Sinónimo de most non essential


Superlative for not absolutely necessary (tending to be less forceful in meaning than inessential)
uselessest wantonest emptiest lavishest sparest hollowest vainest unfairest barrenest extremest stupidest absurdest freshest pettiest wankiest wishy-washiest most peripheral most superfluous most unimportant most unnecessary most dispensable most expendable most needless most unessential most unneeded most excessive most incidental most redundant most cosmetic most supererogatory most uncalled for most de trop most gratuitous most unwarranted most uncalled-for most unwanted most causeless most avoidable most extrinsic most disposable most irrelevant most pointless most purposeless most unmerited most trivial most worthless most minor most uncritical most accidental most noncompulsory most casual most replaceable most groundless most undesired most fortuitous most ornamental most secondary most prodigal most futile most random most undesirable most chance most improving most exorbitant most skippable most removable most subordinate most immaterial most supplementary most subsidiary most accessory most sacrificable most consumable most inconsiderable most usable most unjustified most wasted most unprovoked most indefensible most unjustifiable most undue most ungrounded most senseless most immoderate most disproportionate most unreasoning most inordinate most indiscriminate most brutish most careless most inappropriate most reasonless most unsupportable most unreasonable most assumed most unproductive most meaningless most fruitless most unprofitable most insignificant most mindless most profuse most aimless most unavailing most idle most purportless most in vain most unjust most ineffectual most inexcusable most nonsensical most inane most unforgivable most hopeless most profitless most ineffective most otiose most footling most extravagant most pleonastic most superfluent most inconsequential most abounding most unused most oblivious most unwelcome most supplemental most undeserved most unsuccessful most waste most abortive most insane most fatuous most diffuse most inefficacious most bootless most outmoded most impotent most unrewarding most wrong most outrageous most unpardonable most unacceptable most unfruitful most inapposite most luxury most special most supererogative most unconnected most unrelated most impertinent most gainless most unavailable most iniquitous most injudicious most unwarrantable most insulting most trifling most vacuous most inadmissible most irrelative most thoughtless most witless most illogical most irrational most vapid most frivolous most inapt most tangential most adventitious most unhelpful most feckless most inutile most brainless most desultory most intrusive most unpurposed most undirected most ridiculous most unsound most unmeaning


Superlative for not important or noteworthy
slightest paltriest pettiest lightest foolishest least minutest smallest dinkiest frothiest uselessest measliest piddliest silliest scantiest flimsiest puniest meagrest meanest meagerest fussiest skimpiest wimpiest outermost tritest wankiest miserablest pitifullest lowest tiniest shallowest poxiest emptiest mingiest hollowest basest wretchedest barrenest vainest beggarliest poorest cheapest shabbiest ignoblest lowliest trashiest scantest obscurest tackiest commonest stingiest sorriest merest subtlest mildest humblest lousiest scrubbiest chaffiest junkiest drossiest abjectest justest weest pickiest slenderest blandest pottiest finickiest absurdest forlornest deadest simplest nethermost shoddiest narrowest sleaziest flightiest shadowiest vaguest finest roughest severest lostest vulgarest lamest baddest unfittest sordidest uncouthest weakest absentest saddest leanest scarcest sparsest most unimportant most inconsequential most insignificant most minor most nugatory most trifling most trivial most frivolous most immaterial most inconsiderable most irrelevant most worthless most insubstantial most nickel-and-dime most peripheral most incidental most negligible most picayune most pointless most superficial most casual most indifferent most meaningless most null most second-rate most unnecessary most secondary most piffling most subsidiary most marginal most tangential most subordinate most small-bore most ancillary most footling most pimping most no-account most lightweight most chicken most extrinsic most external most supplementary most penny-ante most borderline most accessory most subservient most alien most adventitious most foreign most supervenient most niggly most unsubstantial most insufficient most exiguous most inadequate most unconsidered most inappropriate most outside most nondescript most infinitesimal most minuscule most minimal most purportless most senseless most indirect most accidental most side most subject most dependent most under most bush-league most dispensable most expendable most commonplace most idle most contributory most related most evanescent most ignorable most momentary most microscopic most diminutive most pathetic most derisory most contemptible most junior most futile most inapposite most ineffectual most unproductive most unavailing most ineffective most unprofitable most profitless most unessential most imperceptible most impertinent most token most irrelative most fruitless most unconnected most limited most reduced most ordinary most sterile most unrelated most ungenerous most modest most inconsequent most bootless most inefficacious most mediocre most neglectable most unremarkable most unsuccessful most purposeless most deficient most abortive most inane most small-scale most banal most vapid most forgettable most unsatisfactory most otiose most unmemorable most unreal most inutile most counterproductive most waste most bogus most abandoned most undistinguished most inapt most unpretentious most subaltern most aimless most miserly most plebeian most invalid most pitiable most impractical most inglorious most unsound most humdrum most subjacent most undersized most insipid most impotent most in vain most low-born most hopeless most negative most superfluous most powerless most lower-class most delusive most unneeded most despicable most moderate most unknown most perfunctory most local most sophisticated most undemanding most low-class most unintellectual most diminished most symbolic most inconsiderate most uneventful most imponderous most supplemental most captious most sophistical most insulting most unconsiderable most outrageous most preposterous most ludicrous most laughable most ridiculous most risible most unimpressive most impalpable most insensible most indistinguishable most depressed most proletarian most bush most unconsequential most set most unhelpful most fatuous most puerile most flippant most underprivileged most inadmissible most needless most redundant most uncelebrated most doomed most feckless most gradual most inconspicuous most ephemeral most indiscernible most imponderable most undetectable most unnoticeable most intangible most indistinct most unrefined most defective most disregardable most illogical most irrational most rubbishy most menial most wasted most exhausted most impracticable most intrusive most unimposing most unreasonable most plebby most pants most unpurposed most vacant most artificial most unassuming most empty-headed most working-class most frustrated most rubbish most unreasoning most delusory most unnotable most misleading most low-grade most middling most demeaning most degrading most fallacious most untrue most facile most one-dimensional most unacceptable most imaginary most unsanctioned most disconnected most detached most servile most ignominious most disparate most remote most unapt most independent most illegitimate most fractional most sparing most subnormal

Antonino de most non essential

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