Sinónimo de highly fond of


Showing affection for
keen on partial to devoted to attached to taken with soft on gone on wild about smitten with dotty about potty about hooked on enthusiastic about obsessed with enamored of infatuated with enamoured of nuts about stuck on in love with crazy about dedicated to into attracted bewitched besotted captivated enamoured enamored fond enticed crazed drawn agog smitten mesmerised caught predisposed absorbed intrigued fascinated riveted mesmerized spellbound curious gripped eager interested fixated on addicted fanatical about impressed moved inquisitive roused sold attentive fascinated by hung up intent on obsessed bewitched by struck on excited engrossed inspired gripped by mad about riveted by lured touched eager for interested in sweet on rapt turned on entranced mad taken intrigued by mesmerized by twitterpated by love-struck by inspirited besotted with attracted to stimulated affected captivated by keen hungry for fixated by enchanted by addicted to charmed by hooked beguiled by enthralled by intent passionate about infatuated enchanted charmed enraptured lovesick twitterpated crazy amorous mad on in love head over heels in love love-struck longing enraptured by lovelorn desiring sentimental head over heels soppy loving icky under the spell of carrying a torch for overly affectionate sold on consumed with desire for swept off your feet bowled over by hung up on sloppy partial inclined devoted attached with a soft spot for gone entranced by dotty silly about has a thing about beguiled inflamed seduced possessed gaga head over heels in love with hopelessly in love turned on by carried away far gone on silly greatly enamoured of very attracted to hypnotized by swept off one's feet by under a spell intoxicated enthusiastic hot for ensorcelled by daft about head over heels for pining yearning lovey-dovey girl crazy goo-goo admiring sweet for have a crush on boy crazy lovey dovey


Having an infatuation or the feeling of being in love
crazy wild fanatical fond infatuated enamoured enamored keen passionate smitten excited devoted ardent dizzy in love overwrought zealous avid enthusiastic hysterical mad eager beside oneself devoted to enamored of enamoured of gone on infatuated with smitten with sweet on very enthusiastic very keen on nuts fervent potty fervid impassioned addicted to daft dotty hooked dedicated nutty extreme hooked on compulsive obsessed burning fanatic rabid perfervid mad about crazy about bigoted fiery passional overenthusiastic raving obstinate opinionated nuts about addicted in love with stubborn obsessed by doting on besotted by enthusiastic about passionate about radical nutso over shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about dogmatic extremist diehard very fond of rigid partisan keen on uncompromising inflexible hidebound doctrinaire enchanted beguiled charmed besotted nutso hot for enthused captivated lovesick bewitched sectarian religious maniacal activist enraptured fascinated taken seduced love-struck spellbound intoxicated single-minded mad on parti pris very keen obsessive frenzied fixated immoderate over-enthusiastic frenetic visionary gung-ho wackadoo wackadoodle incorrigible credulous impulsive biased partial willful violent bugged headstrong erratic possessed monomaniacal contumacious unruly domineering feverish turned on nuts for high on intense vehement earnest flaming strong torrid fierce emotional warm red-hot charged heated hot-blooded warm-blooded consuming demonstrative blazing incandescent glowing superheated spirited vigorous forceful profound powerful heartfelt deep raging all-consuming deep-seated energetic wholehearted acute committed heightened animated excessive uncontrollable devout sincere severe serious hearty inflamed deeply felt hopped up feeling extraordinary ferocious exceptional great urgent obsessional hellacious furious terrible blistering heavy explosive sentimental forcible raw unfeigned messianic frantic expressive melodramatic ecstatic thrilling tender responsive stirring impetuous true blue gung ho emphatic mighty rampant temperamental uncontrolled marked assiduous steadfast allegiant overpowering unrestrained lively hyper delirious inordinate vivid intemperate potent penetrating unqualified piercing entrenched abject true genuine intensified excitable susceptible on the make emotive overemotional card-carrying honest hard-core intrenched rooted sensitive relentless stirred exciting overcharged tempestuous loving roused heartwarming towering tumultuous mad keen pious warmhearted deep-rooted thorough bona fide rousing supreme inveterate grave compelling ghastly almighty ungovernable hard major sentient verklempt exquisite moving inspiring eloquent poignant high-pressure hotblooded stimulated precipitate affecting headlong quickened high-powered settled thoroughgoing gotta have dying to keen as mustard dreadful drastic touchy-feely sharp fearful fearsome significant bred-in-the-bone confirmed steamed up besetting vicious intensive frightful gripping tormenting haunting neurotic excruciating critical hot antsy dominating heavy-duty cut-throat pushy fixed controlling driven addictive irresistible zestful militant afire itchy ripe inescapable pathological purposeful zealotic fired fireball go-ahead unrelenting preoccupied unyielding self-starting wild-eyed hectic coming on strong dependent absorbed imbued inclined dependent on disposed predisposed accustomed hyped attached habituated jonesing for prone to spaced out used to given to using given to given over to under the influence strung out in the habit of using jonesing on given to abusing wedded to


Strongly attracted and interested
fascinated captivated enthralled mesmerised mesmerized rapt charmed beguiled engrossed absorbed spellbound entranced enraptured hypnotised hypnotized gripped riveted immersed delighted bewitched enchanted intent involved enticed attracted enamoured enamored infatuated transfixed thrilled transported dazzled smitten intoxicated seduced tantalised tantalized titillated aroused excited overpowered very interested hooked on sold on stuck on under a spell in love with extremely curious extremely interested highly interested very curious very inquisitive attentive held stunned overwhelmed impressed focused intrigued focussed preoccupied occupied hooked awestruck deep engaged awestricken caught up besotted bedazzled wrapped up observant enrapt won over taken head over heels lost consumed interested gone all ears crazy about hung up giddy ravished obsessed enthusiastic lovesick ecstatic rapturous love-struck wild about elated keen on euphoric in love mad about exhilarated really into rhapsodic elevated starstruck rhapsodical fixed heady happy busy lured moonstruck tempted concentrating loving inflamed possessed silly crazy gaga enamoured of locked in dialed in turned on carried away nuts about enamored of caught up in swept off your feet captivated by beguiled by up to here hypnotized by gone on head over heels in love awed snowed affected trapped breathless amazed agape fixated connected open-mouthed sent under someone's spell captive blissful earnest steady concentrated passionate absent joyful inattentive dreaming absent-minded content abstracted daydreaming employed wrapped unconscious oblivious ensorcelled watchful ardent mad glued taken up intense up to one's ears deep in thought steadfast studious fallen for hanging on every word settled alert blissed out mentally enchanted have a thing about gaga about fervid fervent zealous set on deep in nutty nuts potty wild very keen very enthusiastic on cloud nine over the moon fond devoted amorous dotty twitterpated bewitched by sweet on potty about enchanted by charmed by smitten with hopelessly in love carrying a torch for consumed with desire for twitterpated by bowled over by very attracted to swept off one's feet by passionate about fascinated by head over heels in love with turned on by far gone on under the spell of greatly enamoured of hung up on devoted to enraptured by taken with mad on has a thing about silly about industrious diligent assiduous sedulous submerged into monopolized bugged monopolised tied up focused on riveted by intent on gripped by preoccupied by engaged with fixated by taken up with heavily into up to here in fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by all wound up engaged in overjoyed joyous jubilant in seventh heaven exultant in raptures stoked on top of the world gleeful cock-a-hoop on a high delirious pleased walking on air jumping for joy beside oneself with joy high glad animated on cloud seven tickled pink cheerful beside oneself with happiness exalted floating on air flying beatific tickled chuffed as pleased as Punch as happy as Larry as happy as a clam exuberant frenzied in transports of delight triumphant merry made up delightful gratified sunny satisfied as happy as a sandboy like a child with a new toy gay beaming thankful cheery radiant in high spirits wigged out treading on air proud rejoicing floating orgasmic hysterical corybantic upbeat wonderful bright pleasurable enjoyable flipping turned-on in transports lighthearted delirious with happiness flying high light-hearted exulting crowing glorying inspired crank prideful glowing dreamy pleasing gloating heavenly peaceful triumphalist ebullient roused cheered flushed effervescent jovial jolly beside oneself gladdened jocund grinning contented carefree fantastic gladsome entertained optimistic buoyant fulfilled sparkling untroubled laughing smiling mirthful pleasant blithesome hopeful in heaven smiley puffed up in a frenzy chirpy chipper wild with excitement peppy blithe deliriously happy tickled to death extremely happy in a frenzy of delight looking good doing handsprings in good spirits like a dog with two tails impassioned emotional filled with joy triumphal celebrating enthused serene bouncy high-spirited aglow exhilarative energized zestful in paradise in rhapsodies energised blissfully happy psyched pumped sublime glorious stimulated dizzy amused diverted thrilled to bits seraphic enchanté airy bubbly breezy sprightly in transports of joy in transports of pleasure swaggering jaunty boastful galvanized moved concerned galvanised piqued quickened genial unworried revelling victorious reveling positive very pleased peart sparky pleasantly surprised popping saintly full of hope without a care in the world good-humored of good cheer full of the joys of spring happy-go-lucky good-humoured gratifying satisfying harmonious idyllic cool perfect only too happy happy as a lark happy as a clam fired up spaced-out hopped up set up in ecstasies in ecstasy in the twilight zone heartwarming welcome vivacious amusing humorous boisterous hilarious lively jumping winsome boon riotous uproarious larking festive grooving paradisiacal well rollicking rosy paradisal fun paradisaical frolicsome paradisaic zippy saturnalian sanguine zingy paradisiac rousing zappy rocking convivial blessed perky blest sportive up light comfortable playful magical Panglossian in a good mood feel-good at ease rip-roaring fun-loving starry-eyed can't complain full of beans rose-colored overexcited athrill in exaltation pleased as punch very happy


Enamored with
sweet on attracted to captivated by charmed by enamored of enamoured of enchanted by taken with daft about devoted to gone on infatuated with in love with into keen on love-struck by mad about smitten with struck on twitterpated by bowled over by head over heels in love with besotted with enthralled by obsessed with bewitched by hopelessly in love with beguiled by very taken with very attracted to potty about crazy about wild about carrying a torch for very keen on stuck on under someone's spell appreciate fancy dote enjoy adore like doting admire prefer venerate find irresistible feel deep affection for care for choose adulate be smitten with have a pash on be keen on be partial to prize be nuts about hold very dear care very much for be attracted to esteem carry a torch for be besotted with go for be potty about be wild about be infatuated with be passionate about leaning be devoted to be mad about overindulge feel affection feel affection for think the world of take great pleasure in have a predilection for be in love with hold dear nuts about be enamored of be enchanted by be hooked on have a penchant for thrive with have a passion for give one's heart to like very much delight in entranced by develop a crush on become smitten with be attached to have a thing for be fascinated with fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for long for have affection for with a passion for become infatuated with be addicted to doting on get a kick out of be mad for derive great pleasure from thoroughly enjoy wild for get a buzz out of have a proclivity for have a soft spot for be captivated by be swept off one's feet by really like have a taste for get off on dote on get a buzz from of have a weakness for very much like enjoy greatly be crazy about have it bad be taken with take a fancy to be fond of have a great liking for go a bundle on lose one's heart to fall for take pleasure in have a thing about put on pedestal get a kick from of passionate about rejoice in luv feast on love luxuriate in wuv indulge in

Antonino de highly fond of

Music ♫

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