Antonim dari a bay

Kata benda

Opposite of a hollow space inside something

Kata benda

Opposite of a separate section or part of a structure or container

Kata benda

Opposite of a loud, deep sound uttered by a person, crowd or animal

Kata benda

(geography) Opposite of a bay or inlet off a main body of water

Kata benda

Opposite of a deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth

Kata benda

Opposite of the area inside a room or other space near the place where two walls or other surfaces meet

Kata benda

Opposite of a shout or howl, typically expressing excitement or scorn

Kata kerja

Opposite of to shout or cry loudly and deeply

Kata kerja

Opposite of to cry out with vehemence

Kata kerja

Opposite of to make a demand by crying out noisily

Kata kerja

Opposite of eat food quickly

Kata kerja

Opposite of to ask for something, especially earnestly or forcefully

Sinonim dari a bay

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