Sinónimo de most whingy


Superlative for having or showing an irritable disposition
angriest crankiest crossest grumpiest sulkiest testiest grouchiest rattiest surliest touchiest crabbiest huffiest moodiest prickliest snappiest sullenest bitterest chippiest narkiest orneriest perversest sourest crotchetiest crustiest curmudgeonliest eggiest miserablest pepperiest snarkiest tetchiest edgiest meanest morosest scratchiest snakiest snippiest stuffiest mardiest raspiest spitefullest worst-tempered ugliest shirtiest stroppiest difficultest tartest fussiest uptightest harshest toughest whiniest acridest glummest poutiest brusquest gloomiest curtest awkwardest bluntest dourest saltiest shortest baddest wickedest grumbliest scrappiest unhappiest unfriendliest tensest feistiest gruffest bristliest hastiest nastiest filthiest sorest sharpest hottest under the collar mopiest viciousest fiercest rudest unpleasantest iratest impolitest darkest bolshiest wildest grimmest stubbornest violentest snarliest unruliest somberest maddest cattiest unkindest balkiest sombrest hatefullest sternest severest coldest finickiest tersest briefest bluffest roughest acutest spunkiest soberest mightiest fidgetiest lividest broodiest cruelest kittlest crudest hardest jumpiest rottenest snittiest twitchiest unquietest seriousest steeliest wilfullest owliest starkest stoniest flintiest evillest choosiest stiffest rigidest uppitiest strictest steadfastest pickiest blackest trickiest pettiest nitpickiest unfairest thorniest most peevish most irascible most irritable most critical most fiery most fractious most fretful most petulant most cantankerous most choleric most impatient most querulous most bilious most crabbed most disagreeable most dyspeptic most obstinate most pertinacious most pettish most shrewish most snappish most splenetic most acrimonious most captious most churlish most peckish most soreheaded most liverish most miffy most snippety most waspish most carping most childish most cussed most waspy most ill-tempered most ill-humored most ill-natured most quick-tempered most short-tempered most out of sorts most discontented most cynical most huffish most resentful most disgruntled most waxy most trying most unsociable most misanthropic most displeased most ungracious most dissatisfied most annoyed most acid most saturnine most chuffy most bearish most sensitive most exasperated most arsey most plaintive most censorious most grudging most jaundiced most uncongenial most ungenerous most negative most hostile most choked most irritated most miffed most sharp-tongued most ticklish most nettled most stewed most hurt most piqued most vexed most irked most angered most temperamental most put out most volatile most argumentative most truculent most contentious most hotheaded most oversensitive most ireful most quarrelsome most uncooperative most hypercritical most contrary most iracund most disputatious most brooding most malicious most passionate most vinegary most vindictive most obstreperous most venomous most malignant most bloody-minded most indignant most belligerent most aggressive most recalcitrant most excitable most abrupt most antagonistic most malevolent most rancorous most uncivil most pugnacious most threatening most wrathful most humorless most humourless most furious most aggrieved most uncommunicative most unresponsive most cheerless most taciturn most refractory most unhelpful most discourteous most bellicose most upset most vitriolic most unmannerly most aggravated most froward most inhospitable most malign most boorish most sarcastic most faultfinding most enraged most joyless most fed up most ferocious most contumacious most confrontational most combative most militant most restive most defiant most unreasonable most tiresome most troublesome most obstructive most unaccommodating most warlike most agonistic most impulsive most discordant most menacing most headstrong most obdurate most restless most mopish most inflammable most no-nonsense most poisonous most vehement most agitated most atrabilious most pigheaded most intractable most impetuous most dismal most indomitable most worked up most ropeable most forbidding most contrarious most overcritical most disputative most crook most steamed up most teed off most demanding most intimidating most destructive most virulent most scornful most loudmouthed most adversarial most inimical most abusive most indocile most lugubrious most tempersome most uncontrollable most laconic most uneasy most strigine most owlish most owllike most unindulgent most vinegarish most zowerswopped most acerbic most emotional most scathing most savage most offensive most Eeyorish most offhand most disrespectful most distraught most worried most overwrought most uncomfortable most forceful most aloof most pessimistic most antipathetic most mean-spirited most unceremonious most litigious most anxious most stressed most withdrawn most depressed most dejected most agitable most pernicious most hurtful most offish most off most steamed most unlikable most blue most skittish most malcontent most factious most gladiatorial most bothered most affronted most flustered most objectionable most eristic most wroth most ill-mannered most boisterous most frustrated most troubled most disturbed most fuming most aerated most down in the mouth most distressed most unsettled most ill at ease most dissentious most polemic most controversial most battling most polemical most incensed most infuriated most contemptible most ill-disposed most irreconcilable most caustic most sardonic most tempestuous most arguesome most angerful most frenzied most psyched up most raving most snuffy most ominous most foreboding most nervous most overstrung most high-strung most impassioned most turbulent most annoying most disobedient most vexatious most wayward most unamused most wrath most frightening most het up most peed off most brassed off most browned off most cheesed off most mulish most capricious most self-willed most cast-iron most solemn most mortified most ungentle most unappeasable most implacable most baleful most maleficent most malefic most opinionative most unamenable most immovable most dogmatic most opinionated most irritating most invidious most tyrannical most unmanageable most hardheaded most fiendish most strong-minded most importunate most pitiless most intransigent most resolute most perfectionist most oppressive most unbending most particular most single-minded most finical most unrelenting most unpredictable most wrong-headed most overbearing most stiff-necked most dictatorial most unyielding most delicate most uncompromising most inflexible most inexorable most oafish most fastidious most renitent most deprecating most nagging most disparaging most pedantic most judgemental most judgmental most rejective most pernickety most pass-remarkable most trivial most cavillous most unjust most exacting

Antonino de most whingy

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