Synonym of to ginger


The pungent aromatic rhizome of a tropical Asian herb


A light reddish-yellow or orange-brown color


(colloquial) Vitality, vigor or liveliness
energy dash gusto pep punch verve vigor vigour vim vitality zip brio life animation ardour ardor drive dynamism enthusiasm fire force zing go oomph bounce esprit hardihood juice moxie sap snap beans gas starch vinegar boldness enterprise grit heart get-up-and-go spirit liveliness zest vivacity zeal exuberance sparkle pizzazz pzazz push spiritedness passion forcefulness effervescence strength elan welly fervour initiative fizz birr feistiness intensity fervor panache stamina eagerness ebullience buoyancy vivaciousness power potency activity sprightliness high spirits vehemence spark steam endurance gumption bang relish tuck kick élan keenness effectiveness zestfulness might perkiness vibrancy determination spunk avidity joy appetite vigorousness excitement ambition pluck motivation virility fieriness fortitude exertion aggressiveness high-spiritedness radiance vim and vigour pleasure bite enjoyment love delight muscle flamboyance flair pepper activeness dedication exhilaration doggedness tenacity commitment single-mindedness hustle aggression will power toughness efficiency efficacy application stuff guts clout momentum bean impact cogency point perseverance action fanaticism feeling backbone influence mettle intrepidness validity punchiness validness resilience powerfulness great enthusiasm spring spontaneity resources operativeness zap balls robustness fire in belly right stuff motive impellent self-motivation what it takes impetus lustiness cheerfulness happiness venturesomeness audacity being bloom buoyance pulse jollity go-getting have-a-go attitude merriment cheeriness optimism impetuosity fervency heat bound bob joie de vivre light light-heartedness scintillation splendour lustre passionateness creativity ardency virtuosity warmth imagination violence emotion fervidness intenseness inspiration inventiveness stylishness style heartiness luster flourish confidence burning passion white heat splendor calenture red heat éclat impressiveness self-assurance earnestness vibrance gaiety fierceness resolve resolution courage briskness ferocity peppiness steadfastness jazziness staunchness puissance staying power bounciness indefatigability nerve dauntlessness jauntiness fury gameness assertiveness strength of character willpower devotion urgency sinew bravery horsepower thrust intrepidity capability readiness vividness purposefulness purpose courageousness brilliance impulse jazz pertness zealousness chirpiness severity daring will effort humor resoluteness velocity humour intentness constancy speed life force firmness potence firepower joyfulness ability hardiness fever brightness frenzy braveness pluckiness weight tension psyche valour valor spryness sincerity ecstasy character intestinal fortitude spin propulsion irrepressibility resourcefulness conviction desire breath vital spark stimulus self-confidence rapture resource depth gutsiness interest quality persistence assiduity obstinacy wholeheartedness pertinacity pertinaciousness tenaciousness ambitiousness assurance indomitability determinedness relentlessness perseveration strong-mindedness colour hunger forward spin friskiness strain color ferociousness fearlessness ferment driving force resistance get up and go thew stick-to-itiveness quickness tirelessness impulsion motion stout-heartedness Dunkirk spirit firmness of purpose weightiness boisterousness avidness temper essence tenor morale outlook air disposition temperament stoutheartedness mood complexion substance stick-to-it-iveness agility pressure movement ingenuity topspin legs tolerance elation vehemency aspiration turbulence breeziness frame of mind emphasis savagery tempestuousness leadership imaginativeness talent soul committedness cleverness stress alacrity airiness decision emotionalism wildness decidedness peartness devotedness spine stubbornness adventurousness motive force impelling force flare-up asperity acrimony rampancy sore acerbity storm stew rise rabidity conniption sportiveness driving power incentive smartness bustle empressement bottle potential dazzle willingness excess concentration merriness magnitude strength of mind sentiment extremity obduracy playfulness hot-bloodedness obdurateness inflexibility decisiveness power of endurance richness persuasiveness gallantry physical energy cheer thewiness pith capacity jolliness satisfaction granite affection fun moral fibre intension lust thirst sharpness moral fiber sunniness quick-wittedness mirth delirium stickability strength of will vengeance affectivity native wit distraction sense of purpose blithesomeness lightheartedness blitheness bulldog spirit fixity of purpose virtue keen interest cojones slow burn boiling point strong emotion display desperation aim self-assertion assertion self-assertiveness devoutness mana sassiness good cheer good humour level degree pizazz pace fire in the belly adventure ostentation exhibitionism youthfulness beef wits stoicism nimbleness fascination dexterity intent delectation swagger gayness abandon litheness forcibleness tittup lilt bliss toleration sturdiness manfulness bravura hustle and bustle toughness of spirit vociferousness furiousness steel glitz glimmer show continuing motion authority conclusiveness convincingness suasiveness persuasion insistence forthrightness outspokenness joviality joyousness coolness spunkiness stir immovability flamboyant confidence striving originality purposiveness joys of spring actuation desirousness efficacity volatility excitedness exuberancy brawn snappiness elan vital grievousness seriousness ingeniousness genius fixed purpose impatience doughtiness cool-headedness self-possession Sitzfleisch charisma elegance caliber calibre makeup gladsomeness fiber grittiness propelling force surge emulation yearning hankering itch longing glow flare flame spriteliness nervous spirits frolicsomeness intuition intelligence shrewdness cunning perceptiveness wit eloquence entrepreneurial spirit a sense of purpose molliness juggernaut creativeness wisdom brains knack alertness ballsiness brawniness brute force grunt physical ability rampage uproar feverishness agitation furore flap furor rage hysteria deliriousness love of life greatheartedness prowess daringness heroism pecker stoutness authoritativeness performance innovativeness mobility inclination forespin fondness motive power forward motion full head of steam existence mightiness sand being full of the joys of spring ferity pitch acceleration athleticism muscularity grandeur greatness functioning bravado stomach extreme taste sharp-wittedness yen self-reliance spirit of adventure mauri lifeblood animal spirits acuteness volume anxiety deepness nervousness tenseness motility stimulant provocation encouragement yeast spur boost instigation incitation incitement goad wind fitness brass balls chutzpah fibre high pitch mania go-forward conditioning movability militancy diligence dispatch what-it-takes suppleness flexibility vital force draft trouble draught brunt sock shot in the arm amusement freedom of movement pow arm subjection irateness bodily process body process bodily function thrill glee entertainment play foolery blast buffoonery festivity wantonness silliness foolishness jocundity knavery tomfoolery clowning funniness facetiousness jocosity felicity gamboling romping joking festiveness comedy laughter nonsense ball rejoicing revelry gladness hilarity gambolling jocularity roguishness gleefulness waggery riot solace treat jocoseness grins good time humorousness gambol levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness living it up mirthfulness rascality dogmatism certitude certainty stiff upper lip sitzfleisch


Of a bright orange or red colour
flaming bright brilliant vivid flamboyant red blazing crimson dazzling glowing reddish-orange scarlet luminous resplendent radiant shining rich colourful colorful lustrous beaming incandescent refulgent shiny vibrant lambent flashy lurid gaudy showy splendid splashy loud jazzy intense bedazzling clear glittering sheeny candescent strong irradiant striking garish gleaming warm bold glossy gay eye-catching fluorescent lucid effulgent exciting glamorous deep ostentatious glitzy psychedelic luminescent glaring kaleidoscopic glistering swank sparkling ablaze florid swashbuckling peacockish camp pretentious outrageous deep-coloured luxuriant sporty luscious chichi bright-coloured highly-coloured highly colored glorious transcendent full visual dramatic whimsical theatrical elaborate convivial extravagant merry baroque dashing ornate rococo fun scintillating swanky noisy flaring razzle-dazzle brash stylish brightly coloured brilliantly coloured bling flakey bombastic gassy flaky lucent fulgent Day-Glo conspicuous flash vulgar ritzy tawdry tasteless fancy meretricious kitsch overdone tinsel snazzy obtrusive noticeable brazen arresting bling-bling tacky prominent affected flaunting pronounced remarkable emphatic grabby tinselly classy catchy over the top over-elaborate marked fancy-pants commanding pompous OTT bodacious kenspeckle sumptuous trashy luxurious naff tony glittery cheap spectacular screaming chintzy crass grandiose sensational peacocky opulent expensive jaunty overwrought histrionic exaggerated brassy elegant splendiferous actorly brummagem nifty raffish blatant smart over-bright fussy superfly multicoloured trendy deluxe plush dicty posh gimcrack artificial multicolored mannered crude pizazzy pizzazzy harsh Brummagem swish sharp gorgeous overripe snappy in bad taste cheap and nasty spiffy startling beautiful flowery flaunted melodramatic decorated busy plastic embellished fashionable high-class stagy specious grand gross imposing many-coloured impressive lavish splurgy exhibitionistic hammy catchpenny common graphic stilted unreal brave actressy overacted outstanding violent plushy lively uptown natty superficial stunning obvious animated attractive nauseating bilious distasteful unattractive unusual forced stagey sickly rakish sophisticated manifest ham campy kitschy wild attention-grabbing sassy staged unnatural comic looking like an explosion in a paint factory over-the-top like an explosion in a paint factory upmarket casual informal dark sham festooned tatty pinchbeck unrefined corinthian swankish exclusive with-it daring saucy audacious adventurous unspeakable shameless saturated distinct nasty low orotund turgid tumid declamatory imaginative stimulating effective interesting cheapjack cheap-jack rubbishy paltry salient high-flown schmick vain vaunting boastful egotistic shocking daredevil defiant arty-farty gingerbread well marked forceful evident definite plain shabby shoddy junky worthless richly coloured fresh curlicued bedizened overdecorated gingerbready gingerbreaded titillating poor sleazy dirty offensive twopenny-halfpenny pizzazz frou-frou coarse overelaborate wedding-cake barnstorming pzazz trumpery common as muck gussied up ceremonious very elaborate putting on the ritz large motley variegated in poor taste emotional legitimate acting show amateur tragic schmaltzy dramaturgic vaudeville multicolour rainbow-like many-hued varicoloured prismatic polychromatic harlequin rainbow magnificent intricate Day-glo multicolor decorative superb breathtaking ornamental ornamented costly posturing lovely adorned theatric farcical awesome astounding awe-inspiring amazing surprising staggering spruce debonair majestic noble regal palatial stately proud trim modish swinging astonishing notable distinctive extraordinary incredible phenomenal noteworthy engaging expressive fine chic fly dapper kicky groovy kicking cool select quality towering extreme superior devilish rare captivating uncommon Daliesque handsome princely kingly trig dressy voguish upscale swagger with it now slick prime fanciful special imperial royal heroic august splendorous splendrous heroical monumental magnific epic massive splendacious gallant baronial on fleek froufrou frilly fancible custom beautifying cushy highfalutin camped up magnolious palatian as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox in vogue dressed to kill far out solid gold magnifico Homeric high-quality can't miss it out of the ordinary

Antonym of to ginger

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