Synonym of trouble making


Disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control
unruly disorderly disobedient refractory recalcitrant ungovernable wayward wild unmanageable rebellious intractable uncontrollable wilful insubordinate defiant obstreperous rowdy contumacious riotous contrary boisterous froward undisciplined turbulent unrestrained willful difficult lawless headstrong mutinous untoward violent anarchic balky disruptive noisy rebel fractious chaotic recusant incompliant restive perverse loud rollicking incontrollable incorrigible intemperate irrepressible lively rumbustious lawbreaking impetuous anarchical reckless ornery romping unyielding impulsive quarrelsome opinionated heedless mean rash assertive bawdy drunken forward impervious imprudent inexorable out of control attention-seeking out of hand out of line uncooperative troublesome badly behaved stubborn obstinate naughty limit awkward trying brutal aggressive vicious belligerent pugnacious thuggish hard tough unsettling disturbing upsetting ugly radge distracting truculent rough misbehaving errant divisive raucous out-of-order out-of-line disrupting off-base causing trouble uncontrolled uproarious bolshie unbridled rambunctious insurgent delinquent stroppy tumultuous mischievous roisterous seditious uninhibited abandoned revolutionary robustious insurrectionary disaffected obdurate clamorous knockabout self-willed noncompliant unbiddable ill-disciplined rampant wanton unchecked hell-raising tempestuous uncompliant ungoverned non-compliant indocile runaway resistant immoderate bad rackety factious rip-roaring exuberant unconstrained bellicose dissident intransigent nonconformist rascally unbounded frenzied unhindered rude roguish insolent raw furious radical fiery passionate excited rampageous rioting uncurbed argumentative vociferous playful badly-behaved dissentient frenetic impish unrestrainable fierce uncontainable hysterical debauched termagant hostile frisky unhampered crazy erratic cantankerous threatening subversive unpredictable roistering problematic insubmissive impossible indomitable pigheaded contentious adverse disordered insurrectionist anarchistic orgiastic saturnalian restless mulish spirited iconoclastic animated disturbed combative frantic high-spirited unrestricted loudmouthed traitorous antagonistic confrontational challenging full-on dissentious militant energetic frolicsome malicious mad brawling evil annoying petulant raging undisciplinable bloody-minded impudent rabid scrappy explosive unorthodox enthusiastic raving peevish in turmoil wrong exasperating without law and order extreme inflexible alienated fiendish depraved vehement bacchanalian unfavorable unfavourable active Dionysian negativistic malcontent treacherous ebullient disloyal hot-tempered bouncy Bacchic resisting resistive clangorous destructive insuppressible treasonable malevolent disorganized dissenting sportive agitated stormy maladjusted spiteful unfettered excessive bacchic arbitrary licentious feisty capricious unstoppable forceful unquenchable renitent rampaging pervicacious vigorous aberrant rugged effervescent cussed strong disorganised roughhouse mutinying warring disputatious cross madcap berserk thrawn bull-headed wicked up in arms swashbuckling nihilistic crazed in high spirits negative confused maleficent untamed bold wild and woolly vexatious self-indulgent contrarious nuts outrageous fervid warlike barbarous savage hotheaded nonconforming irascible ready for a fight jaunty feverish sinful merry inimical lacking self-control brattish cross-grained perfervid passional scampish puckish prankish tricksy ill-behaved demanding gallus unquiet tiresome discordant joyful cheerful devilish arsey excitable touchy bustling impassioned inconsiderate full of beans full of mischief quick-tempered estranged haughty irreconcilable unsubduable hard to handle loutish nonobservant existentialist pessimistic robust untrained renegade unsteady unschooled ferocious fickle overexcited antisocial impotent stiff-necked vibrant swaggering cavalier unwilling inconsistent unlawful maverick heretical persistent resolved determined malign corrupt opposing clattering clattery resounding insurmountable unbearable undependable intolerable piercing screaming booming blusterous strepitous indisciplined brusque untameable gruff withstanding dysfunctional dissolute tricky unpersuadable unmalleable unprincipled armed sabotaging individualistic attacking intense freaked overwhelming overpowering dissipated unrepressed apostate schismatic obstinately disobedient gleeful immoral raising Cain rootin'-tootin unbending drunk stubborn as a mule unconcealed raising the roof disobliging unaccommodating unconventional shameless misruled misgoverned flyaway out-of-control strident vociferant over-the-top immovable blind beside oneself unresponsive bullheaded whiny strong-willed problem obstructive unhelpful in disorder irregular rowdydowdy averse loath reluctant indisposed hesitant extrovert misbehaved unreasonable boozy revelling carousing untrammelled corybantic incautious profligate irrational outlandish socially impaired artful like a loose cannon on-a-tear cruel turbid uncontained deranged hedonistic bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous impolite Saturnalian Dionysiac contrariant paradoxical disagreeing pesky nasty wearisome sullen troublous irksome unlimited unconfined thrilled bothersome unstable helter-skelter irresistible uncomplying wrongheaded antipathetic converse unimpeded unsuppressed incontinent untimely unfortunate roller-coaster unsettled teasing worthless raunchy deliberate unsubmissive flighty giddy wassailing offending pig-headed sly foxy inconvenient inopportune untrammeled running wild revolting terrorist shaking perturbed infantile ruffianly storming kiddish ill-natured sinning demonstrative stern thoughtless bitter immature childish disrespectful volatile gratuitous unexpected unanticipated ill-timed tyrannous despotic terrorizing uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised heterodox terrorising unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized erring deviant reveling strenuous not controlled maniacal manic full of confusion full of conflict full of upheavals bad-mannered joyous carefree hearty impatient hasty hectic widespread culpable guilty transgressing criminal surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed sprightly cavorting jovial hyper epidemic straying full of ups and downs willed provocative rife devil-may-care hot-headed short-fused easily provoked on a short fuse daring audacious unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious irritating carried away pandemic dominant rank sassy gutsy disregardful cheeky dareful rollicksome fun-loving happy glad lighthearted thumping ripping fay sportful antic elfish larky brute sadistic inhumane aimless atrocious heartless butcherly inhuman barbaric prevalent flagrant pervasive exacting tiring fervent obsessive irritable litigious spoiling for a fight hog-wild heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating miscreant devious fallible unreliable beside yourself luxuriant profuse malapropos badly timed unseasonable disputative eventful arduous unjust unfair double-crossing merciless spreading blustering exceeding bounds fecund extravagant spreading like wildfire flourishing rambling proliferating predominant extensive multiplying on the rampage growing captious choleric gladiatorial agonistic cavilling like one possessed ludic skittish laborious exhausting keen snappy buoyant misfortunate hapless luckless unpropitious unpliable unpleasant ill-starred star-crossed off straight and narrow assaultive chippy querulous pettish controversial polemical polemic battling brawly fighting grouchy crude crass coarse eager infatuated devoted ardent fixated dedicated obsessed severe testing harsh unsparing taxing ructious huffy arguesome wrangling bickering crabby burning compulsive over-enthusiastic bad-tempered churlish war thin-skinned have chip on shoulder ill-tempered caviling burdensome full flustering madhouse tireless rough-and-tumble vivacious sunny coltish side-splitting breezy dotty potty visionary hooked zealous gung-ho busy bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious action-packed bubbly cheery zestful bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo chirpy upbeat peart peppy gladsome sparky chipper sparkling zingy gay blithesome blithe biased nuts for monomaniacal fanatical partial bugged domineering high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted bubbling rhapsodical of good cheer full of life light-hearted as merry as a grig bubbling over


Dissatisfied and complaining or rebellious
malcontent discontented disgruntled dissatisfied unhappy disaffected displeased rebellious resentful restive annoyed factious grumbling irritated vexed complaining dissentious malcontented peeved piqued aggrieved bellyaching carping discontent disgusted fault-finding fed up nitpicking ill-disposed put out unsatisfied belly-aching brassed off browned off cheesed off hacked off not best pleased peed off teed off ticked off angry irked indignant exasperated grumpy crabby sullen disappointed miffed upset sore frustrated out of joint restless querulous fretful offended ungratified griping sulky kvetching critical in a huff hurt bothered bitter grudging testy irritable aggravated disturbed disquieted envious peevish petulant riled narked rancorous grouchy cranky wounded huffy irate embittered spiteful chagrined disapproving snuffy unforgiving unpleased in high dudgeon troubled miserable impatient cantankerous perturbed blue disapproving of snappy snappish distressed sick and tired cross whining sick to death fed up to the teeth acrimonious with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth affronted pained eggy scornful hard contemptuous disdainful anguished wronged nettled incensed sour afflicted injured harmed objectionable churlish revengeful bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-used woeful saddened steamed acrid miffy mad surly vex grousing huffish wroth tooshie insulted hoha oppressed victimised grieving depressed persecuted victimized crabbing kicking uncontent vitriolic butthurt hateful hard done by hot under the collar out of temper bad tempered alienated estranged disloyal antagonistic hostile unfulfilled jaundiced seditious mutinous unsated picky angered regretful faultfinding ennuied unappeased fretting sniveling plaintive unassuaged begrudging insatiable jealous snivelling unfriendly dissident insurgent insurrectionary uncompliant insubordinate renegade unsubmissive fed-up not satisfied put-out apathetic cynical disillusioned indifferent up in arms enraged furious infuriated galled provoked shirty choleric ruffled ireful wrathful outraged ratty in a temper foaming at the mouth bent out of shape irascible ill-humored fuming livid agitated ill-humoured apoplectic maddened steamed up in a bad mood stung snaky crook inflamed rankled ticked ballistic harassed roiled rabid tetchy steaming hot-tempered narky soreheaded scunnered moody hopping mad wrath flustered touchy enflamed fit to be tied prickly ropeable uptight boiling splenetic stroppy worried foaming in a lather hot infuriate out of humour on the warpath short-tempered as cross as two sticks quick-tempered waspish riley fractious hopping harried fiery seething crotchety crabbed crusty aerated waxy worked up beside oneself horn-mad in a frenzy slighted dark out of sorts grieved glum disagreeable antagonized chafed captious tormented wild morose pettish perverse pouty tense chippy snarky ungracious heated dyspeptic snippy snippety stuffy choked filthy raspy venomous pouting antagonised mardy caviling cavilling wound up out of humor going crook blue in the face seeing red in a fume in a pet needled rattled reproachful glowering louring threatening dour fretted malignant whingy curt malicious vindictive salty hassled gloomy raging incandescent raving brooding gruff scowling frenzied difficult peckish whiny crybaby dirty unglued bugged liverish brusque short temperamental ranting quarrelsome truculent jumpy mean gnashing one's teeth blunt evil-intentioned hate-filled hotheaded contentious storming spare edgy curmudgeonly mumpish sorehead passionate at daggers drawn hung up burned up in a paddy off the air with all guns blazing ill-natured in a bate beside yourself with rage unimpressed goaded defiant disheartened wry discouraged dishonored humiliated forbidding grim snitty undermined unamused severe defeated umbrageous dishonoured disrespected abrupt cray-cray snubbed hacked very angry p.o.'d rousted roused mildly annoyed vehement unconvinced up the wall cut to the quick dogged scandalized buffaloed humourless terse unpleasant humorless bellicose rude carrying a chip on your shoulder frowning frantic shocked scandalised unmet failed annoying boorish unsmiling uncivil mopey discourteous inhospitable unsatisfiable menacing impetuous moping unindulgent impolite unhelpful boiling mad in a rage all steamed up overcome with anger bummed out at end of one's rope hot and bothered pushed too far beside yourself at boiling point raging mad rubbed the wrong way blown a gasket in a filthy temper cheerless having short fuse hot under collar ill-mannered belligerent aggressive sensitive feisty bristly unsociable argumentative volatile malevolent evil wicked shrewish misanthropic oversensitive ornery obstinate bilious harsh pertinacious uncooperative snarling contrary peppery hypercritical maleficent baleful iracund tough iracundulous bearish fussy disputatious scratchy malign poisonous malefic waspy trying acid growling tart sharp nasty saturnine cussed on edge awkward vinegary whingeing childish hasty obstreperous chuffy fierce black ugly thin-skinned having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered in a mood cross-grained like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts hot-blooded having got out of bed the wrong side short-fused easily offended anxious concerned uneasy disconcerted unsettled dismayed discomposed apprehensive jittery hinky unquiet goosey insecure dithery nervous antsy atwitter queasy queazy aflutter nervy asea shaken overwrought exacerbated beset puzzled inconvenienced discombobulated tortured confused mortified distraught pestered in a tizzy perplexed afraid ill at ease harrowed frightened worried stiff scared terrified het up alarmed fearful plagued out of countenance


Inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun
impish devilish mischievous rascally roguish prankish waggish wicked naughty playful puckish sportive arch elfin elvish knavish leprechaunish pixie pixieish pixy scampish sly tricksy mischief-making casual devil-may-care fiendish flippant fresh frolicsome giddy implike jaunty offhand pert pixilated saucy full of mischief free and easy teasing ludic gay lighthearted merry elfish espiègle cheeky funny jocular whimsical jokey lively kittenish tongue-in-cheek witty gamesome facetious high-spirited droll sprightly jesting comical humorous spirited jocose frisky jolly bubbly coltish frivolous mirthful light-hearted blithe amusing flip glib comic bantering joking cheerful joyous snappy jocund perky exuberant skittish rollicking in jest in fun peppy sportful frolicky antic larkish fun-loving rakish raffish knowing cunning chucklesome zestful silly wisecracking fay larky zippy bouncy animated zesty wry satirical good-humoured good-humored full of beans elven pawky pixyish mysterious artful affected foxy tricky coy wily misbehaving gleeful villainous cheating wanton disobedient frolic coquettish happy fun jovial beguiling slick deceiving crafty sneaky unserious smart joshing laughable pleasant capering clever cocky smart-alecky inane sassy inappropriate entertaining sportsmanlike gentlemanly fair picaresque putting one on pulling one's leg not serious tongue in cheek ridiculous wise smart-aleck impertinent sarcastic sardonic risible rude irreverent impudent dismissive disrespectful precious cutesy smarty-pants clowning good considerate game sportsmanly decent generous cute breezy mincingly clever lippy honest honourable reasonable evenhanded just square wild honorable sporting vivacious airy energetic sparky excitable pizazzy jazzy pizzazzy straight shooting square shooting square dealing full of fun full of life full of pep feeling one's oats full of get-up-and-go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in high spirits full of joie de vivre full of vim and vigour diverting hilarious ludicrous farcical sidesplitting wacky rib-tickling side-splitting uproarious hysterical riotous screaming priceless absurd killing zany comedic humoristic hysteric campy camp sparkling slapstick scintillating gelastic quick-witted boffo a scream for grins preposterous engaging fatuous crazy daft rich sharp quick senseless hysterically funny light sharp-witted flakey flaky killingly funny a hoot a laugh too funny for words ironic gagged up non-serious nonserious eccentric shallow superficial clownish ribald odd screamingly funny cheery laughing blithesome sunny festive quirky quaint off-the-wall oddball bright joculous daffy a barrel of laughs brilliant crack-up riot quizzical laffer flirtatious fanciful intelligent keen original for a laugh good-natured as a joke to tease penetrating ingenious piquant epigrammatic piercing highbrowed snazzy tactful profound racy nimble-witted cutting quick on the draw quick on the uptake loony jerky goofy fool dippy fool-headed nutty batty gump dizzy screwy goofus a card a caution fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse laugh-a-minute off the wall funny ha-ha ha-ha funny interesting enjoyable delightful pleasing enchanting pleasurable charming agreeable cheering gratifying novel gladdening gut-busting cut up

Antonym of trouble making

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