Synonyme de most novelettish


Superlative for resembling or characteristic of a novelette, especially when excessively sentimental
sloppiest soppiest mushiest schmaltziest drippiest sugariest fruitiest gooiest slushiest soupiest spooniest stickiest wettest syrupiest sickliest cheesiest cutesiest ickiest weepiest treacliest hokiest sloshiest gushiest tenderest sweetest soapiest dreamiest tackiest tritest softest silliest cutest lovingest hackiest schlockiest campiest kitschiest kitschest teariest feeblest disgustingest prettiest saddest fulsomest lavishest pitifullest oiliest gentlest stalest dullest quaintest daintiest bitterest painfullest hammiest glibbest miserablest intensest mournfullest wretchedest powerfullest most sentimental most corny most mawkish most cloying most sappy most maudlin most sugarcoated most lovey-dovey most chocolate-box most twee most romantic most overemotional most toe-curling most gushing most touching most bathetic most emotional most nostalgic most tearful most nauseating most effusive most sickening most dewy-eyed most pathetic most inane most oversweet most sobby most softhearted most impressionable most idealistic most affected most passionate most vapid most demonstrative most honeyed most sugar-coated most oversentimental most insipid most banal most moonstruck most visionary most lachrymose most affectionate most fatuous most soft-hearted most bromidic most candied most ingratiating most melodramatic most corn-fed most self-pitying most sickly sweet most excessive most over the top most romanticized most attractive most picturesque most poignant most moving most affecting most heart-rending most tragic most emotive most enthusiastic most evocative most heartbreaking most unrestrained most impressive most impactful most plaintive most lyrical most heartrending most expressive most precious most wistful most heart-warming most melting most impassioned most harrowing most poetic most extravagant most oleaginous most unctuous most ebullient most adulatory most hagiographic most exuberant most expansive most piteous most upsetting most misty-eyed most saddening most disturbing most pitiable most shopworn most hackneyed most commonplace most old-fashioned most histrionic most bijou most melancholy most depressing most namby-pamby most tragicomic most distressing most overdone most dismal most sorrowful most blubbery most voluble most overenthusiastic most ecstatic most gut-wrenching most agonizing most haunting most dramatic most uplifting most uninhibited most rapturous most thrilling most exciting most bittersweet most euphoric most inspired most sweet-and-sour most carried away most stunning most mind-blowing most compassionate most responsive most sympathetic most touchy-feely most sensitive

Antonym de most novelettish

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