Sinónimo de a less


Of lower rank or importance
inferior lesser lower minor smaller secondary subordinate ancillary reduced junior second-string subsidiary subservient auxiliary supplementary marginal lowly lower-level lower-ranking second-rate second-fiddle diminished peripheral insignificant accessory slighter lessened low supplemental second attendant extra under sub second-class low-ranking lower-grade low-grade less important sub- small tinier petite poorer a notch under associate deputy reserve supporting alternative backup fallback substitute spare alternate curtailed younger relief low-level lower rung vice- youngest fall-back assistant beneath briefer additional shorter adjuvant tributary satellite outranked collateral contributory unimportant petty dinky humble menial mean nether bottom servile subjacent bush small-fry small-time minor-league bush-league third-string paltry trivial trifling negligible inconsiderable inconsequential slight piddling light little casual frivolous nugatory irrelevant minute meager measly base meagre inappreciable niggling picayune minuscule piffling two-bit fiddling Mickey Mouse immaterial meaningless unsubstantial lightweight footling pointless nonessential incidental of no account contemptible nominal scanty worthless nickel-and-dime mediocre piddly pimping no-account purportless not worth mentioning of no consequence de minimis cheap shoestring puny pitiful dependent shabby minus tacky subaltern tiny superficial inessential minimal nondescript below the mark chicken peanut insubstantial penny-ante pettifogging smalltime foolish of minor importance of little account of no great concern scratch shallow inconsequent infinitesimal senseless trite ignorable token derisory flimsy pathetic beggarly mingy poxy exiguous useless obscure nothing ineffectual uncelebrated unessential unnecessary small-bore extraneous unconsiderable not worth bothering about poor of little consequence of little importance of no importance non-essential of no moment not worth speaking of of little import limited average restricted lilliputian substandard sparse deficient slender twopenny-halfpenny potty unpretentious undistinguished unassuming demeaning miserable degrading middling common lousy ordinary inglorious scrubby wretched sorry plebeian ignominious sad ignoble humdrum undersized low-born lower in rank lower in status second-banana beneath someone below someone entry-level under someone's heel not very important lower-class bottom-rung back seat not so important more concise


Occurring or existing in small numbers
few scant scarce rare meagre negligible scattered insufficient sporadic infrequent limited meager sparse uncommon inconsiderable lacking occasional scanty thin deficient exiguous middling paltry short skimpy imperceptible inconsequential lean minute piddling stingy straggling trifling unusual in short supply unfrequent few and far between seldom found thin on the ground hard to come by hard to find in the minority seldom seen at a premium low in numbers widely spaced out of the ordinary wanting inadequate measly shy low minimal small slender nominal insignificant too little not enough not to be had like gold dust not to be had for love nor money seldom met with little reduced diminished slim poor failing insubstantial dwindling minimum inappreciable light puny seldom flimsy subtle tenuous semioccasional marginal depleted nugatory token thinning truncated threatened shortened dispersed basal out of the common diffuse next to none next to no mediocre thinly distributed tight cut shoddy missing run-down at a low level bereft spare skimp destitute too few short-handed short on low on sparing hand-to-mouth scarcer than hen's teeth unproductive miserable shabby weak unfruitful barren scrimp infertile scrimpy bare unfinished slight too little too late mere unthinkable unlikely exceptional unimaginable unique attenuated singular subtile isolated magnificent outstanding recherche standout towering rarefied inconceivable unwonted strange remarkable preeminent unheard of attenuate extraordinary restricted miserly modest revealing brief incomplete low-cut pitiful beggarly incommensurate derisory pathetic sketchy indecent petty trivial mean imperfect tiny devoid see-through piffling finite picayune niggling unsatisfactory diminutive deprived piddly stunted stinted drained unsufficient too small pitiable mingy confined narrow disappointing infinitesimal laughable feeble lame fractional fragmentary parsimonious junk exhaustible dry with an insufficiency jejune needed lamentable not making it not hacking it coming up short lowly contemptible base ordinary subnormal with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in bush-league circumscribed defined definite determinate measured rudimentary patchy basic bitty out of gas unqualified set faulty partial ineffectual minus unfitted incapable unample incompetent footling short of pimping chicken out of peanut worthless superficial microscopic diddly no-account without bankrupt de minimis Mickey Mouse two-bit rinky-dink denuded void bereft of deficient in bare of empty of devoid of free from denuded of vacant of destitute of

Antonino de a less

Music ♫

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