Sinónimo de feel the urge to


To have a want or desire for
feel like fancy desire like want crave wish wish for long for pine for hanker after thirst for yen for care for feel in need of be bent on be dying for would like be desperate for have a yen for feel the need for yearn for hunger for desiderate have a fancy for covet hanker for hope for cry out for itch for set one's heart on sigh for be partial to require relish ache for need have one's heart set on hunger after have a need for spoil for pine after die for prefer have an inclination for thirst after love have an urge for incline toward feel up to have the inclination for take a fancy to lust after jones for feel a need for dream of be desirous of aspire to have in mind consider seek choose envy be in need of pray for have as one's aim have need of look forward to wish to have beg ask for have as one's goal will care enjoy favour favor rejoice in be enamored of delight in revel in savor adore take to approve of be mad for dig have a craving for get off on savour be wild for be crazy about sanction take a liking to fall for endorse have a yearning for have eyes for have a passion for salivate for feel inclined to could do with pant after repine for lust for burn for would give one's eyeteeth for eat one's heart out over yearn hunger hanker ache pine thirst long lust be athirst for pant suspire for pant for dream itch sigh have a yen be dying be consumed with desire for be unable to wait for suspire yen languish burn be aching be eager be itching await expect have a longing anticipate be desirous be desperate want badly thirstily await be counting down the days to anticipate with pleasure be eager to await with anticipation intently await wish to be excited to vigorously await really want thirstily anticipate energetically await actively anticipate cannot wait await with pleasure anticipate with gusto ardently anticipate be enthusiastic about be unable to wait fervently anticipate can't wait impatiently await eagerly anticipate earnestly await await with gusto actively await be enthused about expectantly anticipate set your heart upon have your eye on impatiently anticipate await with enthusiasm breathlessly anticipate be interested in enthusiastically await enthusiastically anticipate wait for be gung ho about fervently await be keen on be impatient about breathlessly await ardently await vigorously anticipate eagerly await spiritedly anticipate longingly anticipate count the days until spiritedly await hungrily await hungrily anticipate have an eye on earnestly anticipate longingly await intently anticipate anticipate with enthusiasm zealously anticipate be hung up about expectantly await lick one's lips over energetically anticipate zealously await be excited at chafe hope count the hours until anticipate with anticipation jones feen miss desire intensely lament give eyeteeth for be passionate be eager for feel a longing have a crush on be gagging have a fancy be impatient be consumed with desire eat your heart out carry a torch regret the loss of dream about regret the absence of shed tears for cry for aspire aim be greedy for be hungry for be thirsty for be hungry be thirsty be athirst be greedy have a hankering be consumed with the desire lick your lips lick one's chops

Antonino de feel the urge to

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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