Sinónimo de more claustral


Comparative for bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced
narrower pettier primmer rigider stuffier smaller starchier less prissier smaller-minded meaner unfairer extremer blinder rabider hatefuller ignobler stubborner deafer vulgarer baser nastier shallower shabbier spitefuller cheaper stingier irater snappier keener intenser more narrow-minded more prejudiced more insular more illiberal more intolerant more parochial more provincial more sectarian more dogmatic more conservative more biased more limited more inflexible more conventional more puritanical more blinkered more reactionary more diehard more hidebound more partisan more myopic more opinionated more discriminatory more picayune more prudish more restricted more localist more Lilliputian more moralistic more priggish more blimpish more chauvinist more chauvinistic more racist more jerkwater more nationalistic more shockable more sexist more pigheaded more strait-laced more close-minded more short-sighted more dyed-in-the-wool more set more partial more one-sided more lopsided more puritan more inexorable more obdurate more xenophobic more contracted more separated more secluded more sequestered more unimaginative more ungenerous more selfish more uncharitable more fanatical more uncompromising more jaundiced more shortsighted more radical more doctrinaire more obstinate more militant more zealous more maniacal more grudging more disdainful more unjust more contemptuous more jingoistic more swivel-eyed more individualistic more anti-Semitic more twisted more warped more unadventurous more homophobic more unsophisticated more sectional more unpersuadable more resistant more single-minded more anti-gay more unbalanced more prejudicial more traditional more orthodox more local more unprogressive more ultraconservative more paleoconservative more traditionalistic more mossbacked more nationalist more unsympathetic more dictatorial more unforgiving more superpatriotic more intractable more old-school more buttoned-down more old-fashioned more jingoist more upset more waspish more averse more unwilling more antipathetic more fractious more unindulgent more indignant more irritable more contemptible more resentful more mean-spirited more malicious more vindictive more revolutionary more fanatic more district more fervent more passionate more coloured more enthusiastic more weighted more ardent more intemperate more dedicated more civic more perfervid more preferential more slanted more bounded more geographical more vernacular more legendary more territorial more trivial more obsessed more overzealous more ultra more virulent more irrational more unrepresentative more colored more misleading more inclined more predisposed


Comparative for relating to monks, nuns, or others living under religious vows, or the buildings in which they live

Antonino de more claustral

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