Synonym of to proxy


The authority to represent someone else, especially in voting
agent deputy representative attorney delegate substitute factor surrogate envoy ambassador emissary procurator stand-in assignee commissary minister rep frontman go-between alternate backup broker executor intermediary lawyer mediary negotiator replacement understudy legate liaison messenger mediator commissioner spokesperson nuncio middleman plenipotentiary depute consul courier intercessor regent diplomat intermediate arbitrator spokesman spokeswoman mouthpiece referee interceder medium interagent dealer intermediator aide assistant manager appointee steward conciliator peacemaker interposer buffer member nominee entrepreneur front matchmaker honest broker accredited messenger advisor reeve herald chargé agent general catchpole viceroy senator vicar representant sales rep point of contact attaché pinch hitter people's choice scout bearer internuncio carrier link cover member of Congress trustee linkperson contact linkman linkwoman handler advocate lieutenant hired gun subordinate fill-in underling officer middleperson contact man contact woman interdealer broker contact person liaison officer executive servant administrator promoter functionary actor proctor principal factotum abettor dignitary business manager runner conveyor harbinger shipper porter conveyer page express chargé d'affaires drogher attache forerunner gofer dispatch rider dispatcher transporter beast of burden haulier hauler delivery service capitoul ambassadress ambassador plenipotentiary ambassador extraordinary papal nuncio legation consul general pursuivant special envoy minister plenipotentiary estafette mail carrier letter carrier special messenger arbiter intervenor official military attaché message bearer delivery woman message carrier biker gopher delivery man intelligencer provider negotiant statesman organ fixer middle person cutout instrument channel bringer connection deliverer vehicle influence diplomatist tactician peacekeeper politician expert cabinet member public servant PR expert civil servant public relations person crier postman detail post detachment precursor prophet commissionaire schlepper errand boy message-bearer message-carrier flag-bearer errand girl delivery person delivery boy errand person


Person who acts as the voice of a group of people
spokesperson mouthpiece representative spokesman agent delegate envoy speaker spokeswoman deputy mouth mediator prophet substitute voice official talker prolocutor champion protagonist stand-in point man point person spin doctor ambassador intermediary frontman go-between minister negotiator emissary messenger commissary legate broker factor attorney rep procurator assignee commissioner surrogate diplomat nuncio depute arbitrator moderator plenipotentiary middleman organ negotiant honest broker propagandist intermediator middleperson officer liaison consul PR person regent appointee courier channel vehicle agency instrument medium fugleman spox accredited messenger forum representant arbiter intercessor legation interceder intervener conciliator trustee chargé journal publication periodical handler manager advocate minister plenipotentiary special envoy haggler judge intermedium adjudicator fixer bargainer wheeler-dealer peacemaker interagent promoter mediary functionary actor steward proctor principal factotum lawyer assistant abettor business manager publicist public relations officer press officer press agent public relations consultant publicity agent PR consultant PRO PR officer catchpole member alternate viceroy senator replacement nominee vicar front pinch hitter people's choice member of Congress intermediate interposer buffer administrator executor linkperson understudy contact executrix attaché connection influence linkman linkwoman aide liaison officer subordinate lieutenant herald entrepreneur backup intervenor internuncio bearer carrier link middle person chargé d'affaires point of contact attache contact woman interdealer broker contact person contact man supervisor enforcer reeve supervise reservations agent monitor agent general ambassadress reconciler pleader scout ambassador plenipotentiary ambassador extraordinary supplicant petitioner underling cutout invigilator servant executive sales rep dignitary keeper custodian hired gun papal nuncio guide fiduciary adjutant dealer booking agent referee feoffee depositary depository second-in-command military attaché stopgap fill-in number two right-hand man successor designate broker-dealer warden guardian standby relief statesman holiday rep expedient resort sub recourse refuge resource expediency makeshift touchpoint POC single point of contact department head help desk cabinet member diplomatist tactician peacekeeper politician expert public servant public relations person PR expert civil servant substitute agent helper booker concierge


One ranked below, and typically employed to assist, a senior person
assistant deputy aide helper junior partner subordinate associate attendant collaborator lieutenant understudy apprentice auxiliary backup second accomplice adjunct mate wingman accessory adjutant aid aider backer delegate protege sidekick subsidiary underling coadjutor colleague helpmate henchman henchwoman peon secretary substitute temp abetter coadjutant depute flunky gofer gopher help inferior lackey minion sub understrapper vice abettor ally dogsbody follower representative servant adherent appointee beginner companion confederate cooperator dependant dependent flunkey friend helpmeet novice patron poodle scrub serf skivvy slave subaltern supporter trainee second in command second-in-command fill-in number two relief right-hand person second fiddle second string stand-in fellow worker hired hand hired help personal assistant body man right-hand man right-hand woman running dog surrogate aide-de-camp temporary worker third string girl Friday man Friday PA P.A. cohort comrade coworker co-worker crony gal Friday myrmidon pal teammate stooge acolyte workmate conniver oppo buddy chum satellite partner in crime accessary hireling compatriot compeer disciple fellow clerk coconspirator conspirator stall confrere co-conspirator right arm offsider consociate fellow conspirator main man second self employee vassal administrator reserve protagonist agent playmate team-mate co-partner hanger-on worker consort hand locum bedfellow plant insider hobnobber sympathizer fellow traveler administrative assistant running mate sympathiser camp follower direct report cobber right-hand girl escort runner right-hand-man number-two messenger helping hand adviser confidante aider and abetter heavy bodyguard crutch retainer menial amigo attaché minder adjuvant paraprofessional factotum subject toady shadow protector ringer shill successor designate yes-person go-to person right hand runnerup farmer supporting role freeholder churl chorus commoner second-rater loyal follower servitor scullion partisan affiliate acquaintance confrère pupil accompaniment colluder contact connection peer fellow traveller team player ADC staffer hatchet man hatchet woman promoter offshoot pard second stringer one of the folks business partner kissing cousin secondary person yeoman second banana labourer laborer confidant alter ego fidus Achates workman intermediary booker concierge executive secretary outfit band pool labor operator party labour man replacement staff member foot soldier hired man hired person member of the workforce member of staff receptionist registrar register cover equivalent stopgap standby substitution alternative ancillary designated hitter alternate pinch hitter pinch-hitter supplanter double successor changeling temporary expedient succedaneum stand-by locum tenens clerical assistant office worker office assistant clerical worker


The state or condition of being a surrogate


A proximity mine


A proxy where the client server names the target server to connect to


Mail-in vote

Antonym of to proxy

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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