Synonym of to provident


Being prudent or wise in nature or for a given situation
prudent wise judicious shrewd sensible canny sagacious commonsensical politic circumspect discreet practical advisable astute reasonable sound logical pragmatic appropriate expedient apt advantageous rational beneficial recommended fitting profitable desirable gainful smart sage insightful farsighted thoughtful sapient well-advised prudential suitable timely opportune propitious calculating intuitive sane cluey careful informed hardheaded pragmatical clear-sighted clear-eyed heady strategic considered vigilant savvy tactical discerning levelheaded judgmatic level-headed common-sense judgmatical healthy worldly-wise well judged intelligent well thought out well advised seemly worthwhile a good idea well analytical reasoned valid coherent well-founded good knowing analytic cogent discriminating sober justified realistic commonsense solid lucid well-thought-out perceptive firm cerebral intellectual objective commonsensible enlightened thinking plausible just clear perspicacious sharp percipient well-grounded well-reasoned grounded reflective justifiable reasoning well reasoned clever ratiocinative cognitive consequent consistent together fair compelling legitimate hard convincing legit telling learned pertinent thought-out down-to-earth matter-of-fact methodical credible studious tenable well-informed deliberate keen philosophic well grounded balanced congruent kosher knowledgeable educated efficacious clear-cut full of common sense tactful obvious well-organized relevant cautious diplomatic reliable argute erudite measured wary profound studied cogitative contemplative considerate scholarly conservative deductive believable viable moderate safe brainy feasible effective controlled systematic joined-up temperate thought through infallible strong all there having all one's marbles persuasive unmistakable powerful coercive organized understandable influential indubitable incisive based on good sense thorough in one's right mind effectual weighty authoritative forceful urgent categorical impressive assured organised trenchant conclusive unequivocal well organized well-defined hard-headed normal deliberated extensional juridicious holding water necessary deducible subtle perspicuous inferential germane holding together mental experienced conceptual foresighted collected faultless certain thoughty meticulous graceful full of insight supportable empirical maintainable sustainable defendable defensible empiric equitable unidealistic well informed acute straight steady stable acceptable decent calculated detail oriented pawky skilful impartial well-expressed well-presented restrained unprejudiced accurate skillful sophisticated judicial seasonable proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted showing great knowledge with great knowledge unexcessive right admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason cool unextreme well presented well expressed well-structured plain articulate contemplated aforethought well-judged with both feet on the ground investigated weighed examined premeditated advised determined fair-minded evenhanded quick-witted open to reason mentally stable harmonious aware cognizant computed prepense dependable heads-up long-headed well-established formidable material great crystalline definitive forcible satisfying evident precise decided undisputed ingenious incontestable unambiguous emphatic distinct thought-through thought-about well chosen well-balanced rigorous trustworthy meditative philosophical introspective earnest reflecting musing pondering deep-thinking pensive museful ruminative solemn grave regulated exact orderly ordered mathematical scientific straight-thinking guarded recognized reputable proven sanctioned fly faithful significant recognised orthodox canonical true heedful chary alert attentive tried-and-true watchful observant cagey gingerly salient delicate reserved precautious civil noncommittal awake mature softly-softly kid-glove responsible having foresight on lookout not rash no-nonsense serious-minded au courant steady-going most likely


Characterized by economy and good management of money and resources
sparing frugal thrifty economical scrimping parsimonious mean saving tight economising economizing unwasteful careful cautious vigilant penny-pinching prudent miserly stingy abstemious chary canny penny-wise cheap close sensible forehanded close-fisted penurious closefisted avaricious spare meagre meager mingy preserving conserving ungenerous grasping cheese-paring tight-fisted chintzy wary careful with money skimping money-saving curmudgeonly economic shrewd Scotch wise illiberal cost-effective efficient spartan austere abstinent uncharitable time-saving work-saving monkish self-denying nunlike non-indulgent puritanical monastic ascetic self-disciplined watchful prudential methodical practical circumspect skinflinty cheeseparing near tightfisted tightwad meticulous discreet money-grubbing stewardly pinching money-conscious Scrooge-like cost-conscious stinting pinchpenny ungiving on the rims scrimpy fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-saving energy-efficient budget-conscious greedy pennywise costive simple scanty restrained covetous grudging churlish plain scant skimpy temperate moderate selfish acquisitive modest petty ironfisted hard-fisted financially savvy extortionate money-grabbing insufficient paltry rapacious hoarding inexpensive understated strict exiguous uncomplicated scarce sparse light continent rigid exacting unfussy insubstantial Spartan poor solemn refraining straightlaced celibate slim skimp strait-laced self-sacrificing self-restrained hair-shirt self-abnegating hand-to-mouth guarded heedful suspicious reluctant uneasy mindful hesitant loath distrustful sceptical leery mistrustful dubious shy doubtful gingerly averse conservative apprehensive afraid scrupulous considerate cagey safe alert disinclined nervous iffy inhibited constrained skeptical particular fastidious calculating


Done with or showing thought and attention
careful painstaking conscientious scrupulous meticulous attentive accurate fastidious particular punctilious thorough assiduous fussy precise deliberate diligent exhaustive heedful industrious judicious methodical orderly rigorous sedulous cautious circumspect dedicated exact faithful finicky full intensive laborious strict thoughtful concerned elaborate exacting observant prim regardful religious searching solid thoroughgoing chary correct discreet loving nice perfectionist pernickety persnickety picky selfdisciplined strenuous in-depth going to great lengths by the book by the numbers detailed close demanding minute delicate finical choosy studious pedantic discriminating refined complete critical choosey fine punctual ultra-careful systematic comprehensive unerring dainty finicking fussbudgety overnice nitpicking all-out persevering active discerning selective old-maidish earnest faddy mathematical hairline keen extensive pinpoint scientific nit-picky hard to please intent faddish zealous hard-working sweeping persistent rigid spot-on busy constant nit-picking all-embracing all-inclusive proper tireless discriminative literal prudent unflagging sharp choicy engaged concentrated determined intense hair-splitting tough unmistakable defined squeamish over-particular explicit blow-by-blow bustling full-dress considered employed working veridical true right faultless deep regular plugging alert conscionable encyclopedic sensitive particularized compendious skilful skillful profound universal on the button inclusive on the nose difficult embracive itemized cyclopedic hairsplitting clocklike inflexible omnibus far-reaching indefatigable circumstantial concerted efficient perceptive acute occupied prissy untiring focused specific encyclopaedic whole-hog from A to Z difficult to please authentic veracious stringent truthful factual resolute cover-all all-in broad-gauge broad-gauged severe uncompromising hopping just genuine particularised itemised deft definite concrete distinct perfect focussed matter-of-fact definitive reliable astute ultraprecise energetic swotty fussbudget total steady subtle clear-cut tasteful desperate insistent nuanced widespread overcritical discriminatory clean eager beaver sticklerish over-fastidious hypercritical panoramic out-and-out full-scale pass-remarkable puritanical stickling overdelicate finespun opinionated select eclectic fiddly spot on on the mark bang on impossible to please all-encompassing inch-perfect soup to nuts all the way royal plenty absolute slam-bang wary on the money considerable watchful important meaningful substantial significant concentrating listening driven minding p's and q's unremitting committed thoroughpaced overscrupulous eager conventional carping ordered controlled slogging operose plodding precautionary anal rough tricky serious purposeful calculated measured microscopic overprecise mincing stickler leaving no stone unturned duteous pure prudish stuffy stiff well organized complex complicated fixed priggish overparticular fretful fuddy-duddy obsessive cultivated specialized specialised Victorian strait-laced schoolmarmish sure crossing the t's white-glove dotting the i's sagacious unwavering precision ultra-fine exquisite fine-drawn dead on incorrupted winning superior nifty vigilant shrewd insightful perspicacious unwearied errorless unambiguous cultured discriminational differential grinding whiz flawless certain lethal deadly effective on target well aimed tied-up infallible artistic aesthetic balanced rational logical pragmatic reasoned levelheaded reasonable formal wise with good taste individualising individualizing esthetic mature error-free captious well thought-out well-grounded lifelike fair convincing realistic queasy veristic verisimilar prompt true to life sound timely easily disgusted very careful seasonable telling it like it is on the nail fact-based on the beam immediate speedy early word-perfect expeditious recurrent periodic cyclic quick dependable ready as it really happened to schedule in time on time spot on time on schedule under the wire when expected in good time on the dot well timed bang on time global umbrella catholic radical no stone unturned the word full-blown wall-to-wall broad wide-ranging wide blanket overall expansive general whole unlimited categorical across-the-board utter wholesale entire unqualified outright overarching unmitigated across the board grand large-scale worldwide ample unconditional major downright consummate pervasive interdisciplinary multidisciplinary extended sheer vast categoric cross-disciplinary straight-out rangy far-flung unrestricted all-around all-round rank international unadulterated arrant stark unalloyed plumb dreadful flat in depth flat-out copious emphatic violent broad-ranging nationwide common simple bodacious blooming abundant hefty large plentiful broad-brush cotton-picking boundless mass unrestrained extreme forceful positive prevalent direct integral intact plenary generic overt compleat obvious real countrywide stone dead indiscriminate very crashing unequivocal blank coast-to-coast through and through full-bore deep-dyed right-down resounding profuse lavish unabridged sufficient overwhelming elaborated drastic discursive good lock stock and barrel huge great seriatim plenteous immense excessive maximal vigorous big undivided vehement ubiquitous express veritable omnipresent draconian clear pervading inveterate blatant undiminished broad-based straightforward plain pandemic long comprising thorough-going rampant permeating brazen infinite inescapable flagrant far-ranging blunt scopic diffuse full-spectrum integrated univocal manifest glaring surpassing patent perspicuous lucid full-on understandable stated company-wide true-blue in every respect dyed-in-the-wool through-and-through easily understandable crystal clear clearly expressed panoptic encyclopedical encyclopaedical broad-spectrum rich life-changing full-out unbounded liberal final conclusive bird's-eye panned unimpaired satisfying rife encompassing epidemic expanded sizable lengthy personal prize in detail aggregate adequate protracted massive humongous stage by stage step by step prevailing predominant non-selective wholistic replete intricate experienced unbroken undisputed ultimate limitless choate uncut largest totalitarian uninterrupted unreserved catchall rounded scopious outspread preponderate popular advanced ultra iconoclastic developed eminent exclusive holistic unexclusive most collective enumerated all in firsthand penetrating revolutionary on a large scale all over the place point-by-point cosmopolitan ecumenical in toto all together all-together catch-all with everything included ball-of-wax without exception wall to wall essential elemental big picture encircling synoptic containing at length barefaced naked unanimous multinational mundane worldly astronomical accepted root-and-branch special intimate top-to-bottom the works undiluted shameless the big picture of great scope the whole shebang first-hand all-over authoritative well rounded well-rounded one-size-fits-all immeasurable populous overflowing numerous teeming opulent substantive bumper handsome superabundant bountiful galore scholarly well researched measureless generous booming voluminous fierce intercontinental heavy terrible heavyweight healthy immoderate exorbitant unwieldy extravagant tidy Himalayan ferocious aggressive muscular assertive wholehearted dynamic mega high Brobdingnagian outsize whacking cumbersome epic almighty excruciating vicious blistering hard furious all out hard-hitting uncontrolled unbridled explosive well reasoned well informed well argued wide-reaching frightful maximum hellacious ghastly supreme unstinted fearsome strong virile full-blooded hardy robust powerful unmixed vital hearty fearful optimum out and out pulling no punches accelerated fast heavy-duty high-pressure all-absorbing speeded-up full-frontal


Using, exercising or showing caution
cautious careful alert chary circumspect guarded heedful wary cagey prudent vigilant watchful apprehensive measured reserved reticent attentive aware conservative considerate discreet gingerly hesitant judicious leery mindful safe tentative calculating discriminating forethoughtful observant politic precautious restrained scrupulous shrewd suspecting suspicious thoughtful on guard on your toes all ears on the lookout on the watch thinking twice watching out with reservations playing safe taking it slow watching one's step with eyes peeled belt-and-braces keeping on one's toes hedging your bets keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs walking on egg shells handling with kid gloves on the qui vive wide-awake frugal sparing unwasteful doubting thrifty saving canny wide awake on the alert reluctant awake prepared tactful tentie tenty ready on the ball open-eyed Argus-eyed loath perceptive keen on one's toes diplomatic regardful sharp deliberate unwilling on the job softly-softly moderate disinclined sagacious wise averse on tiptoe paying attention delicate discerning noncommittal afraid not missing a trick wakeful defensive wired distrustful eagle-eyed keen-eyed sensible reasonable non-committal timid fastidious hawk-eyed sharp-eyed beady-eyed keeping one's eyes peeled gimlet-eyed keeping a weather eye on things fast on the draw intelligent controlled dubious temperate indisposed gentle unhurried squeamish sage uneager worldly-wise protective astute kid-glove hip quick active unsleeping agog anxious concentrating acute switched on not in the mood psyched up with weather eye open looking to on alert heads up looking for waiting on with eyes like a hawk dainty secretive uninclined unprepared calm gradual vague unrevealing unadventurous punctilious evasive elusive tight-lipped patient conscientious taking notice overcareful overcautious unenterprising forehanded forearmed farsighted playing your cards close to your chest equivocal close watching with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned hooked glued keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open sound rational logical undisposed perky practical self-protective sensitive uneasy with one's eyes skinned fully awake wide-eyed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed commonsensical informed sceptical shy mistrustful doubtful nervous mean artful subtle bright opposed parsimonious stingy iffy clever spirited expedient considered jazzed polite guileful sympathetic gracious respectful courteous wily inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular well-advised resistant well judged well-judged common-sense well thought out well advised heads-up foresighted tactical expectant backward strategic cagy judgmatic judgmatical civil with it good hands hostile antagonistic having foresight on lookout not rash slow upon one's guard ill-disposed discouraged hesitating loth against queasy disheartened remiss shy about not in favour of chary of afraid to opposed to hesitant about ashamed to hanging back coy about diffident about bashful about


The quality of having foresight
foresightedness foresight forethought prescience providence caution vision farsightedness precaution discretion circumspection carefulness forehandedness planning sagacity wisdom forethoughtfulness preparedness judgement judgment foresightfulness prudence judiciousness care perception awareness intuition insight discernment canniness penetration foreknowledge provision perspicacity divination prevision presence of mind clairvoyance anticipation vigilance watchfulness premeditation perceptiveness attentiveness discreetness sense shrewdness cautiousness precognition prophecy forward planning consideration gumption deliberation good management common sense chariness wariness imagination innovation heedfulness alertness guardedness creativity inspiration inventiveness prediction caginess gingerliness heed prognostication vaticination percipience prophesy augury sharpness creative power cleverness keeping your head down understanding astuteness keenness pythonism haruspication psychism psychic powers adumbration breadth of view omniscience presage third eye premonition economy preconception readiness discrimination prospect prenotion hindsight long-sightedness acumen intelligence knowledge erudition sageness sapience experience enlightenment sagaciousness practicality comprehension good judgment clear thinking brains thoughtfulness levelheadedness perceptivity reason acuity savvy perspicuity horse sense sanity learning tact savoir faire sophistication calculation nous wit sensibleness tactfulness feeling thought profundity pragmatism good sense sixth sense intellect second sight ESP lucidity poise pansophy balance smarts worldliness apprehension acuteness logic perspicaciousness wits reasoning rationality ingenuity soundness commonsense expectation good judgement clear-sightedness sound judgment hunch attention presentiment profoundness information solidity stability intellectuality intellection cognition coherence arguteness deep insight grasp quickness lucidness incisiveness genius capacity mentality ratiocination telepathy rationalness marbles soundness of mind powers of discernment clear mind cognitive faculties logical thought good reasoning sound mind scientific thinking forecast knowingness foreseeing inkling policy extrasensory perception contemplation depth concern maturity considerateness intuitiveness mindfulness instinct vibes prior knowledge know-how grey matter powers of reasoning native wit common sharp-wittedness good eye feeling in one's bones gut feeling keen intuition omen psyche contrivance extra sensory perception fortune-telling forewarning feyness expectance expectancy insightfulness diligence intention smartness rationale education saneness coolness inner sense conservatism the force expertise restraint risk avoidance Fabian policy belt and braces observance hesitance hesitancy expertness accomplishments mastery scholarship skill edification proficiency adeptness doctrine study ability acquirements accomplishment looking forward hesitation timidity timidness timorousness learnedness culture worldly wisdom attainments impression guess suspicion sentiment diplomacy sentimentality academic attainment idea foretaste realization outlook preparation foreboding subtlety delicacy notion emotion prolepsis fancy sensitivity heart realisation gut forewisdom preapprehension solicitude responsibility moderation observation sneaking suspicion funny feeling preconceived notion kid gloves knowledgeability

Antonym of to provident

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