Synonyme de no longer fashionable


Not, or no longer, in fashion
out of fashion outdated outmoded dated unfashionable out superseded unstylish unpopular antwacky square stale old-fashioned out of date out of style behind the times old hat out of the ark last year's old school antiquated obsolete archaic prehistoric antediluvian old outworn superannuated out-of-date ancient obsolescent defunct medieval moth-eaten mossy mediaeval passé bygone anachronistic musty not with it demoded vieux jeu old-fangled mouldy olde worlde old-time frumpy moldy dead old-fogeyish moribund fusty frumpish fossilized old-world prehistorical neolithic rusty quaint Noachian kaput kaputt backward-looking crusted feudal unhip creaky clunky horse-and-buggy fossilised Stone Age rinky-dink antique square-toed past has-been old-hat démodé disused former behindhand old-school oldfangled past it vintage out-of-style conservative extinct tired retro not current back-number passe exhausted hackneyed dinosaur fallen into disuse of the old school olden worn-out dowdy old-timey corny horse and buggy aged decrepit crusty abandoned overfamiliar overused threadbare backwards parachronistic backward back number anachronous cobwebby fogeyish bent unusable out of commission out of use tacky hacky dry as dust hoary tasteless cheesy no longer used broken-down clapped out retrograde styleless odd primitive rococo disapproved neglected discarded discontinued trashy of old not modern grown old inelegant not fashionable ticky-tacky ticky-tack yesterday's of olden days out of it not in at an end no longer in fashion finished demode expired geriatric deprecated timeworn out-of-fashion fossil gone obscure dusty no longer in use declining waning had it done for past its sell-by date dead and gone dying out disappearing on the wane aging going out of fashion growing old becoming obsolete on its last legs going out of use on the way out undesirable on the decline past its prime ageing senescent traditional of yore venerable historic immemorial primeval primordial late age-old old-style primaeval old as the hills relic as old as the hills elderly early dateless done erstwhile worn out unprogressive dull vanished historical passé lost antiquarian unoriginal previous fogyish remote hoar forgotten quondam classical heritage bypast time-worn established departed nonextant veteran one-time folk long-gone ancestral very old foregone boring past your sell-by date done to death faded anachronistical belated yesterday gothic barbaric drab inflexible long-standing well-established sometime aboriginal pristine crumbling decayed old as Methuselah once onetime original cast-off archaistic antediluvial picturesque nostalgic classic having seen better days redundant old fashioned enduring timeless stuck in time ageless retrogressive period unremembered ex- unrecalled time-honoured old as Adam gentlemanly courteous way back when latter-day lost in time consigned to oblivion way back lost and gone old style courtly chivalrous ceremonious gallant craft primal atavistic earliest senior doddering doddery of long ago ingrained fixed deep-seated hard-and-fast earlier completed not long for this world long in the tooth past your prime not as young as one used to be over the hill not as young as one was no spring chicken forepassed ossified long-ago sunk in oblivion gone by down memory lane banal from the past traditionalistic familial prior ultraconservative family reactionary lineal oral unwritten button-down buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line long-established standpat die-hard orthodox brassbound paleoconservative archconservative handed-down trite destroyed extinguished inactive exterminated commonplace stereotyped stock wiped out quenched died out void doused abolished terminated prosaic pedestrian hack shopworn unimaginative clichéd overworked passed on no longer known nonexistent vanquished deceased snuffed out cold fallen asleep no longer extant no longer existing unknown ended disappeared lifeless exanimate inexistent platitudinous derivative routine vapid uninspired common conventional cliche hackney humdrum ordinary predictable obligatory bromidic cornball hokey truistic overdone everyday quotidian tripe run-of-the-mill well-worn played out played-out familiar tune dime-store old-chestnut old-saw

Antonym de no longer fashionable

Music ♫

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