Sinonim dari a tactic

Kata benda

An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end
approach scheme device manoeuvre method move stratagem gambit means plan tack trick ploy strategy course expedient line path policy program programme road way contrivance dodge game machination plans ruse stunt wiles artifice caper course of action line of action set of tactics shift subterfuge wangle maneuver plot system wile measure procedure gimmick process technique manner wheeze jig step action methodology design mode game plan fetch recipe play shenanigan project modus operandi medium sleight arrangement scam tactics practice instrument feint fashion angle route con master plan flimflam style blueprint plan of action agency juggle knack setup intrigue lurk avenue deception idea formula racket line of attack mechanism hoax proposition operation ground plan form routine proceeding deceit vehicle direction agent scenario initiative shenanigans resort recourse set-up maneuvering manoeuvring fraud expediency enterprise ways and means blind channel cheat sham act proposal stopgap instrumentality rort MO refuge grift ministry apparatus tool curveball aid brainchild twist cunning plan venture sleight of hand booby trap method of working secret plan road map red tape swindle bunco resource option makeshift manipulation intermediary organ auspices factor paraphernalia machinery power organization equipment undertaking substitute invention deal suggestion flanker smokescreen loophole deed demarche finesse shuffle pretext con trick fastie stepping-stone possibility alternative switch motion wrinkle pattern imposture machinations conspiracy regimen organisation instrumentation tenor agenda how démarche layout custom modus how-to plan of attack grand design application development prank joke manifesto bluff model masquerade evasion creation innovation coinage concoction planning appliance contraption springboard controls dials control panel instruments dashboard instrument panel console outline gamesmanship position activity struggle cabal scene bit movement schedule cunning scheming craft subversion slant fabrication formation mind-set point of view practise measures guile trickery duplicity proposed action story stepping stone craftiness sting chicanery gyp choice conduct fix draft draught covin shifting relief stance artfulness schlenter confidence trick slyness rig praxis exercise behaviour protocol one-upmanship intention savvy lie pretence pretense modality schema channels rubric behavior drill attack secret scheme little game bait and switch means of access way in principle progress effort attempt variation framework regularity red herring capacity touch technic theory set the book nuts and bolts oldest trick in the book disposition crafty designs mode of behaviour mode of conduct solution thought loss-leader shtick set of procedures set of principles fixed order operating procedure submission animus purpose logical order logical process frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process treatment projection concern publicity device eye-catching novelty jest promotion secret counterfeit fake fun fixture sport big picture roadmap action plan canard trap take-in put-on hustle humbug cheating kidology dishonesty snare cover put-up job front sharp practice double-dealing fraudulence fast one spoof facade dissimulation façade codology chicane guise funny business decoy shell game leg-pull snow job fiddle sell falsehood rip-off show charade treachery pretension imposition fakery skullduggery misrepresentation hanky-panky frame-up con game bait fast shuffle stall deceitfulness monkey business Trojan horse hypocrisy whitewash swindling disguise mask falsification legerdemain skulduggery falsity illusion bunko deviousness underhandedness dirty trick catch posturing jugglery semblance jiggery-pokery airs knavery pose false show false front veil impersonation playacting pitfall ambush dissembling shamming make-believe escapade screen cloak delusion distraction toils duping collusion jive hoodwinking practical joke mendacity lying unscrupulousness hokum swizzle allurement plotting lure diddle quackery sophistry sellout complot frame smoke screen confidence game cover-up appearance hocus-pocus affectation monkeyshines veneer management fourberie display dirty work claim face dirty pool shady deal false colours lack of veracity false excuse schtick feigning false pretense smoke and mirrors effect false display false appearance outward appearance gadget gizmo widget camouflage equivocation antic kicker land mine jape feat irresistible bait winning move duck kite porky distortion boondoggle bilk mare's-nest fallacy ride malarkey hogwash pork pie shuck crock fib insincerity mock attack mine hidden danger baited trap mousetrap trip wire deadfall dupery tricks sweet talk soft soap crocodile tears cunningness improvisation beguilement horseplay sanctimoniousness cant falseness clever move exploitation swizz double-cross deceptiveness crookedness stratagems snow jiving likeness bit of sharp practice piece of deception roguery gin song and dance phoneyness empty talk hypocritical talk hypocritical behaviour Tartufferie extortion stealing blackmail shakedown embezzlement furtiveness wire-pulling surreptitiousness waffle talk verbiage nonsense double-crossing conniving simulacrum showing simulation air profession imitation dumb act temptation hook dragnet inveiglement enticement seducement snag mere show honeytrap confederacy false colors lies propaganda misleading talk dealing double cross crooked deal charlatanry come-on league fit-up hot air deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption sedition perfidy hookup countermine counterplot treacherousness disloyalty attention-grabber golden circle curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue -gate dirty tricks palace intrigue name net plant jazz wrong baloney cozening hoaxing bamboozlement web quagmire entanglement morass mummery cover up run around bill of goods costume personation color colour revel masking tanglement quicksand meshes play-acting noose

Kata benda

The art of disposing armed forces in order of battle and of organizing operations, especially during contact with an enemy

Antonim dari a tactic

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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