Synonym of to jolly


Happy and cheerful in mood or atmosphere
merry cheerful happy gay sunny cheery joyful jovial upbeat vivacious buoyant blithe glad exuberant bright chirpy bubbly joyous mirthful gleeful peppy jaunty effervescent carefree ebullient jocund sprightly sparkling frolicsome blithesome chipper breezy airy perky bouncy gladsome sparky laughing genial zippy lighthearted playful optimistic jubilant untroubled radiant grinning convivial smiling peart jocular positive smiley sportive hopeful unworried jocose zingy hilarious entertaining funny fun ludic larking perk jokey joshing Pickwickian daffy friendly light-hearted happy-go-lucky in high spirits fun-loving good-humoured cock-a-hoop good-humored in good spirits bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring full of vim and vigour without a care in the world of good cheer as merry as a grig lots of laughs lively festive animated high-spirited spirited elated full of beans content amusing pleasant humorous contented frisky rollicking winsome enjoyable gamesome zestful facetious euphoric full of life snappy ecstatic energetic vibrant active bright and breezy lightsome eupeptic canty witty frolic festal comical comic pleased blissful vital exultant exhilarated delighted uproarious frivolous diverting overjoyed light hearty roguish full of hope chucklesome gratified beaming mischievous thrilled impish whimsical enthusiastic crank zesty droll delightful over the moon on top of the world full of fun social clubby bouncing prankish brisk tickled dynamic jumping rocking kittenish up irrepressible pert pizazzy pizzazzy boon pleasurable vigorous jazzy high flip zappy mettlesome wonderful fantastic excited boisterous pleasing cheering on cloud nine laughable coltish jesting joking as lively as a grig satisfied puckish skittish grooving animate partyish springy kinetic waggish rapturous chuffed flippant wrapped tongue-in-cheek blessed happening abuzz antic elfish larky fay sportful racy thankful heartwarming wanton spanking good devilish humming buzzing frolicky easy-going brash debonair heartening exciting bantering stoked welcome rosy rascally sanguine amused beside oneself with joy bubbling welcoming teasing cordial scintillating fresh ludicrous camp campy risible celebratory fun-filled spry swinging holiday insouciant party vivid rejoicing enlivening cheerly easy lusty glib triumphant peaceful go-go sparkly orgasmic gladdening alert riotous blest captivated intoxicated wick saturnalian tricksy bold scampish leprechaunish knavish wild free and easy elvish tickled pink flying high can't complain looking good walking on air beatific agreeable gratifying satisfying rapt enraptured rip-roaring good-natured on cloud seven in fun in jest as happy as a clam espiègle as happy as a sandboy magical at ease full of pep floating on air heart-warming laughter-filled companionable sociable conversible hospitable flamboyant bonny slaphappy gregarious gladdened invigorating unconstrained mad exalted smug gloating warm arch lightweight keen bucked loony nutty chaffing jollying dizzy easygoing unthinking amiable outgoing benign saucy sassy relaxed pixieish pixie sly wicked pixy roseate transported popping effusive frothy agitated gushing flipping flying envigorating confident bullish aware affable sunbeamy daring dashing off-the-wall stirring clowning in fine fettle recreative poised composed pacific possessed commodious providential sober measured collected expansive supple elastic invigorated resilient frolicking romping capering clever smart warming uplifting har-har ridiculous absurd gelastic rich scream nonsensical riot unusual derisive eccentric asinine mocking derisory inane bizarre farcical preposterous doing handsprings naughty larkish elevated mellow glowing spunky excitable trivial trifling encouraging laid back game rhapsodic paradisiacal well paradisal rhapsodical paradisaical paradisaic entranced paradisiac rousing fulfilled enchanted alive and kicking gallant sunny side up glass half full flakey wacky crazy boffo silly flaky joculous comfortable entertained full of zip carnival recreational dry Christmassy gala feeling one's oats full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre Panglossian backslapping decorated carnivalesque feastly feastful hushed unflustered sedate unperturbed unruffled feel-good as pleased as Punch in a good mood in seventh heaven tickled to death starry-eyed blissed out rose-colored on a high as happy as Larry jumping for joy like a dog with two tails soul-stirring for grins gagged up sporty unserious flighty back-slapping good-time trim natty venturesome juiced up spruce showy grand charming engaging at peace self-possessed splendid heavenly lovely magnificent marvellous marvelous fabulous glorious great assured encouraged expectant quick idealistic trusting disposed to look on the bright side promising keeping the faith looking on the bright side eager can-do strong hoping fiery alive flourishing thriving forceful bustling casual nonchalant passionate auspicious unconcerned propitious ardent swashbuckling indifferent heedless hardy utopian go-getting striking powerful nimble emboldened sure certain enterprising cocksure doubtless busy astir congenial approachable calm secure Pollyannaish hopping obliging neighborly complaisant sympathetic neighbourly abubble aboil fit looking through rose-colored glasses pally comradely chummy athletic gingery forcible buoyed up agile matey extroverted extrovert in good condition industrious hyper mild lenient always expecting the best well disposed easy to get along with company-loving hail-fellow-well-met good-tempered buddy-buddy spritely tumultuous turnt golden storming willful unruly fervent likely fair youthful proud exulting impassioned heated crowing expressive zealous glorying prideful implicit clear refreshing comforting reassuring dramatic vitalized energized activated energised bubbling over believing determined without a care uncaring sexy stimulating ridibund self-assured undoubtful self-confident redeeming stylish awake proactive ostentatious theatrical dazzling exhilarating heady unconsidered in good heart unmarred inclined to look through rose-coloured spectacles disposed to take a favourable view seen through rose-coloured spectacles insubstantial adventurous extravagant rakish barnstorming distinctive piquant poignant tart sharp peppery tasty tangy pungent devil-may-care going strong still going strong fancy-pants romantic plucky attractive raffish anticipative adventuresome audacious swish venturous free-swinging intrepid elegant nerved nervy gutsy anticipating trustful urbane dapper equanimous equable serene robust reassured inspirited unflagging anticipant expecting apathetic lacking concern pococurante disinterested insensible incurious uncurious complacent perfunctory uninterested healthy fearless exclusive swank cool over the top thoughtless careless over the top OTT sturdy free from worry free from care looking forward to strapping tough fine able-bodied blooming lithe red-blooded in good health hale strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter intense tireless strong as an ox indefatigable strong as an horse sound in tip-top condition in good shape hale and hearty virile feisty flush limber light-footed graceful persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit take-charge driving effective efficient hard-driving dexterous deft full of vim raring to go in the pink willowy acrobatic fit as a fiddle full of energy ball of fire fleet swift nippy lissom featly light-foot quick-moving lissome gracile nimble-footed feline fleet-footed lithesome twinkle-toed dextrous spright winged prompt quick-thinking mercurial quick on the draw twinkle toes rapid clear-headed easy-moving quick on the trigger ready responsive


Full of life, spirit, energy, or movement


Full of enthusiasm or eagerness
enthusiastic ardent eager passionate spirited avid zealous animated ebullient lively impassioned exuberant energetic emphatic effusive unreserved profound hearty uninhibited cheery gushing unrestrained deep-felt intense vivacious dynamic deep devout loud affable jovial generous cheerful deepest backslapping responsive amiable vigorous profuse abiding honest welcoming full frank gay glad warm-hearted deep-rooted back-slapping good natured peppy zippy sparky full of life active vital sprightly effervescent zestful sparkling fiery vibrant bouncy jaunty high-spirited full of beans forceful perky bubbly brisk airy kinetic chirpy animate snappy pert racy springy frisky bouncing pizazzy jazzy spanking pizzazzy zappy go-go zingy full of vim and vigour excited buoyant powerful driving bold alive potent flamboyant vivid high-powered breezy zesty robust feisty chipper elated lusty spunky tireless vehement indefatigable gingery peart full-blooded high-octane ballsy gutsy red-blooded have-a-go bright and breezy alive and kicking full of get-up-and-go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed forcible gritty valiant peppery barnstorming rocking irrepressible hot bright sharp hyper jumping burning magnetic electric go-getting aggressive go-ahead effective strong effectual enterprising positive exhilarated sunny pushing euphoric frolicsome flush assertive joyful jubilant merry frolic boisterous upbeat gladsome brash exultant charismatic self-motivated influential highpowered play for keeps compelling play hard ball coming on strong energizing hyped-up activating energising go-getter productive vitalizing blithesome gamesome blithe smiley of good cheer as merry as a grig crank feeling one's oats turnt in high spirits light-hearted exciting flourishing electrifying dashing dazzling bustling humming happening stirring colourful virile buzzing rousing colorful hopping astir fresh abuzz determined spry coruscating stimulating thriving busy unflagging resounding punchy untiring vibrating radiant full of the joys of spring hard-hitting full of pep all-out abubble aboil full of spirit fervent quick heated mettlesome energised alert happy vitalized energized activated


Pleasing to the mind or senses
pleasant delightful pleasing agreeable enjoyable pleasurable nice gratifying satisfying good congenial welcome heavenly delectable felicitous sweet delightsome delicious pretty dreamy grateful blessed luscious dulcet blest darling savory palatable savoury tasty lovely entertaining charming wonderful fine great acceptable favorable refreshing favourable glorious splendid magnificent amusing engaging divine rewarding marvellous enchanting exquisite fun marvelous peachy captivating beautiful fabulous terrific cheering brilliant thrilling genial to one's liking likable appealing winning magical sublime grand fantastic heartening magic rapturous diverting cheery pleasureful fascinating attractive swell cordial neat likeable choice to one's taste fine and dandy adorable fulfilling desirable blissful amazing encouraging fair appreciated propitious opportune satisfactory joyous sensational rare timely cheerful happy heartwarming superb exhilarating dandy mooi lekker comforting to your liking exciting fab super lush smashing brill ducky cool heaven-sent beaut ripping cracking corking spiffing champion capital much needed topping wizard bonzer beezer frabjous groovy alluring supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gladly received top-hole out of this world tasteful titillating snug welcoming relaxing sapid replayable soothing silvery promising soft golden wanted valuable sensual constructive extremely pleasant extremely enjoyable copacetic beneficial easy to take spiffy convivial balmy desired contenting long-awaited longed-for inviting amiable hunky-dory consoling jovial irie commendable fetching bonny recreative euphoric couthy comfortable intoxicating relishable perfect gladdening restful renewing restorative solacing rejuvenating restoring ravishing ambrosial scrumptious ineffable yummy very pleasurable very attractive very agreeable greatly to one's liking very pleasant fortunate lucky providential advantageous auspicious convenient seasonable fortuitous well-timed fitting fit appropriate suitable enviable worthy helpful merciful flukey fluky excellent benign serendipitous expedient profitable right kindly reassuring positive well timed sought-after coveted apt prosperous useful favoured favored calming in demand thankful benefic friendly beneficent salutary benignant handy healthful wholesome flattering toward to-die-for gainful fruitful bright jammy rosy full of promise born with a silver spoon in your mouth well-off proper befitting like gold dust meet ripe seemly correct applicable fitted decent compatible congruous decorous supportive usual conforming becoming popular comme il faut in keeping predictable timeous apropos pertinent towardly relevant expected seasonal exceptional liked covetable sympathetic approved hot preferred eligible fashionable wantable big requested celebrated understanding nurturing affirmative uplifting inspiring inspiriting looked-for all the rage in favor sought after to die for well-liked all the go in favour in vogue crowd-pleasing well received well liked compassionate sensitive feeling caring enthusiastic warm empathetic appropriate to the time of year normal for the time of year stunning mild gorgeous elegant tempting lovesome flashy affable glamorous photogenic precious sound seductive presentable sunny hunky clear protective benevolent concerned stimulating appreciative boosting approving affectionate kind responsive resplendent A1 rad prime dollish glossy dainty honourable snazzy ace flamboyant comely knockout taking aesthetic pulchritudinous statuesque well-favored foxy showstopping OK honorable cunning reputable drop-dead cute splashy eye-catching good-looking sterling beauteous admirable zingy superior delicate slick boss glamourous spanking hospitable showy sightly arresting in order dishy radiant prettyish relief unspoilt not bad glad paradisiacal super-eminent passable shipshape first-class select telegenic super-excellent paradisal stupendous paradisaical paradisaic elating splendorous deluxe copasetic first-rate paradisiac gnarly ecstatic recherche esthetic


Showing enthusiasm or displaying positive energy about something
excited enthusiastic eager buoyant delighted desirous elated jovial joyful joyous thrilled ecstatic encouraged engaged enlivened enraptured enthused euphoric excitable exhilarated glad great interested motivated overjoyed rhapsodic stoked willing craving electrified exuberant exultant gung ho happy inclined inspired roused agog ambitious amenable animated appetent athirst avid awakened bursting disposed elevated giddy hungry hung up impatient intoxicated keen longing on cloud nine peppy pining piqued restive solicitous sparky thirsty tickled tickled pink covetous full of beans geeked greedy hankering hepped up hopped-up alive blissful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed jubilant moved tumultuous aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop ardent pumped wild crazy raring voracious anxious antsy nuts juiced hot passionate lively aroused fervent rapturous stimulated spirited over the moon ebullient zealous energetic rapt high-spirited vivacious champing at the bit zestful yearning gleeful high transported itching keyed up cheerful fired up chomping at the bit entranced impassioned gay merry in seventh heaven ready bouncy dying pleased enrapt intent heady stirred fanatical bubbly vehement delirious rhapsodical chirpy keen as mustard effervescent psyched wholehearted on a high sunny sparkling in raptures frenzied in high spirits dynamic jaunty blissed out desiring peart breathless dedicated vigorous sprightly hysterical cheery walking on air ready and willing fervid upbeat jumping for joy exalted zingy zippy raring to go full of life crank aching frolicsome carried away mad keen breezy worked up devoted earnest wigged out charged as keen as mustard irrepressible triumphant light-hearted chipper in transports of delight corybantic active on top of the world sent psyched up frolic gamesome hopeful committed on cloud seven gagging intense vibrant atingle animate perky afire vital beside oneself with happiness energized feverish wrapped expectant airy blithe blithesome bright nutty gratified turned on chuffed energised juiced up on tenterhooks driven bright and breezy on fire wild with excitement wishing mad heated determined waiting with bated breath hot to trot rarin' to go full of vim and vigour proud titillated in a frenzy of delight gladsome assiduous thirsting fiery enchanted uplifted flying activated diligent smiley inspirited gloating emotional wishful itchy galvanized in a frenzy hearty wacky brash lighthearted in suspense zesty mettlesome of good cheer pert game galvanised alive and kicking restless stirred up turned-on captivated full of fun delirious with happiness as merry as a grig perfervid industrious on pins and needles desirous of dying to rejoicing conscientious warmblooded bubbling curious exulting passional potty scintillating cheered crowing rabid glorying forceful vivid frantic happy-go-lucky carefree daft touched prideful overexcited alert flipping desperate zappy flushed prepared boisterous grasping warm brisk mirthful acquisitive floating triumphalist satisfied intent on hoping red-hot influenced itching for turnt dying for up insatiable puffed up obsessed pumped up pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic jazzy racy spanking pizzazzy concerned all agog frisky amused gone on geared up on edge agitated ravenous hilarious astounded cranked up flying high rapacious feeling one's oats dashing in heaven hopped up with bated breath pleased as punch as pleased as Punch on the edge of your seat in a hurry hankering after amped-up accelerated fierce possessed approving aglow ablaze fired hyper edgy triumphal started enthralled contented celebrating lusty overwhelmed overpowered raving uproarious tingling tingly amped inflamed blazing fun-loving open-mouthed avaricious untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained chafing straining exhilarative filled with joy impetuous restored refreshed revitalized daring dotty nutso infatuated with devoted to enamoured of hot for smitten with dizzy burning awestruck amazed bold lusting jocose laughing jocund jocular festive distraught distrait hysteric distracted cottonmouthed juiceless sapless very excited full of the joys of spring set ripe in paradise in rhapsodies all a-gog infatuated doing handsprings beatific gotta have aggressive proactive bullish banzai revitalised habitual unreluctant diehard ravished fain fascinated content orgasmic Corybantic smug boon self-driven set on bent on spunky jumping up and down bone-dry straining at the leash thunderstruck flabbergasted grateful flattered privileged tantalized unqualified in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on minded consumed with desire playful absorbed affected quickened self-starting swaggering partial to crazy for wild for tantalised bugged gaga gallant drunk overwrought kooky zany boastful dreamy dry as dust coltish take-charge can-do athrill extremely enthusiastic full of enthusiasm revelling favourably inclined victorious reveling up for on for in the mood of a mind pysched up honoured honored charmed beside yourself riled up extremely happy chafing at the bit romping sportive skittish beside oneself with joy floating on air ludic rollicking kittenish frolicky in transports gladdened diverted entertained tickled to death in exaltation thankful wanton effusive very happy enchanté fulfilled frothy gushing jumpy wicked larkish prankish full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre def in trendy groovy now mod hep downtown with-it cool hip made up as happy as a clam very pleased pleasantly surprised as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy like a dog with two tails quick gluttonous predatious piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish unfilled edacious hoggish ravening esurient insatiate transfixed anticipatory go-go with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of waiting expecting vitalized wigged-out awaiting anticipating agape anticipant au courant watchful apprehensive anticipative vigilant looking for waiting on wanting lustful envious prehensile amorous aspiring longing for hoping for keen on anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for looking good aspiring to ready for willing for avid for hopeful for aspiring towards keen for greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for set up


To a great or extreme degree
extremely really exceedingly very particularly terribly immensely awfully seriously highly uncommonly especially extra hugely vastly enormously greatly majorly eminently most supremely mightily so frightfully mighty severely desperately real intensely awful incredibly right stinking way surpassingly super too wildly heavily fantastically exceptionally blisteringly colossally specially exceeding fiercely fabulously sorely achingly almighty dang much filthy remarkably unco roaringly tremendously far extraordinarily that thumping badly ever deadly full decidedly vitally archly cracking beastly corking bone mortally thoroughly whacking unusually spanking roaring rattling wicked truly sore passing monstrous distinctly ultra well terrifically mega singularly inordinately excessively such dead outstandingly devilishly mucho significantly devilish plumb madly bloody powerful abundantly fair hellish darned lekker overly dirty over mad oh-so ever so too-too to a great extent all that markedly quite dreadfully profoundly a lot fearfully utterly good and as all get-out notably positively very much acutely totally strikingly downright deeply heartily absolutely completely perfectly amazingly signally considerably entirely uniquely staggeringly painfully noticeably conspicuously surprisingly to the nth degree superlatively wholly largely monumentally extensively astronomically monstrously peculiarly in the extreme prodigiously fully strongly stupendously to a fault altogether simply astonishingly wonderfully clearly immoderately substantially appreciably to a great degree passionately indeed massively sizably broadly emphatically to the core dearly big-time thrice keenly obviously gravely positive vehemently hard materially exorbitantly drastically prominently très screamingly one hundred per cent powerfully stonking socking flaming confoundedly blasted blooming thundering dashed spectacularly enough manifestly unduly unreasonably certainly critically soundly exactly immeasurably sharply easily incomparably unequivocally sincerely intently sure ridiculously all to strangely hopelessly abjectly distressingly chronically by far suitably surely in every way in every respect by a great amount by a great deal irretrievably by a mile in all respects to the hilt by much rather dramatically by a long way a hundred per cent every inch unnecessarily unconscionably outrageously hysterically over- horribly disturbingly pretty beyond too … for words preeminently plenty all over obscenely discernibly through and through palpably visibly to too great an extent too much in excess to too great an degree like mad radically by leaps and bounds in a marked degree par excellence like crazy infinitely uber on a grand scale from the bottom of your heart distressfully heartbrokenly phenomenally astoundingly disgustingly sufficiently abominably revoltingly exclusively impressively carelessly darn unhappily discouragingly unfortunately notoriously unbelievably unwontedly alarmingly somewhat verily actually forsooth admittedly frankly honestly truthfully really bad exaggeratedly plentifully marvelously marvellously … enough abnormally uncustomarily oddly unaccountably curiously undoubtedly veritably certifiably patently reputably matchlessly solemnly Esp fast wide entire even out flat clean firmly principally hellishly undeniably unquestionably expressly sadly pre-eminently tall in the saddle in specie grievously grimly feelingly earnestly indisputably definitely unmistakably fatally before all else lots movingly affectingly all of mournfully genuinely assuredly legitimately no end extremely badly a fair amount by half a great deal very badly as all get out decisively to the heart to the quick determinedly flat-out no mistake no catch in spades straight out of course no strings attached no holds barred for a fact no ifs ands or buts by all means bizarrely rarely atypically weirdly queerly anomalously aberrantly unconventionally eccentrically freakishly outlandishly irregularly unfamiliarly unorthodoxly differently funnily quirkily unexpectedly quaintly unnaturally novelly preternaturally idiosyncratically untypically unaccustomedly freakily originally noteworthily unprecedentedly wackily erratically kinkily uncannily kookily crazily rumly exotically distinctively funkily inconceivably crankily whackily queerishly newly mysteriously puzzlingly mystifyingly zanily freshly divergently individually uncharacteristically sensationally perplexingly incongruously unimaginably unthinkably bafflingly unknownly stunningly alternatively isolatedly whimsically awesomely characteristically foreignly alienly inexplicably memorably revolutionarily dubiously breathtakingly pronouncedly miraculously deviously aberrationally flakily wondrously momentously suspiciously brilliantly pioneeringly spookily nonstandardly groundbreakingly questionably absurdly startlingly incomprehensibly preposterously diagnostically scarcely mind-blowingly mind-bogglingly daggily innovatively perversely distinguishedly creatively infrequently fancifully unreally jarringly superiorly sizeably quizzically inventively implausibly distinguishingly improbably modernly imaginatively ingeniously importantly surreally individualistically doubtfully experimentally saliently ludicrously fishily unforgettably pervertedly classically interestingly heterodoxly nuttily capriciously observably specifically glaringly nonsensically creepily inimitably obscurely anomalistically neoterically insanely contemporarily typically incalculably grandly magnificently by a considerable amount imposingly impossibly showily consequentially progressively famously dazzlingly unconvincingly futuristically evidently twistedly discriminatingly bodaciously commandingly catchily flamboyantly noisily splashily boldly symptomatically extravagantly stellarly attractively jaw-droppingly heretically originatively disruptively newsworthily forcefully sporadically refreshingly suspectly modernistically overwhelmingly portentously irrationally seldomly coolly cockeyedly soly loads heaps solitarily tons indescribably singly oodles wholesale overmuch tonnes a good deal a ton grotesquely all in all to beat the band waywardly engagingly finely bewilderingly properly digressively personally nobly intriguingly perceptibly informally incredulously comically uncompellingly fundamentally inconsistently unconceivably unrealistically inscrutably peerlessly nameably onely disquietingly unlikely disparately supernaturally contrarily arcanely wanderingly beautifully latestly unceremoniously grandiosely flukily crucially hotly esoterically unpredictably dubitably limitedly dottily meaningfully recently egregiously electrifyingly disputably debatably foolishly problematically eventfully capitally improperly rummily unknowably flimsily unanticipatedly toweringly untraditionally occasionally reconditely remotely gloriously shockingly crazy crackingly disproportionately prohibitively violently dissimilarly deathly illogically paradoxically fairly tidily reasonably unexplainably sickly battily illustriously sublimely alternately measurably detectably unsettlingly alonely awkwardly discretely thrillingly ramblingly unfathomably shadily pervily supernormally subnormally prestigiously otherly unhealthily pointedly defectively disconcertingly shakily equivocally dodgily cleverly insolubly impenetrably renownedly excitingly anarchistically on a large scale in great measure supercalifragilisticexpialidociously gorgeously captivatingly readily bigly uncommon marginally insupportably artfully corruptly skittishly magically touchingly dementedly unharmoniously errantly discordantly mentally transformationally superly utmostly ideally randomly dissidently iconoclastically so much brightly upsettingly confusingly unannouncedly discomfitingly enigmatically abstrusely variationally devicefully unsuitably inappropriately illegally redoubtably unforeseeably fortuitously precisely separately luminously sort of weightily heftily unconstrainedly unfetteredly anarchically schismatically representatively astrally independently unintelligibly mystically majestically delightfully admirably historically resonantly fatefully burningly generously pivotally urgently conclusively pressingly earthshakingly quantumly potently preponderantly impactfully cardinally essentially privately goldenly farcically hyperbolically laughably forcibly ineffably unutterably unspeakably visionarily unrelatedly loftily cogently fascinatingly charmingly tellingly compellingly jazzily funny primely inspiredly inspiringly scatteredly subtly shortly scantily thinly subtilely semioccasionally unfrequently sparsely lightly tenuously deficiently nondescriptly artistically seminally excellently direly harshly uncompromisingly strictly unbendingly sternly toughly zealously unrelentingly unyieldingly unmitigatedly remorselessly rigidly nicely exquisitely punishingly steeply fanatically punitively stiffly draconianly austerely rigorously daintily superbly unseemlily flagrantly downrightly grossly oppressively ferociously baroquely unmercifully intemperately sterlingly splendidly popularly heavenlily optimally preferentially unsurpassedly fantabulously lovelily groovily plethorically swingeingly imprudently lavishly overweeningly sheerly fancily intolerably preciously corkingly neatly dandily meanly righteously slickly niftily elegantly bonnily divinely peachily defly choicely favouredly valuably supernally


To encourage (someone) in a friendly way
cajole coax encourage urge persuade wheedle induce inveigle influence entice lure tempt beguile seduce blarney blandish woo decoy palaver manoeuvre maneuver oil snow banter soap get next to get round work over get around talk into work on sweeten up soft-soap sweet-talk argue into prevail on convince sway win over get prevail upon charm allure draw move convert coerce bring around press bring round flatter incite impel prompt hook butter up pressure bring make reason talk round incline sell compel impress pressurize brainwash pressurise con invite motivate instigate solicit twist someone's arm twist one's arm sell one on drive smooth-talk suck in rope in deceive worm finagle get somebody on your side coax into dispose cause trick importune bait argue betray provoke attract steer dragoon force stimulate put across browbeat lead on lead bulldoze dupe manipulate ensnare ingratiate talk wangle bribe barter jockey prod entrap counsel trap mousetrap push captivate satisfy plague goad gain intimidate steamroller pull inspire lean on railroad turn exhort bring pressure to bear on advise arm-twist oblige trigger actuate harass constrain activate soften up sweep off feet come on turn on change mind wheedle into draw in put the screws on bring to reason bring round to the idea of prod into put pressure on egg on make a believer nag into whet honey crack affect promote soften bend change tantalize court bring over stroke wile goose steamroll squeeze talk over put the squeeze on bewitch appeal to bully budge gain somebody's support win around tantalise exert influence on cajole into put someone up to something kowtow toll enrapture beckon effect exploit play direct control lead astray win round overcome work flatter into fascinate enchant train rope drag make see the light make someone see the light show someone the error of their ways show one the error of their ways fool cheat bat eyes at work upon spread it on lay it on hector bring home to gain one's confidence dangle a carrot in front of pull strings with prejudice gull hit on suborn colour cow strong-arm badger hoodwink delude prove indoctrinate cut any ice with make yourself felt with carry weight with touch bring pressure to bear upon tyrannize mislead cozen outsmart outwit pester tease jawbone soothe color tyrannise tighten the screws on turn the screws on bludgeon sucker trip up catch out assail procure propagandize enlist proselytize obligate hound talk someone into something proselyte propagandise proselytise set up sandbag oppress besiege beset muscle spur string along trouble torment blackjack vex enforce come on to plead with cause to believe pressurize into reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do rally rouse elicit occasion propel impassion nudge stir gain confidence of win argument bring to senses lead to believe prove to wear down energize incentivize spark evoke steel invigorate inspirit hearten animate uplift impact arouse empower vitalize exhilarate galvanize excite embolden put the heat on come at insist on have someone do something use strong-arm tactics on galvanise refresh incentivise prick envigorate energise strike help necessitate incentify cheer on hint to stir up whip up pep up spur on fire up boost up pump up suggest to


To tell a joke or talk in a playful manner
joke kid jest banter quip wisecrack gag chaff josh fun yuck yuk jive fool jape tease rib mock rag make fun of wind up needle razz poke fun at roast pun jibe ridicule spoof jeer gibe twit deride mess around pull one's leg trick hoax ride slang rally sally retort taunt mess about have on satirize fool about fool around satirise tell jokes set up make sport of take the mickey laugh at remark sneer scoff lark shuck pretend feign sham fake act flout gird play a prank mess be facetious play a practical joke put on make a monkey out of clown counterfeit revel crack wise have a joke with lark around make mischief lark about hoodwink dupe delude deceive beguile play tricks clown around clown about cozen con gull bamboozle crack jokes horse around make merry play the clown kid around poke fun play the fool make believe put on an act bother mislead take in flimflam muck around muck someone about mimic send up jibe at pull someone's leg guy make jokes about amuse jeer at flip quiz lampoon pull someone's chain divert laugh caricature be sarcastic about parody make a monkey of scoff at goof on poke mullock at entertain prank haze smoke rag on sling off at yank someone's chain sucker cheat hornswoggle gaff humbug misguide snooker misinform bluff have gammon snow buffalo string along juggle burn swindle catch defraud put one over on fake out suck in scam take for a ride double-cross rook pull a fast one on sting bilk pull a swifty on pull the wool over someone's eyes victimize lead on rip off victimise do diddle stiff outwit gyp lead up the garden path shaft fleece entrap bunco betray illude chicane screw euchre mulct swizzle inveigle sharp take to the cleaners sell a pup to take advantage of skin fiddle seduce ensnare finagle befool disinform sell lie to give someone a bum steer lead down the garden path do a number on hose outmanoeuvre goldbrick beat catch out outmaneuver circumvent outfox overreach mousetrap caboodle impose on lure do the dirty on rope in pull a fast one sell a pup lead up garden path play trick on impose trap baffle dust throw pull jerk around frame play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy hustle play for a fool pull wool over double deal hocus-pocus play a practical joke on bleed throw dust in someone's eyes get the better of make a sucker of shortchange stick squeeze short misdirect chisel play games with skunk ream chouse misstate prevaricate thimblerig run a game on pluck trifle dally nobble toy wanton doublespeak misrepresent lie exploit propagandize distort pervert fudge entice bunk tempt fabricate milk toy with make a fool of dally with play fast and loose with send on a wild-goose chase play with trifle with make use of give the runaround embezzle entangle enmesh propagandise bait gazump hook falsify clip rob disappoint cuckold gouge give wrong information to send on a wild goose chase throw off the scent put on the wrong track cover up wrong steer put up smoke screen put on false front bait and switch lead astray give the wrong impression double-talk swizz wheedle thwart impose upon take for play away cross up step out cajole coax play joke on take to cleaners beat out of pull fast one take for ride shake down screw over do in sweet-talk hand a line stump stitch up muck about prat about have a laugh have a lark be silly act the fool play around blag psych out


To seek favor from by fawning, servile behavior
fawn flatter eulogise eulogize praise apple-polish be obsequious to be servile to be sycophantic to bootlick brown-nose crawl to creep to curry favor with curry favour with fuss kowtow kowtow to play up to soft-soap sweet-talk toady toady to truckle truckle to butter up cringe before dance attendance on grovel before ingratiate oneself with pay court to abase abase oneself before blandish bow brownnose cajole cotton court cower crawl creep cringe crouch debase defer fall all over fall over oneself for grovel invite kneel make up to massage oil pander praise to excess scrape slaver smarm around snow stoop stroke submit suck up woo yield be all over bow and scrape before praise to the skies sing the praises of smoodge to suck up to be obsequious be servile buddy up cater to curry favour curry favor honey up lick someone's boots pay court cave in to lay it on lay it on thick fall on one's knees rub up the right way be at beck and call lay it on with a trowel bow and scrape pander to fawn on adulate prostrate oneself blarney honey humble oneself abase yourself humour overpraise humor behave obsequiously kiss one's feet be servile towards be sycophantic towards flannel glorify charm wheedle give in hero-worship be sycophantic knuckle under kiss up to build up spread it on rub the right way keep someone sweet bow to revere quail concede bend beslaver give way puff kiss-up snivel belaud panegyrize genuflect soften express admiration for make much of wax lyrical about scratch one's back respect abase oneself to be obsequious towards demean oneself to get round ingratiate yourself eat crow compliment excessively show respect for bow and scrape to defer to eat dirt apple polish curtsy make a leg bob a curtsy bend the knee make up smoodge fold prostrate compliment himor get in with cozy up massage one's ego say uncle cave in kiss someone's feet toe the mark go along with admire commend lie down and roll over cultivate humiliate yourself prostrate oneself before fawn over try to get on the good side of eat humble pie seek the favour of try to win over implore pamper inveigle laud pay tribute to pay blandishments to salve kiss the feet of prostrate oneself to grovel to say nice things about smooth-talk work over work on sweeten up get next to adore elevate lionize worship gush demean oneself throw oneself at someone's feet lionise put on a pedestal acquiesce accede capitulate surrender honour honor comply with accept be deferential adapt knuckleunder adjust admit assent knuckle agree give in to accommodate buckle agree with cave comply obey succumb


A party or social event
bash party function celebration reception fete gathering event festivity shindig affair blowout carousal jamboree blast beanfeast beano social gala thrash bunfight binge rave shindy ball dance carouse powwow do frolic reunion levee spree hooley ceilidh hoedown wingding simcha disco soirée shebang bop bake bashment cookout corroboree luau shower tertulia whoopee lig hop jollo shivoo crack ding rage jol kegger rort squash squeeze get-together rave-up social event social occasion knees-up at-home social gathering social function beer-up after-party ding-dong wing-ding revelry soiree merrymaking jollification merriment festival carnival occasion entertainment feast ceremony conviviality gaiety reveling revelling jollity revel junket fiesta fun hoopla carousing amusement gayety rejoicing fête meeting jubilee prom jump-up dinner wassail cocktail party festive occasion saturnalia pleasure revels revelment enjoyment fun and games high jinks formal fest bacchanal debauch juncture meet all-nighter blow-out tweetup klatch fund-raiser junketing hullabaloo afterparty icebreaker jag bender luncheon tea barbecue riot bee cocktails banquet coming-out diversion splurge circus meet and greet matinee congregation social meeting happening wrap party movable feast coffee klatch experience feasting toot holiday celebrations mirth frolics skylarking festivities formal party social affair joyfulness joviality festive event sport drinks party wedding reception celebratory party clambake levity happiness joy partying festive festive proceedings garden party noisy celebration block party good cheer fair pageant orgy anniversary gala day commemoration parade feast day tear spectacle mela romp bust holy day gratification exposition saint's day Mardi Gras red-letter day extravaganza carousel recreation rampage outing procession treat fundraiser kermis show display cavalcade lark centenary birthday gambol rollick frisk ploy -fest fling idyll idyl charity event centennial wild party exhibition religious festival indulgence tercentenary field day 300th anniversary 300th year bacchanalia self-indulgence distraction divertissement drunk bazaar debauchery dissipation bacchanals funfair booze-up skite festiveness concert stag roast to-do nosh-up tuck-in scoff charity show vacation moveable feast special occasion bicentennial pig out slap-up meal ratha yatra eisteddfod bicentenary silver jubilee diamond jubilee golden jubilee arts festival competition march tattoo caper merry-go-round rip high time spending expedition science festival musical festival surprise excursion heyday masquerade ragbag carny rout festival of music yearday recurrence yeartide remembrance satisfaction bank holiday singsong street fair grind show side show outdoor celebration amusement park street party exhibit expo festival of music and drama public holiday R & R refreshment yearly observance wedding anniversary evening liberty layoff festival day carnival day sing-along barn dance demonstration presentation showing gamble larks name day demo evening party dinner party national holiday long weekend day of observance Bank Holiday legal holiday personal day gone fishing good time tableau trade fair observance trade event few days off day of rest night on the town bit of fun unrestrained behavior bit of amusement night on the razzle Pancake Tuesday Shrove Tuesday play Pancake Day scene raree-show representation spectacular ritual motorcade charade make-believe pomp tableau vivant


Something done or said to amuse people
jest joke crack gag quip sally wisecrack witticism josh play banter funny one-liner pleasantry fun jape boff boffo boffola drollery game giggle hoax laugh nifty prank pun rib waggery yuck yuk comeback repartee bon mot canard clown funny remark jive rib-tickler ridicule spoof play on words epigram witty remark lark caper riposte retort trick frolic double entendre gibe rejoinder humour humor amusement equivoque paronomasia escapade remark aphorism practical joke badinage ruse barb buffoonery jibe return entertainment antic clowning jeer horseplay flash of wit romp in-joke smart remark clever remark private joke running joke fun and games sport chestnut counter recreation farce mischief parody zinger burlesque whimsy raillery quirk shenanigan diversion monkeyshine retaliation joking dig insult merriment gambol stunt distraction tomfoolery pastime Atticism put-on enjoyment ha-ha merrymaking whimsicality foolishness facetiousness wile witty comment apophthegm wit aside counterattack levity affront slur slight sneer insinuation taunt shaggy dog story fool setup windup mock squib inside joke mockery offense offence satire yarn good-natured remark witty communication mot hoot shenanigans mummery caprice cutting remark sardonic remark pithy remark gem hoodwinking payof smart crack mischievous act piece of mischief bit of mischief piece of fun witty poem nice turn of phrase jeu d'esprit witty saying nonsense killer absurdity ridiculousness blague anecdote answer reply response relaxation fraud funny story pleasure knee-slapper old chestnut shaggy-dog story thigh-slapper deception con swindle games leisure larks imposture acknowledgement replication junketing skylarking frolicking romping capering revelry bluff humbug cheat activity jollification playfulness dalliance rollicking scam confidence trick fastie gaming back talk back answer lip cooler acknowledgment antiphon snappy comeback squelch parting shot reprisal revenge topper respond innuendo wordplay calembour gambling foolery happiness gamboling delight disport sports frisk sportiveness hobby divertissement gambolling teasing match pivot quibble amphibology carriwitchet clinch double meaning clench me-time a good time living it up interest pursuit regalement gratification conundrum nick whim pundigrion con trick con game confidence game put-up job fast one festivity adventure ambiguity jeu de mots conceit leisure activity source of fun

Antonym of to jolly

Music ♫

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