Sinonim dari a sense of purpose

Kata benda

A desire and determination to achieve success
ambition drive enterprise initiative enthusiasm desire motivation passion zeal ambitiousness dedication determination dynamism eagerness spirit striving commitment devotion doggedness fire verve warmth zest aspiration fervor fervour gusto tenacity vigour action aggressiveness ardour avidity dash fervency hustle keenness pep vitality aggression ardor energy go gumption hunger zip appetite earnestness emulation esprit hankering itch longing lust moxie punch push spunk thirst vigor vim yearning zing get-up-and-go self-motivation go-getting fire in belly get up and go will power entrepreneurial spirit right stuff what it takes craving urge pizzazz pzazz fancy need wish inclination single-mindedness liking infatuation greed oomph resolve love concupiscence eroticism covetousness craze liveliness will libido lustfulness lechery spiritedness lasciviousness vivacity force libidinousness prurience letch motive voracity amativeness salacity solicitude pining fascination appetency erotism pruriency cupidity rapture ravenousness mania attraction rapaciousness aim intensity forcefulness yen stamina application resourcefulness life resource exuberance brio capability bounce conviction activity juice hardihood propensity proclivity frenzy relish predilection fondness welly ginger sap snap impetus doting want strength of character thirstiness effort jones fire in the belly strength daring ingenuity willingness horniness admiration boldness salaciousness leadership imagination inventiveness hots zealousness ache imaginativeness ability talent readiness cleverness burning creativity lustihood fanaticism adventurousness animation gas starch beans vinegar avidness strength of mind intentness lech hungering ardency purpose guts birr fortitude dream resoluteness quick-wittedness native wit sense of purpose vibrance stimulus intent vivaciousness virility hope incentive compulsion activeness coveting spark effervescence perkiness sparkle buoyancy vibrancy sprightliness wits steam originality keen interest might effectiveness efficiency exertion endurance muscle efficacy momentum clout fixation steadfastness fervidness perseverance feistiness fizz eros impellent stuff urgency preoccupation obsession audacity potency bang tuck objective goal ingeniousness genius courage impulse hang-up intrepidity alertness cunning brilliance intuition intelligence shrewdness perceptiveness wit impulsion venturesomeness excitement vim and vigour knack creativeness wisdom sharpness brains pluck innovativeness envy competition rivalry vehemence smartness brightness impatience anticipation self-reliance spirit of adventure conscientiousness sharp-wittedness diligence endeavour endeavor concentration wholeheartedness passionateness desirousness greediness interest alacrity heartiness focus impetuosity voraciousness wishing quickness promptness resolution backbone self-control self-discipline self-restraint spine self-mastery purposefulness willpower intention restraint self-possession tenaciousness self-command self-containment continence self-government stickability perseveration Sitzfleisch stick-to-it-iveness power temperament fixity of purpose heart's desire discipline character velleity staying power attitude willfulness decisiveness firmness of purpose feeling design elan ebullience high spirits élan panache vigorousness gaiety high-spiritedness fieriness lustiness robustness zap joy zestfulness briskness kick jazziness peppiness joie de vivre enjoyment delight happiness exhilaration pleasure light-heartedness jauntiness cheerfulness merriment jollity confidence flair toughness radiance puissance pepper colour heart color thrust mettle joyfulness cheeriness elation heat bounciness spring scintillation spontaneity emotion chirpiness intenseness bite ecstasy irrepressibility flamboyance vividness impact white heat red heat breeziness full of life stylishness great enthusiasm grit delectation adventure style intrepidness sassiness glitz ferment flourish bound optimism bob richness point punchiness peartness being buoyance pulse bloom friskiness gayness abandon cheer satisfaction bliss powerfulness have-a-go attitude balls éclat airiness soul pace speed velocity impressiveness self-assurance resilience beef sinew vital spark humour jazz life force humor pertness gameness snappiness movement spunkiness elan vital stir bustle hustle and bustle operativeness resources light driving power devotedness mirth fever splendour glow flare flame fury lustre violence virtuosity inspiration well-being agility pith vim and vigor exercise capacity nimbleness hardiness motion soundness healthiness sock luster persistence splendor calenture joviality joyousness burning passion jolliness firmness pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness constancy decidedness faith gladsomeness blithesomeness lightheartedness blitheness molliness love of life being full of the joys of spring

Antonim dari a sense of purpose

Music ♫

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