Antonim dari a thick

Kata sifat

Opposite of having a dense or semi-solid consistency

Kata sifat

Opposite of having low intelligence
clever bright intelligent smart brilliant sharp brainy educated intellectual knowledgeable precocious quick academic cerebral hyperintelligent learned apt erudite fast insightful logical nimble percipient perspicacious quick-witted sapient supersmart ultrasmart keen knowing perceptive sagacious sharp-witted articulate well-read wise sensible astute sage prudent judicious sound discerning genius gifted rational ingenious thinking sane cognizant witty resourceful shrewd acute savvy canny exceptional practical understanding well-informed informed alert scholarly reasonable bookish enlightened aware attentive considered incisive intuitive commonsensical calculating slick balanced receptive well-advised schooled literate observant profound responsible lettered mindful nimble-witted deep thoughtful talented able instructed level-headed ready comprehending on the ball quick-thinking whip-smart capable very smart strong-willed genial eggheaded neat heady practicable appropriate possible feasible workable accomplished proficient valid literary cultivated inventive quick off the mark wired whiz deft tutored wide awake penetrating creative imaginative discriminating serious sensitive mercurial adept highbrow uncrazy clear original sophisticated cultured competent taught experienced mature pragmatic levelheaded conscious compos mentis crafty commonsense argute sentient politic commonsensible together witting conversant perceptible grounded discreet good reasoned sly wily no-nonsense well-founded streetwise artful well-grounded well-reasoned cunning farsighted well-thought-out full of common sense

Kata sifat

(of an accent) Opposite of very marked and difficult to understand

Kata sifat

(of the air or atmosphere, or a substance in the air) Opposite of dense or heavy

Kata sifat

(informal) Opposite of lacking in intelligence

Kata sifat

Opposite of packed with people or inhabitants

Kata sifat

(of countryside) Opposite of green with grass or other rich vegetation

Kata sifat

Opposite of deep in sound

Kata sifat

Opposite of afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice

Kata sifat

Opposite of filled with or smelling of smoke

Kata sifat

(of clothing) Opposite of built to provide heat or to insulate from heat loss

Kata benda

Opposite of the middle part or point

Kata keterangan

(thick and fast) Opposite of in full force or rapidly by a great amount

Sinonim dari a thick

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