Sinónimo de highly extreme


Very severe or serious
radical excessive dire drastic desperate harsh severe stern strict unbending uncompromising far-reaching forceful inordinate momentous serious tough consequential exaggerated exceptional heavy immoderate outrageous remorseless rigid sharp substantial undue unmitigated unreasonable unrelenting unusual unyielding zealous austere draconian egregious exorbitant extravagant fanatical punishing punitive rigorous steep stiff absolute baroque devilish downright ferocious flagrant gross intemperate oppressive overkill preposterous remarkable thorough uncommon unconscionable unconventional unmerciful unseemly fabulous fancy improper imprudent insane intolerable irrational lavish nonsensical overdue overextravagant overmuch overweening plethoric sheer swingeing towering utter out-and-out over the top too much O.T.T. out of proportion intense complete great profound disproportionate tremendous total extraordinary unrestrained strong unqualified enormous unwarranted pure rank outright OTT arrant prodigious stringent monstrous unmeasurable consummate deep hard unadulterated dreadful acute brutal a bit much stark unalloyed dramatic categorical supreme immense exacting extortionate thoroughgoing maximum prodigal profuse huge rough high impossible superfluous overwhelming profligate categoric flat-out uncalled for incredible fair all-out needless definite right unconditional colossal grievous cruel straight-out dizzying utmost powerful clean overabundant firm vast veritable blooming pronounced extensive indescribable surplus over-the-top significant cotton-picking gigantic uncalled-for demanding perfect deadly major massive fierce formidable extra superabundant wanton mighty bodacious overboard unrestricted real simple unlimited difficult humongous astronomical way out unfair sky-high unutterable trying excruciating surpassing herculean onerous inflexible overindulgent uncurbed self-indulgent uncontrolled titanic gargantuan plumb very big unnecessary proper flat super almighty ultimate whopping boundless stratospheric considerable redundant marked limitless uttermost large fantastic monumental max ambitious unremitting arduous grim tedious challenging unjust stone prohibitive abounding gruelling laborious grueling torturous relentless strenuous wearisome ponderous tortuous striking unbridled bruising wearying backbreaking burdensome agonizing too great rugged testing taxing stressful uphill back-breaking conspicuous tall exhausting toilsome top deep-dyed fatiguing hellish dead merciless unsparing in excess stupendous unbounded hellacious gratuitous blank violent direct dissipated agonising effortful fulsome mega positive giant paramount unjustifiable thundering hardline over the odds unwarrantable comprehensive hard-nosed daunting crashing glaring outstanding crippling unjustified full-bore illogical troublesome too-too obvious weighty forbidding thorny bothersome crushing harrowing right-down awful regular overflowing vigorous wild tiring out of all proportion overblown copious sweeping too many tiresome draining unforgiving debilitating moiling sweaty toilful killer criminal diametrical savage grinding wearing wasteful improvident ample painful sapping single-minded patent whole energy-consuming Herculean astronomic exact ridiculous blatant epic uber matchless mountainous shocking riotous indulgent supernatural more recrementitious dear exhaustive unmatchable ginormous profusive entire murderous thumping unstinting pitiless supererogatory absonant intractable most in every respect impressive transcendent dyed-in-the-wool imperious nth up to here terrible inveterate emphatic arbitrary generous painstaking atrocious unsurpassable incommunicable galling very great overt far-out hard-line iron-fisted diehard inflated labored elevated operose staggering upstream intimidating cumbersome uncomfortable reckless de trop knackering slavish laboured unbearable difficile vicious hairy really hard very hard capital tough going intransigent undeviating intensive overdone grandiose dissipative debauched ultra apodictic phenomenal uncommunicable unrivalled theatrical unbalanced authoritarian excess unhampered unchecked ruthless sizeable spare elaborate unsurpassed incomparable abundant rampant indiscriminate excessively high prolific supernumerary hardhanded quintessential uninhibited dispensable liberal over sizable brassbound audacious peerless extremely high imposing chronic appalling distinct genuine inimitable highest expendable superlative terrific mammoth exceeding advanced leftover remaining plentiful galore exuberant forcible ideal unreserved gushing nonessential rare teeming luxuriant bountiful topmost reprehensible tyrannical out of control heinous optimum cast-iron scandalous out and out preeminent wicked no end opulent alive with aplenty thick with plenty openhanded crawling with a dime a dozen sumptuous swarming bounteous resounding concentrated unrivaled notable noteworthy callous effusive full above average hardheaded inexorable heavy-duty monster whacking wholesale overgenerous last out of sight polar dour gushy unsympathetic naked brazen unmistakable unequalable decisive conclusive infamous notorious hard-core steadfast hardcore barefaced solid sensational full-scale undisguised heavy-handed residuary memorable hefty dogged superfluent shameful determined intensified maxi pleonastic hardened noticeable resolute whopping great undiluted grave unasked a bit thick whacking great nerve-racking drudgy unnerving tormenting worksome distressful depleting uphill battle killing by the book shattering hard-won no picnic marathon insufferable sticky pressing distressing solemn discomforting dicey through and through hazardous easier said than done torturesome high-pressure unpleasant jarring scabrous problematic unendurable troubling problem ominous not easy harmful illegitimate posh unlawful peremptory costing an arm and a leg out of bounds pricey senseless unrightful wrongful inexpressible Draconian wildly excessive blown up out of all proportion punitory goodly humungous greatest overpriced too elephantine undescribable voluminous uncontrollable passionate leviathan terminal roaring very high best unreasoned superior bitter raw unhindered runaway dissolute tempestuous abandoned decadent incontinent ungovernable searing open-handed unused unstinted over the limit jumbo nasty going too far unmerited protracted greedy headstrong inhuman substantive complicated apogean rip-roaring fancy-pants pervasive a lot undeserved inexcusable full-blown full-frontal full-on eternal perpetual horrible unfeeling abrasive extraneous robust complex dirty great unregenerate grossly excessive iconoclastic heightened increased escalated handsome healthy jacked up unkind inconsiderate heartless insensitive waste manifest ostentatious vile sneaky conscienceless knavish barbarous horrifying unholy uncivilised unthinkable inconceivable unacceptable uncivilized ungodly keen intricate wrong excellent errant perfected flawless impeccable finished frightful evident shameless broad explosive outré bold immodest over one's head rowdy curt diametric palpable unconcealed transparent plain off disposable sophisticated staunch unwavering indurate adamant hard-boiled ungiving militant abnormal disgraceful infinite immeasurable unproductive wide-ranging high-impact backbreaker like getting blood out of a stone surplus to requirements on your hands to spare left over apparent villainous iniquitous rich decided silly ludicrous unfettered magnificent showy lordly commanding irksome involved beyond the pale hard-hitting truculent virulent true blue unparalleled untempered root-and-branch horrific unequivocal explicit express top-to-bottom out of order brass-necked slow exigent unequalled unblemished awesome fearful wholehearted forthright clear unambiguous definitive disciplinarian resolved obdurate obstinate ascetical immovable domineering hardhearted mulish ossified unflinching astringent disciplinary bullheaded uncharitable hard-hearted no-nonsense browbeating stiff-necked ascetic autocratic unneeded enervating boring wretched revolutionary everlasting double-dyed staring stand pat super-duper sure thunderous inessential unmatched indubitable unquestionable assured useless exerting very big nonpareil fanciful heroic ballsy grand adventurous not giving an inch unexampled unwanted certain unconstrained open identifiable unequaled Augean tricky determinate plenary unquestioning wide compulsive obsessive only no holds barred no strings attached no fine print one hundred per cent clear-cut point-blank without reservations no catch no ifs ands or buts all out no kicker no strings straight out unrequired thick lush persistent despotic set supererogative habitual repressive suppressive critical fundamental ironclad tight clinical confirmed binding unpermissive the most important meaningful landmark confining very severe picky appreciable large-scale material vital valid convincing compelling acrimonious drawing hyperbolized overstated bloated much headline preponderant cardinal especial impactful high-priority special portentous unforgettable pivotal keynote burning milestone fateful high-level newsworthy glorious particular crucial principal earthshaking eventful distinctive earnest earth-shattering signal resonant historic urgent all-important worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum front-page unordinary ponderable potent climacteric hyped magnified pretentious hard and fast unreasoning pathologic neurotic pathological overdrawn overemphasized hyperbolic brick-wall actorly dead set on by the numbers overplayed overripe overestimated overwrought amplified overdramatized aggrandized melodramatic sensationalistic exalted sensationalist embroidered schmaltzy embellished spectacular outsized farfetched unrealistic outsize hammy histrionic stylized overemphasised over-elaborate highly coloured larger-than-life highly colored blown up most significant


Far beyond the norm in terms of public opinion
extremist radical fanatical revolutionary exaggerated immoderate intemperate diehard fanatic militant outrageous overzealous rabid rebel rebellious revolutionist subversive ultra unreasonable combative over the top swivel-eyed OTT zealous fervent passionate bigoted enthusiastic dedicated uncompromising wild dogmatic maniacal keen partisan obsessive frenzied devoted ardent inflexible mad perfervid overenthusiastic opinionated outlandish obstinate stubborn sectarian unruly narrow-minded prejudiced activist intolerant single-minded obsessed fixated rigid over-enthusiastic compulsive fervid burning ultraist gung-ho crazy impassioned fiery addicted passional raving biased doctrinaire far-out domineering blinkered chauvinistic illiberal unrestrained terrorist hog-wild eager infatuated frenetic dotty visionary nuts potty hooked wackadoo wackadoodle excessive drastic outre gone outré incorrigible credulous impulsive partial willful wilful violent bugged headstrong erratic possessed monomaniacal contumacious feverish hidebound intense reforming progressive over-the-top reformist too much all out pontifical religious opinionative opinioned virulent irrational overboard turned on nuts for high on adamant progressivist revisionist anarchistic out of bounds insurrectionary dogmatical unyielding parti pris strict insubordinate seditious mutinous insurgent pigheaded refractory intransigent recusant lawless riotous recalcitrant nihilistic restive insistent authoritarian loony looney unbending impractical bullheaded ideological unpragmatic unrealistic dogged mulish pertinacious one-sided holding fixed views stiff-necked self-opinionated way out


Severe or intense, especially in a painful or unpleasant way
acute intense fierce profound deep violent ferocious terrible excruciating dreadful severe heavy vehement almighty strong blistering powerful explosive hard vicious furious hellacious exquisite frightful sharp agonising agonizing intensive piercing ghastly searing fearsome burning fearful harrowing overwhelming racking consuming unbearable harsh tormenting torturous shooting concentrated penetrating stabbing insufferable excessive serious grievous cutting unendurable heightened overpowering distressing hellish poignant peracute shrill sudden heavy-duty keen great grave forceful raging drastic critical dire urgent desperate awful painful very great compelling potent passionate crucial uncontrollable pressing flaming marked vigorous fiery fervent forcible rampant fervid impassioned wild wrenching ardent intolerable exigent bitter crying dangerous biting weighty stinging inordinate brutal sore frenzied all-consuming worrying turbulent deep-seated zealous extraordinary torturing exceptional major earnest red-hot fanatical vital torrid feverish significant pounding energetic rabid perfervid savage life-and-death heated devastating bad immoderate tumultuous mighty crushing intemperate parlous warm-blooded tempestuous very bad imperative alarming eager real clamant importunate imperious galling right uncontrolled splitting thumping emergent enormous necessitous grueling impossible proper supreme resounding climacteric killing swift afflicting rapid steep abrupt rampaging disturbing appalling unchecked unfettered uncurbed unbridled emphatic gut-wrenching gruelling enthusiastic woeful tremendous unrelenting warm oppressive undue fast wholehearted passional hot consequential inflamed tough diabolical convulsive out of control shocking punishing ruinous tortuous volcanic perilous precarious hazardous life-threatening outrageous high full of force paroxysmal gale force emotional deep-rooted active intensified blustery unrestrained suffering tearing stormy struggling pervasive ungovernable strenuous titanic stark driving frantic powerhouse dynamic boisterous overriding dominating telling very strong hot-blooded immense terrific unstoppable incorrigible transcending repressive grim relentless huge astounding caustic sheer sublime chronic unsparing smarting knifelike inclement chastening protracted close full unqualified gusty extremely painful diligent towering exaggerated very grave meteoric heartbreaking strained vivid pungent stiff squally mortal cut-throat heartfelt ablaze amorous precipitous precipitate mother of all charged tormentous anguishing cruel demonstrative heartrending blazing cyclonic incandescent considerable disastrous avid abject true genuine entrenched devout religious superheated riotous glowing mad storming unmanageable hurtful honest hard-core unfeigned rooted hardcore sincere intrenched peppery enraged excited arduous toilsome threatening bleak ugly taxing frenetic coercive aroused agitated stirring inveterate thorough bona fide rousing lively delirious sobering big difficult exacting menacing grinding punchy knockout dominant commanding gutsy roaring all-powerful rough volatile impetuous irresistible heart-rending thoroughgoing settled deeply felt hefty virulent blustering horrific unpleasant horrible horrendous nagging hectic elemental puissant instant knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts rampageous hammer and tongs bang-bang bred-in-the-bone confirmed essential clamorous troublesome distressful abominable upsetting paramount necessary important portentous catastrophic overshadowing integral emergency immediate impelling fundamental risky leading indispensable capital foremost key required primary principal mind-blowing irrepressible overbearing besetting shattering atrocious godawful rotten lousy beastly vile afflictive momentous chief demanded compulsive stifling unutterable pre-eminent high-priority top-priority must-have called-for life and death of great consequence time-critical of the utmost importance of the essence suffocating irrefutable overmastering profuse obsessive paralyzing paralysing more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear


Exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion
zealous ardent passionate fervent enthusiastic vehement keen eager intense fervid impassioned fiery earnest fanatical avid perfervid wholehearted burning spirited fierce dedicated vigorous devoted energetic committed forceful hot antsy sincere rabid devout hearty obsessed pushy obsessive zestful militant frenetic afire fanatic itchy ripe possessed purposeful fireball fired zealotic evangelical gung-ho go-ahead single-minded self-starting wild-eyed coming on strong excited feverish wild passional torrid determined animated heated red-hot warm lively emotional crazy flaming religious hot-blooded strong emphatic resolute desirous voracious charged hungry enthused deep pumped demonstrative heartfelt profound incandescent impatient aggressive blazing warm-blooded raring gung ho powerful dynamic superheated violent thirsty intent nuts glowing athirst staunch agog ambitious steadfast feisty solicitous anxious assertive juiced firm loyal mad keen exuberant ebullient active true yearning faithful stoked longing driven unwavering vivacious motivated frenzied mad assiduous hopped-up dutiful keen as mustard unrestrained hepped up bold greedy itching serious diligent furious ready raring to go great high-spirited uncompromising champing at the bit geeked potent deep-seated restless willing diehard full-blooded fired up genuine forcible interested in-your-face dying radical inflamed craving as keen as mustard strenuous appetent consuming resounding extremist mettlesome insistent audacious ready and willing strong-willed hard-hitting bigoted conscientious bright-eyed and bushy-tailed sprightly punchy acute pining hankering gutsy heightened pious confident melodramatic tough bullish steamed up domineering keyed up steady dying to game persistent maniacal desiring delirious fevered uncontrollable partisan enterprising aching obstinate unreserved stubborn driving deep-rooted all-consuming infatuated effusive muscular manic constant stalwart tireless overemotional emotive hot to trot intensive deeply felt warmblooded dogmatic industrious uncontrolled ferocious all-out urgent worked up true blue strict pulling no punches white-hot frantic nutty spunky honest indefatigable animate fond competitive stirring swivel-eyed thrilled stout gay adherent psyched wishful vivid inflexible breathless ablaze gone on pushing revolutionary true-blue commanding raging card-carrying hopped up self-assured self-confident authoritative chomping at the bit effervescent self-possessed high-powered unfaltering bossy uninhibited immoderate full enduring excessive hopeful vital exhilarated intemperate wishing hard rigid severe tenacious enamored explosive dominant full of beans unflinching compulsive opinionated unswerving enamoured thorough stirred dogged unfeigned titillated overenthusiastic unqualified sworn pertinacious unshakeable dashing responsive bursting brisk gagging potty rousing thoroughgoing stanch on fire good exciting supportive sectarian unyielding covetous fundamentalist orthodox sentimental inspired ballsy compelling restive chauvinistic racy reverent gladiatorial bona fide amped rarin' to go hard-working activist revolutionist scrappy prejudiced set warlike unflagging untiring straining at the leash aroused crazed full-hearted can-do intolerant dyed-in-the-wool narrow-minded flourishing allegiant go-go deep-dyed relentless imperious thriving overzealous hard-driving generous jovial smitten solid high-octane have-a-go go-getting dependable extraordinary cheerful unruly exceptional overwrought hyperactive angry patriotic feeling hardened positive blunt complete pleased plucky stirred up unbridled amiable unremitting hysterical robust entrenched hellacious ultra impetuous obdurate blistering ungovernable heavy hectic inexorable revering assured dotty hooked cheery gushing jolly rooted effective lusty fearless acquisitive messianic dauntless intrenched decisive venerating abiding infatuated with combative intrepid fixated inveterate hyper deep-felt expressive raving devoted to doctrinaire raw sparkling red-blooded over-enthusiastic thrilling excitable hoping settled fascinated supreme rigorous peppy alive impulsive perky cut-throat habitual zesty vibrant airy sparky pledged intent on hard-core hardcore aspiring ecstatic self-asserting stimulated bouncy zippy moving adamant biased hot for cutthroat tender contentious glad busy bubbly concerned resolved kinetic studious bugged incorrigible ruthless snappy bloodthirsty high-pressure roused very enthusiastic warring bouncing springy frisky pert nervy addicted whole-souled fast aflame amenable jazzy pizzazzy pizazzy jaunty spanking self-assertive confirmed whole-hearted through and through disposed gotta have energized full of life decided bullheaded sedulous two-fisted bred-in-the-bone activated definite inclined bent on set on desirous of down-the-line out-and-out happy energised bright and breezy alive and kicking self-seeking not backward in coming forward having killer instinct self-driven as game as Ned Kelly big full of vim and vigour from the heart full of get-up-and-go waiting with bated breath blinkered illiberal blind volatile insatiable amorous Herculean hardline abject peppery gingery influential all out traditional conservative thirsting pure prayerful irascible stormy convincing courageous marked storming turbulent bound expectant edgy ravenous grasping brave effectual persuasive penetrating piercing inordinate rebel dinkum temperamental grave demanding buoyant rhapsodic wacky tantalized rugged overpowering rapacious avaricious disorderly prepared intensified imposing aflutter gaga tantalised engagé attached hidebound attentive forward controlling ghastly almighty tumultuous inspirited galvanized turnt straining chafing terrorist warmhearted quick brassy overbearing major susceptible growing bubbling over moved influenced encouraged uplifted in love dizzy high heart-and-soul persevering up proactive banzai exquisite resilient in a hurry sensitive high as a kite eloquent poignant precipitate headlong inspiring affecting hotblooded quickened drastic dreadful daring collected composed visionary adoring doting engaged hung up unreluctant on board admiring consecrated chirpy zappy elated chipper fain sharp terrible fearful poised galvanised loving heartwarming overcharged tempestuous mushy romantic touching take-charge peart minded significant fearsome wackadoodle wackadoo extremely enthusiastic alert vitalized zingy in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for favourably inclined vicious steely verklempt sentient unsentimental fond of sweet on enamoured of very keen on smitten with beside oneself frightful erratic monomaniacal partial headstrong wilful credulous willful contumacious parti pris wigged-out emulous starry-eyed sprouting burgeoning expanding augmenting amplifying budding critical excruciating touchy-feely hard-nosed strong-minded self-reliant enamored of single-hearted old faithful pontifical deliberate serious-minded in earnest meaning what one says meaning business hell-bent vying on tenterhooks sustained undeviating opinionative opinioned heavy-duty seasoned cool-headed real unstinting absolute unambiguous total categorical beguiled enchanted besotted charmed true to the end unrelenting progressive pioneering unabated stringent given over to chronic on the edge of your seat on pins and needles hankering after competing defiant brutal tough-minded nuts for high on turned on unlimited unmitigated unrestricted unequivocal unconditional undivided established keen on daft lovesick captivated bewitched dogmatical carnivorous opposing oppositional antagonistic fixed perennial lifelong unalloyed sure unadulterated utter nutso indelible proved immutable intensely competitive iron-willed goal-oriented fiercely competitive get up and go stop at nothing power-hungry dog-eat-dog hang-tough self-willed go for broke eager beaver power-loving bound and determined high-reaching taken intoxicated spellbound love-struck enraptured seduced undiluted unquestioning outright impenitent unshakable intransigent unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable ineradicable longtime pigheaded spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action reborn addicted to agitated entire authentic fullhearted ingrained incurable explicit accustomed inured habituated staid viral ultraist sicker hooked on in love with authoritarian overboard virulent irrational belligerent unbending long-established impractical bellicose mad on jingoistic nationalist reinvigorated hard-line well established long-standing die-hard deep-set hard-shell firmly established well-established ideological pugnacious electrifying very keen unpragmatic mulish unrealistic hundred percent one-sided self-opinionated holding fixed views stiff-necked flamboyant bustling dazzling nervous nationalistic overactive happening virile humming colourful colorful buzzing without reservations never-failing fighting desperate hopping spry coruscating stimulating astir fresh abuzz resourceful ultra-active assaultive contending chippy quarrelsome confrontational discordant brawly argumentative agonistic truculent combating disputatious revitalized isolationist vibrating radiant breezy loud impervious affable embattled abubble aboil trusted trustworthy loyalist xenophobic jingo deepest backslapping militaristic rebellious warrish assertory martial offensive military in a tizzy high-strung arduous taxing full of pep like one possessed exhausting in arms up in arms profuse frank welcoming highly capable play hard ball on the go play for keeps full of the joys of spring full of spirit close reliable revitalised born-again statesmanlike spreadeagle flag-waving back-slapping trusty warm-hearted stable good natured immovable true-hearted tried and true true to life tried and tested


Unusually good or remarkable
rare exquisite incomparable peerless prodigious superb excellent exceptional matchless unique fine outstanding special unequaled unequalled consummate great inimitable unparalleled superior superlative unrivaled unrivalled unsurpassed admirable select stellar surpassing dainty delicate elegant unprecedented amazing choice invaluable unexampled valuable astonishing awesome distinctive distinguished eminent incredible marked memorable notable noteworthy particular phenomenal precious priceless prominent recherche refreshing rich significant striking awe-inspiring first-class first-rate mind-blowing mind-boggling top-notch very fine wonderful marvellous fantastic grand magnificent glorious perfect sensational fabulous terrific marvelous remarkable brilliant supreme top standout fantabulous cracking topping divine cool heavenly sterling premier radical extraordinary splendid beautiful neat quality dandy topflight lovely unexcelled peachy fab swell wicked nifty supernal groovy righteous optimum classic immense dynamite prime hot unmatched crackerjack prizewinning corking noble best mean flawless faultless keen unbeatable gilt-edged dope phat gangbusters wizard ace accomplished formidable hype slick boss famous untouchable capital tops dazzling bumper gangbuster banner transcendent crack frontline highest singular prize brag bully down bonny primo winning effusive brave bonnie excessive boffo greatest gone exaggerated supercalifragilisticexpialidocious worthiest inflated tip-top high-class A-OK pre-eminent beyond compare top-shelf of the first water on fleek out-of-sight jim-dandy world-class first-string above and beyond blue-chip four-star of highest order blue-ribbon five-star without equal gilt-edge peachy keen par excellence of the highest order number one top-of-the-line A-1 bang-up numero uno of the first order sublime delightful premium smashing tremendous super topnotch rad tiptop nice bodacious preeminent spanking illustrious class leading beaut ripping worthy spiffing schmick sound dreamy amazeballs star uppermost marvy gorgeous quintessential cream champion magic def beezer mega belting fabby sovereign brill bonzer sik goodly elite lead applaudable bosting crucial awesomesauce pearler exo kif barrie chillin' bosker lank renowned flagship very good top-class of the highest quality too good to be true top-level top-grade too much prize-winning in a class all by itself highest quality very best top-tier of high quality far out top-drawer award-winning top-hole of the highest standard out of this world extraordinaire unusual atypical anomalous odd aberrant freak preternatural especial signal impressive spectacular original strange unfamiliar bizarre unknown unaccustomed freakish outlandish abnormal exotic eccentric untypical idiosyncratic unheard-of outré uncommon outre bad out of the ordinary out-of-the-way without parallel one of a kind sui generis in a league of its own astounding unsurpassable breathtaking miraculous stupendous good unusually good high-grade second to none high-quality in a league of their own one in a million exceeding aberrated peculiar uncustomary unwonted unthinkable unimaginable colossal conspicuous to die for wondrous eye-popping jaw-dropping high able novel new competent A1 exemplary unreal enviable laudable record fresh groundbreaking revolutionary momentous pioneering exclusive thoroughbred top-quality top of the line top of the range choicest finest first-time newfangled ground-breaking unheard of extremely good eximious


Causing or inspiring fear, dread or alarm
dire dreadful terrible awful appalling horrible shocking horrifying grim frightful frightening ghastly alarming horrendous terrifying forbidding scary wretched unfortunate fearsome horrid miserable deplorable grave fearful atrocious direful intimidating formidable woeful dismal gloomy unspeakable ominous redoubtable hopeless dread serious critical lousy abysmal outrageous cruel terrific ugly godawful parlous bodeful afflictive fierce desperate chronic irretrievable oppressing spine-chilling hair-raising bad severe grievous gruesome monstrous horrific hideous insufferable abominable unpleasant dangerous grisly lamentable lurid macabre nightmarish vile sickening nasty abhorrent hateful heinous execrable harrowing dreaded distressing egregious tragic rotten vicious unwelcome disastrous excessive inconvenient punk unnerving disturbing petrifying messed up threatening worrying precarious upsetting perilous menacing unsettling sobering brutal painful life-threatening disagreeable annoying unbearable grewsome great nightmare beastly God-awful irritating very bad lewd offensive wrong calamitous wicked disgusting nauseating foul loathsome distasteful nauseous repellent repulsive depressing gross revolting odious repugnant obnoxious repellant disquieting poor perturbing objectionable scandalous obscene detestable hellacious noisome rancid fulsome noxious evil troubling disconcerting daunting irksome discomforting disheartening discouraging hairy troublesome unpalatable displeasing discomposing unsightly startling sombre solemn somber stinking agitating sad diabolical icky gut-wrenching sober grotty sedate yucky grody from hell sorry dicey pitiful dodgy unstable dismaying foreboding demoralizing bothersome discommoding grotesque vexing tremendous onerous rubbish vulgar disgustful festy loathly demoralising raunchy yucko grungy gnarly godforsaken very unpleasant sick-making worrisome agonizing traumatic torturous stressful humourless crummy uncomfortable doleful bitter unsavory mortifying harsh humorless difficult distressful desolate troublous unsatisfactory unendurable fraught vexatious unacceptable tormenting heartbreaking regrettable undesirable tragical pathetic unappealing uncool awkward yukky afflicting unhappy saddening uninviting affecting sour mean earnest forlorn urgent destructive agonising anguished unsavoury excruciating hurtful sorrowful heartrending uncongenial unlovely unpleasing galling hostile concerning far-reaching nerve-racking off-putting nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking heart-rending heart-breaking weighty deadly ill-fated fatal unamusing ruinous strenuous devastating acute ill-starred disgraceful stupefying heartstopping stunning astonishing amazing bewildering overwhelming staggering surprising glaring


Dangerous or full of peril
perilous dangerous hazardous risky unsafe precarious parlous serious grave chancy threatening dicey uncertain hairy insecure treacherous grievous unsound critical menacing delicate unstable vulnerable problematic difficult shaky jeopardising jeopardizing unhealthy exposed gnarly venturesome desperate touchy ticklish unsure unsteady terrifying dynamite wicked loaded rugged touch-and-go fraught with danger in danger in jeopardy at risk on thin ice death-defying playing with fire Russian roulette dodgy tricky iffy high-risk unpredictable sticky dire rocky thorny alarming speculative unreliable jeopardous problematical dubious awful life-threatening awkward reckless terrible deadly fatal slippery tough bad acute worrying nasty prickly severe sensitive knotty ugly dreadful erratic tight destructive taxing doubtful forbidding unchancy breakneck troublesome hanging by a thread hot dangersome adventurous unsettled profound very bad shonky trying bleak life-and-death explosive onerous challenging arduous irksome bothersome distressing lethal suspect rough dark exigent unpleasant upsetting grim urgent pressing daredevil rickety drastic calamitous malignant tottery viperous venturous appalling egregious harmful frightful peracute ruinous defenceless undependable capricious catastrophic wobbly volatile defenseless in the balance vexatious punishing disagreeable worrisome concerning unfriendly bitter disturbing questionable spartan hostile long shot out on a limb madcap depressed excessive tricksy spiny catchy ominous daring foolhardy haphazard not safe fluctuant scary endangered incalculable unclear suicidal woeful tenuous cliffhanging suspenseful controversial consequential wide-open hanging in the balance sore vague flimsy on slippery ground on a slippery slope built on sand unknown threatened injurious toxic tragic unprotected up in the air hanging by thread nebulous untrustworthy fearsome tottering disastrous cataclysmic imperative devastating mortal open to attack crucial intolerable lamentable hopeless deplorable charged tense burning formidable heavy compelling horrible unsettling sobering painful brutal ghastly sickening queasy on a limb turbulent eruptive overwrought vital fragile feeble on collision course clamant poor sorry outrageous lousy crying inflammable emergent inflammatory importunate cataclysmal imperious strained anxious unfavourable easily threatened necessitous full of upheavals potentially violent in turmoil irredeemable irretrievable chronic important instant devastative volcanic combustible stressful unfavorable essential inauspicious crushing decisive knife-edge unpropitious abortive afflictive all-important doomed highly charged nerve-racking complicated perplexing uncomfortable complex embarrassing involved intricate in doubt convoluted unresolved open to question undetermined debatable unforeseeable undecided compromising humiliating cringeworthy cringey weak sketchy pending cringe-making fickle variable changeable hard inconstant emotive fiddly wavering indistinct undefined vexed tentative indeterminate hesitant in limbo unconvincing unsubstantiated unsupported fallible seedy shady contentious provocative unconfirmed heated kid-glove divisive scandalous conditional open to doubt nettlesome conjectural in lap of gods suspicious fishy whimsical in the lap of the gods hair-trigger up for grabs disconcerting flustering nice unknowable discomfiting undivinable temperamental mercurial demeaning degrading random arbitrary chance inconvenient embarrassed untimely discountenancing discomposing at a crisis at stake riding on it at a turning point at a critical stage at issue excruciating incommodious exasperating shameful toe-curling hit-or-miss hit-and-miss indefinite hit and miss ambiguous obscure quirky wretched unfinished inexplicit imprecise confused fluctuating inconsistent inexact indistinguishable irregular fluid equivocal abstruse mysterious cryptic puzzling arcane pitiful mutable confusing muffled changing varying changeful intangible indiscernible irresolute shadowy equivocating indecisive elusive vacillating shifting protean ill-defined uneven fitful labile flakey unequal vagarious wandering roving rambling desultory meandering directionless undirected nomadic flaky full of ups and downs ever-changing blowing hot and cold


Of great size
large big colossal enormous giant gigantic huge great massive monumental humongous sizable grand immense super astronomical cosmic elephantine gargantuan ginormous grandiose inordinate lofty mammoth mighty monster monstrous overgrown oversized prodigious sizeable tall titanic towering tremendous vast astronomic beefy brawny broad brobdingnagian Bunyanesque burly commodious cosmical cyclopean formidable galactic Herculean hulking hulky humungous leviathan mastodonic monolithic mountainous pharaonic powerful staggering stellar strapping stupendous vasty walloping weighty wide capacious liberal roomy spacious thumping appreciable biggish boxcar jumbo largish oversize solid greater larger outsized whopping dirty great giant-size giant-sized goodly gross king-size king-sized man-size man-sized of considerable size thumping great whacking great whopping great barn door not inconsiderable king size extensive expansive immeasurable considerable ample boundless voluminous bulky extended comprehensive excessive bumper whacking supersized incalculable substantial measureless mega overwhelming epic unlimited hefty infinite almighty widespread high unwieldy herculean abundant sweeping handsome mondo exorbitant deep outsize supersize very great Brobdingnagian husky massy Himalayan far-flung super-duper far-reaching full-size extravagant severe fantastic good-size good-sized cumbersome tidy great big socking great a whale of a life-size ponderous fair-size super colossal fair-sized megalithic family-sized strong terrible eternal thundering family-size whopper swelled economy-size magnific economy-sized endless limitless countless innumerable protracted pronounced untold illimitable heavy terrific numberless multitudinous numerous oceanic gigantesque interminable awesome expanded heroic prolonged generous imposing innumerous uncountable prolific planetary heroical plenteous mundo detailed Gargantuan unbounded unnumberable decided long fat bull lengthy uncounted inestimable very big never-ending very large indeterminable heavyweight cavernous spread-out stretched-out whale of a all-inclusive uncalculable million very many without number global rangy diffuse wide-reaching wide-ranging far-stretched far-spread far-going without end widely distributed wide-extending wide-stretching far-extending princely behemothic cumbrous blimp titan super-colossal magnificent major extraordinary extra-large significant kingly mahoosive lavish Cyclopean serious extremely large extremely big cracking jumbo-sized larger-than-life awkward unhandy ungainly unmanageable unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy Moby juicy behemoth statuesque astounding OS elephantic awful august daunting whaling impressive fathomless unfathomable rip-roaring through the ceiling sky-high


Firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
hard-core entrenched inveterate confirmed deep rooted settled intrenched staunch diehard uncompromising steadfast intransigent unyielding radical rigid dedicated committed unwavering obstinate resolute devoted faithful stubborn unshakable determined deep-rooted dyed-in-the-wool deep-seated bred-in-the-bone long-standing deep-dyed hard-line die-hard hardcore incurable hardened established ineradicable chronic habitual true irredeemable incorrigible set ingrained deep-set ardent fervent earnest devout torrid zealous vehement wholehearted fiery fanatical thorough seasoned compulsive supreme bona fide obsessive red-hot thoroughgoing all-consuming persistent unashamed impenitent unapologetic accustomed firm lifelong fixed unreformable indelible immutable addicted through and through long-established well established unshakeable well-established inexorable habituated pathological obsessional adamant hooked usual customary out-and-out unchangeable irremovable embedded true blue full-fledged infixed instilled deeply ingrained dug in deep-down out and out set firm through-and-through fortified innate radicated indurated old congenital sworn long-lived inbred irremediable irretrievable irrecoverable unrecoverable irreparable hopeless unredeemable irreformable unrepentant uncorrectable impossible perennial uncontrite beyond redemption intractable unreformed beyond hope recidivous enduring loyal proved complete stalwart longtime explicit sicker hard-shell firmly established definite staid inured card-carrying intense profound heartfelt strong impassioned avid fervid powerful abject acute passionate genuine burning honest exceptional enthusiastic sincere consuming heightened severe unfeigned serious keen extraordinary excessive stirring great inflamed warm grave rousing deeply felt


Blatantly obvious or conspicuous
glaring obvious patent clear blatant manifest evident unmistakable conspicuous transparent apparent flagrant noticeable undisguised open overt visible unconcealed striking pronounced brazen gross egregious rank outrageous audacious stark obtrusive inescapable outstanding capital crying inordinate excessive protrusive unmissable plain to see standing out a mile as plain as a pikestaff sticking out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb staring someone in the face standing out like a sore thumb as plain as day palpable plain barefaced distinct bald clear-cut unambiguous unequivocal straightforward bold nonambiguous unambivalent bald-faced crystal clear undeniable prominent perceptible perspicuous open-and-shut pellucid ringing observable explicit decided lucid discernible marked indisputable self-evident bright-line luculent luminous broad recognizable naked arrant definite salient out-and-out writ large recognisable perceivable shameless unquestionable distinguishable detectable tangible unsubtle as plain as the nose on your face incontrovertible outright utter complete notorious downright beyond question shocking open and shut written all over someone dreadful scandalous atrocious heinous indubitable certain undoubted conclusive sensible cut-and-dried terrible monstrous shameful as clear as day beyond doubt clear cut sheer unmitigated incontestable distinctive frank unhidden axiomatic self-explanatory awful exposed revealed public easily seen understandable infamous staring one in the face enormous disgraceful reprehensible unqualified wicked iniquitous villainous bare-faced appreciable categorical wholehearted thoroughgoing unfeigned brass-necked demonstrable positive blinding avowed definitive glaringly obvious out and out pointed seeable irrefutable recognized on display on view sure plainly seen arresting recognised in evidence clear as a bell as clear as crystal on show beyond a doubt out in the open under one's nose plain as the nose on your face preposterous ill-disguised extravagant direct unrestrained flaunting easily noticed notable full ostentatious immodest evinced divulged disclosed blunt evidenced candid flagitious flagitous unashamed noncontroversial unexaggerated unchallenged accepted uncontested discernable apprehensible flaming deliberate grody unveiled black-and-white credible plausible ostensible seeming remarkable believable colorable cut and dried genuine plain as day standing out clearly visible safe to say dinkum much in evidence staring you in the face make no bones above board stick out like sore thumb telltale particular hanging out unique univocal published well-defined understood comprehensible sharp intelligible clear as day inimitable serious artless unadulterated pure viewable seen visual discoverable absolute grievous publicized macroscopic signal ocular screaming well defined exorbitant significant major matter-of-fact in view in sight immoderate to be seen anywhere to be seen not hidden big as life in plain sight for certain no ifs ands or buts as plain as daylight acknowledged raging freely available shared public knowledge publicised in the public domain in the open broadcast known widely known in circulation precise in broad daylight right under your nose written all over one decisive express emphatic true real inarguable unassailable proven unarguable firm authoritative final compelling irrefragable accurate assured verifiable unchallengeable unanswerable convincing sound confirmed watertight accomplished not in doubt beyond dispute concrete undisputable hard undisputed specific exact unerring authentic valid reliable flat simple straight guaranteed actual undebatable factual set apodictic confirmable unconditional infallible provable sure thing beyond a shadow of a doubt unquestioned fixed effective forceful thorough establishable nailed-on perfect established cogent well-founded clinching trustworthy in the bag veritable ascertained airtight not in question honest supreme unreserved consummate flat-out safe clearly expressed verified regular on ice determinate having down pat unrestricted doubtless very total settled bona fide all out straight out limpid persuasive telling predestined determined destined straight-out veridical unblurred categoric resounding resolute detailed solid uncontroversial unalloyed profound certifiable fair plumb certified salted away clean dead literal stone blooming deadly bodacious cotton-picking easily understood crashing strong blank no catch point-blank demonstrative dependable no holds barred fathomable all-out no fine print graspable transpicuous without doubt uncontestable coherent forthright weighty lucent ultimate unimpeachable legitimate powerful crystalline graphic whole hard and fast unlimited strict inerrant comprehensive entire user friendly user-friendly unquestioning unconstrained black and white sure-enough spelled out plenary wide substantiated demonstrated straight from the shoulder authenticated on the nose easy to understand no kicker no strings comprehendible faithful cognizable legible flawless trusty audible articulate coercive implicit unfailing surefire crystal influential incisive undoubtable double-checked logical knowable digestible accessible existent unshakable no mistake measurable effectual urgent impressive intelligent efficacious wholesale substantial material trenchant intrinsic admissible for sure irrevocable pertinent crystal-clear well grounded straight-from-the-shoulder forcible one hundred per cent minute exhaustive sure-fire well-grounded objective defined uncompromising without question stated as sure as eggs is eggs sharply defined in every respect de facto no strings attached easily understandable tyrannous dogmatic arbitrary perspicacious runaway attestable evincible binding freely admitted not disputed crisp enunciated dramatic fresh cinched unalterable prima facie stunning undubitable convinced confident unequivocable sober well-known vivid traceable easily grasped faultless inevitable clean-cut adamant assertive insistent limitless pinpoint abrupt unfaltering pat foolproof crystalling inexpugnable stable frozen sealed hard-and-fast supportable sustainable checkable empirical empiric legit nailed down easily distinguishable joined-up satisfied unwavering persuaded especial substantive unmodified peremptory well-constructed well-proven meticulous secure proper well-established unstinting deducible ascertainable inferable impregnable unconditioned overpowering down pat irresistible beyond the shadow of a doubt irrebuttable overwhelming invincible ironclad apodeictic quantifiable questionless failsafe satisfying formidable great correct clearly defined with no strings open-ended beyond a shadow of doubt tacit self-assured self-conceited self-confident unhesitating no two ways about it unproblematic point blank odds-on right honest-to-goodness well documented nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it virtual implied affirmative cold free from doubt last deciding relevant undiluted there are no two ways about it decipherable fail-safe essential can't-miss unacknowledged intuitive ingenious insightful without reservations through and through full-bore deep-dyed right-down cocksure all sewn up error-free without explanation readily comprehensible clearly explained easy to follow litmus test determinative determinant what you see is what you get revealing settling resolving irrefrangible real-life real-world attested realistic validated in depth unimaginative protruding intrusive protuberant thrusting over-literal lacking subtlety lacking nuance lurid gaudy flashy loud showy garish bang on scrutable easy to read orderly flowing tidy fluent readable easily deciphered smooth out of place sticking out plainspoken forthcoming penetrable openhearted truthful free outspoken natural unevasive uninhibited freehearted sincere upfront guileless ingenuous aboveboard unmixed lay it on the line straight-talking free-spoken call a spade a spade saying what one thinks straight-shooting calling spade a spade plain-spoken up front laying it on the line from the hip like it is loyal unfabled good staunch dutiful trusted devoted steady committed dedicated steadfast responsible constant trustable tested calculable enduring fast tried and true tried-and-true true-blue never-failing tried and tested


Contrary to reason or common sense
preposterous absurd ridiculous foolish crazy ludicrous asinine laughable nonsensical outrageous senseless shocking stupid incredible unreasonable insane irrational monstrous risible unthinkable bizarre comical farcical impossible cockamamie excessive extravagant hare-brained inane pointless silly unbelievable astonishing balmy brainless bubbleheaded cockamamy cockeyed crackpot cuckoo daffy daft derisive derisory dippy dotty exorbitant fatuous featherheaded fool half-baked half-witted harebrained illogical inept jerky kookie kooky looney loony lunatic lunkheaded mad nutty pathetic sappy screwball simpleminded tomfool unwise wacky weak-minded whacky witless zany far-out outlandish thick unusual too much taking the cake out of the question idiotic fantastic implausible strange wild fanciful imbecilic fantastical incongruous barmy mindless odd unreal moronic weird extraordinary unlikely peculiar imprudent unintelligent off the wall queer curious inconceivable far-fetched foolhardy weak screwy unsound unrealistic dubious improbable unimaginable grotesque eccentric doubtful freaky ill-advised untenable doltish dumb dopey abnormal unconvincing goofy injudicious irresponsible questionable batty inconsistent impractical empty-headed freakish crackbrained cock-eyed invalid whimsical reckless fallacious damfool baffling out of the ordinary flimsy puerile chowderheaded dotish glaikit giddy off-the-wall meaningless flawed sensational potty groundless puzzling derisible nonrational thickheaded false gormless faulty rash oddball impracticable unfounded singular specious remarkable ill-considered ill-conceived beyond belief thoughtless unearthly funny unheard of offbeat dim-witted unreasoning loopy scatterbrained erratic cretinous dim inconsequential mystifying feebleminded madcap dunderheaded simple suspect divvy incoherent illegitimate exaggerated imbecile unworkable contradictory inconsequent farfetched uncommon unexpected unstable dof astounding hard to swallow rum bewildering pea-brained wacko wooden-headed incautious unique halfwitted surprising flighty amazing outré indiscreet befuddling unfamiliar dumfounding quaint birdbrained shaky lamebrained confounding exceptional cock and bull fishy mind-boggling boneheaded blockheaded uncanny infantile unjustifiable out to lunch fabricated indefensible misleading sophistic embellished suspicious dubitable eye-popping demented slow-witted unscientific ungodly hyperbolic quirky distorted baseless feather-brained spectacular vacuous flakey disputable debatable flaky tall funky weirdo unconventional defective scatty capricious dumbfounding droll surreal incomprehensible self-contradictory stunning horrendous grandiose aberrant off beam full of holes pinheaded atypical unforeseen flustering muttonheaded jarring jolting short-sighted chuckleheaded kinky make-believe spaced-out unacceptable rare off-kilter tenuous unannounced unanticipated far out softheaded spurious unsustainable way out unpersuasive out-of-the-way wrong unheard-of vain brain-dead overblown inconclusive fat-headed staggering careless unreasoned phenomenal God-awful imaginative hollow untruthful untrue hilarious unthinking exotic heedless irreconcilable obscure unjustified distraught imaginary shady reasonless raving delirious stupefying unbalanced original childish elaborate startling flabbergasting blindsiding romantic dreamlike equivocal untrustworthy embroidered iffy arguable unreliable satirical unhinged deranged braindead impolitic wondrous dense unprecedented visionary illusory counterintuitive dreadful artificial idiosyncratic unknown blown up irregular for the birds anomalous immature unorthodox insupportable cranky dramatic ignorant incredulous bizarro up the pole ill-founded suppositious unaccustomed dappy unconceivable uncompelling unconnected bugged out dozy overwhelming queerish deviant jaw-dropping conspicuous nerdy off your head eye-opening confusing mind-blowing freak not making sense daggy unwonted muddling not on dead from the neck up beyond the bounds of possibility way-out highly unlikely unordinary left-field pie-faced out there out of the way out of this world bathetic unpractical ill-judged dishonest rattlebrained unsteady changeable vague clueless mercurial wackadoodle nonconformist crazy-ass wackadoo poor unsatisfactory nebulous lame inadequate unsubstantiated feeble unsafe ornate mentally incompetent quixotic undependable histrionic dull unconsidered ill-thought-out off the beam dimwitted idiotical unsupportable sketchy clownish frivolous contrived harum-scarum fancy creative doolally gonzo worthy of scorn donkeyish obstinate extremely foolish unarguable undefendable refutable airy reachy problematic thin slight unimpressive contemptible beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate complicated devastating unaware insipid insensate complacent rambling wandering perplexing unwarranted inadmissible Boeotian foolheaded off your trolley unaccountable caricatural futile awful unsettling unnerving callow Gothic gothic baroque inexplicable off the air won't hold water won't wash mysterious credulous retarded green unholy useless ineffectual maniacal goofy loony unconscionable incorrect stupidly irresponsible erroneous outre ambitious over the top huge awe-inspiring inexperienced eerie incogitable thick-witted illusive different hallucinatory soft backward slow beyond possibility very different off-beat off the rails joshing gelastic incompetent camp embarrassing in vain campy diverting OTT feeble-minded disconcerting spooky nitwitted to no avail intolerable horrid O.T.T. as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears a bit much simple-minded overdramatic overdone sensationalized obtuse dopy sophistical notable striking momentous prodigious miraculous out of sight cock-and-bull for grins unforgettable eye-catching arresting portentous inflated overstated casuistic sheepheaded special stupendous uncustomary noteworthy highly undesirable novel new arbitrary unsubstantial exceeding extraordinaire serious especial unco preternatural aberrated tremendous perverse amazeballs unproved giant great massive discomfiting nonplussing muddle-headed shattering nonplusing dismaying upsetting irrelevant heavy flash gnarly forby sensationalised without foundation without basis fabulous disconnected disjointed never to be forgotten fresh offensive undiscovered not following off beaten path mythical high-flown unsung unremarked disgraceful ground-breaking unregarded unexampled ideal big not to be considered fancied made-up out of bounds highly coloured little-known undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned nameless legendary chimerical pretend invented fictitious fantasied chimeric phantom fictional notional poetic mythic phantasmal imagined imaginal fairy-tale phantasmic crazed little known never before encountered nuts psychotic bonkers cracked mental certifiable crackers vaporous shadowy aerial fairy tale fictive floating loco gaga touched disturbed bats frenzied meshuga psychopathic distracted sectionable bananas frantic manic blue sky hard to take pipe dream barking hysterical nutso buggy wonderful squirrelly nutsy barbarous schizoid awkward alien foreign on cloud nine bushed porangi yarra pie in the sky castles in the air off-centre twisted mentally ill non compos mentis of unsound mind raving mad in left field sick in the head mad as a hatter not together stark mad not all there stark raving mad away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad not the full shilling not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs as daft as a brush have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head


Directly opposite in character or tendency
polar contrary contradictory opposite antithetical opposed conflicting opposing diametric diametrical antipodal counter antipodean converse reverse antagonistic antonymous antitypical counterbalancing oppositional contrarious dichotomous oppositive diametrically opposed contrasting different incompatible oppugnant clashing divergent irreconcilable differing adverse dissimilar inconsistent at variance poles apart incongruous disagreeing at odds discrepant obverse inverse disparate inharmonious discordant repugnant mutually exclusive absolute unlike contrasted direct complete paradoxical anti antipathetic cross inconsonant in opposition out of step exact out of line on the outs antonymic not in keeping out of keeping at loggerheads out of sync antipathic dissonant variant unalike diverse irresoluble unconnected competing unrelated separate hostile inimical reversed independent contrapositive violative unsimilar streets apart flip-side dissentient confronting controverting defensive warring disputed crossing facing enemy restrictive allergic repelling objecting battling combating defending obstructive exposing protesting gainsaying disputing denying rival polarized polarised up against at cross-purposes conflicting with inconsistent with incompatible with opposed to contradictory to irreconcilable with contrary to directly opposed to differing from contrasting with different from different to divergent from at variance with at odds with antithetic against ambiguous ornery nullifying counteractive con contradictive negating agin self-contradictory no-go mismatched dissenting distinct contrastive varying unequal distant deviating distinctive nonidentical irregular combatant incongruent distinguishable unharmonious other like chalk and cheese non-identical ill-matched in conflict nonconformist contending heterodox dissident unorthodox heretical rebellious anti- incomparable unsuited out-there rebelling heretic complaining nonorthodox unconventional iconoclastic maverick negative revolutionary non-compliant quarrelling diverging unmixable disharmonious disconsonant recusant quarreling anomalous unsuitable incoherent like night and day uncongenial offbeat foreign inconformable factious contradistinctive contradistinct not alike in disagreement differentiable incommensurate heterogeneous uncoordinated discrete opposition bipolar polar opposite schismatic contrariant unfavorable unfavourable contrarient nothing like untypical unnatural off-key atypical factional various nonconforming rebel sectarian averse adversarial against the grain rejecting particular refusing inconstant jarring unadapted not the same single altered otherwise uneven lopsided asymmetric as like as chalk and cheese another alternate incommensurable unmistakable distinguishing unassociated differential discriminable alternative alien whale of difference out of tune out of harmony at outs alien to hostile to foreign to adverse to in conflict with unacceptable to antagonistic to oppugnant to unusual for repugnant to inimical to ill-assorted disproportionate belligerent fighting off-balance prohibitive prohibitory confining warlike remote removed dissentious aggressive at war pugnacious warmongering militant embattled quarrelsome martial challenging contradicting irrelevant to incompatible to incongruent with unequal to incomparable to immaterial to unrelated to corrival in the negative combative sparring ill-disposed bellicose emulating competitive contesting vying emulous striving at daggers drawn in competition individual unique unallied mismated odd confused far cry not similar far from not capable of comparison march to a different drummer


New, radical and extreme
far out unconventional unorthodox unusual weird avant-garde bizarre bohemian freakish idiosyncratic individual individualistic nonconformist offbeat outlandish radical esoteric groundbreaking innovative quirky way out contemporary cool deep groovy hippie left-field mod modern modernistic oddball rad ultramodern wacky wild off the wall out of the ordinary out of this world alternative irregular unwonted abnormal revolutionary uncommon eccentric new exotic original fresh novel heterodox divergent anomalous uncustomary off-centre aberrant perverse marginal Bohemian zany cranky heteroclite off-the-wall way-out unconforming non-standard alternate peripheral innovatory unofficial nonmainstream fringe experimental off Broadway extremist heretical dissenting maverick unceremonious heretic dissident out-there iconoclastic nonorthodox dissentient informal improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal out there far-out flakey beatnik different untraditional kinky schismatic off the beaten path crazy sectarian flaky anarchic strange unfamiliar freaky wacko rum outré skittish pioneering trailblazing inventive progressive futuristic trendsetting neoteric atypical hip odd avant ahead of the times go-ahead underground leading-edge lead new-fashioned liberal ground-breaking head forward-looking new wave ultra-modern vanguard mistakenly trendy singular rare distinctive unprecedented queer funny quaint curious unheard of extraordinary kooky madcap hippy screwy boho bizarro exceptional unique weirdo off the beaten track out in left field


Sophisticated in a way that is intended to impress
fancy elaborate intricate decorative decorated embellished ornamental ornamented ornate ostentatious showy adorned baroque gaudy rococo busy classy deluxe flamboyant fussy sumptuous swish elegant flashy luxurious posh resplendent devilish glitzy quality ritzy select snazzy sophisticated spiffy superior swanky towering fanciful flash jazzy prime rich special beautifying chichi cushy custom fancible florid frilly froufrou highfalutin unusual high-class fancy-pants high-quality over the top OTT plush lavish opulent swank grand stylish plushy extravagant upmarket lush luxury palatial chic upscale fashionable smart luxuriant expensive splendid grandiose exclusive magnificent Lucullan luxe fine trendy exquisite modish pretentious majestic gorgeous silken sharp tasteful Babylonian luscious Lucullian stately beautiful dressy palatian dashing schmick tony palace lavishly appointed snappy costly glamorous graceful gingerbread over-elaborate natty fly refined sassy overdecorated dapper voguish overelaborate impressive hip attractive fit for a queen fit for a king cool upper-class de luxe handsome polished wedding-cake debonair well-appointed high-toned slick indulgent regal formal artistic overdone courtly first-class delicate fresh in lux sleek dicty distinguished overwrought pretty gingerbready gingerbreaded well appointed bedizened flowery affluent imposing with it exaggerated cultivated on fleek in vogue choice a la mode splashy immoderate superb sensuous voluptuous princely nice swankish aristocratic lovely elite steezy designer kicky urbane dainty genteel nifty aesthetic esthetic detailed enhancing bedecked curlicued sybaritic epicurean sensual comfortable chintzy dignified discerning swell self-indulgent pleasing pompous swagger noble very elaborate now contemporary modern rare dazzling happening over-ornate over-embellished trendsetting spruce classic august recherche groovy smooth comely up-market presidential bling uptown mod heavenly in the lap of luxury suave executive yuppie well groomed ultra-modern up to date in fashion up to the minute bang up to date dressed to kill excessive overstated five-star agreeable exuberant prodigal upholstered champagne garish velvet pleasant over-the-top high fashion valuable precious comfy arabesque full-dress garnished finest skilful skillful respectable beyond price prestigious snobby famous dress splendiferous upper-crust complex complicated leafy gee-whizz cottagey twee quaint funky pricey cultured charming supercool kicking loaded super decorous big new latest rakish modernistic dap high-wrought aureate sprauncy plummy larney bizarre grotesque affected prestige with all the extras with all the options dressed up looking sharp dressed to the nines in high feather gilt jewelled metaphorical glossy wordy meretricious brilliant superficial sparkling verbose coloured tawdry gilded jeweled flaunting embroidered variegated bright colored hedonistic pretty-pretty cosmopolitan high-end stylized la-di-da top-drawer with bells and whistles salubrious pampered chi-chi well-designed well-bred well-dressed gratifying pleasurable cluttered up-to-date au courant all the rage dressed to the teeth well turned-out à la mode in the mainstream pleasure-loving fancily decorated highly wrought overworked high class high-status labored laboured glorious strained overembellished monumental embellishing adorning imperial proud cosmetic trim royal heroic jaunty epic trig massive magnific gallant sporty heroical Homeric great crisp well-groomed understated flattering striking lofty prosperous-looking wealthy-looking nonfunctional garnishing well dressed glittering stunning seemly good fetching knockout taking goodly likely bonnie drop-dead cute lovesome beauteous bonny fair ravishing sightly lordly prettifying well turned out baronial ample high-fashion as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox smartly dressed non-functional for show arty-crafty pleasing to the eye good-looking well-favored in good taste civilized appealing civilised neat swinging gracious alluring bewitching besuited in thing foxy up-to-the-minute popular sublime fascinating with-it all the go polite hot courteous civil presentable de rigueur current enlightened prim becoming clean delightful radiant excellent divine wonderful angelic shapely fashionably dressed enticing pulchritudinous statuesque in style well-mannered esteemed in-thing premier symmetrical ideal well-formed nobby worldly eminent highbrow tidy worldly-wise mannerly groomed proper clever respectful seductive elitist aesthete svelte chivalrous newfangled gnarly captivating beguiling highbrowed classical gentle favored upper crust ingenious culty irresistible magnetic tantalizing engaging favoured impeccable aesthetically pleasing deep esthete well-liked du jour tantalising desirable well-presented marvelous A-grade admirable clean-cut a go-go soigné drop-dead gorgeous well-turned-out marvellous easy on the eyes par excellence high notable prominent important poised swishy coffee-table stylin' renowned reputable distinctive arty raffish hep turned-on splurgy prevailing usual def class customary the new vogue discriminating well produced with good taste pizazzy pizzazzy limited ceremonial last-word with style crucial styleworthy colorful gay loud haute spruced up jet-setting high-society tasty private as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox colourful spick and span dolled up well-tailored spiffed-up le dernier cri latest thing last word spivvy dandy spiffing correct developed well-behaved befitting bandbox cliquish snug cliquey snobbish clannish spiff brisk nimble spry doggy sexy physically attractive fit nice-looking aesthetically appealing eye-catching fine-looking faddy neat and tidy turned out conferring prestige dollish beddable smashing telegenic adorable showstopping tempting willowy easy on the eye personable prepossessing curvaceous winsome camera-friendly fanciable glamourous photogenic prettyish sheen dressed to nines entrancing well-paid charismatic enchanting large vast experienced overwhelming intriguing handy knowledgeable luring elfin glam unfathomable theatrical jet-set intelligent citified blasé awe-inspiring erudite mondaine knowing mature siren righteous worldly wise been around media-savvy world-weary well-made looking like a million educated couth gentlemanly ladylike accomplished well bred well mannered high-brow high-minded


Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause
militant aggressive belligerent assertive bellicose combative active pugnacious vigorous pushy fighting radical violent warring agonistic argumentative assaultive brawly chippy combating confrontational contending contentious discordant disputatious extremist feisty fierce forceful gladiatorial quarrelsome scrappy truculent two-fisted ultra-active warlike embattled enthusiastic fanatical zealous assertory martial militaristic military offensive rebellious revolutionary warrish in arms up in arms antagonistic hostile cantankerous warmongering hawkish on the warpath threatening unfriendly ornery irascible contrary inimical hot-tempered ill-tempered inhospitable battling bad-tempered stroppy angry defiant adversarial malevolent fiery captious mean sabre-rattling quick-tempered unkind unsympathetic gung-ho litigious irritable surly fractious rancorous petulant touchy spiteful aggers wrathful combatant controversial uncongenial vitriolic oppugnant jingoistic unsociable spoiling for a fight bloodthirsty polemical choleric bitter malicious nasty antipathetic factious soldierly disputative malignant adverse difficult polemic bickering venomous catty sour hateful viperous conflicting vicious bolshie cavilling arsey grouchy negative abusive testy cross snappy intimidating disagreeable virulent disapproving wrangling biffo huffy armed jaundiced querulous unreceptive army churlish unpleasant caviling foul ready for a fight noncivil at loggerheads destructive have chip on shoulder clashing have a bone to pick quarrelling loudmouthed attacking opposing expansionist sullen pettish unwelcoming narky opposed grumpy at war provocative splenetic miffy prickly snappish crabby alien adversary cranky snarly courageous spirited spunky perverse soreheaded ructious uncharitable rude dissentious maleficent unpropitious biting malefic war excitable inconsiderate vindictive hot-blooded ferocious challenging ardent dour hot flip cold short-tempered quarreling peevish thin-skinned hurtful joyless furious salty brawling ill-disposed malign soldierlike filthy ill-humored on the outs have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder mean-spirited ill-natured evil-minded ready to fight ill-humoured sanguinary acrimonious pro-war determined plucky naysaying uncooperative awkward troublesome cussed rapacious intrusive invasive sulky disruptive rough macho war-mongering war-loving colonialistic imperialistic dissentient at each other's throats bad tetchy spiky opinionated ratty shirty carnivorous service itching wrestling tilting skirmishing flag-waving militarist chauvinistic browbeating terrorizing bullying competing terrorising grumbling peckish liverish crotchety curmudgeonly waxy self-assertive itching to fight paramilitary battle-hardened trigger-happy dissenting eristic under arms oppositional sparring rival exasperated hotheaded defence defense on a short fuse short-fused resistant rotten obnoxious tempestuous arguesome fire-eating at daggers drawn dissident impassioned turbulent unruly passionate wretched cruel vile soldier-like warrior fretful mighty peppery opposite unwilling reluctant adversative accusatorial oppugning wounding poisonous looking for trouble allergic battleful negativistic at odds tough passive-aggressive sensitive gutsy peppy gritty frisky mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly gutty zestful game hearty go-getting full-blooded high-strung full of pep harsh menacing glowering stern indignant moody resentful waspish dark aggrieved disobedient brooding mortal glum wayward scathing hard cutting morose forbidding recalcitrant caustic censorious insubordinate savage wilful irate contumacious anti sharp frowning willful averse scowling against severe envenomed insolent down on uncontrollable bold enraged gloomy temperamental aggravated foreboding cheerless evil-intentioned hate-filled acrid bilious ireful covertly narcissistic pressuring hectoring imperious domineering pernicious ill grim crabbed raspy ominous frightening snippety snippy snarky stuffy stinging incisive blistering astringent mordant impetuous agitable withering despiteful searing dead set against dissenting from acting in opposition in disagreement with at variance with at odds with set against acerbic devastating disobliging unfavorable unfavourable discontented nagging acerb stabbing vituperative cool scolding snide criticizing hot-headed brusque backbiting cattish grating callous unfeeling shrewish vixenish criticising carping complaining annoyed vexed displeased irked piqued irritated insensitive curt brutal galled provoked galling sharp-tongued fault-finding antisocial outraged annoying irritating pitiless comfortless evil wicked gruff misanthropic abrasive dysfunctional refractory baleful intractable rubbing the wrong way hard to take delinquent louring ungovernable competitive obstreperous froward naughty badly behaved undisciplined ill-disciplined mischievous eggy black balky obstinate mutinous rebel impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic restive incompliant untoward recusant vengeful estranged disaffected socially impaired trying self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly grudging intransigent subversive daring resisting audacious reckless resistive disregardful cheeky insubmissive dareful sassy non-compliant


Not previously encountered
unheard-of unprecedented new novel unfamiliar unknown inconceivable fresh obscure offensive original outrageous shocking strange unacceptable unaccustomed unbelievable undiscovered unique unusual disgraceful ground-breaking outlandish preposterous singular unexampled unregarded unremarked unsung unthinkable exceptional extraordinary little-known nameless rare undreamed of undreamed-of unimaginable unlikely unrenowned little known never before encountered unheard of odd abnormal uncommon out of the ordinary atypical bizarre peculiar unconventional anomalous curious fantastic weird exotic different aberrant queer remarkable incredible unorthodox unexpected ridiculous unwonted uncustomary unexplored unparalleled freakish offbeat surprising alien unutterable irregular indescribable unspeakable ineffable out-of-the-way freak special absurd newfangled implausible funny out of the way improbable eccentric inexpressible indefinable outré untried preternatural astonishing incommunicable amazing phenomenal uncanny striking quaint prodigious uncommunicable quirky inenarrable deviant pioneering oddball freaky off the wall wonderful undefinable far-out innovative beyond description beggaring description beyond words astounding incomparable uncharted revolutionary impossible foreign scarce idiosyncratic groundbreaking distinctive unrecognized uncharacteristic noteworthy wacky unreasonable avant-garde left-field off-centre ludicrous unrecognised unequalled way out unordinary unmatched unrivalled unrivaled doubtful undistinguished unequaled matchless dubious peerless unconvincing infrequent aberrated erratic outstanding creative imaginative fantastical inventive fanciful notable untypical innovatory ingenious kooky wild untold innovational kinky crazy way-out extraordinaire undescribable zany untellable off-the-wall defying description nondescript something else one of a kind untraveled unexposed perplexing puzzling uncelebrated inexplicable unearthly questionable undetected indefinite staggering mysterious alternative overwhelming unfamous momentous incredulous far-fetched marvellous mystifying miraculous ungodly uncompelling especial isolated screwy unconceivable unexcelled unnoted rum marvelous trailblazing bizarro exceeding signal refreshing unimagined outre funky visionary eye-popping extravagant weirdo without equal fabulous incogitable whimsical inspired artistic originative out of the common far out mind-boggling unthought of incomprehensible intangible mind-blowing impalpable unanalyzable elusive contemporary ultra-modern beyond compare beyond belief out-of-the-box sui generis new-fashioned unanalysable horrendous minor unimportant lowly humble insignificant inconsequential baffling sparse individual inimitable nonpareil only unsurpassed occasional limited individualistic anonymous surreal God-awful radical conspicuous unspecified stupendous without precedent flimsy record arresting seminal breathtaking remote tremendous advanced modern scanty forgotten unhonoured seldom semioccasional stunning inconspicuous unrealistic unnatural whacky distinct spectacular wacko anomalistic weak first-time unfrequent unapt kookie wondrous brand new out there queerish unsubstantial without parallel awkward awesome sublime avant garde recent not likely unacknowledged disruptive clever noteless inglorious memorable futuristic amazeballs unco incongruous spooky no-name leading-edge beyond the realm of reason out of the question seldom seen hard to swallow beyond your ken state-of-the-art in a league of its own cutting edge off the beaten track standout interesting out of this world cutting-edge beyond one's wildest dreams inspiring unfamed outside chance few and far between full of it unknowable beyond the bounds of possibility breaking new ground experimental dreadful spaced-out modernistic off-kilter few neoteric nonconformist abstract impressive bohemian maverick informal exciting confusing weird and wonderful out of place too sacred for words all-time uncredited illogical unsurpassable inconsistent esoteric single untested just out far cry atypic awe-inspiring eminent unfathomable stupefying bewildering befuddling unfound cranky sporadic uninvestigated awful legendary portentous eye-opening immense recondite hippy heterodox unceremonious madcap arcane thin on the ground startling egregious suspicious scattered intermittent boho alone rad top drawer out-of-this-world uncertain not on insupportable beyond possibility highly unlikely out in left field divergent eerie aperiodic non-detected unaccountable grotesque daggy in left field barbarous droll fishy creepy nonstandard out of line off-base inscrutable unbeknownst off-colour off-color like nothing on earth episodic casual episodical discontinuous debatable latest rarefied periodical scant periodic spasmodic unspecifiable unascertained undetermined difficult to believe slim slim and none iffy not expected bleak impracticable hundred-to-one neat fashionable happening hot in modernist trendy groovy modish unhackneyed stylish with-it cool hip pathbreaking nontraditional up-to-date this season's up to date new-fangled out of sight unholy thin subtle unperceived unrevealed unidentified unexplained secret unnamed unseen exclusive dissimilar not to be thought of extremely implausible beyond reason reachy won't fly extremely unlikely imcomprehensible phoney won't wash extremely doubtful extremely difficult to believe insupposable not in the least likely scarcely credible phony unacclaimed unnoticed suspect slight considerable faint essential exemplary model ideal classic ultimate prototypical typical quintessential unlauded irrelevant overlooked invisible unapplauded unhailed unappreciated unhonored unglorified intolerable horrid sensational labored laboured tall cock and bull contrary cock-and-bull untoward strained less likely hard to take archetypal utmost one-off unparagoned second to none one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind transcendent unrepeated separate unrepeatable in a class by itself irreplaceable intriguing unforgettable eye-catching unbeknown unestablished other specific particular serious nonsensical irrational grandiose previously unencountered outside one's experience off beaten path never to be forgotten foolish heavy mad cockamamie flash insane unreal gnarly forby comical hare-brained make-believe fertile inapprehensible not understandable quizzical errant specialized nonconforming off-key unconforming discordant perverted unrepresentative specialised unharmonious productive demiurgic resourceful Promethean


Difficult to believe or unlikely to happen
fantastic wild absurd extravagant fanciful irrational eccentric far-fetched implausible incredible nonsensical odd unlikely bizarre extraordinary insane preposterous crazy improbable ludicrous ridiculous unbelievable doubtful dubious inconceivable peculiar strange unrealistic unthinkable weird whimsical curious fantastical imaginary mad comical foolish grandiose illusory incredulous oddball queer unconvincing unimaginable unreal amazing ambitious artificial capricious erratic misleading romantic uncompelling unconceivable visionary wacky zany barmy cockamamie daft different hallucinatory illusive potty singular suppositious outré hare-brained make-believe off the wall off-the-wall cock-and-bull cock-eyed out of sight outlandish rum freakish freaky eerie surreal unnatural aberrant uncanny perverted surrealistic grotesque astonishing illogical unreasonable questionable farcical impossible flimsy remarkable incongruous outrageous silly astounding fishy hard to swallow suspect senseless laughable kooky unusual phenomenal inane idiotic fatuous harebrained asinine farfetched stupid whacky nutty beyond belief weak loony fabulous kookie staggering half-baked sensational rare mind-boggling cockeyed prodigious pointless uncommon exceptional imbecilic cock and bull witless unique debatable lunatic spectacular brainless thin out of the ordinary cuckoo looney risible exaggerated half-witted wondrous unwise pathetic breathtaking balmy full of it dotty miraculous crackpot daffy full of holes puzzling screwy dippy featherheaded cockamamy unsubstantial tall preternatural scarcely credible funny labored laboured derisory incogitable unaccountable suspicious unheard-of mind-blowing simpleminded won't wash monstrous screwball lunkheaded bubbleheaded false dubitable abnormal marvelous untenable incoherent marvellous reachy weak-minded superhuman offbeat stupendous strained goofy inexplicable anomalous derisive shocking won't hold water hard to believe too much embellished jerky tomfool sappy eye-popping unheard of hard to take fabricated hyperbolic unpersuasive wonderful disputable beyond the bounds of possibility difficult to believe unimagined quirky mystifying baffling obscure magical unsound awesome distorted problematic stunning foolhardy incomprehensible contrived atypical imprudent impracticable puerile funky sublime equivocal iffy weirdo uncustomary forced not likely unearthly unapt freak wacko far out meaningless especial unwonted brilliant out of this world ill-conceived unprecedented aberrated exceeding extraordinaire far-out derisible inept fool unco spaced-out off-kilter for the birds moronic out-of-the-way out of the question batty tenuous supernatural overblown flawed untruthful untrue contradictory shady infantile ineffable striking shaky slight lame feeble inconsequential untrustworthy embroidered arguable unreliable glorious overwhelming remote unknowable unworkable unsatisfactory inadequate specious quaint notable unplausible poor transcendental unconventional insubstantial perplexing noteworthy conspicuous elaborate insupposable surprising irregular arresting left-field tremendous irresponsible blown up deviant untypical transcendent shallow unordinary self-contradictory phony bizarro unimpressive hilarious supernormal crackbrained phoney unfamiliar unaccustomed unexpected impractical mindless cranky kinky queerish amazeballs short-sighted simple highly unlikely not in the least likely inconsistent heavy loopy miracle way-out scatterbrained out of the way off your head unicorn radical dishonest undependable histrionic divine splendid superb terrific vague unbelieveable recondite distinctive considerable uncredible caricatural overdone hokey vacuous awe-inspiring complicated faulty nebulous unsubstantiated inconclusive giddy dazzling rings phony faint imposing impressive formidable supreme dopey scatty contemptible not on insupportable unsustainable unsupportable invalid sketchy irreconcilable indefensible spurious groundless hollow doolally gonzo not able to hold water trifling outstanding foolheaded feather-brained unintelligent incautious indiscreet injudicious sick dope imcomprehensible extremely foolish off beam way out stupidly irresponsible supranormal beyond possibility transparent ineffectual ponderous reaching infeasible out to lunch contrary untoward airy illegitimate unreasoning vain inconsequent nonrational fallacious unfounded unreasoned flakey flaky lamebrained exorbitant reckless off your trolley deviative unorthodox foreign mysterious excellent off the air up the pole idiosyncratic past belief open to doubt jaw-dropping unbalanced awful unparalleled portentous providential eye-opening daggy dilly extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful outside chance ill-advised nerdy doltish softheaded feebleminded ill-considered beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe ill less likely doubtable not to be thought of thaumaturgic not convincing over the top out there off-centre fictitious mercurial stupefying supermundane superior wonderworking numinous supranatural O.T.T. a bit much OTT undecided unconfirmed uncertain speculative unsettled unsure wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist crazy-ass wackadoo momentous crash hot fablelike very good unforgettable eye-catching dreamlike quixotic the utmost mythical fictional special serious on thin ice touch-and-go long shot fat chance mythic flash gnarly forby beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason inappropriate never to be forgotten off beaten path indescribable make believe made-up unutterable unspeakable untold inapprehensible undreamed-of unthought of undreamed of beyond one's wildest dreams not understandable beyond the realm of reason


Being advanced in development
advanced forward progressive modern state-of-the-art avant-garde sophisticated innovative revolutionary higher developed foremost innovatory latest new newest up-to-date ahead complex evolved futuristic groundbreaking intricate leading newfangled pioneering prime recent supreme cutting-edge radical refined trailblazing avant breakthrough complicated elaborate ingenious pre-eminent excellent exceptional flash improved late nifty paramount precocious principal snazzy leading-edge ultra-modern up to date forward-looking forward-thinking highly developed new-fashioned newly discovered recently developed up to the minute up-to-the-minute far ahead far along high-end well ahead well along ahead of the times modernistic contemporary fresh high-tech neoteric ultramodern cutting edge novel current hot original space-age inventive innovational high unconventional present-day red-hot mod designer creative fashionable unusual trendsetting unfamiliar unorthodox unprecedented ground-breaking brand-new new age trendy experimental modish imaginative disruptive off-centre stylish different unique just out in vogue uncommon established visionary technologically advanced leading edge originative perfected in au courant left-field ahead of its time highly-developed modernized now in fashion all the rage never-before-seen modernised popular singular untried updated happening unknown strange hi-tech smart modern-day with it latter-day nouvelle topical a la mode out-of-the-box out of the ordinary mature future settled industrialized brand new industrialised enhanced voguish robotic complete chic powerful cool hip drastic rare way-out untested surprising exotic offbeat go-ahead atypical involved faddish unaccustomed in-thing clever inspired 21st-century unheard-of seminal Promethean breaking new ground science fiction up-and-coming bleeding edge gimmicky landmark enlightened dynamic avant garde enterprising vanguard unwonted alternative today matured present artful nontraditional timely high-level extant in style self-regulating automatic transformational immediate grown front-line extensive out of the common variational entrepreneurial latter with-it automated artificially intelligent ongoing deviceful later the latest this season's new-fangled innovating mould-breaking spearheading pathbreaking intelligent inspiring special refreshing twenty-first century the newest civilised civilized distinctive artistic funky peculiar odd present-time hot off press à la mode twenty-first-century bang up to date germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted formative well-designed well-planned well-built swinging full-grown full-blown full-fledged difficult capable of learning natty computerized far cry kicking hot off the fire last-ditch hot off the press kicky sweeping thorough tony fly spiffy digital sassy stylin' contemporaneous plugged-in major tricky technological multimedia better upgraded fundamental unhackneyed bettered forefront computerised augmented better-quality revised remodeled ameliorated enriched reformed game-changing world-shattering amended repaired elaborated reorganized corrected renovated mended reorganised remodelled SOTA fixed up bolstered up value-added made better chichi swanky swank favored favoured prevailing faddy upscale well-liked dashing a go-go usual rakish genteel customary last word posh latest thing trig groovy du jour abnormal sharp contempo snappy exclusive swish swell supercool first-time unheard of popularized big popularised unexplored in thing all the go elegant sexy dapper young concurrent styleworthy coincident remarkable newborn record existent curious momentous instant foreign up abreast signal classy prevalent extraordinary alien unexpected unexampled large schmick vogue pop crowd-pleasing de rigueur favorite bizarre culty favourite on fleek de nos jours in the mainstream well-heeled expensive dressy supermodern party finest Sunday youthful smartest nice formal nicest surrealistic neat concomitant fertile individual synchronous well-groomed high-class high-toned glamorous good just released just issued coexistent individualistic the new massive simultaneous coexisting def hep downtown turned-on productive demiurgic resourceful high-style coincidental ultra modern twenty- first century coetaneous far out modernist way out coeval coterminous in the news afresh of late coextensive common knowledge live alive on front burner burning legendary in favor liked widespread well-known in demand wanted preferred in favour commercially successful successful sought-after desirable celebrated newfound synchronic balanced holistic planetary astrological supernaturalist spiritual mystic occult recently discovered weird cosmopolitan gnarly quaint Age of Aquarius crystal healing dissimilar obscure uncanny inexplicable weird and wonderful incomprehensible queer out of place mystifying astounding interesting perplexing funny awkward unordinary mysterious oddball puzzling distinct unparalleled intriguing unrecognized previously unencountered little known uncharted unrecognised uncustomary outside one's experience unmatched unequalled unrivalled outstanding incomparable unrivaled prodigious freakish anomalous matchless unexcelled striking unequaled untypical peerless fantastic amazing freak outré marvellous phenomenal all-time outre in a league of its own without equal preternatural outlandish beyond compare marvelous aberrant idiosyncratic sui generis eccentric one of a kind miraculous out-of-the-way without parallel more recent most recent


Not happening or encountered often
uncommon rare unusual odd strange curious peculiar queer singular uncustomary unfamiliar bizarre extraordinary novel abnormal offbeat unconventional weird atypical irregular unexpected deviant freakish outlandish alien funny oddball out-of-the-way quirky scarce unaccustomed unique freaky infrequent outré arcane eccentric egregious exotic fantastic few nondescript original out of the way outre startling surprising unorthodox wonderful something else way out off the wall unheard of few and far between out of the ordinary thin on the ground anomalous aberrant different exceptional freak remarkable quaint unwonted idiosyncratic untypical wacky off-the-wall unnatural way-out erratic kinky off-centre kooky crazy preternatural far-out uncanny special rum aberrated wild bizarro screwy whacky kookie weirdo funky phenomenal unprecedented cranky left-field wacko queerish uncharacteristic especial mysterious divergent off-kilter new zany fresh individual puzzling incongruous nonconformist spaced-out isolated mystifying extraordinaire avant-garde exceeding perplexing out there alternative inconceivable distinctive whimsical baffling characteristic aberrational unknown unrepresentative foreign revolutionary distinct nonstandard devious deviate far out suspicious dubious incredible flakey inexplicable flaky unco pioneering unaccountable out of the common untried particular newfangled droll unheard-of innovative non-typical heteroclite radical groundbreaking unthinkable out in left field astonishing deviating spooky amazing questionable anomalistic ground-breaking eerie unparalleled unimaginable off-center absurd advanced incomprehensible fanciful daggy creative distinguishing unlikely individualistic exclusive quizzical prodigious unconforming heterodox limited astounding perverse ludicrous sporadic ridiculous inventive jarring surreal unreal Bohemian perverted obscure innovatory innovational ingenious modern specific preposterous nonconforming imaginative occasional noteworthy nutty experimental capricious unordinary typical bent maverick neoteric contemporary state-of-the-art new-fashioned unbelievable signature bohemian ultra-modern one and only stunning monstrous sensational doubtful wondrous miraculous fantastical twisted warped fishy sparse momentous madcap nonsensical creepy identifying suspect mad off-colour unexplored conspicuous discriminating classic symptomatic progressive cockamamie diagnostic trailblazing futuristic off-base diagnostical scattered off-color dilly insane outrageous rarefied one-off cockeyed originative far-fetched modernistic out of line disruptive beat cutting-edge off-key leading-edge cutting edge unfrequent breaking new ground out-of-the-box just out seldom wayward improbable staggering outstanding non-standard specialized informal unnormal implausible personal newsworthy sole unrealistic marvellous extravagant unceremonious solitary striking proper single grotesque stupendous hippy distorted esoteric grandiose digressive rogue unbalanced unlike contrary supernatural disparate lone dubitable comical tremendous irrational variant intriguing transgressing out-there only disputable debatable boho record wandering inscrutable remote differentiating not normal foolish heretical signal uninvestigated incomparable specialised untested recondite latest inimitable little known marvelous recent dotty rummy mind-boggling one off the beaten track avant garde untraditional first-time out of this world in left field interesting sui generis distinguished custom customized personalized alternate dissimilar inconsistent malformed unhealthy intermittent eccentrical corrupt marginal shady excentrical batty heteromorphic sick skittish disquieting shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy hard to find discrete diacritic rambling straying other aperiodic problematical problematic cool unrecognized episodic casual episodical discontinuous defective unhinged touched demented sicko pervy discordant varying unrecognised periodical scant periodic notable mental psycho personalised customised kookish unforgettable eye-catching arresting scanty spasmodic semioccasional off the air clever brand new up to date spectacular very different off-beat off the rails bugged out fundamental not typical out of the box anarchistic serious eye-popping artful weird and wonderful out of place awkward errant unharmonious magnificent drastic unhackneyed unmatched unequalled unrivalled up-to-date this season's new-fangled amazeballs dissenting dissident nonorthodox heretic iconoclastic dissentient out of character transformational like nothing on earth unrivaled heavy flash gnarly forby hare-brained improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal unexplainable representative matchless unexcelled unequaled unexampled alone beyond your ken entrepreneurial deviceful variational Promethean make-believe peerless beatnik anarchic sectarian schismatic up-and-coming forward-looking game-changing world-shattering never to be forgotten essential breathtaking private unpredictable electrifying separate definite precise off beaten path superlative unfathomable random all your own without equal without parallel impenetrable insoluble unsolvable brilliant fabulous surpassing unpredicted terrific thrilling bewildering off the beaten path mind-blowing awesome stellar unusually good beyond compare in a league of its own one of a kind freethinking eye-opening marked moving cherished touching perfect magical inexplainable enigmatic abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding fluky unconstrained unfettered liberated untrammelled determining from left field independent wildering unrelated stray untrammeled too good to be true mystic unknowable unintelligible visionary unrepeated out of keeping free-spirited unforeseen flustering muddling disconcerting overwhelming unannounced portentous unanticipated discomfiting nonplussing jolting shattering dumfounding befuddling nonplusing confusing dismaying upsetting confounding inspired inspiring refreshing exaggerated artistic seminal embellished unconvincing farfetched impossible laughable hyperbolic farcical flimsy all-time far cry cock and bull beyond belief funny peculiar funny strange goofy daft nuts clownish silly amusing comic humorous cuckoo cracked risible crackpot romantic shocking potty joshing camp campy loony haywire ornate balmy hilarious dippy barmy rebel arbitrary diverting illogical flighty entertaining fancy chimerical dreamlike cock-eyed baroque chucklesome light-hearted inane quixotic uproarious killing imaginary mirthful jocular illusory antic hysterical comedic humoristic sidesplitting screaming riotous hysteric side-splitting rib-tickling witty facetious gelastic riot half-cracked birdy oddish wigged out schizoid schizo Gothic gothic not tightly wrapped chance disorderly fringe vagarious teratoid changeable fitful mutant arty de trop beyond the pale too much excessive over the top dumb very unconventional crotchety dicey chancy mercurial senseless impracticable bonkers barbarous wackadoodle infantile imbecilic unreasonable crazy-ass pointless idiotic wackadoo incredulous loopy unworkable harebrained imprudent fatuous puerile derisory foolhardy unconceivable misleading ambitious uncompelling artificial arty-farty jokey jocose illusive suppositious hallucinatory brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained psychotic fruity bats gaga moonstruck whacko daffy meshuga certifiable elaborate intricate irresponsible gonzo expressive priceless rococo Kafkaesque looney tunes loony tunes short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason bird-brained half-baked out of all reason non compos mentis har-har unsatisfactory rich scream inadequate embarrassing pitiful mocking unimpressive out of sight cock-and-bull glamourous glamorous acting crazy dreamy mythical poetic incoherent fertile genius keen inconsequential chimeric vivid phantasmal phantasmic astute labored laboured unbelieveable strained forced rollicking waggish head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky wry sportive tongue-in-cheek engaging rebellious sparkling laffer crack-up hippie trendsetting hip for grins gagged up avant liberal ahead of the times go-ahead underground head mistakenly trendy lead new wave vanguard


Either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible


An intense concentration of force or power
vehemency ferocity vehemence fervency violence severity wildness forcefulness strength intenseness fury power ferment pitch depth fierceness energy keenness vigor vigour ferociousness acuteness concentration deepness excess extremity force magnitude might potency sharpness strain tenseness tension volume weightiness high pitch cruelty aggressiveness mercilessness cruelness savagery barbarity intensity fervor viciousness brutality ferity fervour ruthlessness bloodthirstiness inhumanity barbarism savageness vigorousness atrocity barbarousness passion wickedness fiendishness heartlessness fervidness sadism heinousness emphasis assertiveness murderousness brutishness nastiness relentlessness coarseness crudity pitilessness bestiality malice harshness atrociousness monstrousness spite wantonness inhumanness evil venom truculence spitefulness remorselessness baseness unkindness malignity meanness vindictiveness rancour blackness tempestuousness bluster rancor black-heartedness aggression ardour rapacity ardency frenzy furiousness passionateness fire enthusiasm fever spirit fanaticism ardor horror brutalism powerfulness greatness villainy vileness nefariousness ghastliness hellishness severeness amount graveness gravity misuse boorishness vulgarity crudeness high degree corruption outrage solecism vulgarism turbulence catachresis impropriety localism misusage provincialism malapropism storminess roughness avidity destructiveness malevolence uncivilizedness vernacularity vernacularism primitive culture maliciousness fieriness anger sternness spleen malignancy malignance cattiness despite hatefulness hatred hate despitefulness ill will rancorousness poisonousness enmity hurtfulness indignity venomousness callousness hardheartedness depravity coldness iniquity animality unfeelingness abuse badness persecution insensitiveness torture insensibility despotism masochism devilishness inclemency cold-bloodedness hard-heartedness cold-heartedness lack of sympathy lack of regard lack of charity


Lack of moderation in one's behavior or consumption
excess immoderation intemperance extravagance overindulgence prodigality dissipation lavishness exorbitance excessiveness intemperateness profligacy overconsumption debauchery decadence insobriety dissoluteness immoderacy unrestraint indulgence nimiety dissolution overdoing inordinateness extremity saturnalia luxuriance self-gratification self-indulgence lack of restraint extreme behaviour wantonness licentiousness immorality depravity abandon wildness corruption gluttony hedonism vice libertinism libertinage impropriety degeneracy squandering improvidence lechery waste abandonment unthrift pleasure-seeking immoderateness sybaritism recklessness iniquity wastefulness rakishness sin lawlessness libidinousness sinfulness overspending iniquitousness expenditure squander unruliness extravagancy promiscuity animalism voluptuousness lack of self-control laxity lewdness disorder irresponsibility turpitude impurity profusion lecherousness preposterousness unreasonableness outrageousness anarchy folly degeneration degenerateness corruptness debasement decadency degradation dissipatedness abjection demoralization incontinence sensuality effrontery binge lustfulness lack of control demoralisation profuseness perversion profligateness orgy epicureanism looseness salaciousness loucheness overkill lubricity salacity sauciness lasciviousness lack of morals lack of principles sensualism luxury lotus-eating la dolce vita disorderliness laxness drunkenness licence license pervertedness exaggeration pursuit of pleasure unconstraint high living high-living pleasure immodesty wickedness shamelessness sinning indecency absurdity lack of self-restraint high life evil bawdiness revel extreme behavior forwardness presumptuousness boldness temerity audacity arrogance complacency refractoriness slackness concupiscence carousal bender revelry tear fast living life in fast lane intoxication inebriation bounteousness crapulence riotousness greed superabundance overload unthriftiness thriftlessness extremeness epicurism gratification financial irresponsibility lack of thrift carnality luxuriousness splurge spree free-spending ways spendthrift behaviour decay deterioration decline fall enjoyment self-satisfaction relaxation relaxedness retrogression moral decay dolce vita overspend lust regression violation irrationality lack of reserve exaggeratedness unreservedness unrestrained bout debauch surfeit prurience excesses free-living going to hell in handbasket life in the fast lane vileness vulgarity profanity baseness obscenity viciousness unchastity villainy raunchiness impiety smut badness smuttiness coarseness crudity dirtiness ungodliness foulness criminality grossness wrong filthiness ribaldry dirt crudeness blueness filth nastiness infamy impureness raunch dishonesty unrighteousness misconduct depravation flagitiousness evildoing scandal deviltry scurrility dishonourableness villainousness wrongdoing nefariousness brutishness pornography shadiness crookedness evilness heinousness devilry dereliction diablerie rudeness diabolism peccability meanness peccancy atrocity eroticism ill squalor bad offensiveness offence offense evil behavior antisocial behavior impulse disregard uninhibitedness freedom thoughtlessness spontaneity improbity opulence bastardization deviance leching perversity womanizing womanising decrease worsening vitiation sordidness malevolence malignity brutality perviness darkness contamination knavery mischief abasement inferiority poorness erotism fleshliness grubbiness incontinency pederasty satyriasis boorishness ruttishness pruriency depravedness venality suggestiveness evil-doing scurrilousness fiendishness balefulness atrociousness devilishness indelicacy unholiness godlessness sordidity transgression scatology scabrousness unwholesomeness indecorousness immoral behaviour trespass crime amorality malefaction bawdry profaneness unseemliness impiousness affront tastelessness porn blight sleaze X-rating crassness explicitness maleficence malignance evil act immoral act rot irreligiousness act of wickedness fall from grace dirty name blasphemy sacrilege irreverence fallenness imperfection foible profanation fault desecration damnation covetousness sloth demerit disobedience wrongness pride tort

Antonino de highly extreme

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