Synonyme de a savoury


Salty and/or spicy in nature, but not sweet
piquant salty spicy tangy savory pungent zesty zingy poignant aromatic fragrant pert perfumed scented sweet redolent ambrosial sharp odoriferous tart peppery biting strong snappy hot sweet-smelling spiced zestful stinging odorous flavoursome tasty flavourful smelling appetizing flavorous sapid flavorful appetising flavorsome highly seasoned fragranced seasoned racy perfumy balmy acerb aromatized aromal delectable fiery highly-seasoned highly flavoured strongly flavoured lively delicate ambrosian heavenly sweet-scented pleasant-smelling colourful acid sour bitter smelly witty sweetly perfumed sparkling humorous vigorous spirited delicious cutting caustic keen acute piercing punchy recalling indicative acrid vinegary picante colorful industrial-strength full-flavored palatable strong-flavored highly-flavoured gingery highly flavored nippy toothsome effluvious stinking nosey overpowering rich whiffy sharp-tasting zippy herbaceous curried fresh red hot well seasoned brusque harsh well-flavored severe critical with a kick acidic acerbic acetic acidulous acetous acidulated astringent unsweetened tartish sourish distasteful unpleasant burning vinegarish acidy briny active acetose amaroidal sharp-flavoured stiff effluvial peppered camphoraceous rotten rough unsavory unpalatable unsavoury yukky yucky smarting noisome suffocating strong-smelling austere dry soured green absinthian absinthal musky citrusy lemony animated energetic vivacious sprightly mettlesome animate springy perky peppy airy spanking frisky exciting kinetic pizazzy jazzy sparky brisk bouncing pizzazzy vital entertaining gay dramatic jaunty stimulating sexy buoyant heady exhilarating forceful clever sportive bright distinctive playful forcible


Pleasing to the mind or senses
agreeable pleasant delightful pleasing enjoyable pleasurable satisfying gratifying nice good welcome heavenly delectable congenial delicious felicitous delightsome sweet jolly pretty dreamy grateful luscious blessed dulcet blest fine savory tasty palatable darling engaging peachy swell acceptable appealing dandy pleasureful spiffy to your liking to one's liking to one's taste lovely wonderful great entertaining charming terrific fabulous amusing splendid magnificent magical winning sublime glorious grand fantastic magic favorable brilliant favourable refreshing neat diverting marvellous fun marvelous fair attractive sensational cheering choice rare exquisite likable likeable enchanting divine thrilling lush exciting fab super ducky cool smashing brill beaut ripping spiffing cracking champion capital corking topping wizard bonzer beezer frabjous out of this world top-hole supercalifragilisticexpialidocious satisfactory sapid soothing tasteful cheerful snug welcoming relaxing replayable silvery golden soft rewarding fulfilling lekker mooi genial easy to take valuable sensual constructive groovy appreciated heartening beneficial wanted beautiful much needed adorable gladly received fascinating captivating ravishing rapturous cheery ambrosial alluring scrumptious ineffable yummy very pleasant very attractive very pleasurable very agreeable greatly to one's liking superb excellent gorgeous happy joyous desirable amazing resplendent famous noble bright splendorous blissful keen comforting opportune heartwarming prime gladdening boss timely exhilarating cordial radiant fine and dandy memorable stunning distinguished celebrated illustrious notable heroic shining triumphant exalted august remarkable venerable proud spectacular stellar ace awesome fantabulous bosting jim-dandy beauteous copacetic first-class first-rate encouraging sterling superior slick propitious tempting worthy perfect amiable glad hunky-dory stupendous hot inviting paradisal paradisaic commendable fetching euphoric comfortable festive honourable honorable intoxicating bonny joyful flattering heaven-sent recreative relishable interesting irie heart-warming titillating amazeballs incredible tremendous promising fabby extremely enjoyable extremely pleasant convivial balmy merry supreme jovial consoling goodly splendiferous wondrous long-awaited longed-for desired contenting couthy elevated preeminent noted immortal majestic esteemed well-known renowned splendrous effulgent famed eminent dazzling honored time-honored splendacious gay gladsome celebratory fantastical astonishing solid restful renewing rejuvenating restorative solacing outrageous colossal greatest light-hearted distracting clubbable welcomed restoring exceptional solid gold honouring honoring positive enticing mild elegant enviable lovesome flashy affable glamorous photogenic precious sound seductive presentable sunny hunky clear landmark momentous fateful consequential honoured eventful meaningful historic material groundbreaking unforgettable pivotal extraordinary uplifting epochal monumental significant red-letter noteworthy important far-reaching A1 rad dollish glossy dainty snazzy flamboyant comely knockout taking aesthetic pulchritudinous statuesque well-favored foxy showstopping OK cunning reputable drop-dead cute splashy eye-catching good-looking admirable zingy delicate glamourous spanking hospitable showy sightly arresting in order dishy prettyish relief unspoilt not bad intriguing irresistible tantalizing paradisiacal super-eminent passable shipshape select telegenic super-excellent paradisaical calming elating deluxe copasetic paradisiac gnarly ecstatic recherche esthetic kindly benefic helpful advantageous friendly ideal idyllic entrancing appetizing tantalising mouth-watering appetising juicy beneficent salutary benignant profitable dynamite phat out-of-sight gangbusters brag bully superlative down topflight prizewinning gone blue-chip primo tip-top high-class brave bonnie top top-notch bang-up bumper boffo wicked radical top-shelf quality frontline prize righteous crackerjack classic first-string immense four-star A-OK hype blue-ribbon five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster gilt-edged banner dope nifty mean supernal handy fit healthful appropriate useful lucky suitable convenient well-timed seasonable wholesome providential benign fortunate prosperous reassuring toward superhuman peachy keen par excellence number one spiritual paradisic saintly numero uno full of promise

Antonym de a savoury

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