Synonym of to add fuel to fire


To make something more complex
complicate entangle confuse muddle embroil perplex embarrass complex complexify ravel sophisticate involve make difficult mix up snarl up bedevil clog combine confound convolute derange disarrange disorder elaborate fold handicap impede infold interfuse interrelate interweave intricate jumble make complex make complicated mess up mire muddy multiply obfuscate obscure screw up snafu snag tangle thwart twist upset make more difficult foul up make difficulties make waves muck up render unintelligible set hurdles make intricate open can of worms befog cloud blur garble muddy the waters becloud discombobulate befuddle fuddle make unclear confuscate distort fog disorient mystify rattle make a mess of mislead misinform render uncertain obnubilate lead astray darken muddy up ambiguate repress conceal misrepresent hide tarnish falsify fuzz color equivocate colour taint fuzz up muddy the waters of throw up smoke screen cloud the issue throw a veil over overshadow puzzle baffle bewilder flummox make obscure bemuse stump nonplus dumbfound implicate get addle throw disconcert fox bamboozle faze beat pose concern incriminate gravel exercise maze worry vex beset thicken floor buffalo wilder inculpate connect enmesh associate encumber distract stumble muck baulk stun astound perturb surprise balk discompose astonish link throw off balance catch off balance get to cause to be at a stand be all Greek to make someone scratch their head mix you up ensnare rope in draw in wrap up in stitch up get into bear on compromise


To rouse or goad into feeling or remembering something
stir stimulate arouse excite animate inspire activate provoke rouse instigate kindle move pique spark fire galvanise galvanize whet enkindle foment actuate awaken electrify encourage energise energize fan impassion inflame prod quicken raise rile thrill trigger vitalize waken bestir rally touch wake abet psych revive spook fire up rev up kick-start bring back call forth feed the fire stir up whip up work up call to mind make waves stir embers switch on incite prompt enliven goad evoke inspirit motivate spur drive engender promote induce urge spark off set off spur on vivify agitate touch off egg on generate cause impel enthuse awake intensify bring out draw forth pep up get going produce bring about wake up start give rise to invigorate precipitate fuel foster envigorate juice up liven up jazz up key up lead to turn on strengthen occasion elicit titillate increase wind up initiate exhilarate invoke push work fillip brace spike bring into being light a fire under trigger off call into being jump-start ginger up amp up zip up set going result in bring on influence irritate tempt needle sharpen create intoxicate heighten exalt pump up prime inform make run revitalize propel beget recall begin refresh call fire the enthusiasm of buoy innervate mobilize innerve commove build a fire under work into lather fire the imagination of mobilise shake up revitalise knock up crank up set in motion call up be the cause of give someone a shout put in motion intrigue enhance roil incense irk augment challenge reignite rekindle charge grill vex educe jumpstart make wild incentivize heat up compel get to activize fluster upset ruffle taunt charge up jolt spawn sway operate resuscitate madden shake hook reanimate reactivate rout trip effect grab nudge revivify reinvigorate drum up effectuate set on whomp up yield incentivise elate grow dispatch spring vivificate liven initialize catalyze breed disturb roust accelerate bring be the inspiration for bring around bring to rejuvenate breathe life into put life into brew exercise ferment put into action put up to uplift speed actify enable startle do crank suscitate buoy up fire with enthusiasm spirit up support fortify initialise dynamize start off make active take out of mothballs start up conceive sting hatch develop get up propagate muster act as a spur to act as a stimulus to give a new lease of life to perk up get one started act as a impetus to set up steam up act as a incentive to put new life in buck up gee up act as a fillip to speed up catalyse instill instil build up contribute to make for draw on bring forth give birth to translate into whet one's appetite get smoking burn up echo recreate suggest conjure bring to mind put one in mind of summon up conjure up allude to


To increase or improve in amount or value
supplement augment expand increase amplify enhance boost extend enlarge improve swell reinforce broaden strengthen widen pad enrich add fortify buttress subsidise subsidize supply top add to build up fill out step up beef up top up make greater make larger make bigger jazz up round off fill up heat up punch up eke out develop raise magnify grow intensify escalate multiply build heighten compound aggrandize inflate spread accelerate elevate advance up deepen further embellish refine mount flesh out progress perfect supersize build on ameliorate polish hype proliferate pump up jack up upgrade elaborate complement appreciate expand on better snowball wax stoke redouble aggravate hike up elaborate on rise burgeon mushroom enlarge on soup up add detail to accumulate bourgeon climb increment boom exacerbate gain lift double expatiate inflame pyramid sweeten slap on roll up expatiate on add flesh to embroider balloon consolidate help optimize exaggerate lengthen detail triple dilate distend eke annex put flesh on the bones of thicken worsen prolong parlay sharpen protract bump up teem swarm reenforce make better crank up meliorate pullulate improve on upsurge cultivate make worse mark up tack on annexe add value optimise pad out run up touch up make strides fine-tune smarten work up diversify maximize fill contribute pump upraise amass evolve fatten breadthen diffuse elongate ratchet up follow up blow up go up upscale shoot up collect jack upsize embiggen stretch surge garnish fan the flames maximise skyrocket become larger become greater add fuel to the flames add fuel to the fire give details uprise dilate on dilate upon put salt on the wound accentuate increase in size increase in scope grow greater grow larger bump amplify upon expand upon wire-draw uptick amp up turn up assist aid foster amend revamp spruce up hone take to the next level take the next step propel gain ground add value to polish up on work on endow exalt shift upward tick upward fluctuate upward spike duplicate make up uplift work out promote make headway prosper update shape up move forward straighten out make progress fast-track brush up forge ahead smarten up scale up make richer repeat hop up soar dualize replicate dupe duplify double up increase twofold multiply by two grow quickly hike piggyback turbocharge tag on rocket spiral intensate mount up rouse accrue get bigger flourish boost up thrive pick up emphasize bolster grow rapidly go through the roof emphasise puff up stimulate invigorate pile up puff out scale envigorate adjust gather increase rapidly put up rise rapidly be jacked up go through the ceiling arise mature complicate bloat jump revolutionize modernise modernize transform leap up vitalize revolutionise spin out stretch out louden concentrate revise push up overdo correct reform dramatically increase spread out hit the roof go sky-high greatly increase climb sharply fan the flames of drastically increase rise steeply rectify nurture encourage sprout stress overstate make perfect bulge fester take off get higher perk up leap hyperbolize provoke become bigger mend ascend become more numerous benefit grow louder brighten bulk pile on intumesce tumefy become better blossom come on come along continue gain strength become louder increase exponentially open send up push jump up drive forward move ahead forward come of age drive spring up proceed get larger get stronger speed up polish up ripen buck up contribute to swell up add insult to injury make matters worse compound the problem shore up go from bad to worse times feed the fire increase fourfold quadruple highlight breed hasten uprate stroke bloom propagate manifold aggregate revalue underline purify edit emend recuperate surge up well grow stronger peak expound puff give a boost enforce branch out pile bold make intricate make complex damage ferment increase in extent advertise revitalize advertize feed into brew smoulder turn the corner modify set right outspread explicate become distended grow full get to become large fuel tend smolder distort crescendo start to be get taller increase in weight rally revitalise hot up become worse prepare groom cumulate billow stack up explode temper tighten up grow in ramp up color become wider rub salt in the wound move up stock up blow out extend operations broaden one's horizons stuff luxuriate make louder make higher pour rain overrun candy vault tower escalade bulk out increase slightly illume burnish smooth goose up fetch up send through the roof bulk up retrace spin fudge become more powerful fix up transcend excel change for the better gather steam develop rapidly quicken dramatize overplay grow loud round out fatten up lighten darken whet point accent burst detonate burst forth go off colour give substance to issue fix mitigate assuage remediate redress keep burning rekindle feed stir poke add fuel to overestimate outstretch dress up set off add fuel tone up heap on take steps forward get better move on get on titivate inspirit favour advantage favor overemphasize become loud flow ensue follow pour it on prolongate make agreeable grow up be getting there cram dramatise surcharge overemphasise tighten stockpile straighten up give a facelift to give a boost to encourage the growth of give a lift to do up stoke up drive up stretch the truth make first rate turn over new leaf string out draw out make a big thing out of blow something out of all proportion get longer grow longer blow up out of all proportion drag out unfold put fuel on clean up go places move forward in leaps and bounds pull ahead get ahead be added irritate impair excite infuriate change unroll move enrage emerge alter metamorphose level up put flesh on differentiate go transmogrify head adapt shoot truck speed educe derive go forth go forward cover ground move onward press on push forward open out push ahead push on march on adapt yourself work one's way press forward to make matters worse egg on rub salt in a wound rub salt in the wounds

Antonym of to add fuel to fire

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