Synonym of utter messes


Issues or things that need to be resolved
problems issues dilemmas obstacles setbacks troubles headaches pickles predicaments quandaries catch-22s hassles hindrances hurdles misfortunes obstructions plights worries bugbears burdens catches disputes downsides drawbacks perplexities questions adversities botherations worriments boxes complications difficulties doubts glitches hitches scrapes snags squeezes teething troubles cans of worms hot water challenges puzzles teething problems teething issues grievances trouble impediments hiccups adversity pitfalls vexations barriers tight spots stumbling blocks rubs bother trammels handicaps mix-ups muddles question marks gremlins hot potatoes flies in the ointment spanners in the works hornets' nests difficulty catch complication disadvantages crimps limitation encumbrances bar cramps deterrents blocks fetters restriction holdbacks drag stops weaknesses disbenefits checks manacles inhibition chains interference baulks embarrassment defects balks detriments restraint jokers hazard clogs shortcomings flaws booby traps curbs lets land mines faults gimmicks gotchas inconvenience minuses imperfection facers delays deficiency holdups stoppages blockages weak spots impedance hampers nuisances penalties discouragement failings harm uphills brakes sticking points negatives monkey wrenches liability bottlenecks constraints barricades blockades snafus mishaps hamperings hardship walls shackles lacks hang-ups millstones interruption vices hold-ups prevention foibles entanglement bugs gridlock balls and chains frailty demerits strikes impairment retardation cons misfortune damage albatross debit incommodity disability cumbrance kink expense hurts ills prices costs mischances tolls injury want puzzlers straitjackets blocking prohibition strictures traps dead weight locks blows worry weight excess baggage impasses sins bummers failure Achilles heels baggage hangups pinches preventives traverses thorns in the flesh snares loss disappointment downfalls disfavors dereliction disfavour tribulations tangles inhibitors retardments consequences ramifications error probs jam-ups pales complaint roadblocks circumvention reins bonds railings fences slowings vexation hot potato banana skins bad other sides of the coin bumps mountains to climb disincentives privation affliction congestion occlusions aggravation loads red tape disablement disorder ties counts disagreements doubt perplexity botheration crunches habits blips deadlocks malfunctions anomalies bones of contention ploys wiles dodges conundrums tricks detainment detention holding patterns traffic jams waits infirmities debilities inadequacy holes gaps blemishes deformities instability chinks in the armor fallibility lapses unsoundness sore points checkings uphill battles quashings frustration fetterings stoppings curbings foilings interdicts smotherings thwartings haltings crampings suppression bridlings embargoes arrests repression stiflings sublimation despite jam imbroglios binds complexity fixes hot seats stew straits bitter pills miscalculation blunders reversals of fortune knocks mistakes upset knock-backs strokes of bad luck whammies reversal inefficacy kicks in the teeth slips defeats body blows bafflement dampers evil disservices undesirable consequences adverse effects sacrifice pity annoyance down comedowns downers letdowns shame bad news tough luck disasters accident infelicity tragedy trials suffering boo-boo misadventure catastrophes debacles bad luck unpleasantness commotion ill-treatment calamities tumults persecution dire straits mishappenings cataclysms struggles travails knots spots sabotage intervention


Plural for a building or room providing meals


(archaic) Plural for a quantity of food set on a table at one time


Plural for used euphemistically to refer to the excrement of a domestic animal

Antonym of utter messes

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