Synonyme de highly expectant


Having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something good
eager excited agog anticipatory anxious hopeful breathless expecting waiting agape anticipant anticipating awaiting ready apprehensive on tenterhooks watchful alert anticipative hoping in suspense keen prepared raring vigilant keyed up looking for on edge waiting on waiting with bated breath on pins and needles with bated breath impatient enthusiastic avid open-mouthed astounded desirous flabbergasted thunderstruck curious ardent antsy stoked voracious thirsty pumped hungry geeked crazy enthused solicitous wild juiced greedy hopped-up nuts athirst hot gung ho hepped up all agog itching yearning intent dying longing aching zealous surprised amazed astonished fervent preemptive tactical foreseeing spellbound gobsmacked dumbfounded forethoughtful foretelling provident awe-stricken shocked on the edge of your seat great enthralled interested all a-gog champing at the bit craving hankering passionate pining chomping at the bit appetent willing gagging fanatical desiring ambitious animated vehement dedicated wishing raring to go covetous wishful thirsting lively psyched spirited energetic thrilled restless devoted wholehearted ready and willing determined psyched up keen as mustard fired up vivacious exhilarated obsessed committed inspired stirred aroused intent on moved stimulated intense ravenous languishing itchy fervid as keen as mustard desirous of wistful feverish dying to rarin' to go hot to trot worked up exuberant on fire ebullient sprightly mad motivated pleased burning animate titillated driven potty high-spirited nutty insatiable daft mad keen earnest grasping acquisitive restive charged high game straining at the leash warm hearty hankering after delighted rapacious inclined itching for hungering awakened gone on dying for active diligent assiduous juiced up cranked up in a hurry pumped up beside oneself geared up approving striving edgy enamoured excited about touched electrified elated atingle desperate bursting very keen lusting chafing straining avaricious impassioned impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enamored dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to revitalised ripe heated gotta have panting bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless set on bent on vigorous hung up amenable habitual disposed happy unreluctant engaged diehard glad full of enthusiasm self-starting in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on consumed with desire rabid aggressive proactive bullish banzai longing for hoping for wanting frantic raving frenzied uproarious hysterical delirious chafing at the bit partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust fiery dynamic keen on untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled unrestrained fascinated passional zestful take-charge can-do can't wait rhapsodic aflame wacky perfervid forceful tantalized industrious concerned afire unqualified extremely enthusiastic anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for predatious gluttonous in a frenzy conscientious gaga tantalised bugged zesty warmblooded edacious hoggish ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate turnt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans red-hot ready for willing for avid for very excited with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of in want of jumping up and down aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for envious thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for turned on aspiring to


Naively or unreasonably optimistic
Panglossian hopeful buoyant cheerful bright sanguine positive upbeat confident idealistic sunny merry happy assured high promising trusting encouraged utopian cheering hoping rosy roseate keeping the faith rose-colored looking on the bright side looking through rose-colored glasses on cloud nine on top of world ray of sunshine optimistic bullish disposed to look on the bright side cheery of good cheer enthusiastic sure certain can-do cocksure doubtless animated spirited secure full of hope buoyed up auspicious encouraging golden propitious fair likely heartening chipper implicit clear in good heart ridibund self-assured lively self-confident undoubtful Pollyannaish seen through rose-coloured spectacles disposed to take a favourable view inclined to look through rose-coloured spectacles always expecting the best anticipative anticipating trustful unflagging at ease expecting anticipant looking forward to satisfied emboldened comfortable reassured content calm inspirited joyful effervescent bouncy glad bubbly ebullient carefree jocund jovial gay blithe vivacious jolly sparkling exuberant gladsome peppy frolicsome chirpy winsome light-hearted zippy blithesome feel-good perky up zingy lighthearted full of beans welcome heartwarming pleasing breezy hearty jaunty contented joyous sprightly elated sparky grinning radiant genial gleeful smiling untroubled pleasant laughing mirthful lightsome smiley eupeptic canty hilarious zappy in good spirits in high spirits cock-a-hoop airy satisfying bucked unworried peart enlivening cheerly full of the joys of spring good-natured sunny side up full of pep without a care in the world happy-go-lucky glass half full snappy bright-eyed and bushy-tailed good-humoured good-humored full of vim and vigour high-spirited vital frolic crank gamesome zestful debonair supple full of zip elastic expansive invigorated resilient laid back good great comforting reassuring believing fresh determined uplifting go-getting stirring redeeming gratifying proactive unmarred delighted wonderful jubilant pleasurable delightful ecstatic enjoyable fantastic euphoric overjoyed blissful amusing rapt thrilled glowing humorous boon boisterous peaceful rapturous enraptured chuffed exhilarated riotous pleased stoked uproarious wrapped larking jumping festive grooving orgasmic rhapsodic saturnalian entranced paradisiacal beatific paradisiac rousing well thankful rollicking fulfilled paradisal rhapsodical enchanted fun paradisaical rocking rejoicing beaming triumphant paradisaic gratified sportive convivial tickled blessed captivated light playful blest entertained exultant magical wild intoxicated in seventh heaven tickled to death beside oneself with joy on top of the world starry-eyed tickled pink rip-roaring flying high over the moon blissed out can't complain looking good as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy walking on air on a high floating on air as happy as Larry fun-loving in a good mood jumping for joy like a dog with two tails


Ambitious or driven towards a particular goal
aspiring ambitious determined eager committed enterprising driven striving keen motivated enthusiastic zealous potential energetic purposeful hopeful budding pioneering progressive prospective wannabe wishful pushing aspirant likely possible longing future optimistic intending endeavoring endeavouring impassioned go-getting hard-driving self-seeking go-ahead eager beaver would-be on the make hungry industrious pushy assertive self-starting goal-oriented earnest ardent spirited fierce active militant vigorous forceful aggressive single-minded self-driven intent self-assertive avid resolute desirous power-hungry thirsty inspired dogged tenacious unwavering untiring ruthless high-reaching self-asserting dedicated embryonic diligent steadfast persistent uncompromising indefatigable obstinate staunch unflagging unyielding thrusting bent upon strong-willed power-loving get up and go full of determination adventurous bent resolved persevering obsessed strong stalwart unbending mettlesome fanatical steely assiduous dynamic undaunted plucky bold hardworking upwardly mobile unshakeable unfaltering obdurate undeviating pertinacious unrelenting unflinching stubborn strong-minded desiring success dead set hell-bent like a ball of fire high-pressure in-your-face materialistic self-improving career-focused fledgling developing conscientious devoted aspirational career-minded so-called professed promising dormant hustling gumptious entrepreneurial compelled consumed self-appointed undeveloped unfulfilled latent self-styled firm obsessive set unshakable fixed unbendable unshaken possessed immovable go-go up-and-coming galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal indomitable gutsy impelled fixated insistent compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced unrealized soi-disant quasi- impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised urged on competitive unremitting confident relentless tireless sedulous rigid steady cutthroat decisive sustained feisty rigorous ferocious unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy warlike bullheaded gung ho hang-tough self-willed bound and determined full-blooded intensely competitive stop at nothing iron-willed having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed self-confident cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do fiercely competitive highly motivated passionate wholehearted fervent decided constant intense studious hard-working unswerving gritty bent on mad keen fervid faithful vehement focused bound set on focussed excited devout keen as mustard daring raring enthused settled laborious courageous willing inflexible ebullient loyal athirst yearning lively sworn interested crazy high-powered voracious solicitous wild dyed-in-the-wool operose animated out do-or-die patient domineering as keen as mustard strenuous audacious commanding forward valiant hell-bent on hell-bent upon unflappable bossy intransigent intrepid painstaking overbearing authoritative powerful attentive perseverant busy deliberate controlling hard-nosed positive resourceful brave stanch perfervid pumped true driving exuberant pious itching anxious vivacious true-blue pigheaded agog exhilarated warmblooded dutiful tough stout-hearted bustling sprightly persisting dominant stoked pledged zestful impatient thrilled nuts antsy good pleased animate titillated self-motivated appetent bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready juiced geeked hepped up hopped-up high-spirited intent on keyed up deep-dyed single-minded about chomping at the bit firm about card-carrying true blue ready and willing raring to go two-fisted red-hot obsessive about inflexible about fixated on dead set on fanatical about enduring restless solid hardboiled buckled down headstrong tried-and-true responsible tried inveterate unfailing unswervable radical never-tiring hanging tough resilient purposive involved implacable self-directed manful careful stout sure sagacious hellbent bulldog telelogical calculated irrepressible hardy four-square meticulous warm unmovable indurate stiff inexorable hearty unchanging rock-ribbed grim thorough exacting punctilious particular meaning business spunky independent perceptive heroic take charge mean mean business be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone heedful ball of fire combative rabid absorbed engrossed through and through fast brash firm in spirit tough-minded ironclad certain with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone engaged emulous contentious fiery pig-headed fascinated passional great employed vying extremely motivated very motivated obnoxious presumptuous officious bumptious loud obtrusive rhapsodic aflame nutty wacky concerned tantalized afire unqualified down-the-line sincere concentrated competing slogging swotty plugging working plodding out-and-out single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end hot to trot turnt gone on tantalised bugged zesty greedy champing at the bit gaga full of beans imaginative inventive ingenious wishing offensive warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional bullish observant concentrating arrogant effective demanding liberal disruptive advanced forward-looking creative innovative modern original Type A hot dying imposing cocksure pushful overconfident entire preoccupied all occupied enrapt exclusive whole undivided enlightened forward-thinking vital cocky engagé attached adherent imperious fast-track high-octane deep alert watchful immersed fearless on the warpath strident sharp-elbowed loudmouthed nervy minding spoiling for a fight ready for action composed collected emphatic new rising poised full of oneself craving influential weighty effectual mighty robust authoritarian ruling successful potent supreme efficient forcible avant-garde desiring intensive wrapped up out to determined to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to insistent on fixed on decisive about obsessed with resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on self-reliant cool-headed highly capable in control full of get-up-and-go in the saddle


Confident in one's own abilities
self-assured assured confident self-confident self-reliant assertive authoritative bold can-do commanding fearless poised positive secure self-asserting self-possessed believing brave cocksure cocky composed courageous dauntless expecting overconfident sure unafraid well-balanced believing in oneself puffed up full of oneself sure of oneself sure of yourself collected calm unruffled cool tranquil unperturbed unfazed serene cool-headed unflappable cool, calm and collected level-headed at ease together imperturbable laid-back untroubled placid unworried controlled undisturbed unshaken certain nonplussed nonchalant equanimous relaxed impassive unflustered equable unmoved coolheaded self-composed self-controlled domineering peaceful unemotional firm sedate unagitated level self-assertive decisive pushy bullish audacious sanguine strong-willed limpid equal recollected possessed smooth levelheaded unbothered at peace overbearing bossy even-tempered strong insistent forceful determined feisty unconcerned forward emphatic easygoing aggressive phlegmatic gutsy patient dominant imposing chilled intrepid upbeat doubtless unshakable gung ho imperious filled with aplomb cool as a cucumber as cool as a cucumber dogmatic demanding dignified urbane suave undismayed daring fierce ambitious elegant powerful casual in-your-face decided undoubtful enterprising implicit clear unflinching civil unhesitating militant zealous unaffected stolid easy spirited sensible stress-free mild-mannered grounded calmed commonsensical self-respecting clearheaded not backward in coming forward dispassionate swaggy hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure controlling unabashed plucky driven committed settled defiant resolved resolute self-sufficient nerveless surefooted sure-footed staunch steely steadfast dashing tough tenacious unvexed unflurried unstirred graceful strong-minded debonair philosophical stoical stoic dynamic mellow neutral centred centered passionless steady in control unexcited detached unimpassioned unexcitable keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber serious have one's act together temperate not turn a hair keeping your cool quieted keeping one's shirt on soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed amenable vigorous reserved mild complaisant energetic tolerant insouciant potent carefree balmy halcyon balanced practical stable lackadaisical pacific idyllic peremptory dominating rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic pushing driving restful reposeful sober businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable resounding competitive violent vehement full-blooded muscular go-ahead strenuous lordly optimistic cheerful moderate unhurried straight buoyant hopeful masterful authoritarian autocratic dictatorial well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well balanced well-adjusted happy-go-lucky easy-going having no doubt unshakeable in one's belief trusting in no doubt secure in one's belief convinced satisfied unwavering with no doubts about masterly cheery bright tyrannous despotic tyrannic arrogant autocratical imperative magisterial tyrannical in good heart of good cheer enthusiastic disposed to look on the bright side happy ridibund lively animated officious doctrinaire complacent brazen rosy high go-getting high-pressure assaultive carnivorous pushful pumped up absolute quiet still restrained formal blithe even undemonstrative cold gentle self-restrained breezy free and easy aloof distant indifferent reticent comfortable proper deliberate devil-may-care seemly decorous somber constant inhibited stilly hushed stiff solemn lown stately demure sombre self-contained taciturn prim unresponsive frigid modest forbearing laid back emotionless grave apathetic informal uncommunicative indulgent undemanding remote unfeeling retiring shy unapproachable secretive cold-blooded low-pressure close-mouthed withdrawn close logical diffident cautious fair standoffish soft-spoken misanthropic solitary backward uncompanionable conventional bashful icy ceremonious noncommittal reclusive offish eremitic regular flexible poker-faced constrained resigned disinterested guarded accommodating all there undaunted lax down-to-earth long-suffering forgiving uncomplaining leisurely conciliatory uninterrupted unbroken unanxious content unfluctuating blasé hard-headed peaceable accepting impassible liberal uninhibited philosophic affable clinical callous numb affectless untouched unsentimental benign inexcitable insensible trouble-free without a care in the world discreet thick-skinned good-natured good-tempered measured impersonal serious-minded lenient heartless permissive unsympathetic nonpassionate objective matter-of-fact hard-boiled unswerving with both feet on the ground cozy not surprised unchanging unvarying unalarmed in a relaxed manner uniform no-nonsense agreeable consistent invariable supine blissful taking your time cosy in check tamed restricted disciplined limited contained fine unaltering unalterable deliberative farsighted stabile orderly systematic methodical unperturbable clubby undistracted bovine easeful understanding immovable smug self-satisfied even-keeled unsurprised not moved irenic docile anxiety-free pellucid reconciled resting quiescent loose considerate silent euthymic at rest in repose not dismayed earnest leisured fixed slack liberated free unrestricted compromising unceremonious unrestrained enduring hard as nails stiff upper lip roll with punches unrushed unsociable under control persistent persevering kind well-disposed fatalistic sober-minded sobersided unforthcoming in one's right mind untaxing friendly submissive untiring mild-tempered longanimous passive responsible private hassle-free calm and collected enlightened profound deep moral ethical deep-thinking learned understated good having both feet on the ground calculable lucid coherent unfriendly stand-offish fortitudinous unimpressionable stuffy downbeat offhand outgiving indolent uncritical lazy hang-loose normal unrestrictive inscrutable stick-in-the-mud boring starchy media-shy chill coldhearted obdurate marble hard-hearted uncompassionate inexpressive blah insensitive deadpan listless flat glacial closemouthed chilly timid tight-lipped laconic dumb shrinking introverted self-effacing regulated unexcessive medium curbed conservative warm freewheeling muted checked unextreme with the patience of Job Olympian retired snobbish airy unpassionate low-key laissez-faire unimpressible insusceptible right easy-peasy perceptive unconfused cold sober live-and-let-live analytical scientific heedless chilled out solid uncaring non-restrictive unrevealing hardened dry indurated spiritless gay sunny light-hearted able to reason clearly mentally sound able to think clearly compos mentis in possession of all your faculties of sound mind clear-headed sound of mind having all marbles right in the head along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches abstract iceberg lacking concern pococurante unserious incurious uncurious jaunty perfunctory frivolous uninterested non-emotional fast unfaltering unerring safe thoughtless careless cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less free from worry free from care impartial unbiased uninvolved honest uncolored open-minded nondiscriminating even-handed independent without favor on-the-fence evenhanded nonpartisan unslanted fair-minded unbigoted nondiscriminatory unprejudiced nonaligned disconnected equitable


Watchful, especially for danger or disorder
on guard alert vigilant attentive watchful observant heedful careful wary awake circumspect cautious chary tentie tenty guarded mindful cagey ready leery prepared regardful defensive wide-awake open-eyed Argus-eyed on the lookout on the alert on the qui vive all ears on the watch beady-eyed wide awake on one's toes on the ball not missing a trick keeping a weather eye on things upon one's guard aware on your toes perceptive sharp on the job apprehensive prudent on tiptoe alive suspicious keen wakeful gingerly considerate safe paying attention wise sharp-eyed eagle-eyed keen-eyed quick acute hawk-eyed concentrating unsleeping conservative with eyes peeled sleepless insomniac canny bright intelligent wired active keeping one's eyes peeled gimlet-eyed astir heads up anxious bright-eyed and bushy-tailed fast on the draw with eyes like a hawk waking conscious sensitive discerning sceptical focused mistrustful restless insomnious thoughtful measured distrustful restive discriminating questioning focussed interested with it with weather eye open keeping a weather eye on clever walking on eggs looking to doubting tossing and turning agog playing safe psyched up on alert skeptical good hands dubious suspecting spirited calculating looking for hesitant watching one's step watching out switched on provident discreet hip thinking twice scrupulous waiting on handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes doubtful jazzed with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned concerned hooked glued with one's eyes skinned keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open protective deliberate unhurried fully awake wide-eyed perky reserved restrained shrewd belt-and-braces reticent with reservations judicious politic walking on egg shells tentative hedging your bets forethoughtful precautious taking it slow excited without sleep stirring up and about up lucid disturbed not sleeping aroused awakened knowing insomnolent roused unable to sleep cognizant intent percipient diligent rapt committed assiduous earnest deep studious reckful listening carefully heeding rigorous listening noticing conscientious quick-witted taking notice agile astute responsive unwasteful saving sly frugal thrifty sparing all there whip-smart clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively sensible quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in uncertain worried shy mistrusting untrusting skittish unsure surveying understanding advertent clear-sighted discovering deducing correct eager detecting searching contemplating considering comprehending intentive penetrating observative sagacious diplomatic tactful economical parsimonious reasonable timid miserly cynical reluctant mean stingy uneasy moderate delicate penny-pinching forehanded scrimping subtle tight unbelieving undecided abstemious economizing economising considered nervous softly-softly iffy artful uptight fearful wily cheap trustless unsettled jealous farsighted savvy fastidious skilful skillful noncommittal controlled crafty cunning rational gentle expedient disbelieving sage strategic temperate worldly-wise close-fisted incredulous polite unconvinced guileful sober practical hinky close lacking confidence tactical respectful forearmed dexterous courteous non-committal penny-wise been hit before unenterprising dextrous in doubt punctilious unadventurous thorough commonsensical disinclined scheming sound meticulous judgmatical judgmatic hesitating informed perspicacious slippery foxy slick halting wavering diffident levelheaded logical smart mature civil enlightened pragmatic ambivalent vacillating pawky sapient contriving apologetic conniving backward averse afraid irresolute lacking trust foresighted insightful argute abstinent sane methodical mingy chintzy seemly lacking faith ungenerous kid-glove balanced preserving conserving adroit grasping heads-up cheese-paring tight-fisted quizzical long-headed penurious well-advised solicitous meagre wondering sympathetic self-justifying negativistic avaricious well-judged meager smooth deft suave gracious careful with money spare self-protective treating with kid gloves having reservations closefisted calm gradual squeamish dainty equipped patient economic well-prepared secretive Machiavellian designing manipulative devious far-seeing vague unrevealing level-headed evasive elusive tight-lipped realistic overcautious overcareful playing your cards close to your chest watching insecure disingenuous unscrupulous have reservations have misgivings possessive equivocal responsible finicky premeditating slim low jaundiced show-me distrusting without faith not born yesterday without belief reasoned adept cost-effective efficient timorous traditional unexciting conventional unimaginative faltering conciliatory arch intriguing capable bland brainy opportunistic money-saving time-saving work-saving cordial decorous polished spartan austere straight stay-at-home uncreative boring strait-laced narrow-minded square stuffy limited on the rims prudential skimping curmudgeonly sharp-witted loath illiberal understated unexaggerated monastic monkish self-denying puritanical ascetic nunlike non-indulgent self-disciplined well thought-out well-grounded urbane poised skilled mannerly kind stick-in-the-mud uncharitable unsteady shaky unconfident cheeseparing skinflinty on lookout having foresight not rash inhibited constrained particular hardheaded suss hard-boiled clear-eyed sussed heady tightwad near steady able ingenious nimble-witted hep streetwise tightfisted half-hearted stewardly Scrooge-like cost-conscious stinting ungiving money-conscious pinching money-grubbing pinchpenny vacillatory wobbly street-smart street smart even indecisive delaying as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork dithering stalling tolerant modest regular oscillating hanging back havering shilly-shallying scrimpy mild easy lenient disciplined peaceable dilly-dallying cunctatory having misgivings having qualms unwilling uneager unpredictable dawdling in a quandary blowing hot and cold slow on the horns of a dilemma humming and hawing in two minds lazy in a dilemma untroubled not excessive not given to excesses compromising fuel-efficient energy-efficient fuel-saving energy-saving conversant witting sentient knowledgeable ware advisable observing desirable efficacious profound just seasonable accurate sophisticated judicial well judged common-sense well advised au courant alive to awake to conscious of know ins and outs aware of careful of know all the answers on to plugged in chary of in the know wary of cognizant of acquainted with tuned in regardful of recognizant of be up on watchful of wise to hip to sensible of alert to heedful of well thought out


About to happen
imminent impending approaching coming forthcoming close near threatening looming brewing menacing gathering upcoming pending at hand nearing nigh oncoming proximate about to happen anticipated expected fast approaching fast-approaching in store near-at-hand upon us following handwriting-on-the-wall immediate ineluctable inescapable inevasible inevitable in the air in the wind likely looming large next on the way overhanging possible probable unavoidable unescapable in the pipeline on the horizon coming up in the offing in view on the cards to come in the cards in the stars just round the corner on its way on the agenda on the verge see it coming just around the corner future close at hand in prospect prospective advancing subsequent ensuing later eventual on tap downstream succeeding in preparation resulting coming soon in the wings planned consequent on hand afoot under discussion likely to happen on the go latter down the line down the pike down the road potential underway successive near at hand subsequential about to be consecutive up and coming drawing near coming after next off directly after coming next on us yet to come scheduled approximating under way in production being prepared short-term liable to happen onrushing arriving in the works -to-be awaited supplied predestined fated destined happening soon emerging round the corner hovering portending awaiting ominous foreseeable appearing rising convergent in sight nearly on us due around the corner ultimate waiting to looking to in the near future unborn converging progressing about going on happening current circulating around abroad near-term moving closer extended at large stirring going about in circulation long-term up-and-coming to be en route after gaining upon almost on one getting near successional over the long term resultant posterior consequential postliminary pursuing succedent sequential running astir sequent supervenient late serial later on in line following after on the trot next up doing the rounds

Antonym de highly expectant

Music ♫

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