Sinónimo de a gale


A very strong wind
cyclone hurricane storm tornado squall tempest typhoon whirlwind blast superstorm windstorm burster buster flaw gust strong wind blow chinook mistral monsoon outbreak wind high wind howling wind violent storm breeze puff flurry draught draft rush williwaw windblast scud snowstorm twister waft blizzard dust devil zephyr whiff breath tropical storm thunderstorm bluster current current of air shower downpour cloudburst rainstorm weather event deluge billow air precipitation airstream hailstorm buran dust storm bad weather strong breeze electrical storm ice storm tropical cyclone swirl whirl eddy turbulence burst funnel stormy weather extreme weather severe weather inclement weather poor weather hazardous weather emanation puff of wind downfall wet rain rainfall line storm precip draw cloud flatus drift willy-willy wafting whisk flutter raining cats and dogs headwind air current air currents air-current flow movement of air rush of air snowfall whiteout trouble gush white-out snow storm snow blast heavy snow snow squall high winds gust of wind drizzle torrent drencher sleet torrential rain flood hail raindrops inundation mizzle heavy dew torrent of rain heavy shower condensation rainwater wetness snow fall Scotch mist showers heavy rain pouring rain cat-and-dog weather wet weather driving rain cloudbust cyclonic storm wind-shift line squall line hailstones washout splatter hail shower snowsquall light fall sprinkle moisture frozen rain pouring mist sheets liquid sunshine sun shower fall of rain line squall damp rains dew whirlpool spray pour maelstrom showery weather Charybdis rainy weather rainy season damp weather gulf waterspout counterflow countercurrent gyre swirling quagmire morass tourbillion spiral vortex tidal wave


An outburst of laughter, shouting or emotion
burst eruption explosion fit outburst paroxysm agony attack blaze ebullition effusion flare flare-up flash flush gush gust howl peal spasm storm hoot outbreak access surge rush upsurge outpouring boutade spurt flood torrent flurry blast blow-up splurt bout welling up spate outflow wave outflowing flutter seizure hurricane frenzy flicker blow spell blowup fury bursting flow breakout ripple deluge sally passion turn discharge rash case throe detonation upheaval rapture siege break scene stab convulsion onset expulsion throes state manifestation epidemic huff stroke outcry avalanche paddy start blowout overflow thunder recrudescence inflammation fireworks twitch conniption bomb ebullience sudden appearance vomiting emotional outburst touch splash emotional outpouring brief display sudden display sudden exhibition show sudden show brief exhibition swell stream occurrence volley gushing inrush billow draught heave sweep upwelling draft efflux current spill flux uprush dart cascade tide barrage hail issue jet onslaught rise bombardment cannonade outrush shower salvo blitz drainage fusillade blitzkrieg welling dose drain drumfire drumbeat run battery upswing effluence inundation leakage rain escape emanation spout outpour exodus outflux plague emission patch round groundswell spree charge uprising onrush effluent debouchment escalation influx expression hemorrhage haemorrhage emergence spring ooze bubble seepage effluvium spot vibration fire fever ferment broadside strafe gunfire spray fountain ebb voidance shedding stint encounter mass shelling bombing ejection venting relapse streak series exudation outfall craze increase growth suffering upturn stretch crossfire effluxion loss streaming depletion contagion mushrooming spread exudate diffusion pouring battle period burst of fire ailment course breaking roar irruption tumult sortie motion building up build-up trickle emotional eruption emotional episode river oozing


An herbal shrub with a sweet resinous scent, Myrica gale, growing on moors and fens

Antonino de a gale

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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