Antonino de greatly effective


Opposite of having the power to produce a required effect
ineffective useless impotent inadequate incapable ineffectual inexpedient invalid nonfunctional prohibitive unsuccessful unsuitable bad fruitless futile inept inoperative nonproductive unusable worthless counterproductive defective feckless inactive inoperable inutile substandard unworkable weak disadvantageous dysfunctional expendable good-for-nothing hopeless imperfect impracticable impractical no good not useful of no use profitless purposeless scrap unavailing unfunctional unpurposed unserviceable unuseful abortive bootless destructive erring fallible faultful inefficacious unbeneficial unfruitful unprofitable valueless not effective waste theoretical detrimental disagreeable fail harmful hurtful improper inapplicable inapposite inappropriate inapt incompatible incongruous infelicitous injurious malapropos unbefitting uncongenial unfavorable unfavourable unfitting unpropitious unwise unworthwhile inefficient unproductive unhelpful pointless vain negative unreasonable nonpractical wasteful stupid imprudent trivial injudicious inadvisable poor empty ill-advised hurting inconsequential nonconstructive otiose impolitic uneconomical unseemly unimportant silly unrewarding meaningless incompetent pathetic unrealistic incorrect impossible unfeasible undesirable inconsiderable unpractical careless inaccurate hollow unavailable unemployable unusuable unskilled infertile uncreative slow unyieldly sterile lazy barren unsound unfriendly unremunerative nongood uncorrect unoptimized doubtful unfit inconvenient unreliable unsuited irrelevant insignificant unacceptable disorganized negligible immaterial inauspicious improbable illogical trifling frivolous unnecessary altruistic intolerable adverse little nonessential nugatory minor petty paltry minute expensive absurd non-viable not sensible unapt noxious misbehaving unconstructive obstructive unattainable clueless misbecoming disorganised defeated thwarted luckless unviable infeasible nonviable idealistic ill-fated doomed foiled unprosperous uneconomic losing depressed forfeiting unreal exorbitant otherworldly romantic ivory-tower abstract wild worst unworthy uncareful foolish irresponsible irrational foolhardy brash wrong negligent incautious thoughtless harebrained rash reckless unsensible untimely not recommended heedless improvident


Opposite of having a persuasive effect
ineffective uncompelling unconvincing dissuasive inefficient insufficient bland dispirited hollow impactless impotent inadequate lifeless superficial unexciting unimpressive unproductive boring dull empty feeble helpless insipid meek nominal pathetic powerless rambling static tame unemotional unenthusiastic unremarkable vapid weak apathetic disheartening fatuous inane indifferent pointless trifling unmoving baseless casual dumb groundless immaterial inconclusive inconsequential inconspicuous indecisive insignificant insincere irrelevant meaningless needless ordinary shaky speculative trivial unforceful unfounded unhelpful unimportant unimposing uninfluential unintelligent unpersuasive unsound unsubstantial usual banal discouraging mild moderate unsatisfactory dampening forlorn idle soft uninteresting unnecessary unreasonable vague nongermane nonsensical redundant vain absurd aimless ridiculous senseless superfluous commonplace silly sterile comedic undramatic untheatrical in vain no dice otiose resultless to no avail to no effect to no purpose wasted around in circles going nowhere not pertinent purportless remote implausible ineffectual improbable unbelievable dubious doubtful incredible unlikely flimsy questionable suspect inept incapable incompetent unsuccessful invalid poor inconceivable far-fetched useless impractical inferior minor unsure least shallow faulty lame last forceless limited imperfect defective unreliable undependable subordinate subsidiary secondary inefficacious futile incredulous unconceivable worthless unrealistic beyond belief indefinite incoherent unimaginable stupid wanting ignorant obscure substandard deficient lacking incomplete half-hearted not convincing hard to believe raw untrained unqualified inapt failing flabby toothless disputable immature unprepared lousy understated derisory laughable unpronounced unexpected fallible outlandish muddled wild counterproductive inactive gentle lethargic passive uncertain error-prone feckless specious unpoignant fanciful unstirring unstimulating unthinkable cock-and-bull untrustworthy illogical uninspirational thin erring faultful fruitless unfruitful hopeless fantastical untouching bad nonessential lower inessential auxiliary extra scarcely credible not credible difficult to believe


Opposite of in effect at the specified time


Opposite of describing someone who is highly useful or skilled at a particular task
incompetent amateur amateurish unskilled unskillful inexperienced inexpert unqualified bungling shoddy slipshod sloppy unreliable unsuited untrained awkward bush-league disorganised disorganized floundering half-baked improficient irresponsible less capable maladroit slack unfit unhandy unimpressive uninitiated unprepared unproficient untalented careless clumsy ineligible slovenly badly performing dismal poorly performing unapt unfitted unseasoned uneducated blunt idiotic slow flippant naive thoughtless unbusinesslike unprofessional unserious disqualified inproficient unequipped inept inefficient incapable ineffective inadequate hopeless ineffectual useless unable ignorant unskilful weak inapt inferior unsuitable deficient substandard ham-fisted not up to scratch jackleg green raw poor stupid pathetic blundering no good not cut out for not equal to not good enough not up to it not up to snuff unproductive faulty unsatisfactory failing lazy bad cowboy undependable mediocre unaccomplished incapacitated lacking ability skill-less skilless inadept undexterous feeble unfacile bumbling ungraceful klutzy impotent powerless unintelligent disinclined not much cop helpless unimaginative ungifted talentless unable to do something for toffee leaving much to be desired insufficient would-be unpolished unadapted untested untutored untried artless rude unschooled untaught unoriginal uninventive primitive crude new rough beginning uncreative not have it ham-handed heavy-handed out to lunch unresourceful honest foolish open dumb dull


Opposite of being in a healthy and functional state


(of a system) Opposite of capable of maximizing productivity at no expense of extra resources


Opposite of convincing or compelling in nature


Opposite of capable of reducing the time needed to perform a task


Opposite of almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition

Sinónimo de greatly effective

Music ♫

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