Antonym de lack of intelligence


Knowledge acquired through study, experience, or being taught
learning education knowledge experience intelligence erudition expertise intellect wisdom ability accomplishment accomplishments acquirements acumen adeptness astuteness doctrine edification expertness foresight insight judgement judgment mastery omniscience proficiency prudence sagacity sageness scholarship shrewdness skill study worldliness culture enlightenment knowingness learnedness attainments understanding academic attainment discernment perspicacity acuity perceptiveness sapience smarts cleverness penetration perception comprehension perspicuity sense wit percipience nous brains smartness ingenuity sagaciousness sharpness wits brain common sense schooling profundity reason grasp intuition gumption cognizance awareness savvy cunning perceptivity thoughtfulness brilliance reasoning canniness discrimination brainpower mind precocity perspicaciousness intuitiveness intellectuality good judgment keenness braininess precociousness clear-sightedness intellectual power know-how IQ clear thinking brain power mental capacity mental acuity mental ability intellectual capacity mental agility I.Q. horse sense profoundness deepness knowledgeability depth acuteness great intelligence fine mind great intellect genius literacy apprehension consciousness appreciation intimacy recognition authority thought conception grip acquaintance mindfulness idea realization cultivation observance acquaintanceship sensibility ingeniousness sentience cognition savviness refinement breeding realisation civilisation letters civilization intimacy with acquaintance with familiarity with knowing inside out conversance with alertness capacity aptness quickness aptitude mentality foxiness brightness trenchancy giftedness brain cells caginess what it takes sharp-wittedness the right stuff grey matter gray matter powers of reasoning cageyness quickness of mind headpiece quick-wittedness discretion judiciousness circumspection rationale logic sensibleness heedfulness providence consideration saneness tactfulness forethought pragmatism rationality commonsense sanity balance maturity arguteness wariness poise watchfulness caution policy heed tact practicality vigilance pansophy soundness levelheadedness good sense presence of mind good judgement worldly wisdom sound judgment savoir faire

Synonyme de lack of intelligence

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