Antonim dari acting sweet

Kata sifat

(unsweetened) Opposite of having a pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey

Kata sifat

(savory) Opposite of having a pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey

Kata sifat

(of a person or action) Opposite of pleasant or kind in nature
mean vindictive fierce unfriendly unkind abusive cruel disagreeable hateful obnoxious rude unpleasant fiery malevolent malicious malignant petulant quarrelsome spiteful surly unfeeling ungracious unseemly violent aggressive bellicose brusque cantankerous churlish coarse crabby critical evil grouchy irritable querulous rough snappy unhelpful unlikable vicious wicked bad-tempered dislikable disobliging disputatious horrible hotheaded ill-natured loathsome maniacal nasty objectionable peevish pettish ruthless sadistic savage unhappy uptight vile wild ill-tempered unamiable ungenial whiny boorish discourteous grumpy ill-humoured ill-humored ill-mannered impolite inconsiderate quick-tempered testy touchy uncivil unmannerly unsociable hostile cold inhospitable sullen annoying uncongenial aloof unlovely bad sour antagonistic offensive cranky distasteful insufferable displeasing distant prickly sad disgusting unbearable curmudgeonly gloomy detestable uncivilised uncivilized disdainful irksome irritating miserable mean-spirited splenetic unattractive abrupt rotten difficult unsavory sulky bilious tetchy ornery harsh unapproachable haughty stand-offish bitter cross crabbed dyspeptic morose unpleasing repulsive repellent reserved unrefined complaining unsophisticated grumbling unwelcome undesirable frigid cool sardonic cheerless unsavoury unloveable repugnant moody serious depressed upset unsympathetic dreadful unlovable abhorrent antisocial shy uncharitable friendless boring taciturn hurtful unpopular immature vulgar bashful crass curt xenophobic competitive dishonourable unpromising misanthropic awkward dishonorable dishonest frosty inimical creepy hermetic chilly disaffected disliked scurrilous isolated unneighborly crude bigoted despisable cussed humourless opposite distrustful estranged unpropitious bad-mannered censorious intolerable brutish combative sheepish argumentative antipathetic grudging revolting hot-tempered eccentric gruff disruptive daunting contrary bad-humored agitating foul-mouthed foul clodhopping humorless warlike mistrustful vengeful ill-disposed indecent vulgarian conflicting unfavorable acrimonious uncordial sulking unfavourable opposed chauvinistic ill-bred in a bad mood very bad easily upset silent odious difficile diffident contentious inauspicious tactless got up on wrong side of bed aggravating raffish alien eschewing not on speaking terms bothersome easily offended bristly against

Kata sifat

Opposite of charming and endearing
offensive unsavoury unsavory outrageous provocative repulsive rude distasteful objectionable shocking unappealing unpleasant displeasing hideous confrontational detestable disgusting dreadful foul ghastly gross horrid nasty repellent revolting abhorrent abominable grisly nauseating odious off-color sickening unlovable appalling frightful grotesque monstrous obscene repellant repugnant ugly unsightly disagreeable unpalatable unpleasing unattractive unlovely horrible yucky unwelcome ill-favored awful obnoxious loathsome terrible ill-favoured pleasureless plain unpretty unhandsome unbeautiful rotten uncute homely uncomely unaesthetic bad hateful yukky undesirable icky lousy unappetizing unenjoyable unhappy annoying insipid flavorless stale flat tasteless mean uninviting unsatisfying unprepared grody grotty horrific yuck flavourless irksome unlikable inedible unfriendly sour upsetting vexatious unlikeable boring bad-looking distressing unacceptable miserable despicable poor dull vile harsh irritating unendearing uncomfortable off-putting yucko undesired dreary exceptionable lamentable tiresome bland rancid uninvited unwanted stinky banal troublesome modern ordinary disenchanting uningratiating disheartening infuriating gloomy aggravating unbearable exasperating sad dry austere drab disappointing repelling unprepossessing irritable hateable plain-looking insignificant plain-featured bitter unalluring boorish unengaging uneatable unfortunate uncongenial heavy trite regrettable savorless reprehensible execrable invidious not appealing incongruous unsuitable unsolicited unwholesome disfigured misshapen deformed malformed gruesome dissatisfying frumpish frumpy pointless frustrating insufficient troubling unshapely commonplace eye-watering sick-making

Kata sifat

(informal) Opposite of very pleasing

Kata sifat

Opposite of having endearing traits or features attributable to infants

Kata sifat

Opposite of having a melodious or harmonious sound

Kata sifat

Opposite of producing a surplus or profitable

Kata sifat

Opposite of overly sentimental, emotional, maudlin or bathetic

Kata benda

(enemy) Opposite of a much-loved person, especially a significant other

Kata benda

(enemy) Opposite of a much-loved person, especially a significant other

Kata benda

Opposite of someone who is loved, especially in a romantic or amorous relationship


Opposite of a humorous response to express approval

Sinonim dari acting sweet

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