Synonyme de thread like


Having the form of a thread


Composed of, or resembling, string or strings


Made of very light or fine material
thin delicate fine flimsy sheer diaphanous filmy gossamer airy ethereal gauzy light lightweight chiffony floaty insubstantial lacy skimpy chiffon gossamery pellucid tiffany unsubstantial cobwebby deficient fragile gauzelike permeable refined slight subtile subtle translucent transparent ultra-fine very thin see-through gossamer-like wispy feathery silky shimmering fine-spun wafer-thin flyaway loose porous dainty exquisite intricate elegant graceful soft nice nuanced detailed papery gentle recherche choice fine-grained frail beautiful elaborate lovely opulent fluffy fancy exact finespun gossamer-thin silken ornate lavish recherché minute lush luxurious deluxe rare sophisticated luxuriant tasteful select frothy tenuous hairsplitting extravagant sleazy artistic first-class hairline frilly stylish cultivated fashionable charming meticulous grand vaporous discerning polished weightless lacelike precise fibrous pretty lace-like modish sumptuous floating comely narrow smooth urbane courtly smart distinguished attractive translucid plush aesthetic majestic transpicuous divine striking extraordinary chic suave tissuelike esthetic frangible filigree superfine cobweb open glossy iridescent clear wisplike nebulous summery cottony incorporeal meshy floatable gauze-like exotic feather-like flowing overnice patterned netlike net net-like attenuated slender spongy far-fetched esoteric arcane minuscule abstruse fine-drawn showy complex complicated painstaking superficial slim small-boned petite downy atmospheric involved florid paperlike balletic lithe reedy twiggy fastidious methodical hair-splitting papyraceous cute chartaceous sweet flowy well-executed well-made well-crafted delightful paper pleasing dressy ornamental bonny darling paper-thin ultra-thin precious birdlike dinky neat handsome classic dignified cultured dashing classy stately noble decorous swanky ostentatious ornamented genteel affected debonair august superior high-class schmick aristocratic overdone stylized well-designed well-dressed a la mode well-bred


Small, thin and weak in build or structure
twiggy skinny puny scrawny slender slim rangy reedy slight spindly stalky stick weedy angular attenuate attenuated beanpole beanstalk bony cadaverous delicate emaciated ethereal featherweight fleshless fragile gangling gangly gaunt haggard lank lanky lean lightweight meagre meager rarefied rawboned rickety scraggy shrivelled shriveled skeletal slinky small spare starved twiglike undernourished underweight wan wasted narrow pinched wizened all skin and bones thin as a rail thin fine frail feeble undersized underdeveloped weak tall raw-boned skin-and-bones size-zero gawky pencil-thin slightly built pint-sized shadow pole stilt peaked subtle thread-like hairline needlelike ultrathin paper-thin slim-jim anorexic underfed macilent spindle-shanked lithe stringy svelte willowy looking like a bag of bones spindling boney fatless hollow-cheeked skin and bones thin as a rake drawn withered shrunken sylphlike anorectic wiry starveling stick-like gracile as thin as a rake lissom leggy famished hollow-eyed half-starved very thin trim light skin and bone as thin as a reed hungry lantern-jawed little atrophied waifish scraggly graceful snake-hipped skin-and-bone long-legged like a bag of bones without an ounce of fat wraithlike long-limbed bare elongated stilted extenuated spidery tenuous rattleboned broomstick sinewy over-thin worn to a shadow sharp awkward sticklike raddled stark like a skeleton like a matchstick clean-limbed loose-jointed peaky skeleton deathlike lithesome wispy lissome aciculate acicular no fat long malnourished waiflike skeletonlike looking like death warmed up phthisical like a rail thin as rail Lilliputian meek undersize homuncular stunted diminutive tiny shrimpy stubby pint-size dwarf peewee fun size small-boned dwarfish shrimp squat elfin pygmy runtish bantam midget mere short a slip of a … petite

Antonym de thread like

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