Sinonim dari a comedy

Kata benda

The humorous or amusing aspects of something
fun funniness humour drollness farce drollery comic comicality hilariousness hilarity humor humorousness jesting joking ludicrousness richness slapstick uproariousness wisecracking absurdity absurdness chaffing facetiousness witticisms amusement ball camp clowning comical aspect comicalness entertainment funnies funny side grins hoopla interlude laughs merry-go-round picnic pleasantry schtick send-up takeoff travesty wit witticism wittiness comic drama field day gag show high camp high time play on fun and games jocularity jocoseness jocosity farcicality gaiety flippancy levity high spirits happiness jest buffoonery gag zaniness banter badinage playfulness tomfoolery joke lightness joyfulness mirthfulness waggishness wisecrack raillery amusingness mirth kidding nonsense sense of humor ridiculousness silliness foolishness merriment glee cheerfulness light-heartedness laughter waggery joviality lightheartedness jollity cheeriness festivity buoyancy frivolity irony sparkle satire whimsy spoof laughableness conviviality comic side black humor the funny side sense of fun jokiness mischief mischievousness vivacity liveliness exuberance blitheness sportiveness gleefulness merriness jocundity cheer exhilaration irrationality stupidity nonsensicalness preposterousness illogicality unreasonableness farcicalness risibility gormlessness boisterousness gayety delight gayness jollification jauntiness joyousness hysterics sport light-mindedness sharpness cleverness keenness frivolousness triviality carefreeness giddiness anecdote flightiness skittishness irreverence light-headedness fickleness frothiness play gambolling wantonness vim energy pleasure felicity roguishness enjoyment foolery vividness enthusiasm distraction friskiness gamboling gambol vigor romping riot satisfaction blast kick rapture solace treat jolliness thrill vitality sunniness festiveness excitement diversion blithesomeness ebullience good time perkiness vibrancy rejoicing joy living it up revelry knavery gladness vigour brightness zest rascality childishness repartee trifling good cheer folly volatility amusing tale funny story frolic lark bon mot jape laugh whimsicality horseplay quip caper burlesque one-liner crack josh teasing funny chestnut skylarking boffola rib giggle sally antic epigram boffo game boff nifty merrymaking yuck yuk ha-ha quirk pun prank archness unimportance jokefulness impishness naughtiness wordplay puns quips unseriousness good humour jokes killer blague practical joke aphorism trick knee-slapper old chestnut double entendre shaggy-dog story rib-tickler play on words thigh-slapper in-joke good humor wackiness nuttiness shenanigans wryness dryness fatuousness recreation relaxation dottiness elation hijinks dippiness games leisure clownery escapade mummery caprice parody euphoria monkeying goofiness monkeyshines ludicrosity larks hoodwinking payof monkeyshine junketing frolicking capering whoopee doltishness clownishness cloddishness foppery dalliance rollicking madness frolics romp pastime gaming high jinks frolicsomeness horsing around kicks hysteria convulsions gambling me-time a good time disport sports frisk match monkey business squib witty remark good-natured remark

Kata benda

Clownish behaviour
clowning tomfoolery shenanigans horseplay buffoonery skylarking foolery monkeyshines roughhousing hijinks clownery monkeying slapstick roughhouse jesting joking high jinks monkey business horsing around fooling around playing around pranks silliness mischief larks capers antics nonsense monkey tricks fun tricks foolishness childishness fooling didoes mischievousness misbehavior misbehaviour drollery practical jokes playfulness foolish behaviour waggishness larking around rowdiness stunts escapades frolics devilry romps carry-on stupidity carryings-on idiocy drollness malarkey folly zaniness antic harlequinade escapade frivolity harlequinades gaiety merriment wisecracking flightiness witticism caper comicalness frolic whimsicality boisterousness rough-and-tumble madness fun and games joyfulness banter clownishness carrying-on funny business prank raillery light-heartedness larking about levity hoaxing romping uproariousness comicality badness naughtiness silly behaviour desipience stunt trouble misconduct perversity misdemeanour amusement bizarreness practical joke no good play exuberance rough-housing goings-on roguery bad behaviour diablerie monkeyshine wildness moronity badinage roughness rough and tumble amusing behaviour gag rough play teasing lark jiggery-pokery hanky-panky deviltry high spirits joke capering gambol rollick misdemeanor rib devilment playing the fool rascality messing around insanity ludicrousness absurdity craziness bunk irresponsibility lunacy ridiculousness senselessness giddiness messing about caprice whim shenanigan put-on kidding around mischief-making hokey-pokey clowning around nonsensicalness wackiness nuttiness fatuousness dottiness dippiness humor facetiousness humour ludicrosity flippancy goofiness jocularity frivolousness lightheartedness risibility humorousness jocosity mirth jocoseness funniness farcicalness farcicality jokiness mirthfulness whimsy doltishness cloddishness foppery inanity fatuity asininity imbecility daftness witlessness brainlessness unwisdom puerility triviality preposterousness balminess mindlessness simplicity vacuity pointlessness lightness unintelligence insensibility frothiness light-mindedness trifling light-headedness superficiality skittishness shallowness jest obtuseness obtusity stupidness meaninglessness inaneness ineptitude bêtise emptiness worthlessness vapidity immaturity crassness complacency unimportance absurdness dizziness fribble perkiness inconsequentiality coquetting flirting toying frippery ditziness game sport rubbish claptrap poppycock dallying twaddle irrationality incompetency unreasonableness cretinism empty-headedness imprudence tommyrot indiscretion impracticality unwiseness cheerfulness horse feathers vivacity conviviality cheeriness liveliness carefreeness hilarity laughter wit glee joviality wittiness jollity fickleness irreverence blitheness sportiveness repartee good cheer pleasantry happiness picnic festivity volatility laughs buoyancy

Kata benda

An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
story tale narrative yarn account history anecdote chronicle recital record fiction narration report romance advices chronology commentaries commentary gen info information intelligence item legend news novel novelette novella spiel tidings version word detail relation testimony adventure allegory apologue autobiography beat biography book cliffhanger conte drama epic fantasy memoir myth nonfiction parable potboiler saga sequel serial short story tragedy fictional account urban legend urban myth folk tale old saw long and short of it fable tradition fairy tale tall tale lore folklore journal folk story annals tall story fairy story mythos sketch register prose diary uncos log archive annal description life mythology reminiscence rigmarole work of fiction mythus traditional story ballad shaggy-dog story fish story romp piece of fiction moral study legendry bestseller dramatization bio adventure story portrayal palaver fictionalisation dramatisation fictionalization blog profile portrait depiction dissertation thesis life story dossier note fictional version song and dance manuscript past short novel lengthy story vita lengthy explanation best-seller soap opera old chestnut development folk tradition memorial oral history folk history communication roman-fleuve archives phantasy knowledge notion gag episode chestnut incident calendar piece hardback paperback recountal chronicon blockbuster poem written account play yellowback memoirs recapitulation firsthand account poetry old wives' tale fallacy superstition composition exposition verse prehistory cover three-decker public records lesson escapism horror sci-fi pot boiler cliff-hanger literary work superstitious belief false knowledge false belief exemplum Haggadah teaching science fiction cover story symbol emblem song fabrication metaphor symbolism analogy moral tale sword and sorcery typification figuration symbolization carry-on to-do performance moral story historical account monograph essay pantomime indirect representation extended metaphor recitation sea story cock and bull story lengthy statement traveller's tale background treatise recollection article memory discourse tractate transactions confessions paper explanation burble burbling journey career maundering overelaboration adventures curriculum vitae life history experiences catalogue of disasters chain of events personal record trials and tribulations personal narrative close-up personal account confession growth document file education tearjerker résumé biopic documentary culture grounding existence experience documentation evidence weepie lyric melodrama idealization idyll transcript minutes reality struggle previous circumstances past history sith daydream sensation idealisation transcripts catalogue transaction banging on almanac instrument deed registry transcription script data memorandum list inventory memo proceedings writing entry logbook act yearbook directory certificate trace romantic short story love story case history scorecard swindle sheet muniment written material case study catalog paper trail scroll casebook inscription procès-verbal romantic fiction romantic novel sense of excitement romantic film sense of history romantic comedy light fiction tissue of lies romantic story sense of adventure sentimental fiction romantic tale tear-jerker tear jerker

Kata benda

A visually striking performance or display
spectacle display extravaganza pageant performance show exhibition parade sight circus event raree-show scene spectacular wonder curiosity marvel phenomenon presentation demonstration drama exposition movie play production representation tableau exhibit showing fair expo entertainment carnival showcase festival trade fair demo concert staging gala bazaar ceremony viewing celebration act musical manifestation view revelation world fair recital retrospective piece gig stage show convention theatrical performance fireworks picture fanfare pageantry affirmation proof appearance illustration confirmation arrangement substantiation marketplace testimony indication burlesque matinee evidence dramatization county fair biennale cabaret mounting trade event airing theatrical opera public display program programme tableau vivant screenplay offering composition public presentation curtain-raiser dramatisation stage play theatrical piece public performance theatrical work light show Nativity crib special procession cavalcade fete panoply diorama ritual occasion observance centennial variety caricature divertissement parody kermis revel gilly hippodrome three-ring entertaining motorcade charade make-believe pomp ratha yatra period piece historical drama son et lumiere theater performing creche flight of fancy array acting expression human representation theatre attraction vista vision declaration statement acrobatics pyrotechnics assertion dance show biz big top ex show business flash advertisement front exposure revue funfair rehearsal review disclosure a scene an act farce tragedy impression costume drama validation series broadcast mart flaunting corroboration verification teleplay soapie pantomime masque sketch testament attestation witness potboiler work turkey radio play soap opera dramatic piece mask flop television drama smash one-act hit smash hit television play prosecution routine commission enactment pursuance fulfillment determination explanation test description induction trial establishment house fulfilment

Kata benda

A derisive art form that mocks by imitation
takeoff caricature parody send-up spoof travesty burlesque put-on rib cartoon copy imitation impersonation impression lampoon mockery mocking ridicule satire sendup simulation skit take-off pastiche pasquinade mimicry squib pasticcio farce distortion lampoonery sham sketch joke raillery roast play-on pappyshow play jest irony mock misrepresentation banter persiflage distorted drawing personation causticity wit chaffing witticism exaggerated drawing invective aping mickey-take mimicking imitating wisecrack quip prank pasquil takedown masquerade turn piece apery bon mot falsification libel number item routine act perversion drawing mime derision apology insult mock-heroic false impression corruption charade comedy sketch performance picture representation reappropriation reproduction pale imitation pantomime strip cartoon funny drawing political cartoon comic strip exaggeration poor substitute poor imitation pretence pretense synthesis paste-up apology for excuse for sarcasm dig scoffing comeback scorn put down contempt disparagement sneering mordancy cut aspersion criticism censure acrimony bitterness acidity lampooning acridity sharpness acerbity corrosiveness cynicism rancor superciliousness mordacity trenchancy causticness flouting rancour taunt taunting gibe vitriol brutality forcefulness directness incisiveness outspokenness acridness tartness asperity virulence acidness cattiness bile virulency copying deception excuse parroting posture mimetism mimesis camouflage slight slur barb affront epithet indignity outrage slap diss brickbat dis offence offense gird dart poke name personality gibing mocking remark teasing disdain joking jeer kidding jeering joshing badinage sneer jibing ragging chaff ribbing laughter sport jab slam razz swipe kidology sneers taunts chiacking goofing razzing jibes twitting rally needling foolery buffoonery leer sardonicism winding up parting shot taking the mickey pulling someone's chain

Antonim dari a comedy

Music ♫

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