Sinónimo de being picky


Fastidious and hard to please
choosey choosy particular dainty delicate demanding exacting fastidious finical finicking finicky fussbudgety fussy nice old-maidish pernickety persnickety selective captious critical fault-finding pedantic hard to please careful meticulous discriminating punctilious scrupulous faddy overnice faddish nit-picking nitpicking over-particular discerning nit-picky painstaking overparticular squeamish difficult precise exact prissy stickling perfectionist difficult to please over-fastidious refined rigorous detailed cautious assiduous choicy thorough inflexible conscientious strict heedful overcritical pass-remarkable fine fussbudget select eclectic sensitive judicious sedulous perceptive acute diligent conscionable prim punctual accurate methodical laborious correct astute discriminatory tasteful anal fiddly hypercritical hair-splitting overdelicate keen attentive sticklerish tough puritanical industrious obsessive fretful fuddy-duddy discriminative impossible to please sharp studious searching ultra-careful elaborate religious thoroughgoing loving strenuous opinionated by the numbers by the book excessively orderly awkward complex complicated carping niggling tricky mincing overprecise hairsplitting rough prudish pure stuffy overfastidious picky-picky trivial old maidish microscopic proper old womanish duteous white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's schoolmarmish strait-laced cultivated uncompromising hard-to-please scrutinising scrutinizing Victorian insightful shrewd perspicacious stiff mathematical stringent deliberate extremely particular orderly provident exhaustive priggish rigid fixed scientific cultured discriminational differential thoughtful circumspect faithful intensive dedicated full solid regardful concerned observant aesthetic artistic selfdisciplined chary going to great lengths discreet in-depth with good taste individualizing individualising wise esthetic prudent close earnest persevering minute hard-working stickler queasy very careful easily disgusted


Strict or exacting in standards
strict harsh rigid hard rigorous severe stern stringent tough dour inflexible oppressive unbending authoritarian draconian uncompromising unyielding disciplinary firm forbidding illiberal adamant grim uptight adamantine bullheaded determined exacting fixed hardline headstrong indurate intractable intransigent invariable obdurate obstinate pertinacious puritanical relentless resolute set solid steadfast stubborn stuffy unadaptable undeviating unpermissive unpersuadable unrelenting unshakeable unsparing unwavering cast-iron dead set hard-line heavy-handed iron-fisted no-nonsense brassbound stiff demanding tight ironclad extreme binding rough forceful confining acrimonious compelling valid drawing convincing powerful hard-nosed dyed-in-the-wool hard and fast brick-wall by the book dead set on by the numbers cruel austere immovable merciless inexorable ruthless implacable pitiless flinty unfeeling unsympathetic brutal hardened single-minded ramrod heartless serious hard-hearted unforgiving onerous hardheaded unchangeable grave callous stony tyrannical punishing drastic fierce hard-and-fast dogged unalterable immutable definite solemn burdensome set in stone stiff-necked savage cold unsmiling remorseless uncharitable mulish pigheaded excessive steely inhuman trying murderous opinionated heavy insensitive hard-boiled domineering ossified rugged self-opinionated weighty unmerciful bound unvarying arduous despotic strong punitive diehard dogmatic unchanging taxing locked in wilful difficult perverse willful sedate unkind unswerving earnest settled inconvincible hardhanded pat staid insistent astringent challenging humourless humorless self-willed determinate uncomic sober sobersided grievous inexpugnable searing cold-blooded bitter exigent radical strenuous cold-hearted po-faced ferocious repressive entrenched gruelling sombre gruff somber tiring uncaring draining grinding staunch stable unappeasable tenacious concrete final unflinching resolved hard-core rooted certain enervative wearing uphill stressful crushing vicious doctrinaire established sharp stoney affectless hellish crippling sapping stony-hearted compassionless desensitized stonyhearted ironhearted excruciating take-no-prisoners killing desensitised nasty desperate back-breaking grueling distant aloof immoderate dire unemotional narrow inconsiderate louring unsentimental swingeing intimidating lowering pontifical fanatical unfaltering dictatorial hard-hitting imperious arbitrary really hard incommutable ungentle ingrained refractory inhumane unpitying decided coercive unmalleable hard-bitten formidable case-hardened hidebound iron-handed mean-looking inalterable autocratic incompliant hurtful frozen flat unswayable deep-rooted iron unmoving indomitable biased constant deep-seated iron-willed intolerant hard-shelled authoritative thick-skinned soulless pachydermatous insensate slash-and-burn decisive truculent unmovable vindictive stand pat sadistic hardhearted hard-headed browbeating businesslike standing one's ground compulsory hard as nails not giving an inch absolute well-set bound and determined clear-cut incontestable incontrovertible ungiving militant spartan unfair abrasive unjust abusive inordinate unreasonable ironhanded procrustean summary hard to please unvacillating extortionate outrageous forcible rowdy curt Draconian cynical suppressive exorbitant fast blinkered unaccommodating assiduous tireless sedulous unflagging unstoppable locked preconceived intense unbreakable cool pressing virulent world-weary uncompliant recalcitrant punitory irreversible exact penal unplacatable unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable static testing crisp unflexible unabated pounding mortal indefatigable brutish wearying overburdening debilitating overbearing tactless indurated very hard pugnacious changeless unmoved ascetical ascetic very severe dreary douce inveterate jelled unflappable barbarous high-handed two-fisted lacking compassion ineluctable lacking sentiment hard-edged as tough as old boots toughened by experience as hard as nails superincumbent tricky disciplinarian sky-high set in one's ways hostile hanging tough inclement bullying dug in standing pat unhumorous dull set in your ways cut-throat thoughtless necessary immobile do or die hold your ground hold the line hold the fort serious-minded tough nut to crack writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced decided upon inept undiplomatic bungling with a heart of stone ironfisted mean sticking to one's guns monstrous tyrannous coldhearted bloodthirsty vengeful bestial unremitting formal overstrict OTT mean business solid as a rock no going back like death and taxes hell bent on dictated mandatory irrevocable carved in stone conclusive written set in concrete prejudiced impractical speculative dogmatical theoretical opinionative opinioned reserved over the top unfriendly frigid chilly icy frosty uninviting zealous ideological unpragmatic unrealistic swivel-eyed hypothetical complex rule-bound surly sullen unapproachable caustic acerbic crabbed sour threatening glum churlish mordant complicated one-sided magisterial holding fixed views dictative bigoted remote grumpy cross fell sinister menacing stark enforceable traditional customary conventional limiting classical cutting morose bleak scowling sulky bureaucratic officious involved scathing trenchant sarcastic stinging penetrating sardonic piercing incisive splenetic cantankerous glowering crusty gray grouchy grey categorical bad-tempered legislating sanctioned didactic preceptive bossy normative accepted prescribed acerb wounding poisonous waspish spiteful ill-tempered bull-headed snarky catty mordacious sarky acidulous bloody-minded boot-faced die-hard toilsome wearisome prescriptive acrid acetic biting tonic stalwart assertive true whole-hearted emphatic in earnest committed dominant purposeful intent prevailing persistent sure unshaken persevering unshakable unqualified seasoned going bent positive explicit consistent strong-willed do-or-die never-failing bent on bent upon through-and-through hell-bent on hell-bent upon hang tough


Inclined to express negative or disapproving comments
critical censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving denunciatory deprecatory disparaging disapproving scathing criticising criticizing fault-finding judgemental negative unfavourable unsympathetic hypercritical overcritical pedantic pettifogging cavilling carping quibbling niggling nitpicking pernickety belittling calumniatory cavillous censuring cutting cynical griping hairsplitting unfavorable bellyaching captious caviling faultfinding judgmental rejective whingeing derogatory reprobatory reprobative nit-picking nit-picky pass-remarkable ultra-critical hair-splitting finicky overnice punctilious fussy hard to please overscrupulous over-exacting nagging nice reproachful persnickety over-censorious over-particular meticulous perfectionist fastidious demanding particular fine subtle overrefined grousing grouchy moaning complaining grumbling grouching whining bleating over-rigorous over-strict slighting overexacting kvetching mithering chuntering dissatisfied difficult to please discontented impossible to please precise precisionist exact scrupulous dogmatic literalistic finical literalist scholastic casuistical formalist casuistic sophistical purist sophistic overparticular scolding critic humbling diagnostic demeaning judgy harsh exceptive trenchant sarcastic sharp exacting discerning severe penetrating biting contemptuous choleric withering discriminating analytical satirical lowering stern pejorative uncomplimentary denigratory abusive depreciative vituperative scornful insulting derogative depreciatory detractive deprecating disdainful accusing offensive derisory degrading denigrative defamatory hostile contumelious accusatory damning damaging scurrilous decrying slanderous libellous opprobrious libelous unflattering derisive injurious discouraging antagonistic vilifying unfriendly adverse rude hurtful contrary nasty deprecative denouncing poor maligning bad invective vitriolic spiteful upbraiding inimical calumnious catty low detracting sneering scurril vituperatory truculent scurrile traducing malicious sharp-tongued full of reproof damnatory denigrating admonitory disrespectful accusive mean adversarial sardonic incriminatory slating knocking adversary pharisaic accusatorial nitpicky personal disavowing opposing self-righteous minimizing vicious dismissive detractory discrediting minimising antipathetic jaundiced inhospitable prejudicial dishonouring scandalous mud-slinging naysaying counter defaming dishonoring despiteful malevolent humiliating ill-disposed malign reproaching on someone's back insolent debasing reviling brusque cruel disappointed blameful proscriptive admonishing shrewish cursing accusative querulous familiar intrusive impertinent cheeky ambiguous equivocal evasive frowning overexact overprecise unforgiving imputative recriminatory boot-faced disapprobatory scoffing berating jesuitical reprehensive culpatory reprehending chiding severely critical unpleasant displeased maledictory scandalmongering muckraking backbiting contemptible arrogant mocking condescending diminishing deflating maledictive slurring virulent discreditable venomous hateful irreverent disadvantageous sniping dyslogistic downgrading ironical obloquious castigating calumniating ranting aspersive blunt aspersing untoward libeling injuring excoriating despicable hurting offending abasing libelling vile shaming malignant disgracing vulgar unhelpful irritable crabby trivial testy perverse thorny unfair unjust touchy cantankerous peevish petty acrimonious petulant cross tricky honest candid attacking undermining disobliging invalidating obstructive stark straightforward realistic very critical outspoken vexatious unappealing corrosive caustic abrasive destructive troublesome uncharitable snide straight from the shoulder epithetical warts and all


Significantly unimportant and deserving of little to no attention
niggling petty trifling insignificant piddling minor chicken footling fussy inconsequential inconsiderable measly minute negligible no-account nominal paltry peanut picayune piddly piffling pimping quibbling slight trivial unimportant caviling cavilling finicky frivolous nit-picking pettifogging de minimis Mickey Mouse small nugatory little fiddling incidental nickel-and-dime worthless inappreciable small-fry foolish irrelevant meagre meaningless meager insufficient puny pointless immaterial light pitiful derisory miserable mean pathetic scanty of little account inadequate of no account not worth mentioning lightweight exiguous insubstantial superficial shallow mingy valueless of no consequence minuscule minimal not worth bothering about poxy tiny contemptible small-bore casual nonessential skimpy beggarly inessential of little importance silly base penny-ante twopenny-halfpenny secondary dinky lesser scant of no importance of little consequence peripheral cheap idle non-essential two-bit ignorable marginal shoestring infinitesimal small-time miserly token poor inferior wretched stingy pitiable mere ungenerous flimsy useless trite time-wasting unessential ineffectual unnecessary unsubstantial senseless hairsplitting purportless lousy deficient short sorry unproductive barren sparse low lower junior empty scrimpy limited subordinate trashy scratch inconsequent everyday nothing slender microscopic shabby diminutive inane nondescript of no moment of minor importance minor-league of no great concern second-rate not worth speaking of low-ranking sophisticated subtle subsidiary modest lean insulting restricted imperceptible potty ridiculous absurd outrageous ludicrous laughable risible preposterous impractical lamentable hair-splitting casuistic captious equivocating sophistical peppercorn niggly commonplace neglectable toytown wanky momentary atomic skin-deep evanescent vanishing extraneous set common shoddy sleazy narrow unconsequential bush-league obscure smalltime uncelebrated lilliputian smaller vain hollow loitering jejune idling vapid insipid banal beside the point of little import neither here nor there unconsidered runt inappropriate wimpy shrimp fatuous puerile flippant unhelpful no big deal no big thing purposeless flighty bogus inutile unavailing despicable mediocre abandoned sterile futile profitless abject waste drossy counterproductive unusable unprofitable ignoble ineffective no biggie all the same small potatoes two bit entry level of no significance big zero unconsiderable empty-headed without depth hardly worth mentioning diddly rinky-dink too little too late mean-minded petty-minded narrow-minded ordinary undistinguished reduced unremarkable lowly scarce fruitless average vague aimless minimum middling indifferent run-of-the-mill fine no great shakes weak slim humble ancillary impalpable indistinguishable inconspicuous uninspired undetectable pedestrian fractional unexceptional indiscernible forgettable second-class gradual insensible humdrum prosaic bog-standard unmemorable unexciting workaday inaudible shadowy ephemeral subnormal unimpressive less indistinct sad so-so unnoticeable second-string invisible imponderable unsatisfactory middle-of-the-road good-for-nothing vanilla null wanting intangible sparing needless faint fair diminished nothing special unknown tangential unobservable unpretentious nothing to write home about unsound bland normal less important supplementary routine bootless standard OK bad of no value in vain half-pie dull lower-level off junky superfluous no-good without rhyme or reason inapposite plain vanilla of no use frothy unreasonable thin passable not much cop slighter impertinent hopeless auxiliary little known feeble medium uneventful inapplicable anonymous motiveless tolerable subservient lacking usual inglorious tenuous fragile irrelative uninspiring adequate undersized otiose remote typical few run-of-the-mine run-of-mine poorer outside second-fiddle low-grade plain lackluster lacklustre fair-to-middling chaffy amateurish amateur substandard accessory lame conventional unnoteworthy characterless unacceptable third-string to no purpose standard-issue garden-variety of no matter not pertinent bush unsung not very good common or garden dismal not so hot not up to much a dime a dozen little-known unrenowned unmeaning frugal dubious doubtful unfamiliar dispensable invalid plebeian wee expendable illogical unfamous disappointing mindless unheard-of spare irrational occasional moderate nanoscopic goalless unimposing woeful distressing unsuccessful rare bottom simple wasted smallish abortive feckless forgotten unrelated minus scrubby unhonoured foreign stock nonsensical subpar dissatisfactory subjacent unperceivable indefinite decent teensy-weensy basal unpurposed dependent frail lower-ranking skimp unheard of contributory of no merit low-born crummy cut-and-dry cut-and-dried unreal regular imperfect no use not germane impotent defective dwindling lower-class uninteresting inefficacious junk lemon mainstream lower-grade extra boring familiar wack crumby punk not to the point negative low-quality customary suboptimal rubbish second-banana drifting additional to no avail wrong sour ill redundant bog standard fair to middling next to none collateral ten a penny below par next to no garden variety tributary seldom seen second rate from hunger uncalled-for off the subject perfunctory twopenny mild unmeaningful ne'er-do-well small-scale symbolic local barely perceptible undemanding disregardable unintellectual acceptable bitty little bitty fragmentary supplemental depleted inconsiderate tacky groundless objectless menial by-the-way by-the-by background nether unapparent featherweight failing imponderous incompetent insane a minor point unreasoning unassuming no never mind matter of indifference a matter of indifference makes no difference scattered extrinsic unobtrusive teeny-weeny baseless throwaway vacant rubbishy outclassed déclassé not enough below the mark fallacious lessened gentle sporadic dead wandering unclear nongermane of no benefit unfructuous pants demeaning degrading unfounded rambling uncommon infrequent nonrational of less importance shy boilerplate unrewarding thankless par for the course tinpot zero zilch zip undistinguishable imperceivable general adrift a notch under attendant worse tawdry low-rent hack ignominious servile two a penny unsalable of no earthly use to no effect lower rung low-level least smallest littlest slightest impossible to detect contributing related fewer merciful nowhere jake garden plastic satellite outranked adjuvant sub illegitimate not worth a hill of beans a dead loss lacking foundation unestablished cut lowest just substract under subject second reserve crude barely visible hard to make out lower in status lower in rank minutest tiniest merest fewest nothing to get excited about middle of the road run of the mill shortened nameless plain-Jane homely unextraordinary unvaried hackneyed generic stereotyped off-the-shelf stereotypical straggling at a low level in short supply run-down faulty nasty rotten unworthy vacuous of no avail without grounds not serious without foundation light-headed harebrained light-minded ditzy lightheaded goofy yeasty featherbrained giddy scatterbrained ditsy dizzy birdbrained unfrequent ropy duff unsuitable unsatisfying offensive unlikely declined depressed gratuitous entry-level bottom-rung beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat below someone not so important merely only indiscriminate designless wanton witless thoughtless shaky questionable displeasing few and far between distant frilly lacking substance unrecognized unneeded jerry-built below average no good minor league tenth-rate below standard poor-quality not up to par not up to scratch not satisfying not up to snuff damaged thin on the ground not so great unseen brainless desultory random moving compassionate afflicted stirring joyless heartbreaking scurvy grievous arousing mournful rueful piteous heartrending vile touching affecting cheerless deplorable commiserative tearful suffering sorrowful distressed comfortless sketchy nebulous low in numbers hard to find hard to come by at a premium unwarranted lighthearted void unnoticed unacclaimed noteless very little least possible not so much beside the question wide of the point nihil ad rem not at issue not to the purpose not significant wide of the mark smallest amount of not important floundering undirected haphazard improbable implausible not as great unnoted overlooked unappreciated proletarian unfamed unrecognised unglorified unlauded odd unapplauded unhailed unhonored far faraway outlying wishy-washy uncalled for hit-or-miss excessive hazy unspecific suspect baseborn underprivileged unacknowledged unrefined severe unwashed rough nothing more than no more than no more important than no better than no-name far-fetched meh unconvincing indeterminate unsubstantiated luxury deadwood vulgar lowborn prole out-of-the-way colorless fairish colourless intermediate ruthful mundane drab nonvalid nullified annulled null and void cancelled nonbinding inoperative lumpen plebby uncouth unfit sordid excess baggage working-class of poor quality unconnected rescinded revoked repealed abolished whatever neat pocket pocket-size bantam Lilliputian miniature dwarfish half-pint shrimpy pint-size petite trim undersize pint-sized dainty dear mini pocket-sized fun-size toylike adorable cute pygmy inapt of low birth low-life of low rank absent nonexistent untrue powerless canceled unsanctioned imaginary disconnected detached dime-a-dozen adorbs compact natty teeny little-bitty independent unassociated disparate unapt dissociated inapropos separate inappurtenant fun size off base out of place not connected with out of order not applicable not pertaining to off the topic not connected off the point not related nothing to do with teeny weeny


Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment
dissatisfied discontented disgruntled displeased disappointed frustrated unhappy unfulfilled unsatisfied disquieted fed up malcontent aggrieved angered angry exasperated irritated ungratified annoyed disaffected disapproving discontent regretful resentful restive restless vexed begrudging bothered complaining crabby critical ennuied envious faultfinding fed-up fretful fretting griping grudging grumbling grumpy insatiable irked jaundiced jealous kvetching malcontented not satisfied offended plaintive put-out querulous snivelling sniveling sulky sullen unappeased unassuaged unsated browned off cheesed off brassed off out of joint not best pleased impatient miserable piqued peeved chagrined upset disturbed perturbed blue hacked off teed off ticked off sick to death sick and tired peed off fed up to the teeth fed up to the back teeth with a chip on your shoulder put out disillusioned miffed disheartened discouraged narked sick disenchanted depressed blasé rebellious let down indignant cynical indifferent irate disgusted bellyaching testy cross bored riled aggravated weary unpleased troubled jaded distressed wearied huffy crestfallen saddened tired embittered in a huff glum down factious dissentious troublemaking fault-finding carping nitpicking ill-disposed belly-aching thwarted satiated disapproving of surfeited gloomy dismal sated up to here petulant peevish soured churlish harried flustered agitated eggy vex sore undeceived afflicted infuriated harassed nettled grousing cranky irritable out of temper hoha grouchy crabbing kicking snuffy uncontent worried maddened inflamed incensed provoked tormented furious crabbed fuming wrathful enraged defeated disabused ill-humored fretted bad tempered hot under the collar alienated sophisticated worldly mondaine sophisticate disenthralled knowing worldly-wise disentranced in a temper hung up carrying a chip on your shoulder hot-tempered up the wall ill-humoured estranged disloyal antagonistic hostile set straight seditious mutinous out of love sick of bored by unfriendly dissident insurgent insurrectionary uncompliant insubordinate renegade unsubmissive surfeited by weary of distressed by glutted by surfeited with jaded with jaded by satiated by glutted with apathetic have had enough have had a basinful of have had it up to here with have had something up to here up in arms downcast despondent downhearted choked disconcerted disconsolate dismayed dispirited discomfited hurt melancholy forlorn dejected sad beaten hopeless aghast gutted cheerless worsted vanquished cast down baulked chapfallen objecting dolorous balked cut up low-spirited taken down shot down down in the dumps as sick as a parrot


Not easy to please or satisfy
difficult demanding stubborn uncompromising fussy grim hard to please intractable obstinate overbearing recalcitrant tough unaccommodating unamenable unreasonable unrelenting argumentative boorish fastidious finicky hardheaded hard-nosed inflexible obdurate pigheaded rigid tyrannical bearish discontented dissatisfied fractious hard-line immovable inexorable irascible oafish obstreperous opinionated perverse pitiless resolute stiff strict troublesome trying unbending unmanageable cantankerous choosy critical grumbly impolite irritable irritating negative quarrelsome querulous refractory set in one's ways snappy temperamental testy tiresome unflinching unyielding uptight bloody-minded dogmatic headstrong indomitable intransigent opinionative pertinacious rude single-minded sour steadfast stiff-necked strong-minded wrong-headed dictatorial oppressive overcritical delicate ill-natured importunate prickly sensitive touchy balky bolshie bull-headed contrarious contrary cussed disobliging finical froward hard to satisfy hypercritical over-particular particular perfectionist stroppy thrawn captious chippy crabby crotchety disputatious disputative feisty fiendish hard to handle huffy invidious obstructive ornery ungracious unpredictable uppity vexed uncooperative wilful wayward contumacious awkward unruly uncontrollable disobedient ungovernable willful unhelpful insubordinate defiant rebellious undisciplined incompliant self-willed wild mulish disorderly rebel untoward disruptive restive recusant rowdy truculent mutinous annoying incorrigible vexatious incontrollable exacting boisterous pervicacious out of hand out of control renitent nice pernickety turbulent choosey dainty fussbudgety overnice old-maidish persnickety punctilious finicking inimical pat cross-grained impossible unwilling hard bullheaded resistant nit-picking squeamish belligerent nit-picky dogged adamant implacable tenacious antagonistic determined troublemaking adamantine inconvincible hardened ossified problematic discriminating stubborn as a mule noncompliant hostile faddy scrupulous unmalleable pig-headed nitpicking self-opinionated stickling lawless pass-remarkable irrepressible adverse violent riotous uncontrolled unrestrained dissident pedantic unpersuadable careful firm capricious ill-disciplined unadaptable delinquent rock-ribbed exasperating anarchic deaf to reason overparticular faddish unresponsive undisciplinable confrontational tricky obstinately disobedient disagreeable attention-seeking selective complex insoluble clamorous dissentient unfriendly exact loud unsympathetic noisy assiduous painstaking contentious chaotic nonconformist unbridled carping hairsplitting opposing disapproving meticulous unpliable indocile rumbustious militant bellicose fretful fuddy-duddy obsessive prissy unpleasant antipathetic hair-splitting rigorous persistent uncongenial locked in relentless pugnacious difficult to please strong-willed dead set on tetchy grouchy contradictory inimitable morose peevish irrational shrewish biased illogical inconsiderate unsupportive fussbudget blinkered arbitrary grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky naughty flyaway sticky prejudiced intolerant burdensome impudent insolent limit vexing pesky blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying badly-behaved over-fastidious incurable disaffected narky bad-tempered ratty shirty choleric not cooperative disturbed maladjusted bulky discommodious incommodious cramped unconstructive hindering badly behaved discerning overprecise fiddly fine detailed resisting insubmissive radical withstanding unobliging impossible to cope with frustrating making difficulties not giving an inch scrappy non-compliant uncivil discourteous thorny locked knotty paradoxical contrariant nonconforming discordant arsey disagreeing difficult to handle overfastidious conscionable picky-picky old maidish heedful trivial punctual insurgent insurrectionary wrongheaded converse problem challenging old womanish unamiable tough nut hang tough vociferous rough tempestuous uproarious raucous lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless reckless lawbreaking seditious rampaging rambunctious threatening impulsive impetuous impervious rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy mean roisterous rackety tumultuous resolved unbendable unshakable steely rip-roaring untimely unfortunate persevering unshakeable rampageous roistering uncompliant unalterable judgmental judgemental piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous inconvenient inopportune unfavorable unfavourable out of line unmoved indurate unbreakable fixed heady overexacting imperious insistent cavilling harsh nagging stringent exigent convinced remorseless raising Cain unanticipated ill-timed unexpected raising the roof quibbling disparaging needy possessive caviling sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous censuring cavillous unsparing with one's feet dug in iron-willed with one's toes dug in unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed adversarial demeaning serious cynical censorious dissenting aggressive crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt unsuitable inappropriate high-maintenance angry opposed combative oppositional over-rigorous over-strict over-exacting fault-finding malapropos badly timed over-censorious unseasonable spiteful inhospitable wrathful conflicting vitriolic jaundiced virulent unpropitious misfortunate disturbing hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless adversative accusatorial allergic oppugnant opposite unsociable reluctant unreceptive ill-disposed at odds oppugning precise refined overdelicate sedulous thorough queasy impossible to please easily disgusted very careful



Antonino de being picky

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