Synonym of so widespread


Significantly broad in extent
broad sweeping extensive prevalent rife universal epidemic pervasive wholesale global pervading rampant worldwide deep expansive ubiquitous blanket complete comprehensive exhaustive extended full pandemic permeating predominant prevailing wide boundless inescapable international omnipresent overall thorough total absolute common diffuse general outspread overarching overwhelming popular preponderate rangy thoroughgoing unlimited catholic unrestricted far-reaching far-flung all-embracing all-round all-inclusive wall-to-wall all-around all-encompassing all-out out-and-out wide-ranging across-the-board across the board all over the place on a large scale inclusive indiscriminate vast large-scale large generic encyclopedic ecumenical ample in-depth encyclopaedic panoramic compendious countrywide immense interdisciplinary multidisciplinary nationwide cross-disciplinary infinite coast-to-coast big mass sizable great outright umbrella endemic significant roomy capacious spacious broad-brush regular expanded radical huge whole far-ranging scopic cyclopedic embracive astronomical omnibus penetrating worldly wide-reaching all-in broad-ranging broad-gauge broad-gauged cover-all commodious present everywhere all-over planetary cosmopolitan sizeable generalized eclectic cosmic multinational comfortable generalised scopious voluminous endless generous limitless broad-based abundant broad-spectrum everywhere undisputed company-wide profound latitudinous all outstretched open major immanent airy mundane accepted palatial permeative permeant unspecified enormous collective uncrowded state systemic entire one-size-fits-all detailed cavernous national spread-out spread comprising rambling thorough-going discursive unconditional unmitigated bird's-eye spread out straight-out enlarged ubiquitary spreading infectious contagious catching systemwide widened empyrean terrestrial usual stellar customary celestial intercontinental epizootic world copious vague bodywide communicable simple high-ceilinged nonspecific panoptic everything encompassing substantial encyclopaedical encyclopedical unconfined important without exception very common all-present ever-present all-pervading all-pervasive plentiful obscure hazy nebulous momentous current insidious raging frequent taken as a whole can't get away from persistent non-selective long lengthy statewide suffusive broad in content including all members including all categories unanimous protracted massive humongous elaborate life-changing ambitious whole-hog unselective exaggerated overstated overdrawn bulk quantitative full-scale careful hefty profuse numerous many regional thronged ruling multitudinous regnant meticulous scrupulous intensive influential weighty consequential broad-minded diverse liberal tolerant unsectarian unbigoted diversified clean rigorous unexclusive grand searching expanding stretching inflatable elastic dilating swelling in quantity in bulk of moment of significance flexible undogmatic interstate sedulous encircling containing integral plenary compleat intact perfect synoptic rolling immeasurable extendable stretchy enlargeable distending efficient in the mass general-purpose multiculti open-minded world-wide varied all-purpose unprejudiced unqualified unspecialized of great import of consequence thick fat beamy wall to wall systematic in depth the works from Land's End to John O'Groats all over the country dilatant unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed extreme leaving no stone unturned blow-by-blow lock stock and barrel the whole shebang the big picture of great scope indeterminate charitable receptive without end widely distributed reducible stereotypable far reaching wide physically wide-stretching wide-extending discernible apparent obvious observable evident far-stretched far-spread far-going far-extending all-encompassing all-embracing dispersed scattered generalisable generalizable unconcentrated diffused broad based disseminated not concentrated circulated thin separated strewn propagated radiated distributed broadcast diluted prolonged lengthened drawn-out elongated full-blown long-drawn-out particular drawn out specific minute long-term painstaking utter unbroken lasting marathon long-lasting unabridged stretched out continued undivided considerable drastic far exact uncut full-dress faraway integrated serious distant long-lived long-drawn high intricate enduring elongate of considerable length undiminished stretched yawning strung out spun out very long dragged out uncondensed replete colossal unreduced cavelike consummate particularized advanced interminable circumstantial precise unabbreviated revolutionary continuing explicit full-out elaborated severe accurate gaping maximal seriatim full-length desperate stringent aggregate itemized sustained violent draconian chasmal forceful categorical lingering particularised overlong full-on itemised considered diligent dragging longish remote tall stretch stringy running towering lanky gangling lofty far-off giant proper panned broadly-based one-to-one life-size unrestrained unbounded completed definitive earnest unblemished final full-spectrum unexpurgated conclusive personal immediate never-ending time-consuming lengthwise abysmal wholistic plenteous adequate experienced maximum untouched rounded uncompromising excessive categoric choate largest unflawed definite holistic straggling the word exclusive meaningful all over gross slow ultra iconoclastic wide open developed pure sheer scenic commanding undamaged endlong unmarred long-run no stone unturned most firsthand direct wordy prolix verbose long-winded enumerated finicky big picture from A to Z abiding durable technical concentrated unmarked uninterrupted essential elemental point-by-point delayed solid faultless at length assiduous purposeful top-to-bottom root-and-branch linear longstanding special intimate dedicated expert focused functional long-standing long-running first-hand complicated rich lavish hollow complex specialized focussed specialised unshortened unimpaired sufficient longitudinal leading bulky heavy-duty good strapping packed husky walloping bull oversize whopper mammoth chock-full burly whopping thundering jumbo hulking prodigious stuffed monster mondo heavyweight healthy awash ponderous tremendous gigantic brimming crowded sepulchral radial widening growing straggly unfathomable dark continuous sophisticated satisfying whole-length full-blooded whole enchilada hook line and sinker whole nine yards super colossal specially designed gloomy concave resonant echoing reverberant sunken dismal in detail difficult involved chambered deep-set alveolate socketed fanned out king-size increased oversized king-sized a whale of a all in unfurled unrolled proffered conferred curved inward tricky unfolded king size


(of a belief or attitude) Held by the majority of public
popular general common current prevalent prevailing customary universal standard stock shared rife ordinary usual accepted established acknowledged recognised recognized conventional majority overall received ruling orthodox ubiquitous conformist in circulation widely held accustomed regular predominant mainstream normal rampant traditional habitual pervasive typical public commonplace familiar wonted routine dominant preponderant set classical endemic regnant going classic well established in force time-honored stereotyped run-of-the-mill in vogue broad principal generic vulgar fashionable everyday average fixed natural across the board prescriptive proven rooted ritual extensive household time-honoured main existing widely used chief central wide supreme long-established frequent collective folk traditionalist stereotypical proverbial reigning about adopted well-known comprehensive historic sweeping old expected pivotal traditionary preeminent in style taken for granted congruous in fashion sanctioned in the air middle-of-the-road ritualistic immemorial garden doctrinal prescribed garden-variety bog-standard tried and true tried and tested widely believed pervading informal lamestream ancient age-old mutual admitted latest extant modern contemporary present core ascendant in effect in thing acquired honored embraced united like hackneyed derived prosaic circulating major honoured intermutual commutual vanilla primary ancestral vintage prime dominating foremost vernacular unofficial superior abiding afoot canonical the order of the day mass number-one focal pre-eminent undistinguished staid net sovereign a dime a dozen constant enduring immortal ageless tralatitious ceremonial prepotent global national joint blanket communal overarching outright unadventurous bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds talked of in general use going around quotidian lasting timeless around on everyone's lips in established usage epidemic nationwide societal wholesale total persistent undying memorable unforgettable deathless in existence happening going on abroad common or garden all-round all-around ongoing official settled dyed-in-the-wool numerous typic commonest inveterate broad-brush broad-spectrum across-the-board predominating entrenched influential preponderating operative in use well-established confirmed fundamental steady catholic all-embracing worldwide ecumenical stable ingrained deep-rooted acceptable by the numbers approved old-fashioned traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized true secure unshakable vested permanent authorized authorised agreed formal methodical authoritative workaday unexceptional proper long-standing certified determined cut-and-dried predictable formulaic plain unremarkable correct arranged systematic decided cut-and-dry standard-issue daily characteristic chronic regulation agreed upon endorsed scheduled day-to-day stipulated known orderly regulated legal predetermined lawful legitimate representative formalistic valid specified definite prearranged chosen regimented declared well worn unquestioned undoubted undisputed old-world ratified long-lived old-time ceremonious old hat organized validated rightful understood mechanical staple allowed documented defined assigned bona fide appointed institutional garden variety explicit systematized avowed given structured conservative confessed affirmed certain express precise definitive planned allotted passed backed proclaimed exhaustive organised systematised installed rigid accredited professed obvious OK'd uncontested canonic legit selected ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary standpat brassbound paleoconservative archconservative renowned strict past vouched for favourite favorite venerable unoriginal button-down buttoned-down old-school repeated derivative punctilious mundane old-line periodic hidebound mossbacked die-hard kosher identified humdrum outmoded outdated commonly accepted generally accepted widely recognized consistent reliable ceremonialistic basic recognizable arrived at matter-of-course well known recognisable native par for the course favoured balanced respected exact contracted guaranteed granted comfortable statutory sustained school done gut default standardized timeworn methodic touted domestic decorous uneventful discreet mediocre indifferent inconspicuous unopposed okayed preferred archetypal archetypical believed seasonal favored regularized great sop wont boilerplate perceived acquainted realized remembered historical ensconced unsophisticated same old one-size-fits-all realised former designated recurring sacred ritualized formalized standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle perennial homespun common variety humble matter-of-fact commissioned named prior bureaucratic procedural periodical serious highbrow familial family bygone preordained delegated elected decreed ordained nominated recommended establishment inherent symptomatic stated lineal institutionalized regularised institutionalised standardised anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic overused banal trite heavy symphonic concert heavyweight appropriate repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated automatic long-term addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic seasoned licensed authentic distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing businesslike ready oral unwritten pre-planned preplanned programmed arranged in advance intended controlled pre-established preset platitudinous overworked tired individualistic clichéd cliched authenticated supported noted corny hacky reverent true to form in keeping to be expected only to be expected in character on the cards … all over true to type handed-down unheretical coherent readily available widely available ready-made dull worn out worn-out celebrated warranted verified permitted legalized from the past of yore legalised signed sealed out-of-date right straight pious religious square well-tried passé démodé deep-seated hard-and-fast tried and trusted finest magisterial best consummate ultimate greatest notable famous notorious made official bien pensant arranged beforehand advance decided beforehand aged signed and sealed licenced ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared suitable decisive cathedral positive real conclusive ex cathedra okay and delivered ex officio fitting ritualised formalised hoary superlative straight arrow in line simple overt published early sworn just well-founded plastic genuine grind ossified publicized according to the book mother of all returned answered publicised revealed patent manifest branded well-grounded so-so conceded unchallenged anachronistic antediluvian white-bread self-confessed publicly known widely known generally known creaky mossy first oldie dated decrepit mouldy clunky earliest moldy hoar rusty out of date down pat of long ago as old as the hills old as the hills time-worn very old moth-eaten horse and buggy most important most usual most frequent most complete most reliable most perfect most scholarly most significant


Not restrained or held in check
rampant unrestrained unbridled unchecked uncontrolled epidemic rife wild aggressive dominant excessive outrageous pandemic raging rank tumultuous violent abandoned exuberant flagrant intemperate pervasive prevalent rampaging raw runaway unbounded uncontrollable unhampered unhindered vehement luxuriant profuse riotous ungovernable wanton blustering boisterous clamorous extensive extravagant fecund flourishing furious growing impetuous multiplying out of control predominant proliferating rambling spreading threatening turbulent unruly exceeding bounds out of hand spreading like wildfire on the rampage mass unconstrained unrestricted uninhibited immoderate uncurbed ungoverned undisciplined unimpeded irrepressible unsuppressed chaotic profligate full-on free untrammelled unmanageable unfettered inordinate licentious reckless untrammeled lawless disorderly disobedient incontinent self-indulgent unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable noisy unlimited unconfined loose not controlled rowdy extreme wayward stubborn overindulgent running wild rough indiscriminate dissolute tempestuous anarchic untamed unreasonable refractory severe passionate uproarious obstreperous mutinous impotent unregulated driverless corrupt rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazed madcap crazy hysterical berserk incorrigible impulsive unprincipled over-the-top unmanaged unopposed unobstructed self-willed shameless unconventional heavy unshackled attention-seeking extrovert natural boundless corybantic incautious irrational unbound footloose undue unjustified prodigal unrepressed raving thrilled rash unwarranted spontaneous saturnalian immoral frank plenary open flamboyant exaggerated candid audacious impertinent bizarre limitless blunt giddy flighty unsubmissive egregious lavish imprudent uncalled for dissipated dissipative O.T.T. over the top debauched lacking self-control expanding augmented rapid change ascending rapid growth mounting greedy unbalanced rebellious stormy agitated intractable unstable exponential recalcitrant explosive seditious rugged unsettled roller-coaster willful untoward wilful defiant froward contrary rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant balky contumacious restive storming full of confusion fiery excited shaking roughhouse perturbed bitter full of ups and downs full of upheavals full of conflict demonstrative destructive rambunctious raucous vociferous stern termagant in turmoil unrestrainable without law and order fractious


Thorough, to a great degree, with intensity
intensive intense fierce acute deep profound terrible heavy ferocious dreadful keen vehement violent almighty vicious blistering excruciating hard furious frightful explosive hellacious ghastly exquisite fearsome severe thorough concentrated fearful strenuous full complete comprehensive vigorous serious exhaustive detailed meticulous thoroughgoing extensive rigorous scrupulous total sweeping elaborate painstaking determined concerted resolute sedulous careful conscientious searching assiduous methodical minute close demanding radical accelerated fast insistent persistent in-depth all-out heavy-duty all-embracing all-inclusive out-and-out all-encompassing all-absorbing high-pressure speeded-up extreme strong powerful forceful excessive tough great harsh sharp energetic searing potent forcible agonizing particular burning grievous penetrating agonising fervent encyclopedic passionate raging ardent piercing heightened wild consuming unbearable fiery insufferable absolute bitter encyclopaedic exact very great grave earnest extraordinary zealous intensified eager cutting overpowering stormy flaming overwhelming biting marked major uncontrollable uncontrolled unrestrained unbridled royal unendurable desperate efficient relentless whole-hog full-dress frenzied hard-hitting from A to Z blow-by-blow active real right aggressive mettlesome spirited heartfelt far-reaching intolerable enthusiastic laborious drastic protracted vivid specific rough hellish exceptional immoderate awful dire blunt harrowing proper dedicated considerable compendious consummate torturous torrid racking cyclopedic embracive resounding tormenting punchy panoramic universal inclusive omnibus hot emphatic unqualified urgent shrill all-consuming significant dynamic heated diligent turbulent distressing arduous taxing blustery deep-seated poignant cover-all all-in peracute tumultuous tempestuous broad-gauge broad-gauged critical in-your-face devastating menacing storming thoughtful pulling no punches exacting volcanic painful weighty difficult industrial-strength durable circumstantial soup to nuts clocklike particularized itemized all the way plenty slam-bang impossible heavyweight long-lasting sound plucky diabolical pronounced unstoppable reprehensible indefensible inexcusable unforgivable all out thoroughpaced particularised itemised systematic shameful disgraceful parlous very bad sincere immense terrific compelling fervid transcending emotional wholehearted impassioned technical leaving no stone unturned abject fanatical boiling baking scorching heartrending crash telescoped enormous supreme feverish inordinate ungovernable deepest hearty expert focused functional roasting sizzling rampaging intemperate rabid rampant riotous perfervid high utter personal immediate unchecked unmanageable unfettered uncurbed inflamed sweltering blazing peppery convulsive enraged ruinous warm-blooded cut-throat intricate experienced deep-rooted positive true perfect arrant undue exaggerated paroxysmal coercive outrageous aroused specialized focussed specialised tropical parching withering deeply felt gale force out of control full of force stinging strained pungent exclusive unmitigated fair scalding mother of all firsthand direct complex onerous complicated labored confused abstruse te formidable oppressive recondite solemn knotty round-the-clock total-immersion customary unmistaken baking hot red-hot blazing hot blistery broiling specially designed essential elemental full-scale boiling hot very hot bad hazardous sobering big worrying perilous dangerous toilsome threatening disastrous punishing brutal life-threatening consequential bleak precarious ugly grinding usual special intimate categorical shooting cyclonic gusty full-blooded muscular assertive stabbing like a furnace boisterous thundery thunderous savage howling inclement volatile squally bumpy windy first-hand exhausting brisk umbrella definitive global clean typhonic blustering swirling choppy destructive laboured sudden wall-to-wall chaotic restless roaring stormful rugged finely tuned full-blown catholic confronting the word thought-provoking no stone unturned attentive accurate punctilious fastidious provocative reflective confrontational challenging insightful fussy precise deliberate judicious orderly heedful industrious provident strict faithful circumspect cautious finicky solid observant regardful concerned religious prim selfdisciplined correct loving discreet picky chary pernickety persnickety nice perfectionist by the numbers by the book going to great lengths unruly hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bang-bang agitated disorderly impetuous passional rowdy frantic excited lawless undisciplined angry lively hysterical demonstrative raw animated noisy mad nasty incandescent hot-blooded refractory foul glowing obstreperous charged impulsive excitable superheated frenetic dirty headstrong irascible irrepressible disturbed rash fractious warm storm-tossed disobedient disruptive mighty rebellious uninhibited intractable recalcitrant wayward filthy insubordinate unsettled unbounded touchy unhindered anarchic abandoned contumacious unconstrained willful gusting reckless cataclysmic cataclysmal uproarious raucous temperamental incorrigible robust runaway mutinous unrestricted hot-tempered unhampered hotheaded dominant unpleasant wanton hyper raving crazy blowy untoward stubborn breezy hasty imprudent berserk troublemaking hot-headed spasmodic opinionated committed lawbreaking rumbustious quick-tempered roily uncompromising hectic delirious ruffled out of hand heaving extravagant self-indulgent rapid profligate unstable incensed bold maniacal attention-seeking vociferous influential ungoverned crazed torturing gut-wrenching full-on commanding disagreeable domineering unpredictable wrenching stiff clamorous mercurial rioting in turmoil wilful driving jerky quarrelsome froward obstinate impatient incontrollable agitable tearing white-hot mean highly strung torrential effective rampageous convincing cacophonous jarring abrupt uncontainable unquenchable acrimonious splitting thumping pounding stridulent buffeting obsessive firm persuasive unreasonable sore coarse manic stout disordered confident bullish unjustified authoritative audacious pushy bossy trying rainy unwarranted roiled roller-coaster sensitive competitive tremulous irregular wet wrathful militant towering seething hyperactive feisty egregious entire unmeasurable titanic stark strong-willed fuming licentious stirred up full-hearted powerhouse prodigal on the rampage snappy overindulgent loud lavish revolutionary compulsive incontinent over the top unlimited telling termagant rambunctious melodramatic untamed cruel defiant unconcealed pervasive full of upheavals neurotic killing eloquent galvanic ablaze dissipative debauched tremendous stringent vital troublesome stroppy uncalled for flighty madcap draconian unbalanced overzealous testy stirring like one possessed enterprising perverse unyielding restive indocile puissant moving insane heedless full of ups and downs nuts gung-ho drunken impervious ornery forward bawdy inexorable quick steamed up tortuous disturbing unforgiving fired up out of line struggling short-fused wide-ranging easily provoked suffering on fire on a short fuse high-strung running amok postal unrepressed exciting risky standup bruising blind involuntary unmatchable blusterous tireless trigger-happy bad-tempered ill-tempered distracted criminal ebullient bursting grating unmusical discordant hoarse inharmonious rasping husky dry gruff crushing belligerent thuggish pugnacious storm-wracked fast-flowing rushing scintillating overactive overwrought amorous uncooperative callous hardened ruffianly rowdydowdy shrewd smarting two-fisted irresistible at the boiling point airy rough-and-tumble contentious self-willed flapping ill-disciplined bloodthirsty unconventional squallish effusive cordial steadfast allegiant radge avid indignant irate ireful troubled grim dogged tenacious indefatigable Herculean wintry cold pushing foaming extrovert virulent insurmountable romping anarchical rebel incompliant contrary rollicking recusant balky paralyzing paralysing knifelike drilling demonic naughty go-ahead self-assured self-possessed self-confident chilly freezing unremitting pertinacious nutty dithyrambic corybantic incautious irrational virile hardy unmixed steep seditious very angry tormentous anguishing valid impressive cogent broad gutsy knockout inspired smart burdensome messianic jouncy snowy drizzly icy damp primal visceral undisguised thrilled red-blooded lusty wholesale wide hefty exorbitant limit awkward knock-down rousing out and out fitful sporadic weltering shaking perturbed stern roughhouse murderous unconscionable drag-out rolly carried away giddy mushy overemotional sentimental romantic touching emotive moiling worked up from the heart starry-eyed inhuman hurtful heartbreaking galling afflicting full of confusion full of conflict not backward in coming forward short-fuse stimulated precipitate headlong inspiring affecting high-powered hotblooded expressive thrilling quickened hardhanded adverse badly behaved heart-rending motivating impellent urging propulsive uncalled-for teeming copious beside yourself dissolute plausible armed efficacious delinquent non-compliant epidemic oversensitive querulous pettish easily offended hypersensitive petulant overextravagant plethoric baroque fancy unmerciful overmuch overdue overweening devilish wintery rife bolshie O.T.T. dissipated extremely painful herky-jerky ultra advanced iconoclastic pandemic rank dizzying decadent over-the-top too-too conclusive credible unanswerable compulsory nervous obsessional obdurate insuppressible freaked unrestrainable indomitable insurgent badly-behaved undisciplinable irritable prevalent exuberant flagrant greedy over the odds hardline afire grueling rending cringe-making infuriating tedious embarrassing stultifying gruelling chastening torturesome toe-curling irritating luxuriant profuse infatuated devoted fixated obsessed top-to-bottom root-and-branch choleric dramatic too much a bit much untrammelled broken edgy skittish spreading fecund flourishing rambling proliferating predominant multiplying growing unceremonious like a loose cannon beside oneself over-enthusiastic wavy ripply jumpy tense shaken infuriated steamed-up hottempered soaking pouring lashing drenching aflame kindled ignited imperious unconfined unexpected exceeding bounds dotty potty visionary hooked conflagrant ultrahot lit alight enflamed sultry combusting ambitious driven unimpeded unsuppressed uptight chippy moody twitchy brittle spreading like wildfire vocal outspoken unbiddable brawling crude startling full of waves red flushed fevered lighted igneous unsubmissive bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo skittery fluttery spooky adrenalized jittery hyperexcitable hyperkinetic strident forthright untrammeled running wild stressy uneasy wired flaring flickering empyreal febrile unanticipated all shook up brassy besetting biased nuts for erratic monomaniacal partial bugged high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted full-throated inflammable peevish alarmable fidgety intolerant susceptible lacking self-control piping hot in flames definite self-asserting brusque easily upset fiddle-footed swift shocking blowing hot and cold easily agitated unforeseen easily frightened short fused rude unpredicted not controlled insurrectionary turbid uncontained helter-skelter deranged disorganised hedonistic disorganized unambiguous hopped up clear certain outright unequivocal explicit on the make unmistakable sure downright unconditional decided ringing trenchant pointed sober accented one hundred per cent more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear


Dull or unoriginal
commonplace ordinary run-of-the-mill everyday unexceptional pedestrian prosaic unremarkable average mainstream middle-of-the-road mundane undistinguished banal humdrum mediocre trite uninspired uninteresting dull forgettable hackneyed indifferent lackluster lacklustre so-so unexciting unmemorable vanilla bland common quotidian stale tired unoriginal overdone overused overworked predictable time-worn corny derivative bog-standard bush-league customary cut-and-dried cut-and-dry garden variety garden-variety hacky normal ornery routine standard standard-issue usual workaday worn out clichéd cornball dime-a-dozen dime-store half-pie plain vanilla characterless colourless colorless garden lowly matter-of-course middling natural no great shakes not so hot obvious old hat played out plebeian prevalent starch uneventful unnoteworthy worn-out not much cop not up to much ten a penny a dime a dozen boiler plate familiar tune nothing to get excited about nothing to write home about boring monotonous uninspiring tedious dreary conventional flat insipid drab dry tame lifeless unimaginative plain vapid wearisome tiresome common or garden ho-hum typical nondescript jejune fair stodgy arid spiritless old OK simple passable unvaried medium second-rate stock slow ponderous leaden stuffy stupid stereotyped sterile tolerable mind-numbing tiring blah familiar drudging heavy numbing modest jading monochromatic weary platitudinous wearying anaemic nothing dusty regular moderate barren adequate bromidic anemic repetitious inferior fair-to-middling run-of-the-mine run-of-mine insignificant unpretentious plodding ho hum generic second-class featureless vacuous mean day-to-day prosy nowhere homespun nothing special traditional unvarying formulaic amateurish amateur repetitive torpid wishy-washy unstimulating matter-of-fact dull as dishwater decent bloodless lame inconspicuous fairish unexceptionable samey unadventurous frequent suburban inoffensive draggy zero dim dead unanimated well-worn banausic limp zestless feeble intermediate pabulum innocuous neutral run of the mill antiseptic bog standard weariful dry as dust uncreative dreich lacking variety household weak fair to middling anodyne empty ubiquitous general unimpressive nitty-gritty terrestrial lustreless irksome unobjectionable habitual well worn homely pointless humble poor stereotypical okay white-bread popular inane inconsequential not very good deadly soporific fatiguing lacking variation dullsville unentertaining unenjoyable conservative par for the course middle-class gray grey big yawn threadbare straightforward as dry as dust provincial uninventive derived useless acceptable small-town listless muted parochial nothing out of the ordinary passionless unspectacular overlong pallid practical yawn mild apathetic prevailing interminable unsophisticated plastic satisfactory accustomed square parish-pump bourgeois established worthless clear monochrome long-drawn-out basic truistic non-stimulating deadpan unchanging monotone not bad soulless unimportant limited milk-and-water ready-made hack serviceable stiff median immaterial midway middle good paltry yawnsome desolate inconsiderable middle of the road midsize midsized dragging prolix all right lacking excitement lacking interest of no consequence dismal depressing obsolete antiquated long unspecial bummer drag cloying drear moth-eaten bomb prosing anonymous discreet settled wonted public unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed workday no-frills static formalistic in-between businesslike treadmill toneless quiet casual informal trivial mindless worn peaceful gentle unoffending harmless annoying irritating meh unfateful indecisive noneventful inconclusive phoned in staple sombre somber unartistic boilerplate sluggish dull as ditchwater blending into the background laborious diddly lusterless actual practicable prose clean set timeworn unaspiring unambitious O.K. wordy long-winded unspirited unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic literal unemotional factual unadorned wooden boresome vexatious unrelieved shopworn jake inert deadening mechanical two a penny bleak dowdy unromantic of poor quality soul-destroying old-fashioned enervating mortal exhausting poky snooze half-hearted inadequate watery namby-pamby irrelevant crude meagre simplistic meager pathetic matter-of- fact piddling sufficient plain-Jane unextraordinary off-the-shelf endless going current meaningless whatever soft drivelling nebbish driveling beige fatuous tenuous slight subdued deadly dull raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy downcast blank expressionless out of the ark formal of little consequence of little importance not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account undistinctive unnoticeable reasonable property-owning conformist indistinctive faceless noncommittal waterish flavourless flavorless nerdy wimpy unappealing sapless mid medial goodish futile lacking personality lacking charisma intermediary halfway minimal vain profitless insular inward-looking blinkered competent respectable mediate central midmost par fine commensurate presentable not amounting to much run-of-the mill unrewarding shopkeeping propertied materialistic neither one thing nor the other readily available widely available medium-sized middle-sized no big deal able plenty cromulent sufficing unproductive fruitless pretty good fairly good good enough Pooterish hidebound rural country up to scratch aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless nothing to shout about outclassed déclassé staid philistine Victorian old-line illiberal turgid ineffectual otiose unavailing hollow unsuccessful bootless inefficacious ineffective abortive unfruitful vacant unfilled unprolific bad imperfect substandard junk wretched lemon sorry poorer low-grade low-quality shabby tawdry low-rent worse good-for-nothing base lousy two-bit sad


(of a question or subject) Being of current or continuing interest and importance
live current important pertinent topical burning dominant popular pressing prevalent relevant running vital active circulating common contemporary controversial earnest prevailing alive debatable unsettled effective of current interest critical urgent imperative crucial acute essential dire exigent compelling significant clamant importunate major emergent pivotal imperious necessitous crying clamorous instant climacteric lively of interest key necessary life-and-death paramount serious high-priority grave consequential all-important fundamental indispensable required requisite integral needed of great consequence desperate of the essence pre-eminent central of the utmost importance mandatory cardinal must-have needful vitally important drastic primary extreme principal heavy capital prerequisite overriding great called for compulsory obligatory decisive weighty momentous severe intense prime immediate big chief forceful meaningful far-reaching demanding terrible parlous profound sore core main intrinsic focal large foremost basic leading substantial considerable material monumental especial substantive heavy-duty large-scale exceptional determining historic all important earth-shattering persistent dogged tenacious dangerous obstinate unrelenting exacting persevering pertinacious peremptory insistent unyielding predominant pushy worthwhile top emphatic premier ponderous supreme preeminent quintessential remarkable appreciable influential very great telling notable pronounced sizable noteworthy imposing salient radical eventful impactful striking mighty top-priority constitutive grand sensational extensive special portentous unforgettable conspicuous high-level life and death much needed very important front-page outstanding meat-and-potatoes newsworthy life-or-death impressive binding coercive unavoidable immoderate overruling primal deciding climactic determinative ruling master mission-critical business-critical demanding attention underlined emergency impelling nitty-gritty world-shaking bottom-line name-of-the-game coal-and-ice driving demanded characteristic inherent structural uppermost perilous rudimental staple natural underlying rudimentary elementary foundational constitutional elemental constituent hazardous called-for time-critical awful connected component innate prodigious unmissable page-one tremendous precarious at the heart of determined greatest constraining dreadful conclusive glaring much fateful strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare landmark signal unusual resonant hefty unordinary deep ponderable potent memorable glorious marked keynote particular worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous earthshaking extraordinary milestone adamant of great import of moment of import of great moment alarming highest inescapable egregious firm unfaltering assertive bad unremitting intransigent stubborn indefatigable tireless first sudden afflictive clamouring hurry-up persuasive claiming clamoring distressing forcing requiring obliging heat-on irresistible decided unwavering inexorable resolute patient life-threatening commanding arch basal aggressive obdurate nagging entreating resolved pushful sweeping resounding monotonous reiterative continuous relentless perseverant high priority suppliant avid overeager disturbing solicitous high-pressure harassing annoying troublesome now or never pointed prominent heavyweight instrumental powerful almighty top-level overshadowing big-time of concern life-changing major-league high-profile of note grievous of consequence big-league big league overly solicitous most important


(literally or figuratively) Very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or extent
vast wide elephantine humongous mighty astronomical colossal enormous expansive gigantic grand huge immense incalculable massive monstrous monumental prodigious substantial tremendous big eternal gargantuan ginormous mega mountainous stupendous unlimited ample boundless broad comprehensive considerable endless epic extensive giant great humungous immeasurable infinite large limitless super voluminous astronomic capacious gross herculean mammoth sizable sizeable almighty cosmic grandiose heavy hefty illimitable inordinate measureless monster terrific titanic weighty whopping awesome bulky cosmical excessive exorbitant expanded extreme formidable generous gigantesque heroic imposing interminable leviathan oceanic overwhelming towering unwieldy walloping whacking abundant bumper commodious cyclopean detailed galactic Gargantuan handsome heroical hulking jumbo mundo overgrown oversized pharaonic planetary plenteous prolific spacious sweeping thumping unbounded vasty Brobdingnagian Herculean supersize Himalayan king-size king-sized never-ending supersized thumping great very big very great very large whacking great whopping great far-flung far-reaching spread-out stretched-out super-duper whale of a all-inclusive king size goodly roomy oversize bottomless stellar extraordinary untold unfathomable fathomless inestimable brobdingnagian outsized unending inexhaustible outsize tidy countless numberless biggish significant deep Bunyanesque largish extended everlasting cavernous indefinite immensurable horizonless no end of no end to profuse innumerable large-scale behemoth major lavish without end pythonic blimp impressive plentiful open copious appreciable magnificent princely solid high extravagant mastodonic serious fantastic healthy multitudinous husky dirty great without limit long boxcar perpetual full staggering wide-ranging massy uncountable comfortable extra-large Homeric complete ponderous thorough indeterminable whaling giant-sized mondo universal exhaustive behemothic lofty innumerous cumbersome enduring substantive good myriad all-embracing bountiful superabundant liberal all-encompassing gaping rambling numerous yawning phenomenal wide open heavyweight pronounced notable chasmal marked unceasing respectable unnumberable tall inclusive jillion zillion unreckonable interdisciplinary majestic uncounted multidisciplinary rangy constant unfathomed cross-disciplinary unrestricted thundering incomputable ceaseless undying august abysmal airy incessant amaranthine outstanding bounteous striking remarkable fat uncrowded magnific without number rip-roaring titan intense super-colossal cumbrous catholic palatial unnumbered giant-size profound unfailing extremely large erratic fluctuant uncertain unforeseen unpredictable capricious whimsical chancy iffy unfixed global stately man-size of considerable size man-sized splendid glorious material severe barn door unsurpassable immortal indeterminate uninterrupted self-perpetuating unbroken continuous monotonous overlong undivided deathless continual gallant noble larger-than-life rich imperial royal regal no strings baronial roaring decisive conclusive emphatic consequential whopper decent outspread great big noteworthy resounding unmistakable memorable unqualified rolling panoramic out-and-out a whale of a super colossal general encyclopedic compendious exceptional bombastic uncalculable undefined spacey surpassing kingly cavelike wholesale utmost extremely big cracking sunken disproportionate unsounded pervasive strapping burly unflagging jumbo-sized incomprehensible encyclopaedic astounding unrestrained hulky monolithic Cyclopean awful spread out mahoosive terrible unbridled deep-set protracted immoderate wide-open uncontrolled far-ranging unconfined lengthy superb unchecked unplumbed unmeasurable strong beyond measure swelling unusual across the board sky-high intemperate abounding plumbless proud prodigal momentous various fair unreasonable steep important prevalent plummetless thick sundry legion several many multifarious crawling with megalithic socking great scopious scopic valuable full-size exceeding lank teeming reasonable awe-inspiring good-size good-sized no holds barred mastodontic much bull across-the-board very deep not to be sneezed at steady earthshaking earth-shattering forever Moby powerful beefy brawny ominous grandiloquent Miltonian daunting mesomorphic very many thrashing superhuman Brobdignagian elephantic high-ceilinged invaluable priceless stiff dilatable distensible expandable larger greater awkward moving renowned irresistible dynamic eminent illustrious OS unsummed through the ceiling umpteen not inconsiderable billowing high-flown high-sounding chasmic unhandy fine ungainly unforeseeable haphazard hit-or-miss precious baggy unmanageable prolonged spectacular statuesque alive with without limits not to be reckoned unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy unfading unbottomed crucial vital profitable spanking heightened increased escalated jacked up top maximum incredible radical decided maxi paramount decent-sized bonny million sempiternal supertemporal perdurable loose-fitting abyssal outstretched full-out full-blown all-out totalitarian full-scale fierce harsh horrific dreadful meaty measurable ambitious far down noticeable uttermost prime unplumbable unmeasured fearful latitudinous beamy wide-reaching mass no catch above average abnormal intensified fair-sized family-sized economy-size life-size swelled family-size fair-size economy-sized blanket simple convoluted covering thunderous elevated classic beyond price in-depth extra large critical urgent fundamental on tap ad nauseam nationwide indiscriminate comprising no strings attached exalted arduous soundless excellent acute rare max marvelous tolerable undetermined ethereal marathon unexclusive central pressing essential leading packed chock-full stuffed intercontinental worldwide brimming crowded heavy-duty international awash pretty unconstrained shattering very long far reaching absolute unconditional resplendent elaborate worth taking into account supreme marvellous hollow devastating extending far down meaningful inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating thoroughgoing opulent plush classy luxurious wide physically wall to wall luxuriant total sepulchral ultra broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged broad-ranging broad-based cyclopedic embracive all-in omnibus mind-blowing stretchy extendable enlargeable distending flash flashy swanky utter real worthwhile key rife multifold manifold dark aplenty plenty galore cornucopian exuberant thorough-going wall-to-wall discursive encyclopedical encyclopaedical dilatant unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed splashy egotistic high-falutin' theatrical lordly high-flying eventful historic firm sturdy sound mind-boggling breathtaking crushing paralysing amazing proliferous overflowing thick on the ground multiple motley disparate replete unremitting assorted diverse miscellaneous well-provided varied populous mixed multiplied rampant well-supplied frequent gloomy echoing concave resonant reverberant dismal useful durable principal superior big-deal tectonic major-league paralyzing stunning overcoming alveolate socketed chambered with no holds barred stink with exciting eye-opening a dime a dozen superlative pre-eminent undue unwarranted exaggerated superfluous curved inward gratuitous unconscionable needless overmuch extortionate surplus plethoric profligate wanton improvident indulgent overabundant imprudent dizzying insane redundant outrageous wasteful dissipated overdue overweening uncurbed intolerable unhampered ridiculous overextravagant supernatural overkill overgenerous extra unnecessary silly more preposterous recrementitious stratospheric overindulgent ludicrous overboard unfettered devilish uninhibited beyond number self-indulgent too many O.T.T. too much OTT over the top out of all proportion over the odds way out uncalled for a bit much streets ahead dramatic indescribable impossible flush unutterable sufficient a gogo far no end long-lasting shocking productive stout lengthened incommunicable long-drawn-out uncommunicable long-term long-lived long-drawn of considerable length munificent fertile crammed pivotal grave fruitful swarming fateful unstinting portentous dense wealthy affluent headline lush impactful lots of in abundance all-important stinking with distinct a lot of plenty of lousy with no end in sight a great deal of adequate entire whole advantageous inexpressible lucrative prosperous well-stocked robust unsparing rank in plenty legit fairly large mucho sensible undescribable dripping unmitigated telling plenitudinous incorrigible competent swimming fulsome enough flowing soaring right faraway frightful proper landmark lasting distant preponderant obvious cardinal especial high-priority special unforgettable capital keynote burning milestone glaring high-level newsworthy particular sensational distinctive earnest signal forceful worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon front-page unordinary ponderable potent climacteric conspicuous apocalyptic ascending rising sky-scraping raised skyscraping high-rise epochal obese overweight altitudinous multistorey high-reaching earth-shaking corpulent outlandish unbelievable absurd unreal life-and-death life-changing of consequence epoch-making of moment world-shaking of importance world-shattering of significance towery fleshy portly high rise upraised alpine uplifted tough blubbery flabby pudgy lumpish roly-poly tubby podgy enough and to spare muscular filled elongated porky plump chubby bloated lardy rotund round covered rugged crawling pursy fubsy abdominous jammed choked thronged seething close bursting congested porcine adipose compact bristling athletic sinewy stalwart enlarged elongate fraught tight pullulating lousy serried thronging overpowering hearty lard-arsed jam-packed like Piccadilly Circus heaped overrun by abounding in bursting at the seams chock-full of cram-full of chock-a-block having a considerable amount of full of having a copious amount of like sardines chocker compressed populated unfurled proffered widened drawn-out unrolled conferred millions of loads of all kinds of a shedload of infinite numbers of billions of quite a few an abundance of gazillions of a multitude of a multiplicity of heaps of bazillions of a slew of quantities of a quantity of hundreds of scads of stacks of scores of a great many oodles of a swag of a bunch of zillions of a profusion of masses of beaucoup bags of dozens of tons of a great number of piles of thousands of redoubtable stretched drawn out dragged out spread unfolded strung out stretched out spun out continued buff obdurate full-blooded manly jacked well-built hunky powerfully built ripped lusty manful shredded a fair amount of more than enough


Being fully accessible and obtainable with little regard to restrictions
available public unrestricted common free-for-all free for use furnished omnipresent open prevalent provided rentable supplied ubiquitous universal appropriable free gratis between engagements communal accessible mass community mutual joint neighbourhood collective social neighborhood shared pooled conjoint cooperative united intermutual conjunct collaborative communistic combined concerted accessible to all community-based without charge open to the public free for all open-door not private for all not exclusive free to all multiple interactive general reciprocal group allied unified coordinated cumulative aggregate interdependent connected societal synergetic consolidated composite collated concentrated civil civic correlative associated related bilateral interchangeable bipartite returned reciprocated requited dependent partaken participated respective interchanged convertible give-and-take two-sided given and taken linked synergic joined assembled compiled popular broad corporate blanket grouped team synergistic symbiotic dual combining two-way hand in hand reciprocative conglomerate democratic representative multiparty conjoined planned prearranged jointly planned sociable overall cohesive amalgamated integrated agreed upon socialistic global all-embracing complete civilized leagued in partnership confederate confederated affiliated banded together merged endemic pandemic human civilised gathered undivided massed piled heaped hoarded all-inclusive across-the-board overarching coactive complementary harmonious cross-party nondiscriminatory unanimous coadjuvant participating collusive collaborating uniting collegial concurring coacting agreeing coefficient joining catholic non-restrictive unconditional unqualified non-exclusive welcoming in league hand in glove accessible to everyone one-size-fits-all


scattered discrete infrequent intermittent irregular isolated occasional sparse sporadic strewn odd erratic spasmodic periodic casual episodic rare scarce fitful discontinuous aperiodic uncommon episodical periodical random seldom semioccasional unsteady patchy spotty choppy spastic uneven unfrequent catchy unusual few limited on and off exceptional in fits and starts scanty unwonted unaccustomed few and far between scant unlikely rarefied incidental out of the common unique unheard of desultory disconnected recurrent recurring out of the ordinary seasonal on-again-off-again hit-or-miss fragmentary in bits and pieces on again and off again convulsive jerky not frequent not habitual rambling wandering uncertain spurtive twitching shaky changeable intervallic uncustomary disjointed aberrated aberrant chance abnormal atypical anomalous accidental outré fortuitous fluky contingent unpredictable scattershot unconventional surprising uncharacteristic unexpected unorthodox part-time broken cyclic punctuated on-and-off continual stop-go isochronal epochal cyclical alternate shifting checked stop-and-go iterative interrupted rhythmical arrested metrical discontinuing isochronous iterant rhythmic alternating serial scattering some not many unthinkable light unimaginable attenuated singular subtile magnificent deficient flimsy outstanding recherche subtle standout towering inconceivable tenuous strange thin remarkable preeminent attenuate extraordinary short by bits and pieces here and there every other now and then meager sometime stray meagre thin on the ground like gold dust once in a blue moon as scarce as hens' teeth


Regularly moving or wandering from place to place
ranging ambulant ambulatory errant fugitive galavanting gallivanting itinerant nomad nomadic perambulatory peregrine peripatetic roaming roving vagabond vagrant wandering wayfaring covering extensive spanning sweeping traversing on the move drifting travelling migratory traveling unsettled migrant rambling rootless floating transient mobile journeying gypsy touring migrating perambulant homeless shifting itinerate displaced discursive meandering voyaging footloose restless moving jet-setting of no fixed abode of no fixed address on the wing on the go prodigal temporary changing tramp casual migratorial seasonal immigrating immigrant migrative emigrating impermanent destitute strolling erratic globetrotting fly-by-night down and out migrational transmigratory moving around passing over passing through vagarious pastoral desultory digressive arrant idle ambling shiftless walking Gypsy hiking constantly traveling Romany afoot jaunting winding trekking rubbernecking globe-trotting gadabout riding the rails on foot landloping devious deviating planetary straying refugee straggling sauntering mendicant wayward stray aimless down-and-out fancy-free driving flying maundering digressionary digressional leaping kinetic advancing motile verbose excursive progressing in motion locomotive cruising commuting riding tzigane didicoi rangy expatriate on tour excursioning active translocating relocating unstationary disenfranchised freewheeling bustling without family ties having itchy feet without a settled home movable episodic diffusive indirect going unfixed running diffuse roundabout prolix long-winded circuitous lengthy periphrastic long wordy circumlocutory loose pleonastic waffly ambagious logorrhoeic broad spreading free musing conversational informal


(informal) Very popular or successful
big fashionable trendy chic cool stylish swanky all the rage celebrated current fly hip hot in in style in vogue popular prevalent red-hot swank trendsetting upscale up-to-date up-to-the-minute vogue a la mode all the go au courant contemporary crowd-pleasing desirable favoured favored happening legendary liked preferred sought-after wanted well-known with it a go-go chichi commercially successful du jour faddish faddy favourite favorite in demand in favour in favor in the mainstream popularised popularized successful voguish well-liked customary large modish newfangled now pop in fashion smart latest modern mod groovy up to date sharp up to the minute tony swinging kicky in thing kicking snappy swish supercool fresh exclusive bang up to date snazzy spiffy sassy funky natty swell new elegant de rigueur culty on fleek desired classy nifty hep turned-on def with-it schmick latest thing le dernier cri glamorous massive high-class high-toned approved designer flash downtown sophisticated the new last word in-thing dashing well liked rakish ultra-modern marketable welcome ritzy swagger avant-garde coveted down attractive appealing prevailing usual requested genteel state-of-the-art to die for well received à la mode passing on trend cosmopolitan impressive rage exciting gnarly cutting-edge trig posh plugged-in bang up-to-date neat must-see fab dope leading edge styleworthy big thing admired accepted glorious well loved super debonair dressy dapper flashy fancy fine polished fad chi-chi craze bling fancy-pants commercial latest fad dernier cri new look latest fashion latest wrinkle beautiful urbane sleek jazzy ostentatious pretentious steezy slick modernistic dap tasteful showy uptown saleable agreeable enviable good covetable valuable pleasant pleasing in with it well turned-out dressed to the teeth dressed to kill excellent eligible wantable looked-for sought after longed-for leading lovable prominent beloved likable notorious sought on the cutting edge in the latest style trending fave famous required merchantable vendible salable merchandisable likeable like gold dust at a premium in great demand awake savvy knowledgeable perceptive familiar versed observant knowing alive informed apprehensive conscious aware on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on switched on hep to wise to hip to in the know plush luxurious grand spruce refined upmarket sumptuous trim graceful deluxe cultivated exquisite lavish opulent suave cultured expensive handsome courtly plushy well-groomed jaunty rich ornate majestic stately glitzy dignified well-dressed lovely gorgeous formal gracious luxury charming splendid nice well turned out civil aesthetic courteous well-bred artistic gentlemanly palatial well dressed civilized esthetic as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox splashy new-fashioned lush sporty polite smooth well bred newest well mannered elaborate grandiose discerning dainty gay luxuriant prim lavishly appointed palatian civilised decorous magnificent advanced comely progressive flamboyant well groomed aristocratic costly flattering chivalrous gallant ladylike present-day clean distinguished select luscious pretty clever superior Lucullan classic ingenious fashionably dressed ultramodern stunning presentable besuited raffish casual loud snobbish extravagant novel cute well-presented dicty saucy crisp luxe new age space-age discriminating decorative choice fastidious understated couth de luxe sensitive recent swankish delicate mannerly affable sublime noble seemly restrained fetching well-designed leading-edge well-mannered perky neoteric innovatory bonny bonnie cutting edge well-turned-out smartly dressed innovative high-tech svelte brand-new in good taste futuristic clean-cut upper-class high sexy lovesome pompous glittering tidy good-looking lux par excellence five-star pert gaudy ornamental high-fashion fit for a queen well-appointed well appointed fit for a king proper groomed harmonious resplendent ornamented comfortable august colourful poised overdone stylin' confident snooty forward-looking affected superb precise creative quality becoming gentle first-class accomplished modern-day enhancing imposing aesthetically pleasing stuffy handy self-possessed obliging striking modernized imaginative worldly glossy fit bright modernised worldly-wise punctilious latter-day late marvelous spiff radical divine knockout pioneering precious la-di-da sightly princely experienced great marvellous wonderful heavenly revolutionary silken beauteous ravishing likely decent taking fair indulgent colorful Babylonian today drop-dead goodly up-market Lucullian intelligent well-tailored regal dressed to the nines trailblazing media-savvy soigné immoderate nontraditional yuppie well-favored immaculate well-heeled peacocky young finest Sunday nicest party youthful smartest high-quality coffee-table undercool wicked flippant snobby high-hat toffee-nosed potty snotty elitist persnickety streamlined fashion-conscious last-word swaggy swishy arty soigne informal breezy distinctive well-off aerodynamic flowing palace self-assured shiny ceremonious well produced with good taste wealthy-looking prosperous-looking dress respectable well put together discriminative full-dress with style haute pizzazzy pizazzy high fashion crucial particular critical honorable honourable glib timely offbeat spick and span dolled up spiffed-up devil-may-care looking sharp dressed up as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox diplomatic tactful correct spruced up nonchalant cheerful happy sprightly detached buoyant highbred preux lofty adulatory complimentary high-bred conventional studied spry snug nimble bandbox nobby doggy brisk avant airy close rigorous accurate evolved developed improved forward pinpoint spot-on higher mathematical in high feather forefront contempo concurrent coincident present present-time concomitant personable neat and tidy upper-crust affluent fitting turned out dressed up to the nines zooty highly developed SOTA balanced metropolitan bland dressed to nines dishy befitting high-minded high-brow flaunting glittery brazen moving emotional expressive fanciable ahead of its time twenty-first century haughty dazzling sensuous uncluttered simple quiet unobtrusive splendiferous pure chaste unaffected gratifying classical subdued de nos jours twenty- first century distingué hunky beautifying voluptuous comfy subtle well-chosen virile spunky well-made patronizing hollow prudish straitlaced prissy condescending confined intolerant well-behaved discreet patronising artificial priggish abundant exuberant flawless delightful supreme splendorous very nice admirable zingy exceptional perfect nice-looking robust well-formed tasty well-proportioned athletic in the lap of luxury strong pulchritudinous drop-dead gorgeous good looking garish musical pictorial rhythmical stimulating ideal dramatic picturesque enlightened embellished proud stylistic impeccable bold lurid vibrant eye-catching vivid citified jet-set blasé go-ahead inviting suitable orderly spotless adorable alluring hospitable welcoming mondaine mature erudite hi-tech privileged aloof well-born flaring noisy brash razzle-dazzle brilliant beyond price rare sprauncy plummy larney world-weary recherche stylized contemporaneous never-before-seen ground-breaking updated nouvelle newly discovered groundbreaking recently developed worldly wise been around brightly coloured brilliantly coloured florid swashbuckling top-drawer sartorial innovational inspired unprecedented strange unheard-of unconventional unfamiliar unexplored visionary experimental unknown pathbreaking original inventive far out modernist different unaccustomed way out unique out-of-the-box unhackneyed unexampled peacockish flaming camp flaky outrageous flakey bombastic gassy peachy dandy terrific quick keen superlative topflight prizewinning gone tip-top brave top top-notch capital fantabulous fantastic prize crackerjack first-rate fabulous sterling immense four-star stellar corking hype boss gilt-edge unsurpassed gangbuster banner mean sensational dynamite phat prime agile out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag topping bully awesome wizard blue-chip primo deft bang-up bumper boffo top-shelf cracking frontline righteous first-string A-OK blue-ribbon top-of-the-line gilt-edged supernal adroit apt skillful convenient skilful enjoyable number one peachy keen numero uno most recent

Antonym of so widespread

Music ♫

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