Antonino de greatly dismay


Opposite of a state of mental or emotional confusion or alarm


Opposite of the state of being discomposed


Opposite of to fill with distress or alarm
encourage calm compose embolden hearten nerve please quiet settle soothe steel tranquillise tranquilize aid appease assure clarify comfort delight enlighten explain explicate gladden help incite inspirit order placate reassure clear up make happy brace strengthen prepare ready fortify motivate poise forearm animate cheer inspire console rouse buck up stimulate revivify buoy up envigorate invigorate boost psych energise energize revitalise revitalize elate exhilarate cheer up uplift enhearten perk up ginger up gee up boost moral pep up raise spirits give a shot in the arm to assist buoy assuage pacify mollify relieve brighten enliven satisfy support excite rejoice expect lighten ease relax vitalize urge lift lull gratify organize bore organise compliment quieten calm down build up spur spark conciliate approve praise content still solace indulge humour humor propitiate charm drive nourish vivify incentify enchant incentivize push rally empower goad elevate discourage alleviate galvanize educate surrender lose yield arrange sanction thrill entertain stir spur on allay pick up silence fire up enrapture galvanise incentivise quicken give surety relieve doubt take the edge off appeal reasurre sort locate neglect ignore heat balance subdue trigger get into perspective make well aggrandize promote permit succor salve allow commend laud palliate moralize purify moralise delay slow retard depress dally wait procrastinate put at ease bring comfort to succour give in egg on make good raise quell honour respect honor divide relate agree unmix quieten down not bother go along accede refresh renew rejuvenate restore activate cultivate upraise heighten nurture impassion enforce arouse grow vivificate liven nurse disinhibit fulfil make clear kindle provoke sway ignite put pep into spice up give life to improve bring up give a lift to lift up pleasure amuse stir up rev up boost up overjoy give a boost to attach connect couple hitch hook join fasten combine unite link oblige warm countenance back glad tickle fulfill


Opposite of to intimidate, subdue, or control by awe


Opposite of to overawe someone, especially with words or facts they may not fully comprehend


Opposite of to fail to impress or please

Sinónimo de greatly dismay

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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