Sinónimo de acting angry


Feeling anger
enraged furious irate livid outraged indignant infuriated mad affronted antagonised antagonized bitter incensed offended resentful apoplectic irritated maddened aggravated aggrieved annoyed chafed cross displeased exasperated galled provoked riled upset cheesed off discontented disgruntled disgusted nettled perturbed piqued ropeable seething sore vexed worked up angered bent out of shape bothered dirty filthy foaming at the mouth gnashing one's teeth hopping mad hot under the collar huffy irked miffed peeved rabid rankled soreheaded teed off ticked off troubled up in arms aerated as cross as two sticks ballistic beside oneself crook frustrated in a frenzy in a lather on the warpath roiled ruffled steamed up wroth at daggers drawn boiling browned off enflamed fit to be tied in high dudgeon steaming ticked unglued unhappy waxy cray-cray wrathful fuming ireful shirty choleric inflamed foaming hot riley infuriate hopping horn-mad in a huff raging tooshie put out going crook narked wild blue in the face in a fume incandescent in a pet in a temper hacked off frenzied choked fed up eggy raving testy dissatisfied agitated peed off snaky hurt not best pleased steamed beside yourself brassed off distressed miffy ranting ratty vex snuffy disturbed excited off the air sullen disappointed irritable heated sulky grumpy surly violent hostile acrimonious crabby ill-humored bad-tempered sour ill-tempered malcontent rancorous wound up insulted ill-humoured insane passionate irascible vehement churlish flustered fierce impassioned scunnered very angry fiery tetchy embittered spiteful hot and bothered worried in a bad mood pained wounded snappy seeing red intense petulant discontent hot-tempered hoha antagonistic unsatisfied peevish stroppy blazing feverish wrath flaming splenetic hateful frantic berserk stung fervent injured corybantic impatient grouchy malevolent touchy ardent cantankerous fervid in a paddy dark hysterical narky querulous afflicted cranky vitriolic emotional in a bate rattled crabbed harassed spare anxious acrid uptight venomous crazy short-tempered frenetic hard distraught waspish overwrought slighted disagreeable keyed up out of control boiling mad belligerent burning unfriendly aggressive malignant torrid snappish crotchety disaffected vindictive shook up in a tizzy charged glowing malicious roused black grieved fractious demonstrative perfervid passional discouraged ungratified burned up with all guns blazing warm hacked chippy grudging unfulfilled malign harried saddened het up joyless crazed prickly desperate hot-blooded red-hot bent warm-blooded demented out of joint shocked disquieted irrational delirious hectic deranged bummed out fraught out of humour raging mad quick-tempered hyper uncontrolled wired at boiling point unscrewed unzipped up the wall weird zonkers weirded out freaked out spazzed out flipped out in a stew wigged out panic-stricken at wits' end needled anguished moody religious superheated malcontented griping crusty depressed kvetching fretful chagrined miserable critical uncharitable rude combative short bugged disillusioned grumbling inhospitable bellicose confrontational pugnacious inconsiderate liverish poisonous vicious faultfinding sad pettish catty uncongenial unsympathetic restless scandalized jaundiced maniac unreasonable smoking tormented unkind abusive unsociable scrappy foul begrudging curmudgeonly scandalised storming huffish hurtful militant aroused morose peckish disconcerted animated unsated fretted unpleased blazing mad flaming mad unnerved uneasy edgy scornful raving mad viperous cynical all steamed up in a towering rage overcome with anger gutted unforgiving discomposed in a rage beside yourself with rage stormy blue tense in a state out of sorts pushed too far nervous apprehensive blown a gasket mean-spirited ill-natured hard done by in a filthy temper antsy full of hate ill-disposed evil-minded hung up with a chip on your shoulder ill at ease sombre somber in an uproar goaded good and mad mad as hell burning with excitement defiant overexcited dishonored humiliated reproachful ready to be tied umbrageous dishonoured scalding steamy piping mean crackers rousted snubbed salty disheartened dogged buffaloed disrespected as black as thunder obnoxious rotten p.o.'d revengeful smouldering overheated stimulated hassled menacing very upset wretched cruel vile wronged full-on all-out uncompromising energetic manic breakneck concerted snitty defeated unamused harmed wounding in a wax mildly annoyed threatening butthurt extremely angry curt moping ill-used woeful thin-skinned ticklish whingy vivid sardonic irreconcilable caustic at end of one's rope rubbed the wrong way eager enthusiastic keen distracted captious evil wicked rage grieving persecuted oppressed victimised victimized carrying a chip on your shoulder disapproving of maniacal bad maleficent baleful stewed sensitive dyspeptic smoldering out of countenance glowering louring malefic white-hot ornery ferocious amorous with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing contemptuous disdainful ablaze snippy snarky snippety perverse raspy stuffy unhinged fizzing distrait annoying grousing jumpy mardy caviling cavilling fevered evil-intentioned hate-filled hysteric bellyaching excitable vigorous spirited effusive lively zealous panicky crabbing uncontent kicking unpleasant berko complaining like a bear with a sore head dismayed full of dislike blustering powerful rough rampant acid very excited mighty tremendous embarrassed in a flap panic-struck last-minute in a cold sweat having kittens swivel-eyed in a flat spin at the end of your tether in a tizz shaken alienated soured restive discomfited nutty gung-ho envious doing your nut boiling over going ape on a short fuse awkward out of humor out of temper estranged madding unsettled muddled picky bad tempered throwing a fit blowing one's top blowing a gasket ranting and raving disapproving regretful ennuied sniveling plaintive unassuaged insatiable unappeased fretting jealous mad as a hornet snivelling discombobulated fazed twitchy despondent short-fused overemotional confused thrown aflutter strained stressy disconsolate dejected downcast out of place self-conscious uncomfortable like a fish out of water put-out fed-up not satisfied nursing a grudge inconvenienced falling apart discountenanced broken up cut up frightened atwitter histrionic alarmed melancholic down forlorn glum low cheerless disenchanted crestfallen doleful downhearted inconsolable sorrowful sick low-spirited


Displaying or conveying anger
sullen uptight fierce fuming sulky bad-tempered crabby hostile hot-tempered irascible ireful irritable tense cheerless choleric convulsed dyspeptic ferocious frenzied ill-tempered psyched up surly touchy wrathful cantankerous cold cranky disapproving grouchy gruff grumpy morose narky peevish petulant pugnacious ranting ratty raving shirty snappish snappy splenetic stroppy testy tetchy waspish wild angerful bilious bristly hot-blooded in a temper quick-tempered short-tempered cross fiery crabbed sour crotchety ill-humoured chippy querulous ill-humored prickly pettish ornery moody spiteful fractious huffy peppery bitter crusty ill-natured snippy mean nasty curt unfriendly snarky truculent perverse aggressive antagonistic snippety liverish stuffy malicious raspy curmudgeonly glum quarrelsome impatient churlish argumentative fretful malevolent bellicose unsociable dour belligerent disagreeable brusque soreheaded miffy contrary inhospitable malignant contentious vitriolic eggy venomous rancorous sharp captious adversarial combative militant confrontational inimical unkind acrimonious resentful bearish vicious pouting edgy out of humour mopey mardy peckish pouty out of sorts scratchy virulent passionate snaky frowning feisty brooding acid warlike harsh shrewish antipathetic like a bear with a sore head indignant waxy glowering difficult scrappy gloomy ungracious hotheaded uncivil catty scowling exasperated violent unsympathetic hot-headed temperamental vindictive in a bad mood piqued miserable disgruntled snarling snarly sensitive blunt obstinate moping critical excitable waspy negative short volatile biting out of humor tooshie mumpish oversensitive sorehead complaining acrid annoyed saturnine hateful uncooperative unpleasant adverse uncongenial sourpussed jaundiced unmannerly dark unreceptive sulking thin-skinned intimidating furious joyless cross-grained short-fused in a mood abusive scathing threatening whingy abrupt envenomed malign mopish pertinacious sarcastic rude agonistic emotional atrabilious huffish whining iracund iracundulous peeved unwelcoming bloody-minded hurtful acerbic discourteous tart hasty displeased grumbling grousing growling caviling cussed on edge carping fretting whingeing childish cavilling impolite alien adversary impetuous discontented humourless humorless ugly awkward unresponsive uncommunicative disputatious unpropitious maleficent malefic foul-tempered embittered boorish unsmiling no-nonsense viperous easily offended having got out of bed the wrong side fault-finding hot under the collar out of temper out-of-sorts having got out of bed on the wrong side as cross as two sticks on a short fuse destructive savage poisonous uncontrollable loudmouthed spunky acute defiant pernicious censorious forceful offensive mighty assaultive discordant arsey irate vehement aggravated irritated offended rough bluff put out terse offhand impassioned vexed fed up aloof narked sharp-tongued dejected agitable broody unceremonious sharp-tempered explosive irked unindulgent unhelpful foul withdrawn dismal depressed misanthropic cynical blue wounded neurotic kittle mopy skittish whiny hypercritical crybaby off offish ill-mannered hate-filled tough fussy grim trying sore dissatisfied griping vinegary filthy obstreperous chuffy boisterous crude opposing melodramatic tempestuous hypersensitive in a huff down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop having short fuse hot under collar cutting high-strung serious forbidding steely somber easily frightened easily upset easily agitated caustic barbed dissenting impulsive incensed mercurial intense stormy sardonic nasty-tempered opposed oppositional battling hawkish warring dramatic sombre implacable solemn derogatory derisory mordant militaristic disputative rebellious gladiatorial warmongering resistant severe trenchant shaken frantic infuriated steamed-up inflamed all shook up enraged highly strung hottempered wrestling bloodthirsty tilting martial fighting skirmishing flinty cast-iron boot-faced ungentle mortified stern unappeasable stark stony dissident conflicting acerb hard spoiling for a fight up in arms on the warpath sabre-rattling ready to fight under arms unwilling adversative accusatorial oppugnant opposite reluctant oppugning acidulous allergic corrosive wounding cruel abrasive smart-mouthed acidic mordacious smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric satirical ill-disposed at odds sharp-worded double-edged thoughtless inconsiderate zowerswopped perversely irritable vulgar tactless uncouth bad-mannered indelicate brusk downright short-spoken coarse unpolished crass ill-bred oafish loutish disrespectful clumsy brisk undiplomatic graceless crisp brief ungentlemanly uncultured gross unladylike unmannered gauche unrefined impertinent insolent impudent cavalier bungling ignorant ungallant insensitive cloddish mannerless insulting pithy indiscreet unsubtle rash inept maladroit brash blundering monosyllabic untactful unchivalrous uncalled-for unhandsome peremptory brutal dusty uncultivated tasteless plain-spoken clownish common classless indecorous clodhopping uncivilized lowbred loud rustic uncivilised imprudent unpolitic injudicious laconic decisive impolitic businesslike direct uncomplimentary outspoken disdainful unsophisticated frank disparaging flip thuggish fresh brutish matter-of-fact contumelious swinish lumpen barbaric yobbish philistine uneducated slobbish callous lubberly uncharitable to the point base out-of-line low-bred pointed disobliging breviloquent imperious clipped misbehaved blustering barefaced tempersome scornful mean-spirited presumptuous gawky stolid taciturn vigorous rowdy doltish lumpish bullying Eeyorish careless unfortunate bald polite miserly unneighborly straightforward precipitate hoonish dense audacious lowbrow upfront obloquious derisive rugged heavy-handed with a long face cheeky roughneck incult sketchy insensible raffish low arrogant like a bull in a china shop degrading berating scurrilous reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory belittling pejorative defamatory pulling no punches lewd inelegant illiberal cocky disgracious not mincing one's words speaking one's mind not beating about the bush straight from the shoulder calling a spade a spade backward immature ungenteel mouthy smart alecky lippy brazen vituperatory calumniating contemptuous vituperative overbearing ungraceful underbred inaffable insubordinate malapert intrusive yokelish bounderish unwise inadvisable rough-hewn foul-mouthed loud-mouthed not afraid to call a spade a spade stupid unthinking unperceptive concise succinct grating compact unfeeling annoying irritating compendious ill-advised galling summary epigrammatic pitiless comfortless aphoristic thumbnail rubbing the wrong way spiky hard to take elliptical apothegmatic hick capsule unsavoury sententious barbarous telegraphic elliptic plebby countrified ocker inurbane unpoised Neanderthal provincial unsavory


Having a desire to annoy or harm
spiteful malicious nasty vicious malevolent bitter hostile mean venomous malignant vindictive rancorous cruel vitriolic cutting hurtful virulent unkind poisonous malign hateful catty evil baleful barbed unfriendly maleficent malefic bad acid vengeful wounding wicked despiteful waspish unpleasant defamatory splenetic bilious snide shrewish dirty ornery cussed horrid spleenful ill-natured evil-intentioned ill-disposed accidentally on purpose squint-eyed acrimonious ferocious acrid antagonistic hate-filled scathing savage choleric pernicious resentful caustic harmful revengeful destructive fierce biting menacing detrimental deleterious injurious bad-natured evil-minded mordant stinging unforgiving sinister harsh searing sharp dangerous astringent withering implacable lousy noxious rough baneful vituperative viperous mischievous trenchant backbiting acerbic murderous blistering merciless avenging grudging hellish devastating slanderous envenomed pitiless tart relentless poison murder damaging razor-edged retaliatory vitriolous grudge-bearing prejudicial nocuous adverse ill full of spleen inimical out for revenge snarky critical incisive aggressive abusive threatening unmerciful jealous stabbing messy viperish toxicant punitive deadly green-eyed scathy tough dripping venom full of hate full of gall intimidating frightening forbidding seeking revenge awful beastly low gross ominous sarcastic of evil intent uncool envious petty insidious sardonic intimidatory minatory ruinous thirsting for revenge troublesome bodeful minacious louring artful perilous calamitous woeful mordacious hazardous bothersome unrelenting corrupting grim ruthless wreakful corruptive corrosive corrupt acidulous irascible crabbed burning ill-intentioned mean-spirited slashing rapier-like dripping with malice


Full of angry or violent outbursts of feeling
stormy fierce tumultuous tempestuous turbulent heated convulsive explosive fiery impassioned passionate violent bang-bang blood-and-guts cataclysmal cataclysmic cyclonic ferocious furious hammer and tongs hot knock-down-and-drag-out lively paroxysmal rabid rough volcanic intense volatile squally raging blustery wild windy choppy howling roaring boisterous blustering storming inclement foul thundery bleak dirty rugged nasty stormful agitated boiling gusty storm-tossed blowy rainy disturbed raw threatening menacing unsettled bitter hazardous risky breezy intemperate rough-and-tumble foaming bumpy heavy seething roily unstable disordered weltering restless confused ruffled coarse moiling tremulous thunderous unmanageable rebellious swirling noisy destructive riotous stirred up frigid storm-wracked murky vehement torrid raining cats and dogs cold coming down damp savage frenzied riproaring harsh raucous frenetic frantic delirious feverish mad unrestrained excited filthy uncontrolled in turmoil hysterical cacophonous jarring stridulent buffeting roiled disorderly unruly rowdy heaving lawless aggressive unpleasant roller-coaster chaotic extreme brutal full-on disagreeable vicious impetuous vociferous uproarious obstreperous unbridled bloodthirsty full of upheavals rambunctious termagant forceful maniacal out of control full of ups and downs hotheaded potent headstrong full-blooded drag-out knock-down exciting hectic hoarse unmusical grating inharmonious gruff discordant rasping husky ugly dry wet rumbustious severe flapping clamorous troubled abandoned energetic rowdydowdy irregular bad jerky jouncy gusting rigorous ebullient overwhelming overpowering uninhibited ungovernable rolly flaming rampageous excessive intensified concentrated animated bullying herky-jerky murderous berserk cruel ruthless callous terrorizing pugnacious pitiless thuggish sadistic merciless barbaric barbarous homicidal heartless inhuman maddened assertive demoniac hot-tempered hot-headed fuming crazy terrorising cut-throat forcible radge anarchic seditious mutinous refractory full of confusion shaking untamed roughhouse perturbed rampant full of conflict demonstrative stern

Antonino de acting angry

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