow under triumph overrun win a resounding victory over bear down break transcend tame excel gain mastery over overturn down curb trample win torpedo flog finish zap pommel knock for a loop work over get over subject be victorious pacify win over put paid to subordinate outperform exceed outshine hurdle bridle spank drop do better than go one better than subvert ruin devastate slay sink put down swamp chasten outmaneuver outmanoeuvre butcher render incapable outrun render helpless render powerless deal with run rings round come out on top take it all put an end to get a grip on humiliate negotiate resist hegemonize bust outwit check get the upper hand stagger overshadow knock over hide belt steamroll whack immobilize restrain bludgeon maul batter thump thresh whitewash immobilise beat down edge buffet leather thwart steamroller frustrate eradicate route shipwreck outhit decimate entrap obliterate outjump flax outflank ambush pummel baste roll slog bash whale rise above grind down get through get the upper hand over cope with do curry plow under punish pummelled chastise make a fool of defeat heavily run circles around take out nose out gain ascendancy over do in get one up on finish off mow down win a victory over run roughshod over strike down rule cut to pieces bring to ruin take to cleaners roll back win through win out command take a stick to mess up shut out wipe off map gain control of carry the day rough up be the victor take off pwn take the crown pick apart bung up outsmart extinguish solve weather survive foil defeat easily shock stun render oppress outlive circumvent larrup pass discomfit override overmaster confound give a drubbing to eclipse settle gain the upper hand over govern manage regulate come out on top of knock your socks off wreck demoralise astonish demoralize render speechless grind endure cap direct succeed over gain the advantage over overtop trump knock for six make it past make it over bring under control get under control get control of drive off bring to knees outmatch outgun put to flight beat back trample underfoot put to rout clean up on throw back in confusion give someone a pasting tower over overtake hose outdistance outrival blow out of water knock spots off improve on mop up take apart be unstoppable by be better than shoot ahead of curtail squelch arrest squash stifle execute sweep exterminate assassinate blank stretch shellack dumbfound overawe stamp out crack down on put the kibosh on liquidate gain an advantage over score points off have the edge over vaporize be successful get last laugh take the cake gain a victory take the prize prevail against come first gain mastery of take the honours win hands down vaporise gain control over bowl over shut off roll over lay out do away with administer the coup de grâce drive to the wall bring down dispose of rub out get rid of bump off carry off give the coup de grâce take someone's life move in for the kill strike have the last laugh on get one over on be one up on succeed slap about reign overrule prove make out prove superior carry achieve mastery make it luck out gain the victory be usual gain ascendancy gain the palm get there come out ahead carry all before one hit pay dirt gain mastery finish first go places be happening go great guns domineer gain exist generally move out tyrannize keep under thumb hold back rein in tyrannise keep in check contain sort out hold sway over inhibit resolve find a solution to find an answer to influence crack enslave keep the lid on keep a lid on bring under the yoke bring to heel keep down constrain find the solution to find the answer to take in hand moderate restrict boss limit bully dictate persecute abuse silence lead run the show call the shots maltreat intimidate hold in handle coerce force keep a tight rein on wrong get round exercise authority rule over break down hold down tone down preside over keep under control tyrannize over trample on ride roughshod over be in charge of rule with a rod of iron pull rank rule with an iron hand nip in the bud cultivate nullify order about muller break someone's spirit domesticize dismantle rein back have authority over swallow colonize compel enthrall underyoke colonise enthral withstand disable cripple undermine enfeeble muffle wear down compose strangle cool knock down smash down fight back keep back gag hold sway kick around reel back in choke back fight ill-treat exploit scourge cork up bottle up button up re-collect calm treat harshly stand up to get to grips with adjust monitor encumber plague overload saddle beset be cruel to ride aggrieve outrage annoy press despotize harass torture worry torment distress harry hound strain handicap vex tax be brutal to treat collect pull in measure keep rally quiet tranquilize lull corner recover inspect still soothe put upon pick on soften mellow damp put screws to put the squeeze on weigh heavy upon lessen diminish tackle damp down domineer over simmer down keep in line put the brakes on set limits on impose limits on snuff out manipulate tranquillize clamp down on slap down quieten down hold in check deal see to attend to behave towards act towards conduct oneself towards take charge of take on sway monopolize head preponderate run monopolise rule the roost take over head up push about exercise control over push around be in control of have ascendancy over be in command of have the whip hand over boss around play first fiddle be the boss of call the tune lead by the nose have the upper hand in have mastery over have one's way have under one's thumb boss about wear the trousers have the upper hand over be at the helm have upper hand lay down the law rule the roost in be in the saddle sit on top of


To bombard with shells, especially as part of an attack or offensive
shell bombard blitz bomb attack cannonade strafe batter strike pound barrage blitzkrieg fire on open fire on shoot at fire at assault torpedo blast assail pepper fusillade raid rake pelt fire upon overwhelm beset enfilade ravage open fire machine-gun besiege catapult launch rake with gunfire level flatten shower hit napalm prang mortar sweep destroy blow up wreck smash devastate blow to bits lapidate pummel target blow sky-high pummelled stone drop bombs on wipe out throw at rain destruction rain down on beat down upon fire a broadside at invade infiltrate storm secure penetrate conquer breach rush pillage advance seize ambush infringe pounce plunder maraud charge combat encroach occupy capture descend upon begin hostilities swoop on take down march into surge over begin an assault take the offensive overrun foray into foray win descend on sack despoil ransack pervade permeate sally inroad swarm loot harry spoliate depredate enter swarm over take over make inroads on take somebody or something by storm subjugate riddle rout rob reave bushwhack annex sick trash sic gain take turn on jump on set upon set on imbue perfuse fill wreak havoc on flood violate infest infect go in on overspread blaze kill shoot probe make a raid on march on pounce on pounce upon lay waste to plague crash colonize entrench meddle colonise access overswarm annexe parasitize parasitise burglarize burglarise trespass interfere sally forth fall upon swoop down upon infringe on spread through spread over diffuse through burst in on burst in go in muscle in fall on make inroads be disseminated through flow through mow down


To attack or besiege, especially militarily
assault attack strike storm assail besiege invade beset blitz charge bushwhack raid rush sic blast sick trash pounce on set upon strike at descend on descend upon fall on march into swoop on advance on go in on launch an attack on make an assault on jump on launch oneself at set on turn on set about pounce upon tear into fly at light into lay into bombard let fly at pitch into ambush jump lace into shell fall upon batter plunder ravage bomb torpedo lash out at aggress overwhelm strafe cannonade pounce let someone have it overrun sail into penetrate pound blitzkrieg belabour round on capture barrage conquer weigh into fire on belabor pillage foray into mug get stuck into maraud occupy beat up accost open fire on devastate have a go at go at foray hit fire at surge over descend bust hit out at wade into go for lunge at seize secure infiltrate come at have at breach fire upon work over infringe make a raid on attempt to capture take by storm set at beat up on surprise inroad swarm harry fusillade take take down pelt smash swarm over rough up open fire go in make inroads on run at make an onslaught on launch an attack take a pop at strike out at fly leap at leap threaten subjugate hurt pepper sally beat someone up terrorize maltreat impugn terrorise harm blindside encounter overcome fight quarrel rout smite launch catapult charge at afflict blister cook march on make a foray on conduct an offensive on search set in on make a sortie on surge into take on sally forth swoop down upon sack rob make an assault make an attack deal a blow to deal a blow swoop waylay depredate despoil ransack make a raid turn to violence lay siege to level annex flatten reave spoliate rake napalm prang appear arrive gain win blow up launch at spring at rush upon beat the living daylights out of give someone a beating go after duff up rush at spring on lie in wait for hold up blow to bits flood violate infest infect advance blow sky-high pervade permeate take over overspread wreak havoc on drop bombs on arrive in hordes drop in turn up come in force show up destroy plague crash meddle colonise access overswarm parasitize burglarize loot trespass colonize entrench enter annexe parasitise burglarise interfere wreck rain destruction infringe on target combat lay waste to encroach burst in make inroads burst in on muscle in wipe out begin hostilities begin an assault take the offensive

Antonym of shootdown

shootdown Idiom, Proverb

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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