Sinónimo de to top off


To carry out an action to the end
polish off complete finish accomplish conclude consummate achieve finalise finalize fulfil fulfill nail polish cap crown do effectuate execute perform settle complement realise realize end perfect actualize terminate add the final touch to add the finishing touch to bring to a conclusion bring to an end bring to fruition bring to maturity call it a day carry off carry out do thoroughly finish off get through go the limit go through with go whole hog make good make perfect make up put the finishing touches on put the last touches on put to bed round off round out set the seal on sew up sort out wind up wrap up close culminate climax break off bring to a close stop halt cease discontinue lapse expire quit elapse ultimate break up close out dead-end knock off put the finishing touches to leave off wink out carry through put the lid on let up dissolve pass clinch put the final touches to call off wrap attain reach wind down come to an end put an end to get done put finishing touch on pack in put the finishing touch to round up end up be a fitting climax to effect shut down determine cap off follow through with call a halt to follow through top it off produce desist cinch idealise bring to perfection reach the summit of idealize put a period to bring down curtain play out draw to close be over draw to a close top up be the culmination of put the tin lid on be the climax be the climax of add the finishing touches to bag be done with refine make short work of get out of the way make drop axe resolve cancel scrap break annul abort abolish can belay relinquish sunder desist from pull the plug ax get shut of cut out nip in the bud give up pack it in knock something on the head lay off interrupt get shot of cut off switch off pull the plug on put paid to shut off cut short give over put a stop to give the chop pack up dispose of discharge peak shutter come to a conclusion scratch fold hang up come to a close scrub terminate with rise to crescendo lead up to come to a crescendo conclude with close with rise to a crescendo reach a pinnacle end with go over the mountain go the route build up to finish with come to a climax reach a finale come to an end with come to a head suspend die abandon go check disappear vanish refrain from forgo arrest renounce adjourn withdraw call a halt close down bring to a halt kick pause call it quits fizzle out cut dispense with surcease die out curb fade away peter out fade eschew run out lay off of bring to a standstill pass away cease to exist die away evaporate melt away ditch forsake run its course become obsolete remove come to a halt die down be no more eliminate do without get rid of recess abstain from block stall stay obstruct intermit come to a stop forbear refrain do away with abstain abate dump avoid freeze evanish sever dwindle stop dead clear bring to a stop come to a standstill put the kibosh on cease to be cry off hold back blow over withdraw from have done with retire from get out of discard stem evanesce prorogue rescind repeal lift revoke curtail ignore leave shake hold up shelve phase out intervene exit depart ebb kill liquidate become invalid become extinct wane pull up become void tie up disconnect disperse withhold bite the dust stop short fold up button down wear off forbear from escape from bring to an untimely end keep from run down clean up withhold from kick the habit quit cold say goodbye to take care of stop oneself from blow off swear off give a rest restrain oneself from cut it out throw up not continue disappear from the face of the earth kick over quash relent nullify bin disrupt junk draw to a halt come to rest bring call recall top transpire cool it stop in your tracks collapse reach a standstill prevent hold stand wrap-up forswear extinguish disturb be at an end fail dispatch impede subside immobilize turn back fly by deactivate immobilise stop midstream bar perish staunch be put to bed cut loose button up relieve forlet result shut slip away be no longer valid get on the wagon hang it up take the cure knock it off die off run your term put a lid on spell rest raise resist the temptation to hold back from jack in interfere with cut into break into keep carve isolate exclude extirpate usurp delete snub exsect marginalize extract overlook oust excise close off bring to end turn out renege back out pull out of throw in the towel throw in the sponge get off stop trying yield back off quit cold turkey go cold turkey thwart go away recede clear up resign retreat drop out deal with go by give notice turn out to be go dead restrain postpone trail off tail off put a sock in blow the whistle on put a cork in take out marginalise cut dead take away stop doing lie by leave alone finish up still put lid on mop up call a day put into effect put away refuse be through with disjoin dissever separate interpose disunite part tie up loose ends come to the end melt suppress be brought to an end reject sell out catch wither away baulk dematerialize forego abjure go south be done for cease to be known leave no trace come to naught pass into oblivion close the door on terminate the account close the books suspend proceedings vaporize shun fix brace not do remit forfeit balk stop cold break short call a stop to fly dissipate sink flee divorce jilt sacrifice stop in full flow draw up dispel be suspended be put on hold leave unfinished dry up concentrate vaporise parch weaken prevent oneself from not give in to cease to indulge in go without keep off bring up bring to a premature end bag it fetch up put a brake on take a breather take a break rise take five part with resign from part from turn your back on eighty-six dust off break with write off wipe out forget about desert escape vacate bail be gone from brush off bail from go away from drop out of clear out from depart from bow out of check out from break off with walk out of walk out on disappear from run along from cast aside take off from move from abscond from cast off step aside from exit from set out from absent oneself from


To pack or fill very tightly
jam-pack stuff pack cram load heap fill brim charge jam pile ram crowd bear chock mass swamp bunch bundle cluster congest congregate crush deluge elbow flock gather huddle justle mob muster overcrowd push sardine shove squash squeeze squish stream surge swarm throng troop pack 'em in pack like sardines lade place ram in stack stock store deposit choke stow wedge top put aboard load up heap up pile up fill up freight weigh flood oversupply gorge surfeit containerize arrange pile it on pour in carry put away ballast glut press compress tamp put drive in thrust fill to overflowing force cram full thrust in stop plug seal close dam clog caulk bung block stopper occlude obstruct clog up dam up cork stop up bung up fill in block up sandwich shoehorn group collect stick overfill assemble wad compact concentrate herd meet converge line pad rally associate jostle come together drive convene rendezvous cushion convoke teem amass cover get together bunch up fill to the brim meet up gang up plunge scrunch upholster clump overload foregather hold concenter conglomerate pack tightly corral unite mobilize gather together wedge oneself accumulate concentre crowd together hive mobilise gather round hang out band together round up gang around constrict constringe sink tumble rush lump condense dig hammer pervade crash occupy occupy all of pound strangle tap lodge climb gather like bees drum fix shape protect overstuff form a group arm insert drive into pack in pack it in fill to capacity confine lag bind truss load with choke up force one's way cumber force into stuff to the gills forgather fill out top up flock together make the scene besiege congress raise prepare to fire saturate organize fasten together merge harmonize connect pull compile consort collate organise line up brigade form aggroup join harmonise mingle combine link inundate aggregate supersaturate cower hug parcel package cumulate huddle together huddle up press close draw together throng together snuggle up fill to excess overwhelm feast burden pall overstock jade depress thumb pinion pin bear heavily force down bear down press down weigh on pin down hold down weigh upon push down bear down on tack level lean on move

Antonino de to top off

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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