Sinónimo de raggedy ass


Dressed in old or worn clothes
shabby scruffy threadbare worn frayed ragged tattered tatty mangy moth-eaten ratty faded decrepit worn-out battered old raggedy seedy beat-up bombed-out dilapidated dirty dog-eared dowdy down-at-heel down-at-the-heels dumpy grubby grungy mean miserable neglected run-down scrubby sleazy tacky tatterdemalion timeworn tumbledown well worn worn out warby bare bedraggled decayed decaying degenerated desolate deteriorated deteriorating disfigured meagre meager pitiful poor poverty-stricken rickety ruined ruinous slipshod tired unkempt untidy worse for wear down at heel out at elbows poorly maintained falling apart at the seams gone to seed the worse for wear having seen better days holey in tatters falling to pieces patched in ribbons crumbling broken-down shoddy sorry worn to shreds in holes in rags grotty time-worn run down rent used clapped out damaged beat up on its last legs dingy impaired used-up down-at-the-heel injured in shreds frowzy overused overworked dinged totaled lined wizened busted destroyed decrepit. in ruins worn-down well-worn wrung out pegged out ramshackle broken down falling down falling apart in disrepair rundown squalid torn scuzzy ripped ragtag filthy yucky scraggy weather-beaten derelict rough disheveled dishevelled crummy messy frazzled shaggy slummy shredded broken in ruins poorly made badly dressed badly worn split full of holes wretched gone to rack and ruin distressed disreputable impoverished rugged untended rumpty sloppy antiquated tumble-down torn to pieces shopworn in a state of disrepair ill-maintained seen better days sordid hackneyed stale trite passé scabby old-fashioned outmoded crude out of date unpleasant ancient seamy cheap skanky slovenly unmaintained effete outworn trashy creaky creaking wrecked scungy low superannuated unsound all the worse for wear slimy dodgy base on the rocks down and dirty in a bad way badly maintained uncared-for disordered poor-looking clapped-out cure pot beaten-up scroungy rank mucky indigent sick sticky gunky gungy desultory unpressed contemptible unfinished unravelled unravelling downgone peaked shattered knocked around insalubrious unprepossessing well-thumbed well-read uncared infirm in poor condition yellowed low-class shambly crumbly marred unraveling worn through unraveled down at the heel diseased scaly quavering shaking crippled flimsy insubstantial haggard fragile anile shacky shaky in bad repair out of condition below par in bad condition under par worn thin tawdry tasteless gaudy vulgar raunchy unimproved beat cast-off passe sere etiolated useless shot depleted skeezy limp paltry cut lacerated slit kitsch showy nasty garish démodé disadvantaged deprived hand-me-down fallen-in uncared for beaten up fallen in rinky-dink flash Brummagem common loud second-rate dressed in rags banal severed cracked separated hackney cliche obligatory hack cobwebby cliché-ridden stereotyped aged stock musty commonplace dated flashy naff needy destitute uncouth unkept weathered ostentatious out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky stodgy frumpy wrinkled clichéd hoary underprivileged wrenched burst gashed fractured ruptured mangled sliced slashed cleaved snapped unoriginal corny dying declining cheap and nasty old hat waning in bad taste ghetto depressed ghost shanty collapsing degenerating cut open skid row abandoned failing perishing forsaken languishing rotten oxidising oxidizing eroding in decline rusting on the decline penniless breaking up on the way out wearing away breaking down penurious impecunious hard up badly off in want in need on the breadline on one's beam-ends on one's uppers without two pennies to rub together

Antonino de raggedy ass

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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