Synonym of utter mess


(of a place) The state of being dirty or untidy
disorder disarray untidiness jumble dishevelment disarrangement shambles clutter messiness misorder muck turmoil dirtiness disorderliness disorganisation disorganization mishmash muddle muss tangle tumble welter discombobulation hodgepodge state wreckage mare's nest lack of order topsy-turvyness topsy-turvydom wild disarray dog's dinner confusion chaos disorderedness havoc hell heck chance-medley free-for-all snake pit mix-up bedlam hash derangement botch omnishambles topsy-turviness hotchpotch sloppiness anarchy mess-up mistake rat's nest pandemonium disruption irregularity confusedness slovenliness grunginess bungle foul-up madhouse misunderstanding muddiness ataxia scramble pig's breakfast miscalculation error blunder car crash fankle upset snarl grubbiness ravel imbroglio scruffiness snafu scrappiness a mess complication unholy mess screw-up can of worms complete mess heap pig's disturbance riot untidy state morass flurry mass disharmony indiscipline disunity litter maelstrom fiasco hodge-podge babel disaster scribble discomposure unruliness web rush train wreck chaotic place commotion puzzle grovel toss roll overturn place of disorder rubbish clamour entropy dog's breakfast huddle a shambles clamor a muddle holy mess predicament incompetence inefficiency incoherence inadequacy dissolution disunion ineptitude unconnectedness ineffectiveness disjointedness an omnishambles muddle-up plight troublesome situation comess snarl-up a dog's dinner a dog's breakfast slipup confused state state of confusion state of untidiness oversight screwup slip blooper flub mess and a half balls-up unkemptness goof-up false step misjudgement faux pas misjudgment dither fuddle


A situation that is confused and full of problems
dilemma plight difficulty fix jam muddle predicament stew hole pickle bind imbroglio trouble emergency problem quandary spot straits complication confusion entanglement mire scrape perplexity uphill tight corner tight spot deep water mix-up hot water fine kettle of fish pretty kettle of fish quagmire impasse crisis corner difficult situation box sticky situation dire straits awkward situation swamp rattrap rabbit hole distress tricky situation strait sticky wicket jackpot adversity spot of bother pinch issue embarrassment extremity exigency bother setback hardship headache misfortune conundrum disaster catch-22 catastrophe puzzle calamity kettle of fish unfortunate situation situation how-do-you-do bad news crunch pass cataclysm tight situation tragedy no-win situation hassle problematic situation sad state ticklish situation hindrance hard times squeeze critical situation hell on earth clutch fiasco tribulation hell catch vicissitude depression sorry condition hang-up danger conflict state can of worms double trouble obstacle botheration doubt train wreck soup dispute juncture worry upheaval hitch turmoil comess rigor disorder blow tinderbox havoc debacle mishap drama shambles complexity trauma horror meltdown rigour desperate straits double bind knot zero hour complicated situation mare's nest condition worst-case scenario spot of trouble bit of bother car crash controversy question nuisance count disagreement case point at issue disputed point struggle pain woe uncertainty tangle circumstance reversal urgent situation burden reverse Dunkirk crossroads conjuncture head obstruction hurdle position chaos disarray failure bewilderment crash collapse worriment asperity deadlock scourge devastation drawback affliction misadventure urgency pressure tension apocalypse cleft stick crossroad boiling point crunch time breaking point flash point hornets' nest impediment panic stations snag difficult choice bad situation a hole a fix a jam a scrape source of trouble grievance turning point to-do vicious circle thorn in the flesh big trouble hot potato with nowhere to turn reversal of fortune circumstances snafu troublesome problem snake pit Gordian knot snarl hard nut to crack unpredictable situation complex problem dog's breakfast Pandora's box hornet's nest mass of problems jumble hot spot indigence destitution upset discomfiture equation involvement potential crisis emergency situation stalemate situational problem concern grief torment disappointment deep trouble inconvenience indecision poser extreme suffering facer challenge place accident botched situation state of perplexity state of uncertainty delicate situation troublesome situation spectacle worst case commotion fuss incident matter diffict situation between a rock and a hard place scene disturbance business occasion melodrama affair adventure row brouhaha enmeshment embroilment worst outcome fracas sensation thrill excitement worst that could happen worst possible outcome worst comes to worst up a tree necessity jeopardy peril farce imperilment frustration oppression compulsion push climax unforeseen circumstances soap opera endangerment tear-jerker pretty misery need risk a bad situation mystification bottleneck a plight a mess a predicament a sorry condition contingency a difficult situation hazard exertion painfulness a tight corner a bind thorn in one's side trammel hiccup vexation gremlin fly in the ointment spanner in the works rub source of difficulty monkey wrench in the works barrier handicap stumbling block vexed question question mark pitfall a spot labor a stew barricade discouragement harassment sweat dead end hardness labour crux a pickle choke point harm's way habit bugbear downside negative aspect glitch teething trouble drag ruin blight stress whammy shock monstrosity bomb shipwreck disorderliness desolation holocaust trial messiness bust rough go heavy blow stroke of ill luck disquiet anxiety task annoyance aggravation exigence prob lose-lose puzzlement l trouble spot Dutch matter of contention point of contention climacteric bafflement cul-de-sac morass cessation pause rest damned if you do, damned if you don't bar crimp demand difficult problem embarrassing situation hot seat embarrassing problem tight squeeze undertaking nut factor web development uphill battle hamper constraint requirement inevitability disadvantage acuteness want demandingness traverse problems needfulness requisite essential imperativeness wont criticalness pressingness irritation millstone cumber damned if one does and damned if one doesn't subject duress unease focus enigma stumper interest contention subject matter theme argument topic point agitation issues pest strife unpleasantness irritant strain sorrow irk thorn peeve exasperation aggro ruffle nark pain in the rear bane pain in the backside source of irritation source of annoyance pain in the neck fair cow hair shirt pain in the bum bore misgiving scepticism reservation disbelief skepticism apprehension query mistrust qualm scruple suspicion cynicism misdoubt unbelief misbelief niggle distrust questioning second thought


Something that is a failure, typically resulting from incompetence
failure catastrophe debacle flop abortion washout blunder botch dud fail fiasco bungle bust calamity clinker fizzle shambles shipwreck trainwreck turkey bomb bummer clunker collapse hash lemon miss wreck bodge failing implosion misadventure misstep muck muddle nonachievement nonperformance omnishambles rout whammy defeat frost nonsuccess rabble snafu tragedy pig's breakfast balls-up non-starter let-down screw-up train wreck foul-up car crash false step no-hoper damp squib faux pas dead duck dead loss sinking ship disaster miscarriage breakdown loser lead balloon frustration downfall loss flash in the pan bankruptcy overthrow stalemate total loss decay rupture decline inadequacy deficit checkmate stoppage deficiency deterioration crash misfortune ruin letdown disappointment mishap cockup unsuccess ruination setback farce unsuccessfulness cropper fumble bungling oversight misprision neglect dereliction default negligence delinquency trouble fizzer blow omission screwup shit show pig's ear embarrassment vain attempt non-achiever route fall nonfeasance anticlimax misfiring undoing foundering error downer discomfiture dumb thing to do drag reverse misfire rejection bringdown choker lack of success coming to nothing fizzling out non-success falling through non-fulfilment breaking down trouncing disintegration non-event liquidation penury beggary impecuniousness pennilessness dissolution shellacking crack-up smash beating reversal smashup vanquishment defeasance devastation havoc drubbing licking folding administration receivership indebtedness pauperdom financial ruin insolvency blue ruin annihilation thrashing massacre pasting hammering hiding caning demolition trimming trashing waxing conquest destruction whipping clobbering pounding going-over overwhelming defeat crushing defeat slaughter mistake subjugation triumph mastery killing whitewashing extermination downthrow repulse lacing scalping rebuff ambush paddling count check insuccess trap KO break nonstarter also-ran plastering lump whaling dog flopperoo bellyflop no-go thumping battering walloping blank jalopy mauling junk reject old banger piece of junk slip thwarting fault mismanagement perversion miscue underachiever has-been want defect underdog write-off nobody nonentity mischance aborting spontaneous abortion still birth insufficiency lapse malfunction miscarriages interruption deadbeat down-and-outer flunkee underprivileged disadvantaged losel born loser two-time loser crumbling sore loser buckling falling to pieces crumpling falling apart shutdown falling down falling depression landslide walkover romp disgrace descent vanquishing unseating end debasement declination demise degeneracy toppling declension degeneration ousting death devolution comedown Waterloo deposition decadence elimination comeuppance degradation nemesis eclipse flameout labefaction bane rack and ruin atrophy road to ruin loss of power doom loss of status loss of prosperity


A large number of something
multiplicity abundance stack mass heap lot profusion pile quantity plenty mountain bundle wealth tonne ton slew oodles loads plenitude scads store gobs volume bunch spate reams raft chunk wad lashings plentitude fistful much boatload barrel bushel basketful truckload pot bucket yard potful deal passel shipload carload lashins sight pack plateful sheaf dozen hundred peck load lots masses quantities host bulk stockpile stacks tonnes tons heaps shedload hoard scores trillion batch swag ocean piles stock million millions bank thousand jillion number thousands billions hundreds gazillions sum ream total scad good deal a lot great deal whole lot myriad all kinds of quite a bit plethora collection superabundance cornucopia oceans amassment cluster accumulation multitude aggregation assemblage agglomeration clump fullness gob gathering deposit bounty copiousness lump congeries large quantity large amount sea bags mine mountains many mound hill jumble cargo harvest haul concentration great amount assortment supply opulence feast conglomeration fund mint large number a great deal flood numerous ample exuberance reserve amount amplitude riot hunk shock lavishness excess group rick backlog bountifulness affluence wodge luxuriance armful pool set whole aggregate sufficiency reservoir a large amount richness cumulation accrual plenteousness array huddle a good deal a pile zillions combination bazillions nimiety ampleness overflow prosperity fruitfulness a shedload more … than one can shake a stick at great quantity floods busload truckful jumb degree drove logjam surplus glut measure portion share treasury several rabble superfluity cache stash bag box extent bing rickle abundant substantial plentiful innumerable an amount a number copious countless considerable corpus plurality entirety totality contingent army surfeit crate carton pallet sum total horde swarm distribution loadsa oversupply extravagance plentifulness throng droves a good few a good number considerable amounts crowd legion pots miles wads profuseness prodigality deluge avalanche torrent capacity bounteousness enough luxury variety well drift a considerable number shedloads quite a number prosperousness outpouring score slat great number full house fount a deal mucho aplenty flock whopper infinity a fair amount a mountain a swag a great many a large number a great quantity a profusion a wealth an abundance repertoire inventory repertory provision riches fortune nest egg treasure fountain lode build-up clutch pileup suite accretion constellation band clot battery acquisition parcel knot muster cumulus kit lodgment block grouping lodgement caboodle package agglomerate bundles stores bunches chunks passels myriads packs multiplicities slews rafts messes spates fistfuls boatloads truckloads barrels basketfuls shiploads buckets potfuls carloads bushels plentitudes platefuls sheaves dozens yards deals pecks collections stockpiles clusters aggregations banks agglomerations batches mints clumps hoards swags plethoras conglomerations lumps mounds reservoirs bombs groups multitudes deposits funds hills hosts mines pools big bucks packets gatherings arrays numbers earth sums jillions ricks inventories assortments stashes cumulations caches sets aggregates backlogs combinations build-ups totals trillions big money manies jumbles seas hunks knots bands accretions bounties amounts hauls large numbers troves pileups blocks suites king's ransoms feasts bings harvests cargos huddles rickles crowds flocks constellations groupings parcels nest eggs wholes body batteries agglomerates wodges buildups clots clutches swarms legions hordes bevies armies throngs herds motsers sufficiencies shocks repertoires armfuls mobs units overflows pyramids musters bevvies gangs streams pretty pennies riots accruals sum totals logjams surpluses ranges routs assembly top dollars pushes scrums budgets sources a bunch mixtures silly money bikes capital lodgements all congregations garners rolls armories jam concourses press dough lodgments treasure-troves crushes money cumuli troops armouries force crams caboodles repertories treasuries rabbles contingents busloads truckfuls avalanches full houses deluges torrents extents portions shares degrees measures superfluities outpourings oversupplies gluts pallets boxes cartons crates corpora pluralism numerousness diversity galaxies preponderance lead majorities most advantage a load a huge number denomination hideaways compendiums compilation whoppers slats depositions growth hummocks pile-ups bottlenecks shoals blowouts turnouts schools lodes fountains provisions founts wells hodgepodge handfuls pocketsful treasure houses fall-backs world vast amount huge amounts immensity bar alluvion rucks dunes ridges clamps hacks towers cold decks sellouts repositories portfolios crops allocation storehouses arsenals concretions clouds amalgamation crews parties ensembles composites integrality kits pharmacopoeias selections produce merchandise pharmacopeias goods choice great quantities a host an army a bevy profuse umpteen a horde a great amount a crowd a swarm a multitude a throng a flock a great number miscellanies compounds whole enchiladas amalgam alloys conjunction synthesis fulls mixes mixed bags conglomerates hotchpotches blends summations marriage divers very many a slew property inheritance gold mines worth wherewithal substances estates means chips gold bankrolls wampums wallets tender bread lucre pelf legal tender currency coin changes cash greens haycocks haystacks hay hayricks killing


A complicated or confused situation
morass tangle web muddle confusion jumble snarl mesh net chaos knot imbroglio jungle maze clutter jam mire labyrinth skein comess mix-up mishmash hodgepodge medley hash miscellany patchwork assortment mixture potpourri variety collage mixed bag agglomeration hotchpotch farrago pastiche miscellanea gallimaufry ragbag rummage olio mélange patchwork quilt montage salmagundi motley collection collection melange conglomeration motley mix litter smorgasbord stew welter tumble scramble selection menagerie omnium-gatherum mass combination salad gumbo jambalaya agglomerate botch mash-up olla podrida crazy quilt grab bag shuffle ragout pot-pourri assemblage alphabet soup diversity blend omnium gatherum mingle-mangle odds and ends oddments scissors-and-paste job combo array brew entanglement convolution mingling shambles pasticcio random selection heap composition goulash random collection hotch-potch disarray complexity mashup disorder bundle complication twist macédoine cat's cradle garbage cluster coil mat snare group fusion tanglement amalgam set compound snag intricacy concoction disarrangement alloy puzzle amalgamation weave union composite choice meld grouping package cross admixture merger conflation intermixture cocktail synthesis emulsion perplexity accumulation hodge-podge huddle derangement Whitman's sampler series network coalition hybrid pack anthology scatter melting pot ataxia conglomerate tartan check plaid disorganization assembly trap all shapes and sizes all sorts sundries aggregation melee cumulation untidiness disorganisation turmoil pick `n' mix range kind sort wide range dog's dinner dog's breakfast webbing quagmire colluvies tissue concatenation thatch enmeshment reel hank whirl meshing bunch quicksand meshes noose snarl-up ensnarement tie-up cobweb entrapment netting combine bank constellation band clot clutch battery clump suite parcel batch muster passel number block lot association heterogeneous mixture dough confection hybridization adulteration incorporation interfusion commixture mosaic mash batter crossing infiltration transfusion saturation soup assimilation crop aggregate untidy heap confused heap congeries pig's breakfast


A mess created by the post-production, post-consumption, or playing of edible products or substances


A blemish made by a dirty finger
fingermark blotch mark smear smudge fingerprint spot blot stain streak speck fleck smirch dot blemish smut splotch splodge stripe stigma scratch scar pockmark bruise dent pock nick impression discoloration speckle trace line pit blur imprint chip patch notch score cut blight marking excrescence excrescency blaze mar birthmark brand check ink stroke slur dab onus blob pop taint dirty mark smutch macule soiled spot disfigurement deformity gash incision mole pimple lump fault impurity nodule lentigo cicatrix bloom zit tarnish blackhead wart nevus blister maculation whitehead defacement hickey snag bug freckle macula eyesore beauty spot blot on the landscape flaw defect imperfection injury swelling boil pustule damage carbuncle papule wound whelk naevus mottle eruption welt contusion crack point bump irregularity eyespot dapple pip monstrosity abscess wen fester black eye mutilation plook lesion strawberry mark acne ugliness break disgrace indentation sore hideosity trauma fracture atrocity knot abrasion ecchymosis hole port wine stain impairment sight deformation furuncle tear blain gouge wale abnormality unsightliness blocked pore growth scrape rash infection tarnishing crater snick kink distortion defacing contamination dishonor indent dishonour rift laceration tumour hack odium disfiguration horror indenture groove marring cyst weal spatter inflammation shiner kerf graze comedo split knock daub bleb papula ugly sight mote beauty mark jot black-and-blue mark tumor ugly thing blot on landscape blot on the escutcheon rough spot blood haemangioma pigmentation ephelis ridge scuff wheal whitlow outgrowth canker bloodstain dimple hollow cavity shame splash pepper sty caruncle infamy discredit burn soiling pinprick vesication stones sprinkle stipple protuberance stigmata pitted scar mouse verruca scab cicatrice track demerit breakout mottling tint yellowing bruising staining blackening modicum iota whit fragment malformation misshapenness bang angioma hemangioma splatter bar sinister mark of Cain liver spot crookedness foxing dirt boo-boo skin discoloration hematoma twinge slash colorwash scarring spoiling black mark vandalism age spot crevice cleft fissure scission disproportion contortion tumescence corn ulcer dint mother's mark pollution tincture tinge touch contagion verruga fright misproportion warp repulsiveness misshape malconformation affliction sprain ink spot uglification ruin damaging vandalizing jag destruction splosh petechia hurt stab harm sting hemorrhage haemorrhage corruption hideousness depravity unnaturalness grossness asymmetry buckle unattractiveness aberration mill slit molecule dollop dump trashing vandalization gumboil shock bite rent cramp pang chilblain vandalising obliteration graffiti goober goophead


That which is left behind after something has been destroyed
wreck debris detritus ruins wreckage remains ashes flotsam remainder residue rubble fragments pieces relics remnants heap hull junk relic skeleton sunken ship sunken vessel waste vestiges refuse garbage dregs orts rubbish odds and ends dross scrap lumber trash scraps dreck grot mullock debitage gash leftovers raffle leavings raff draff cultch shell waste matter discarded matter shambles ruin litter shards rest chaff traces balance spoilage slag offscourings remnant brash scree sweepings residuum flotsam and jetsam remaining part remaining number remaining quantity number left over quantity left over what's left part left over part that is left over number that is left over quantity that is left over hulk destruction frame wrack havoc swill scum jetsam cargo castoffs driftwood sea-drift deposit grains sediment shavings wastage crackup mincemeat skids stones fill bricks broken bricks crumbs oddments excess surplus butt others trace rump difference overspill overflow stub superfluity extra oddment those left hangover carry-over additional people bottom of barrel extra material additional material heel extra things stump tail end extra people vestige salvage additional things fragment the rest of overplus obverse bits deadwood offscouring spilth gubbins riffraff offal drek dust truck effluvium effluvia odds and sods muck slop bits and pieces rummage lees slops scourings sewage filth offcuts bits and bobs miscellany slush waste material sleaze miscellanea hogwash leaving sludge sundries rejects bric-a-brac stuff silt clutter tripe crapola grounds cheese scoria impurity crust recrement end collateral settlings precipitate cast-offs dirt scrapings accumulation carrion deposition grouts sublimate alluvium leftover mélange gunk fag end jumble particles mishmash patchwork mixed bag loose ends hodgepodge notions novelties knickknacks potpourri this and that melee medley rags sundry items assortment motley miscellaneous paraphernalia etcetera olio effluent things paraphernalia shreds off cuts landfill sullage poop poo faeces snippets cuttings knick-knacks husks hulls rash scattering rejectamenta dump glumes scobs sinter notion etceteras clobber dunghill pod shard domestic refuse cinders spoil droppings compost useless things discarded things knick-knackery white elephants legacy space junk feces solid waste overage precipitation settling gook matter solids ground powder pickings deposits unused supplies uneaten food tail ends stalks straw grime pollution slime contamination crud putrefaction mire defilement mud stems bit putrescence ordure ooze snippet sliver shred decay soil smut yuck grunge gunge foul matter putridity rottenness offensiveness feculence end of a line off cut stubble


(mess up) To make untidy or dirty
dirty clutter dishevel disarray disorder disarrange muddle louse up make a mess of mess up make untidy make dirty put out of place disorganize jumble disturb confuse discompose muss disrupt shuffle rumple upset disjoint scramble tousle dislocate ruffle mix up derange hash tumble throw into disorder unsettle scatter untidy muss up get out of order tangle displace bring into disorder make disorderly throw into disarray turn upside down make a shambles of turn topsy-turvy throw into confusion discombobulate muddy misarrange entangle foul bungle perturb muck jumble up snarl fumble throw off snafu psych out get into a tangle muff blunder spoil foul up mix stir up botch complicate ravel agitate snarl up confound rummage rattle shake throw derail unnerve dismay unbalance perplex disconcert convulse riffle bother litter strew worry interfere with embroil trouble fluster change faze discomfit bewilder distemper nonplus undo flurry discountenance distract embarrass shake up get to rearrange destabilize disperse wreck interfere misplace make a mess intermix alarm bestrew toss discreate shift disquiet break up daunt concern muddle up distress discommode exercise throw into chaos abash hagride alarum frazzle unhinge discomfort ail fuss reorder destabilise make anxious make uneasy put off take aback turn throw off balance frustrate needle screw up muck up bug be strewn about upset the applecart weird out freak out demoralize put out of order be scattered about demoralise change the order break the deck put someone off their stroke make waves misalign dealign wrinkle crumple ruin mistake randomize recombine rifle destroy tamper distort meddle replace bring into disarray gum up make hay of randomise overturn throw out mislay demobilize disband reorganize put in disarray vex disalign throw into a state of disorganization trash run one's fingers through mingle demobilise pother make fretful shower besmirch annoy gnaw at pester irritate break down tilt slosh reverse slop subvert make a scene spread reorganise transpose knock off balance turn inside-out stop shift about bollix baffle clutter up encumber cover fill drop litter be disarranged disorient cause confusion in cause turmoil in play havoc with surprise startle cut short intrude on catch off balance flummox mortify rattle one's cage muddy the waters throw a spanner in the works of hinder gravel balk puzzle throw a monkey wrench in the works of cause mess take by surprise baulk put out of countenance cause to be at a stand make someone scratch their head set someone back on their heels stop someone in their tracks put someone off their stride dishearten discourage dispirit unman deject depress undermine weaken sap jolt crush enfeeble complex sophisticate complexify sicken down dement spook fuddle devitalize chill subdue cow enervate involve make difficult cast down disempower knock the stuffing out of send up deflate blow out damp disparage blow up unzip knock for six bring low dampen unglue take apart debilitate knock sideways take steam out cripple pull the rug from under pull the rug out from under throw into uproar clog interrelate fold convolute interweave make intricate obfuscate open can of worms add fuel to fire make difficulties obscure make complicated multiply thwart mire elaborate intricate impede set hurdles make more difficult combine handicap make complex bedevil twist interfuse infold render unintelligible snag


(mess with) To interfere with something, especially unnecessarily or in an underhanded manner
interfere meddle intervene tamper intermeddle muck about muck around encroach on poke your nose in throw a spanner in the works of stick your oar in throw a monkey wrench in the works of mess with intrude pry obtrude nose interlope snoop poke butt in stick your nose in barge in interpose encroach put your two cents in busybody enquire inquire horn in meddle in infringe impose interfere in mix in nose into be a busybody fool with intrude on push in be nosy about interrupt intercede invade impede kibitz hinder trespass interject bother stickybeak nosy pester encumber advance molest mouse peek enquire impertinently poke around be inquisitive sidewalk-superintend poke about be curious muscle in abuse rights dabble in chime in worm in come uninvited mess around be nosy chisel in break in on crash the gates inquire impertinently mind someone else's business poke one's nose into bug thrust poke into gossip stir put your oar in interpolate overstep insinuate intercalate spy interfere with peep peer be inquisitive about watch meddle with sneak snook stare thrust oneself in hold up go beyond do some detective work stick one's nose into disturb examine inspect cut in intermediate break in gatecrash burst in poke one's face in charge in get into the act nose around butt into impose oneself on muscle in on pry into intercede in kibitz on entrench on horn in on get involved barge into get involved in impinge on step in intervene in intrude into tamper with chip in impinge divide disrupt crash entrench work in come between involve oneself make inroads put in one's oar move in cut off interpose oneself insinuate oneself put in two cents be drawn in join in creep infiltrate act inch worm trench usurp violate heckle appropriate arrogate elbow in tread on someone's toes step on someone's toes eat into squeeze in invade someone's space impose oneself make inroads into arbitrate arrive enter come become involved cut in on cut stay separate check prevent barge in on disunite intersect inject disconnect disjoin in shortstop arrest take action take measures be invited butt in on chime in on put in bust in cut short chip in on edge in crowd in break train of thought get in the way lend a hand take a hand


To toy or tinker with something, especially aimlessly
fiddle trifle toy play touch feel handle fool finger paw thumb dabble doodle fuss twiddle play with mess around fool around mess with fool about mess about pick at tinker meddle tamper interfere monkey fiddle with fool with putter toy with monkey with meddle with fidget trifle with play around interfere with tamper with adjust tinker with experiment potter frivol flirt puddle dally with play about with play around with dabble with potter about with play games with monkey around amuse oneself muck about with muck around with poke wink at twirl jiggle play about touch without permission handle without permission swivel wiggle turn juggle twist move fix try to improve niggle work amateurishly on mend muck about repair adjust slightly try to mend fool around with fool about with fidget with mess about with tinker with the edges of take apart tinker at the edges of rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic mess around with put right play at amuse oneself with potter around with muck around potter about potter round with flirt with work superficially stroke caress maul fondle rub manipulate grab palpate manhandle pull grope twiddle with put one's hands on lay a finger on pat palm frisk tickle pet brush massage knead mess up gentle tweak mark put one's hand on run hands over soil dog-ear love comfort soothe smooth grasp hold fiddle around with fiddle about with tap mangle graze lift grip nudge press lightly handle clumsily handle carelessly brush against check rub up against brush up against osculate prod dab impinge upon lay a hand on probe test try handle roughly pick up poke at cosset molest dandle nuzzle nestle squeeze neck touch up feel up touch gently cop a feel of


(usually "joking") To tease, typically in a good-natured way
joke fool jest kid tease deride rib chaff jive josh mock razz taunt frolic fun gambol hoax quip rally ride ridicule roast fool around fool about put someone on rot someone shuck wind up mess about mess around play the fool pull someone's chain pull someone's leg play a joke play a prank play a trick play tricks pull one's leg have on play a practical joke make a monkey out of pretend act sham fake feign gag yuk wisecrack jape jolly banter yuck counterfeit clown around clown about put on an act make believe muck around muck someone about slang rag make fun of poke fun at take the mickey needle laugh at satirize twit pun make sport of send up satirise put on take the piss out of spoof quiz jeer at scoff at jeer jibe at rag on goof on poke mullock at sling off at bait gibe chiack guy sally smoke make jokes about make a joke be sarcastic about make a monkey of jibe goad rot lampoon parody pick on flout at poke borak at retort be facetious annoy heckle harass trick burlesque bother play with words sledge haze scoff flout tell jokes mimic caricature set up crack a joke play crack remark sneer scorn sneer at treat contemptuously raspberry treat with contempt pillory gird frazzle lark stay ridge bone laugh to scorn crack wise have a joke with call names amuse flip laugh prank divert entertain crack jokes have a laugh tell stories have a joke on somebody dupe deceive hoodwink delude beguile make mischief lark about lark around gull cozen con bamboozle lead up the garden path play a joke on joke with play a trick on take for a ride take in flimflam mislead yank someone's chain travesty imitate do ape copy take off mime distort pervert misrepresent do a takeoff of disparage sheikh do an impression of sheik impersonate exaggerate twist torment plague worry hassle pester harry provoke badger irritate aggravate bedevil hector importune vex devil nudge gnaw beleaguer disturb tantalize slam dog sound snap tantalise put down lead on flirt with swipe at be at give a hard time


To interfere with or put into a state of disorder
gum up flub bungle fumble blunder blow err bobble butcher mar miscalculate bumble boggle boot bollix distort flounder mend misapply miscompute foul up mess up goof up louse up ball up make a muck of fall down fluff mangle spoil muff foozle muddle botch mismanage mishandle stumble murder dub muck up screw up make a mess of bollix up bodge hash do something badly balls up patch wreck crool ruin make a nonsense of make a Horlicks of fail misjudge make a botch of damage mutilate make a pig's ear of do clumsily make a hash of misconjecture misconstrue pull a boner confuse trip boob louse goof snafu queer make hash of trip up drop the ball slip up make a mistake get wrong make a blunder go wrong make a boo-boo get it wrong misconduct misdirect misgovern jumble mix up blow it make an error drop a clanger mistake be mistaken be incorrect be wrong snarl be in error make a bloomer muddle up be wide of the mark botch up maladminister go astray manage badly misrule get things wrong boo-boo nod make a dog's dinner of confound overlook fudge drop a brick destroy slip put your foot in it miss tumble bollocks up misfield make a howler error veil muffle bramble grapple deliver badly careen misuse foul-up stuff up falter miscue make a boner choke mishit make mistake put a spanner in the works muff something up lose the handle lapse make a false move make a faux pas be inattentive be negligent be careless make a slip miscarry lose waste squander throw away jack up foul scupper throw prostitute mismanager pervert exploit misemploy be inefficient be incompetent be inaccurate misapprehend deviate bark up the wrong tree snarl up blot your copybook get the wrong end of the stick


To make a false show or pretense of
feign fake simulate pretend sham affect dissemble counterfeit act assume bluff imitate profess dissimulate pose posture masquerade fabricate play forge invent devise front kid malinger put on pass for play-act make believe put it on play possum give the appearance of put on airs put up a front four-flush make a pretence of play at make a show of phony up do a bit go through the motions give appearance of make show of put on act go through the motions of put on a false display lie falsify put on an act impersonate make out mimic deceive misrepresent disguise playact do make like ape prevaricate let on put on a front concoct adopt make up equivocate reproduce trump up purport mislead phony copy fib cheat phoney make-believe spoof jive claim act like put on a false front mask veil cloak hide conceal fool whitewash delude dupe camouflage pirate fudge sucker mock coin mirror pretend to be dress up take on act out take off shuck and jive personate masquerade as pose as do like ditto pass off make out like pass oneself off as allege imagine caricature parody represent portray hoax stonewall obscure strike misstate hoodwink con suppress beguile contrive hatch exaggerate cozen enact replicate burlesque travesty be dishonest knock off defraud borrow fake out tell untruth send up conjure up Xerox carbon tell a white lie design cover up hide one's feelings create out of thin air act as if put up a smoke screen make as if let on like pull the wool over someone's eyes fake it play the part depict form posture as seem to be pull dream up pretend to have beard aspire to satirize profess to have do a number cop lampoon swing the lead make a show make a pretense lay it on thick mint stat mimeo clone guy put up a front of present a false face present a false front suppose exhibit scratch copy fraudulently duplicate transcribe trace ham play to the gallery put on a pretense scheme orchestrate go like make money aspire construct manufacture circulate bad money fish jazz mime hoke satirise profess to be take up display stage resemble lift parrot feature suggest create steal favour crib favor fence showboat develop embody be hypocritical lay claim claim falsely be deceitful grandstand attitudinize daydream fantasize dream assume the role of affect the role of show become peacock assume the role gloss over mock up minimize veneer varnish downplay monkey reflect play a part follow in footsteps do an impression of model after do likewise do an impression pattern after try to be like parallel repeat do a take-off trick sugarcoat airbrush secrete extenuate screen lay on show off humbug minimise come to have double as turn into romance fancy muse disguise yourself strike an attitude behave affectedly strike a pose cop an attitude play the part of assume an attitude take off as palter bamboozle de-emphasize keep quiet about hush up keep a lid on draw a veil over sweep under the carpet keep dark keep secret be dishonest about soft-pedal sweep under the rug gull shroud doublespeak cover pussyfoot take in indulge in fantasy fantasise perjure gammon hornswoggle misguide catch gaff have snooker juggle snow misinform burn buffalo promote have on double-cross plant shovel suck in illude scam betray string along shuck bunco blag build castles in Spain build castles in the air act as though tell stories stretch the truth tell untruths psych out put one over on speak with forked tongue not tell the truth create fiction be economical with the truth make up a story invent a story tell a fib pull someone's leg tell a terminological inexactitude tell a lie forswear oneself depart from the truth tell a little white lie double-talk pass off as


To become involved in a conflict or fight with
tangle fight row argue contend dispute face quarrel wrangle confront oppose squabble mess with come into conflict cross swords have a dispute lock horns become involved come up against square up brawl scrap clash battle grapple wrestle struggle scuffle altercate tussle feud come to blows have a fight combat bicker war quibble contest exchange blows have a row disagree spar hassle scrimmage bump heads put up a fight take on skirmish assault attack duel engage romp have a dust-up have a punch-up conflict rassle jostle fall out vie strive spat argufy jar brabble controvert tiff rough-house have words bandy words be at odds be at loggerheads go at it hammer and tongs chop logic box fight like cat and dog go up against debate have a set-to tilt have an altercation have a disagreement threap pick a bone have at it trade punches start fighting slug it out joust duke it out roughhouse manhandle go for each other cuff tackle raise your fists exert work strain essay grunt endeavor endeavour get to grips come to grips differ slug vary have it out bump have a misunderstanding carp fail to agree cavil disapprove charge have a tiff break with dissent find fault caterwaul collide embroil complain be at variance object to divide get tough with take exception mix it up set to do battle be in conflict mount an attack face off wage war engage in hostilities make war go to war challenge fence compete pettifog butt heads bandy encounter have a barney have a spat talk back put up an argument pretend waffle avoid flip-flop chicane shift evade moot argy-bargy contradict canvass discept canvas object disaccord discord buck hash over be at sixes and sevens paralogize nit-pick hypercriticize be at each other's throats take issue with protest against argue over hem and haw catch at straws make a big thing about blow hot and cold lock antlers campaign discuss engage in conflict jockey square off demur protest rival repudiate reject agitate raise Cain nonconcur have a scrap have an argument lay into talk over clash with hash out quibble over disagree with go for bat around bat back and forth take issue be in dispute nitpick prevaricate equivocate niggle criticize pick to pieces split hairs bandy words with somebody criticise kick up a row light into get into conflict play off have a difference of opinion get into a dispute dig scrape have shouting match to fight fratch pick at trade zingers nastily argue ream jaw scold berate tourney cause a scene go at it be in opposition push cut and thrust close with battle with engage with trade blows enter the lists break a lance crusade do battle with exchange blows with struggle with scrap with come to blows with tussle with gainsay tongue-lash bawl out drive press demonstrate thrash out jump on one's case kick around toss around exchange views call on the carpet haggle palter zap sass rehash be of a different opinion be incompatible differ in opinion have a different opinion be divided bang heads not see eye to eye advocate shoot bombard hammer away verbally fight knock around face down pick an argument sock it to stick it to stir up opinion raise a fuss cry out get in one's face put up a struggle go one on one have at each other take the field engage in combat be at war conduct a war take the field against take up arms march against join battle campaign against grapple with bear arms skirmish with carry on hostilities be pedantic jump on each other rip into each other jump on let someone have it contradict each other go for the jugular fight over race diverge struggle for repel try to win challenge for vie for withstand strike rumpus try for tussle for traverse put on gloves cross knuckle with defend lay a finger on compete for gang up on battle for contend for put up dukes fight for lay out sock stoush emulate refuse stickle renounce rebel abjure swedge struggle against bid attempt try strive against shy decline balk rumble baulk pit oneself against argue with express disagreement be at odds with decline to support say nothing doing express disagreement with be at variance with withhold assent express objection not ratify fail to agree with say not a chance say no way refuse to support fly in the face of go up against in contest scramble for try to beat match strength go for broke pitch oneself against seek prize in the hunt go for the gold go head to head match wits run for cope with participate in go after jockey for position go the knuckle fight like Kilkenny cats fight nastily rebut refute debunk disprove counter address question discredit deny examine query contravene answer disaffirm disavow invalidate disclaim negate crush confute argue against disconfirm squelch quash dissent against blow sky high declare to be untrue call into question prove to be wrong show to be wrong contend over quibble about tear down prove false wonder about shoot full of holes put up argument differ with argue about show up have an argument about prove to be false agitate against blow out of the water pick an argument with hammer away at argue the pros and cons of shoot down in flames bandy words concerning prove wrong show to be false shoot down take a stand against give thumbs down to


To commit acts of thuggery, or behave in a thuggish manner


To cause to be dirty or soiled
soil dirty begrime grime muddy stain blacken foul smudge sully befoul spot contaminate defile get dirty pollute smear spatter splash spoil bemire besmirch daub distain gaum mire muck smirch splatter get filthy make dirty make filthy bedraggle crumb debase degrade discolour discolor disgrace maculate muck up muss shame tar make mucky mess up muss up taint tarnish mark corrupt mar blot bespatter blotch blemish injure ruin damage poison adulterate streak darken splotch splodge dot fleck bedaub speck besmear infect vitiate blight impair denigrate debauch make impure speckle pervert mottle tinge sprinkle harm stipple besoil disfigure scatter deface cover cloud coat black deprave profane splosh alloy besprinkle slabber demoralise demoralize fade make sooty rust spray bruise freckle pepper anoint dapple slop bestrew slush strew shoot marble scar dash distort desecrate make muddy touch smutch encrust draggle dishonour plash stud vilify bloody litter cake with dirt dishonor bastardize make dusty bastardise make unclean destroy ink make smoky make black make darker scorch dye color dull swarten paint make grimy cake with mud bespeckle spread radioactivate stripe blob bestud blur dust brutalize bestialize animalize brutalise char cake with soil plaster variegate shade flaw bleach weather colour ebonize wreck hurt endamage cripple undermine roil rile murk crab becloud spike doctor wash out trash toxify infest sow compromise break make murky crud up shower scuzz up make dark make cloudy spritz make foul water down cross up dent slosh swash pimple cloud up make blacker deteriorate abase devalue depreciate bedabble imprint warp cheapen demean subvert spangle discharge disperse douse splutter broadcast wet polka-dot dribble sputter emit notch pockmark impress pit lessen canker prostitute dilute score scratch cut chip gash nick scrape check chalk stroke blaze worsen reduce in value X reduce in quality lace weaken dope tamper with afflict sophisticate violate devastate thin ravage slip a Mickey Finn into envenom mix extend drug abuse falsify cook demolish overwhelm annihilate embitter blaspheme despoil sabotage crush spread to vandalize wear away commit sacrilege treat with disrespect attenuate wreak havoc on do damage to play havoc with run through mix with plant commingle denature transfuse shave amalgamate dissolve mingle infiltrate irrigate thin out blend intermix spread among vandalise lead astray phony up doctor up load make degenerate add drugs to plague confound seduce prejudice intoxicate fester alter enthuse disease move deacon manipulate mongrelize putrefy fix drag down put poison in interfere with misuse antagonize fiddle with tinker with add poison to scorn hoodoo revile vice cuss flame swear voodoo curse darn mock mudsling knock out commit sin do wrong be evil talk dirty antagonise empoison put double whammy on make sick mutilate mangle smash undo gut shatter disrupt total wound depredate treat sacrilegiously sack pillage devour insult outrage desolate waste spoliate crack disfeature play merry hell with tear incapacitate bang up dismantle stab drive a nail into the coffin of knock corrode lacerate scathe batter maltreat smash up gnaw wrong maim split raze cause injury rot burn disintegrate affect blaspheme against trouble make lose face commit sacrilege against lay waste to impact overcome strike perturb influence upset prevail occur impinge impact on prevail over impinge upon strike down shake up strike at take hold of attack exert influence on have an impact on have an effect on


Innumerable or incalculable
countless innumerable myriad numberless unnumbered untold innumerous legion manifold multifarious multitudinous uncounted endless immeasurable incalculable infinite lank limitless measureless numerous umpteen uncountable very many divers endless numbers of gobs heap heaps of immeasurable numbers of incalculable numbers of jillion loads loads of many mint mucho oodles peck pile raft scads slew stack stacks of unnumberable wad zillion a great number of a multiplicity of a multitude of bags of bazillions of beyond number gazillions of infinite numbers of masses of no end of oodles of scads of zillions of a bunch of a slew of lots of passel of tidy sum whole slew too many to be counted boundless unlimited inestimable vast immense great abundant no end to extensive inexhaustible multiple profuse enormous various without number unbounded copious several bottomless illimitable never-ending fathomless interminable plentiful considerable huge voluminous cosmic unfathomable constant horizonless indefinite immensurable unreckonable incomputable perpetual indeterminable teeming abounding plenteous lavish ample everlasting unforeseen uncertain iffy erratic unpredictable unfixed capricious whimsical fluctuant chancy without end continual incessant eternal indeterminate bounteous thick on the ground overflowing unending generous sundry bountiful frequent liberal rich superabundant large rife populous diverse ceaseless unsummed multifold beaucoup substantial prolific bumper indefinable galore full aplenty plenty heavy without limit alive with quite a few beyond measure a gogo prodigious millions of hundreds of thousands of enduring uninterrupted monotonous unsurpassable undying overlong immortal unbroken amaranthine self-perpetuating undivided continuous deathless a great many uncalculable multiplex multitudinal heaps persistent periodic recurrent sizeable luxuriant piles of tons of an incalculable number of regular broad repeated unceasing an infinite number of incomprehensible unflagging unremitting opulent habitual recurring periodical steady comfortable commodious thick unrestricted flush cornucopian perennial all kinds of in abundance replete a thousand and one no strings crawling with no end dozens of unmeasured wide stupendous millions umteen many different a raft of ever so many respective unspecifiable unidentifiable a whole bunch of haphazard unforeseeable hit-or-miss large number of massive colossal unmeasurable unconstrained uncontrolled unchecked unrestrained not to be reckoned sustained relentless multiplicity of unconditional absolute unbridled countless numbers of fulsome unrelenting spacious roomy expansive capacious total exuberant riotous gushing munificent repetitive varied assorted prevalent inordinate utter decent wordy prolix verbose lush unfailing stellar with no holds barred multiplied enough and to spare unfettered miscellaneous disparate well-provided thousand-and-one large-scale rampant well-supplied motley mixed unfathomed full-out all-out all-encompassing unconfined full-blown full-scale complete totalitarian universal thick with undefined unquantifiable without limits a mess of coming out of ears wide open on tap ad nauseam handsome tidy wide-open unthinkable unimaginable indescribable hefty unspeakable unutterable inexpressible no holds barred rank monstrous unexpressed ineffable private hidden titanic mighty unknown staggering mammoth gigantic a lot of plenty of sufficient quantities of a great deal of an abundance of a profusion of scores of a quantity of a swag of continuing chronic familiar common a shedload of undreamed of reiterated lousy with billions of successive reiterative iterated intermittent non-stop a good many quite a lot of occurring often permanent tremendous unplumbed profound deep abysmal lasting very deep forever imperishable unfading cavernous unsounded abiding chasmic protracted extreme long-winded perdurable yawning gaping sempiternal wearisome dragging long boring dateless timeless long-drawn-out tedious seemingly endless rambling spun out dragged out unspecified undecided undetermined unresolved unsettled priceless invaluable unbottomed no catch far down precious no strings attached valuable impenetrable million all-embracing supertemporal sustainable unabating indestructible chasmal beyond price plumbless abyssal sunken ongoing immutable ageless unplumbable deep-set plummetless soundless termless extendable viable extending far down renewable replenishable nonstop lengthy laborious ponderous meandering marathon unbound interminate looped dull day-and-night prolonged round-the-clock strung out on a treadmill extended having no end long-lived lingering long-term spun-out time-consuming dragged-out far long-lasting drawn-out not stopping overextended tardy delayed dilatory diffuse diffusive slow late for ages forever and a day more than one can count more … than one can shake a stick at more than enough

Antonym of utter mess

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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