Sinónimo de undertake something


To accept or commence a given responsibility or engagement
accept assume shoulder tackle handle approach attempt bear begin commence endeavor endeavour engage manage start contract essay try hazard initiate take on take up enter on launch into take part in be responsible for deal with devote oneself to take upon yourself become involved in carry out commit to embark on engage in enter upon fall into go about take on oneself take responsibility for address oneself to concentrate on go into participate in take upon oneself agree to commit oneself go for make a run at set about with take forward take over venture into venture on address oneself answer for endeavor to do endeavour to do get down to have a hand in move into set in motion get cracking on get to grips with go in for put in motion have a crack at have a go at have a shot at have a stab at try out give something a whirl have a try at take the plunge volunteer oneself to set about perform embrace adopt do sustain execute attack accomplish effect meet carry conduct take support enter plunge into embark upon finish develop take to achieve have acquire implement launch get going on embark agree to do plunge make a start on turn one's hand to attend to enter into get into set to face be involved in direct avow appropriate grab absorb agree to take sign off on institute don uphold carry something on pursue get to work on get cracking with take in hand commit oneself to follow through with settle down to take responsibility immerse yourself set out with undergo complete set upon go whole hog go the limit shoot the works take a flyer bite off instigate start the ball rolling on jump into commence on kick off begin work on consider tear into hold get on with transact get busy with work at be employed occupy oneself with occupy open fulfil fill be absorbed in get involved with hold down discharge fulfill effectuate be placed in be employed in be in form broach cultivate make pick up breed get off contrive learn begin undertaking set out take in jump off reach attain tee off gain assimilate nurture discover take responsibility of take the reins of engineer take charge of gain control of take control of assume responsibility of come to power over assume control of assume responsibility for take up the baton for take command of be elevated to bring off bring about succeed arrange succeed in finish off


(archaic) To promise or make a guarantee to do something


To take the first step into something
begin start commence initiate tackle inaugurate instigate institute effectuate trigger prompt create elicit induce precipitate kickoff kick off kick-start produce start up invoke start off tear into embark on start on start to take up jump into launch into proceed with make a start on get down to get going with get on with get to enter into get going on get stuck into go ahead with set upon enter on set about embark launch open enter move into embark upon start out on enter upon go into strike into set out on establish found set up activate originate set in motion organize set off introduce organise pioneer develop form put in motion bring about plant put in place get going constitute bring into being enact actuate innovate get under way start the ball rolling get off the ground sow the seeds of trigger off lay the foundations of lay the first stone of incorporate usher in cause install incite bring into existence transpire materialize assemble crystallize actualize induct instal build construct spark lay the cornerstone of set the ball rolling get the ball rolling jump-start put together open up spark off get something working get something functioning crystallise materialise base provoke instate generate foment kindle intro raise inspire abet brew put in ferment pick commence on stir up take action on get ball rolling make up set going spur on get cracking on dream up come out with come up with set the ball rolling on break the ice on whip up get one's feet wet devise get in operation effect throw together mastermind float hatch make lead lay foundation father get moving convene bow lead off ring in fall to get off raise the curtain get things rolling get the show on the road arise appear emerge eventuate occur dawn emanate happen surface result set erupt unfold catalyze manifest spawn foster enkindle engender occasion rise arrive sprout become apparent become established kick in be born come to pass be created set in come out come into existence come into being spring up catalyse


To apply oneself to, or start work on, a given task or issue
attack address confront tackle challenge engage face fight handle manage contest contend attend to concentrate on contend with cope with deal with dive into embark on engage in focus on grapple with have a stab at occupy oneself with set to work on look after plunge into see to set about set to take on take up wade into apply oneself to buckle down to start in on take care of get cracking on get started on get stuck into get weaving on devote oneself to get to work on go to work on have a crack at have a go at have a shot at try to deal with try to sort out direct attention to begin get down to address oneself to start commence go about take in hand get going on negotiate make a start on turn to settle down to launch into throw yourself into focus concentrate field knuckle down try set out attend tear into get to work go for it become involved in get to grips with go for go at pitch into make a start wade in plug away at knuckle down to turn one's hand to take charge of sort out take forward get on do manipulate maneuver manoeuvre settle play hack swing treat turn one's attention to begin to tackle turn dig get involved in hammer away peg away have at initiate carry out enter enter into get under way start off start out set off begin undertaking orchestrate organize give attention to make arrangements for organise take responsibility for dig in be up to jump in pitch in buckle down get cracking get weaving fall to set the ball rolling get the ball rolling get things moving get down to business approach set the wheels in motion put the wheels in motion attempt essay pursue get one's finger out put one's shoulder to the wheel roll up one's sleeves put one's hand to the plough accept get to work at make a run at try to cope with peg away at come to grips with take a shot at start on apply oneself take measures about have a go busy oneself with give something a try give something a whirl set your hand to take the bit between your teeth embark upon square off bang away at hammer away at step up to the plate try to solve try on for size sink your teeth into work on start the ball rolling give something a go take work come to terms with control navigate get by with manage with make do with make out with surmount overcome answer influence master operate get over use employ respond to wrestle with tussle with make do get by discipline counsel wield utilize serve react to exploit dominate command deploy reply to speak in response to act toward utilise withstand resist behave toward learn to live with get a handle on square up pit oneself against cover discuss bespeak pontificate on give a lecture on give a discourse on speak on give an oration on give a sermon on speak to deliver a sermon on sermonize on drone on about make a speech on take aim at preach to talk to talk about give a dissertation on give an address on speechify to give a speech on preachify to bite the bullet face up to


To make an effort at doing something
attempt try endeavor endeavour essay venture strive tackle aim pursue seek assay attack experiment struggle bid solicit push embark on make an effort make effort take on try out exert oneself give a fling give it a burl give something a whirl have a go at jump through hoops knock oneself out set out take it on oneself do all one can do level best do your best to give best shot give it a fly give it a go give it a try give it a whirl go all out go the limit have a crack have a go have a shot have a stab make an attempt make every effort pull out all the stops take a stab at take best shot try one's hand at bust a gut give old college try have a crack at have a shot at have a stab at make a run at move heaven and earth shoot the works spare no effort take a run at bend over backwards take the bit between your teeth do one's best do your utmost give your all break your neck give it your best shot give something a go give something a try give something the old college try take a crack at aspire labor labour work toil make a pass at go for broke have a whack go for have a swing at offer strain try hard apply oneself go for it shoot for lean over backwards put yourself out moil drive hustle scramble drudge slog sweat peg away work hard leave no stone unturned beaver away bang away exert yourself do your best make an all-out effort bear down do your damnedest rupture yourself fall over backwards give it your all drive for go after vie for have a bash give something a stab entreat make a stab at scrutinize risk aspire to give a shot scrutinise battle plug away apply grind make a bid lift a finger have at it put to the test make an attempt at take a whack at slave away knuckle down graft push oneself front up chip away at have a rip make a stab take a shot at hammer away break one's back try one's hardest keep your head down put one's back into it beaver make a great effort have one's nose to grindstone work like a dog try to get try to obtain compete contend fight make a move make a pitch for travail jockey plough slave scrabble plow make a bid for make a play for try for do all you can dig away go for the jugular dig deeper dig deep plod grub plug tug hump slog away work like a Trojan kill oneself sweat blood keep at it be at pains work your fingers to the bone keep your nose to the grindstone persevere go for the doctor pour it on bullock vie grind away buckle down plod away work day and night trudge grub away take pains jostle persist make a supreme effort work oneself to the bone do one's darnedest try as hard as one can put one's back into something tussle contest exert hammer lumber stagger overwork grapple purpose schlepp challenge show dedication study hard be industrious show commitment be diligent be assiduous push yourself plough away dig buckle to skivvy soldier on muck devote yourself commit oneself carry on get stuck in drive oneself plough through old college try use some elbow grease work hard to give something one's best shot work one's socks off go ham sweat away work your guts out go hard break sweat plug along give something one's all bust chops peg along work at burn the candle at both ends work like a slave give all one's got go hammer and tongs drag oneself take care take great pains suffer bang on search graft away toll putter cultivate tend endure devote campaign withstand tax overwork oneself commit give work very hard oppress overtax punish overexert scuffle scrimmage acquit oneself trail move mountains grovel dedicate peg go all out for stand up to do one's durnedest flog pitch in dig in grind out plod along pound perform try very hard drive oneself to the limit put up a fight against go to war address concentrate work fingers to bone be servile work one's nuts off be in the running strain every nerve push oneself to the limit bend direct head-down keep nose to grindstone go back to the salt mines make a special effort go out of the way take special pains try your best study keep going press on go all-out for pull out all stops put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel hit the ball work one's butt off peg away at apply oneself to empty the tank go the whole nine yards go all-out try my best jockey for position set one's sights be after have designs have in view be attentive pay attention give it all one has dive in maneuver show manoeuvre race event steeplechase juggle show jump


To perform or execute an action
do perform execute carry out work make commit implement prosecute compass engineer negotiate occasion transact bring on carry off determine draw on operate put through result in translate into engage in make ready effect fulfil fulfill accomplish complete achieve effectuate bring off pull off perpetrate discharge finish apply observe follow through with realize bring about conduct realise enact practice put into practice practise act out exercise carry through follow put into effect enforce administer conclude dispatch bring to fruition pursue make happen deliver deal with put into action take care of take care of business attain dispose of ply meet act upon have cause produce survive render live out inflict go through acquit oneself of carry to completion deliver the goods impose exact wreak deliver on follow through on get through carry on bring into play live up to make it through serve out see through put in force deal out go through with put into operation undergo acquit settle affect act on end take initiate act actionize tackle follow up on sort out exhibit give turn work on transgress stand by abide by get done start in on action take action on secure win land gain procure obtain annex be responsible for be to blame for be guilty of annexe serve engage exert process create authorize authorise unleash instigate wage devote oneself to go on with proceed with fight bring to bear bring into effect work at specialize in consummate stage vent cut swing hit present engender score hack administrate express bestow indulge visit play out gratify make it put on use come through polish off put over do the job sail through do the trick get there lay on wreck give free rein to force force upon give vent to mete out earn one's wings do to a T utilize employ utilise put to use make use of satisfy tick be engaged in wind up do justice to go that route run with the ball do to a turn


(engage in) To participate or become involved in
engage participate join partake abet collaborate contribute cooperate play share enter practice practise become involved tackle be associated with embark on launch into occupy oneself take part throw oneself be a participant be a party to go in for have a hand play a part play a role set about keep busy with occupy oneself with partake of be a participant in be involved get involved compete perform be a participant contribute to engage in enter into join in sit in get in on the act be into have a hand in be party to something sit in on have to do with figure feature participate in share in get involved in partake in take part in play a part in be in on get in the act have a finger in throw one's hat in the ring be in the running be a competitor be a contestant help out support facilitate help assist aid chip in pitch in lend a hand associate oneself with go into associate with come in latch on tune in get in on come to the party take an interest in do your bit come through get cracking jump in get busy give a hand muck in get stuck in play ball be of assistance go along with make a contribution to play a role in be included be part of be involved in have a share in work be conducive take up appear become involved in throw yourself into have a go associate oneself be associated opt in throw yourself into something become part of be of service go along tag along kick in begin attack launch do volunteer commence subscribe give one's backing give one's support lend a helping hand interfere be responsible for be partly responsible for be a factor in fall to tee off plunge into contribute work buckle down get going wade in set to fit into jump on the bandwagon be incorporated hop to it go to it agree play along be willing show willing reciprocate conspire respond work together comply with join forces stick together pull together play the game go along with the plan be in cahoots


To give assent to and act on a suggestion by another
agree assent consent accede comply subscribe approve accept acquiesce come round engage recognise recognize sign set give your blessing say yes give carte blanche give the go-ahead give the nod reach a decision acquiesce in approve of comply with give approval to go along with say yes to allow grant endorse okay permit comprobate cave in to assent to enter into consent to relent to concur with back down roll over and play dead yield to acquiesce to give way to be game for throw in the towel give in to agree to astipulate surrender to cooperate with give the green light back down to concede to defer to relent play ball come round to yield concede give in sanction give way submit concur succumb accede to warrant authorize surrender knuckle under defer cave in ratify authorise capitulate bow validate confirm bless countenance OK agree with buy sign off on give up shake on accredit pass clear licence license rubber-stamp give the go-ahead to give the green light to give the thumbs up to say uncle conform to say the word give permission back support formalize certify respect approbate ditto quit conform finalize homologate seal accord budge obey blink fold admit condone abide by finalise formalise give the OK to bow to toe the line admit defeat submit to let pass thumbs up throw in the sponge raise the white flag concede defeat uphold authenticate affirm follow mandate advocate tolerate bend adapt adjust accommodate fall embrace yes suffer brook second empower enable weaken boost favour favor heed concur in subscribe to O.K. greenlight give someone leave cut a deal give one's leave give one's blessing to lay down arms humour go for give consent to abet climb down take kindly to charter get behind humor have show the white flag be overcome sanctify indulge vail give the thumbs up backpedal go with the flow indemnify cry uncle vouchsafe truckle recommend cede countersign initial honour honor bind make law rubber stamp stump for buy into lap up push for make valid take up give go-ahead crumble let give thumbs-up afford with fall in with underwrite sign on soften toe the mark bow down to be guided by pay attention to play along with acknowledge champion kowtow knuckleunder cringe knuckle fawn buckle cave be beaten be overwhelmed buckle under give away the store wave the white flag give up the struggle come to terms establish waver compromise retreat entitle undersign believe in signature cosign reconcile jibe qualify make a deal roll over be deferential stand by be converted be won over be persuaded change your mind endure give someone authorization legalize legitimatize legitimate go along give the nod to accept tacitly give one's assent to ease off ease up cause throw in your hand fall in line be defeated legalise legitimatise grant the right leave green-light admit of privilege franchise wink at blink at facilitate put John Hancock on be won over by be converted to be in agreement with give stamp of approval be persuaded by hold with see eye to eye observe mind adhere to keep goose-step to take orders act in accordance with get into line do what one is told hold to answer do as you are told keep to do as one says play second fiddle live by do one's duty fulfill do what is expected come to heel hold fast stick to be ruled by get in line serve act upon do one's bidding play it by the book fulfil be loyal to respond fall victim make concessions be overcome by be conquered by be overwhelmed by espouse adopt pass on give the stamp of approval to give five


To settle on a plan of action
resolve decide choose commit agree determine elect intend opt conclude propose purpose decree figure will settle on settle upon reach a decision take a decision come to the conclusion make a decision come to a decision make a point of settle on a plan of action make up your mind remain firm take a stand vote move rule decide formally pass a resolution plan aim mean pick select have in mind aspire design want take go for contemplate have in view expect fix on look purport wish have plans have the intention think of name meditate appoint set out decide on adopt desire commit oneself pick out single out make your mind up have every intention establish consider prefer make up one's mind ponder opt for cull settle mark plump endeavour endeavor anticipate calculate envisage judge scheme allow go plump for strive designate think be resolved covet mind insinuate premeditate conceive make decision seek feel disposed envision count on vote for angle make plans target make up your mind on weigh identify agree on handpick return tag cherry-pick hope earmark vote in destine reach put in decide upon accept optate receive put in power vote into office nominate tap choose by ballot go down the line admit ballot cast one's vote for take a stand on make a decision on come to an agreement on reach a decision on come to a decision on come to a conclusion on commit oneself to sift out make a choice on deliberate on be looking be going be determined consign foresee guess cinch attempt look forward ordain be plotting add up indicate dedicate devote have resolved hope to set apart essay try connote figure on aspire to have set out plot reserve mark out set aside conjecture mediate poll surmise award have a mind pursue have a mind to set your sights on work towards think to bid for reach a conclusion reach decision fix upon draw a conclusion arrive at conclusion come to decision come to agreement come to conclusion cast the die go down line form opinion have final word call shots come to a conclusion end with pitch on make a selection plump on see fit exercise choice


To enact or establish legally or legislatively
pass approve accept enact adopt authorise authorize sanction legislate ratify validate carry clear ordain support back commission constitute decree endorse establish make certify engage legalise legalize permit legislate for agree to put into effect vote in lay down vote for vouch for OK make into law dictate proclaim effect order implement rule institute formulate draft organize draught organise carry through put through declare command effectuate advance pursue introduce initiate inaugurate appoint fix set up prescribe form induct bring about administer impose put in force install make laws set draw up instal delegate promulgate lay down the law enforce carry out conduct come up with usher in practise found create practice fulfill wage engage in arrange fulfil enjoin begin start empower originate direct call mandate pronounce pull off confirm carry off negotiate compass charter pioneer designate shape plant innovate place launch invest develop follow through with depute foresay adjudge set down deal elect bless nominate enact laws establish laws constitutionalize make law walk heavy put your foot down deal with pass laws codify laws execute railroad steamroll transact accomplish determine bring to bear put into practice bring into effect put in place formulate laws ratify laws vote favorably jam through railroad through give the go-ahead to get the floor give the seal of approval to give the OK to make provision put laws in force enforce laws give the thumbs up to give the green light to lay down laws build assemble construct get going bring into being kick off set in motion instigate start up lay the foundations of commence put in motion produce forge open put together start off generate open up invent incorporate lay the first stone of get under way make up actualize manufacture fabricate fashion mould activate secure mold erect bring into existence compose knock together embark on get off the ground structure kick-start float engineer come out with craft give rise to sow the seeds of turn out lay the cornerstone of throw together build up get something working start the ball rolling materialize base cause trailblaze materialise spearhead design concoct cast father actuate bow lay foundation bring in catalyze bring to pass mastermind trigger prepare knock up do catalyse synthesise knock off synthesize beget frame hatch blaze get moving engender yield spawn confect set about get something functioning sculpture break new ground lead the way knock out piece together set the ball rolling blaze a trail put up take the lead in give birth to enter into break the ice render get things rolling get going on start ball rolling whip up set off fit together cobble up get underway break in set going conceive of lead devise kickoff crystallize predicate station transpire make a start on lay corroborate lodge jumps-tart set in place set out cook up instate machinate affect piece rig author realise realize germinate exercise crystallise implant domiciliate inculcate moor bring up the curtain on give structure to configure raise enter plan unveil patch together model brew complete hammer out whip out rustle up eke out work cobble together contrive churn out rig up intro trigger off take action on get cracking on get ball rolling put in commence on take up dream up get one's feet wet set the ball rolling on break the ice on admit knock down set forth bring forward phase in fix up pave the way evolve discover write debut sketch revolutionize prefabricate colonise colonize explore start on break the seal get going with roll out embark upon burst into enter upon get show on road get the show on the road fall to lead off jump into strike into get off break into bring out vamp superstruct compound elevate lay the groundwork on show the way show the way on lay the groundwork for be the mother of take the lead go out in front take the initiative in be the father of prepare the way for make the first move take the lead on push the envelope map out lead the way for sketch out hash out block out prefab put out jerry-build throw up revolutionise light the way elicit set a trend set an example be the first be in the vanguard precipitate induce bring foster settle breed incite rev occasion present cause to be pose mint coin make possible spark off translate into bring on lead to contribute to result in get in operation put into place get the ball rolling put into operation draw on

Antonino de undertake something

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