Synonyme de most prehistorical


Superlative for out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated
oldest mossiest ancientest antiquest quaintest squarest creakiest moldiest mouldiest mustiest clunkiest fustiest deadest stalest obscurest dustiest bentest hoariest hackiest cobwebbiest crustiest earliest dowdiest frumpiest latest dullest tritest boringest lostest oddest shabbiest tackiest drabbest cheesiest trashiest flattest grizzliest holiest mumsiest tattiest dreariest dingiest commonest stodgiest sloppiest plainest blowsiest daggiest pokiest scruffiest baggiest homeliest coldest lowest hokiest straightest stuffiest most outdated most outmoded most antiquated most archaic most dated most obsolete most superannuated most outworn most prehistoric most medieval most antediluvian most unfashionable most obsolescent most mediaeval most neolithic most rusty most anachronistic most defunct most past most vintage most démodé most oldfangled most unhip most behindhand most tired most parachronistic most backward most anachronous most backwards most old-fashioned most out-of-date most moth-eaten most old-time most vieux jeu most primitive most aged most exhausted most hackneyed most worn-out most old-hat most timeworn most deprecated most antwacky most belated most inflexible most abandoned most geriatric most passe most archaistic most threadbare most overused most old-school most unstylish most retro most barbaric most gothic most unpopular most broken-down most old fashioned most decrepit most clapped out most venerable most primeval most dateless most foregone most atavistic most primaeval most traditional most old-timey most corny most conservative most retrograde most historic most frumpish most historical most unoriginal most previous most banal most commonplace most senescent most worn most overworked most shopworn most antiquarian most worn out most fogeyish most finished most obligatory most redundant most unprogressive most conventional most well-worn most forgotten most tasteless most done most remote most established most invalid most platitudinous most frayed most neglected most unimaginative most uninspired most fogyish most bromidic most inelegant most run-of-the-mill most nostalgic most played out most retrogressive most orthodox most senior most anachronistical most faded most doddery most overfamiliar most familiar most aboriginal most pristine most original most decayed most unremembered most evocative most used most overdue most cliché-ridden most warmed-up most antediluvial most undesirable most time-honoured most classical most completed most terminated most well-established most grizzled most aging most ingrained most fixed most deep-seated most longevous most classic most enduring most timeless most ageless most ragged most yellowed most lapsed most prosaic most pedestrian most derivative most routine most vapid most ossified most unkempt most humdrum most traditionalistic most mossbacked most buttoned-down most reactionary most paleoconservative most ultraconservative most hidebound most ordinary most predictable most asleep most lifeless most breathless most quotidian most overdone most bourgeois most unadventurous most diehard most conformist most strait-laced most inanimate most exanimate


Superlative for related to archaeology

Antonym de most prehistorical

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