Sinonim dari a runner

Kata benda

A messenger, collector, or agent for a bank, bookmaker, or similar
messenger courier page scout agent collector express gofer carrier errand boy go-between messenger boy dispatch bearer bearer envoy emissary conveyor herald porter internuncio shipper harbinger transporter haulier assistant hauler legate servant delivery service conveyer forerunner dispatch rider dispatcher crier drogher beast of burden mail carrier letter carrier delivery man delivery woman delivery person carman pursuivant transferor carter importer exporter mover estafette special messenger message bearer gopher message carrier biker intelligencer minion lackey shipping agent copyboy clerk provider bringer deliverer dogsbody office boy boy Friday proclaimer announcer adviser reporter avant-courier town crier bearer of tidings ambassador delegate intermediary minister mediator nuncio postman post precursor detachment detail prophet schlepper commissionaire message-bearer message-carrier flag-bearer errand girl delivery boy errand person representative deputy proxy factor liaison attorney broker commissary surrogate plenipotentiary negotiator consul rep diplomat commissioner spokesperson depute procurator assignee medium intercessor middleman intermediate arbitrator referee interagent spokesman interceder spokeswoman dealer stand-in mouthpiece front entrepreneur intermediator member nominee vicar matchmaker officer accredited messenger attaché chargé d'affaires aide attache hired gun point of contact agent general lawyer chargé conciliator peacemaker interposer frontman buffer catchpole substitute alternate viceroy regent senator appointee replacement pinch hitter member of Congress people's choice honest broker

Kata benda

Any plant that grows along the ground, around another plant, or up a wall by means of extending stems or branches

Kata benda

Baseball player on base

Kata benda

A police officer or member of law enforcement

Kata benda

A person or a company that sells
vender vendor dealer trader seller merchant salesperson retailer salesman saleswoman shopkeeper marketer agent supplier hawker wholesaler peddler tradesman purveyor clerk merchandiser representative trafficker broker rep pedlar businessperson storekeeper shopman pusher stockist huckster assistant marketeer colporteur negotiator chandler tout crier outcrier pitcher shopwoman traveller traveler travelling salesman sales assistant counter-jumper shop assistant sales clerk shop girl shop boy sales representative barrow boy commercial traveller door-to-door salesman traveling salesperson knight of the road buyer distributor buyer and seller stockbroker businessman businesswoman monger ship barterer business person tradesperson doper chapman fence banker changer dispenser bursar business owner salesgirl auctioneer salesclerk sales help provider entrepreneur shipper sales rep jobber importer speculator exporter reseller grocer street vender proprietor street vendor financier tycoon magnate distributer store owner saleslady middleman higgler costermonger pitchperson packman cheap-jack travelling saleswoman travelling salesperson street seller tradeswoman carrier hauler roundsman contractor barker plumber mogul baron floorwalker pitchman duffer handler consigner sender operator director outlet source foreign buyer international merchant executive industrialist manager store intermediary arbitrageur drummer commercial store clerk middleperson capitalist administrator shop shop-owner shop proprietor shop manager shop owner street trader employer retail outlet manufacturer scrivener big businessman homme d'affaires financial expert receiver foreign trader international trader overseas trader criminal receiver of stolen goods dealer in stolen goods receiver of stolen property

Kata benda

A person who does menial work, a servant
dogsbody drudge slave menial peon servant drone drudger factotum gofer grub grubber grunt labourer laborer lackey minion plugger slavey slogger toiler underling worker handyman menial worker scullion servitor skivvy foot soldier galley slave girl Friday running dog maid of all work man Friday man of all work odd job jack of all trades hewer of wood and drawer of water plodder hack workhorse doormat houseboy charwoman maid char charlady hireling flunky workaholic greasy grind serf vassal domestic retainer daily blue-collar worker manual worker hand navvy steward farmhand attendant flunkey manservant valet footman help varlet working man thrall unskilled worker chattel migrant worker workman housemaid maidservant assistant butler equerry housekeeper page roustabout cleaner workhand helper handmaid abigail bai amah tweeny maid-of-all-work cleaning lady cleaning woman junior serving maid Mrs Mop live-in working stiff working woman railway worker bond servant employee slaveling poodle peasant gopher bondsman farm worker unskilled laborer liveried servant yes-person general factotum inferior subordinate bondservant cohort hanger-on tool stooge domestic servant yardman wage slave toady chambermaid bondswoman bondslave bondman helot manual laborer parlourmaid snob workingwoman workingman workwoman handmaiden blackbird villein hierodule odalisque rouster longshoreman docker stevedore dockworker dockhand hewers of wood and drawers of water wench biddy yes man khalasi rouseabout mazdoor cook-general female servant serving-maid cook-maid au pair captive subservient victim operative lady-in-waiting house girl nursemaid cottar cottier kanaka labouring man mechanic hired girl lady's maid hired man hired hand working girl batman liegeman houseman postilion coachman chokra mozo bearer boots scout bedder jong gyp servingman seneschal turnspit servingwoman famulus server domestic help domestic worker hired help parlour maid scullery maid page boy daily woman major domo serving wench cleaning person

Kata benda

A moth of the family Arctiidae (or subfamily Arctiinae)

Kata benda

An assistant to a bartender

Kata benda

A player who performs speedruns

Kata benda

Mover or dancer

Kata benda

A person or thing that flies or moves very fast

Antonim dari a runner

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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