Synonym of utter fiend


A very wicked or cruel person
beast brute monster villain barbarian devil ogre savage baddy archfiend baddie caitiff evildoer heavy hound knave meanie meany miscreant nazi no-good rapscallion rascal reprobate rogue scalawag scallywag scamp scapegrace scoundrel serpent varlet wretch blackguard degenerate evil-doer ghoul sadist swine hellion terror troll evil person demon ruffian dastard good-for-nothing scumbag rat lowlife pig wrongdoer crook bad egg animal cad wrong 'un thug swindler heel creep ne'er-do-well trickster louse vagabond rotter mischief-maker bounder criminal delinquent hooligan cheat charlatan dog snake stinker imp unprincipled person lout black sheep troublemaker monstrosity profligate snake in the grass shyster fraudster bully fraud incorrigible antagonist skunk cur spalpeen scrote blighter wastrel rowdy enfant terrible rat fink tyrant bogeyman nasty piece of work bad guy sinner psychopath scum sociopath scally transgressor outlaw misfeasor malfeasant mischiefmaker rake sleeveen cheater skelm maggot liar mother libertine black hat bad lot bad character nasty person bad news daemon offender radge malefactor yahoo boor jerk lawbreaker ratbag weasel fink thief gangster outcast varmint sneak hoodlum shark turd pariah hood monkey nointer antihero jagoff mean person cruel person limb of Satan oaf culprit cannibal immoralist little devil bully boy gargoyle glutton being quadruped grotesque grotesquerie grotesquery debauchee vaurien roughneck roué scofflaw rakehell atua wild man adversary sharper picaro sleveen living thing lower animal deceiver mountebank slicker spectre specter butthole mofo yob bogan hoon scozza yobbo cougan common enemy bete noire bear SOB picaroon rorter grifter con man felon devil incarnate convict supervillain defrauder problem toerag robber bandit brigand mugger worm racketeer pirate terrorist cretin dirtbag toad vermin slimeball sleazebag con artist con desperado crim sleazeball slime trespasser infractor schmuck scuzzball sleaze stinkard ratfink urchin gunman jailbird gaolbird mischief nasty poltroon derelict ronion horror bezonian bum looser beggar pauper scullion cullion renegade pilgarlic ingrate pond scum son of a gun dirty dog unpleasant person despicable person bad apple wrong'un buzzard vulgarian low-life bad person rotten egg clown joker low life slob git crud chuff churl bleeder reptile pill crumb vandal stinkpot philistine scuzzbag slimebag slimebucket pervert dirtball deviant ignoramus sly person dastardly person so-and-so reprehensible person troglodyte illiterate bigot ned clod clodhopper heathen lowbrow oik wild woman hun crude boot boy lager lout savage person


A person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in their field
expert master maestro virtuoso adept wizard ace authority connoisseur hotshot maven guru whiz scholar artist cognoscente crackerjack geek meister proficient dab hand mavin crackajack sharp shark dab hand past master genius whizz professional pro doyen ninja buff specialist star pundit old hand wiz prodigy fundi grandmaster boffin demon wonk champion aficionado wunderkind marvel veteran master hand skilled person artiste old pro alpha geek obsessive winner brain consultant savant oracle sage whiz kid whizz-kid something else rocket scientist something to shout about something to write home about hot shot thinker brainiac intellect doyenne judge enthusiast exponent phenomenon egghead doctor practitioner one of the cognoscenti beast director conductor fancier critic insider leader devotee technician grand master cordon bleu old master talent whizz kid up-and-comer scientist powerhouse graduate resource person wonder prima donna real pro high priest key player whiz-bang bright spark leading light superstar fanatic addict gifted person natural magician performer celebrity champ dillettante top player bravura player hot stuff no slouch bible kingpin arbiter professor boss queen kingfish mistress brains textbook law king brass governor czar aristocrat top dog walking encyclopedia executive top brass ivory dome Bible big shot city hall front office big cheese top hand exec big wig expert witness power elite adviser mastermind mentor luminary intellectual philosopher big name heavyweight mogul notable guide bookworm pandit top name guiding light teacher learned person dignitary academic VIP mahatma headliner megastar Solomon inventor icon figure public figure old-timer researcher brainbox standout personality personage celeb worthy face maharishi name bigwig light warhorse mind vet stager big noise big gun solon woman of letters analyst man of letters old stager wise person old guard old soldier trooper bellwether Einstein nerd ham source counsellor controller counsel advisor idol somebody famous person to be reckoned with very important person captain of industry panjandrum nabob big star well-known person topliner aesthete dilettante forecaster force power appreciator horse's mouth ruler determiner consigliere counselor aficionada esthete leading exponent clever clogs lord dictator number cruncher influencer longtimer cognoscenti auger cereb commentator retired soldier trouper freelancer specialist in authority on expert judge experienced person old school self-appointed expert shellback GI sourdough expert judge of shining light learned one old warhorse arbiter of taste architect Nestor elder member of a policy unit member of a think tank bluestocking old salt engineer organizer wise man wise man/woman Solon person experienced in something highbrow polymath elite manager wise woman choice spirit master spirit one in a million bookman acca pointy-head rabbi planner learned man learned woman tohunga great hero big kahuna official person of influence top cat character giant lion litterateur illuminati grind augur don tool disciple gnome statesman author legend celebutante learner magnate ikon somebody inspiration deviser originator initiator honcho supremo notability tycoon notoriety biggie person of letters bookish person old soul man of learning wise old man heavy hitter famous name famous person household name person of note important person instigator organiser prime mover intelligence important personage major leaguer cause celebre big fish V.I.P. big wheel


A mischievous child
imp rascal rogue scamp urchin devil brat minx monkey demon hellion mischief rapscallion mischief-maker prankster tearaway troublemaker tyke whippersnapper wretch chit horror monster perisher scally spalpeen gamin jackanapes nointer pickle rip scapegrace varmint deviling devilkin fairy gnome gremlin holy terror pixie scalawag scallywag troll villain little dickens mischievous child scoundrel reprobate knave miscreant baddy evildoer hound caitiff savage varlet nazi baddie meanie heavy beast brute meany no-good toerag badly behaved child disgrace rake loafer prodigal tramp mischievous person rowdy delinquent puck skunk sneak cardsharp charlatan swindler tough beggar jester hooligan fraud recreant ruffian git opportunist liar bully profligate felon grafter trickster idler cheat tease pretender robber joker bum sinner hypocrite black sheep terror rabble-rouser punk stirrer slyboots instigator guttersnipe kid cub pest nuisance little monster spoiled brat enfant terrible practical joker thing mischief maker ringleader meddler mixer gossip mischief-makers so-and-so operator waif ragamuffin stray mudlark scallion artful dodger wastrel tatterdemalion scarecrow youngster puppy superbrat gamine spoilt child tinker pup Puck spoiled child impudent child unruly child wild one juvenile delinquent hood hoodlum vandal jokester buffoon booger wag cutup thug agitator firebrand inciter incendiary tot nipper squirt child boy little rascal fun-maker little devil hell-raiser inflamer heel ankle-biter bad boy life of the party little monkey agent provocateur wise guy loose cannon smart aleck

Antonym of utter fiend

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