Synonyme de in ribbons


Damaged or shabby to the point of being no longer usable
worn out shabby tattered threadbare worn crumbling dilapidated faded frayed holey in tatters moth-eaten patched ragged well worn broken-down decrepit deteriorated in holes in rags scruffy seedy shoddy sorry tatty tumbledown worn to shreds falling to pieces grotty raggedy ratty run down time-worn clapped out decrepit. in ruins raggedy-ass rent warby battered decaying falling apart at the seams ramshackle run-down worse for wear beat up broken down falling apart falling down having seen better days in disrepair on its last legs the worse for wear overused used old overworked dinged totaled lined wizened ruined busted destroyed damaged dog-eared wrung out pegged out worn-down well-worn beat-up mean tacky grungy mangy miserable neglected tatterdemalion dumpy scrubby timeworn down-at-the-heels bombed-out down-at-heel sleazy rundown bedraggled squalid gone to seed worn-out dingy rickety down at heel scuzzy decayed unkempt crummy grubby slummy derelict poor insalubrious wretched deteriorating uncared-for rumpty ruinous tired sordid untidy gone to rack and ruin filthy shacky weather-beaten in ruins torn yucky badly maintained poorly maintained cheap unpleasant shambly pitiful desolate low slipshod rough dodgy skanky scungy disreputable degenerated base paltry disheveled scraggy in shreds tumble-down unsound frowzy down-at-the-heel broken dishevelled in a bad way ill-maintained messy dirty tawdry antiquated dismal seamy unprepossessing superannuated disintegrating dowdy trashy second-rate unmaintained wrecked low-class disfigured bare meager depressed skeezy poverty-stricken meagre impaired injured used-up slovenly slimy shaky ripped poorly made untended all the worse for wear in a state of disrepair out at elbows frazzled ragtag badly dressed torn to pieces down and dirty shaggy rugged seen better days badly worn full of holes limp withering outworn ancient old-fashioned cure pot tottering knocked around smirched dishonest crooked well-thumbed underprivileged well-read deprived faulty defective creaky in bad repair out of condition below par peaked in bad condition shattered under par bad scabby mediocre creaking substandard lousy ordinary low-rent middling low-grade menial two-bit sad rank mucky indigent impoverished sick sticky gunky gungy quavering shaking crippled flimsy insubstantial haggard effete fragile anile raunchy unimproved fallen-in uncared crumbly uncared for beaten up beat fallen in rinky-dink marred tasteless crude gaudy vulgar kitsch showy nasty garish flash Brummagem common loud flashy naff outmoded ostentatious cheap and nasty out-of-date unbecoming in bad taste waxy unsuitable poky stodgy sloppy frumpy manky droopy overgrown used up wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging

Antonym de in ribbons

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