Sinonim dari a teachable

Kata sifat

Open to instruction
bright smart intelligent skilled able amenable apt docile eager qualified quick gifted clever talented sharp expert capable adept astute ingenious accomplished proficient competent tasty prompt skilful whip-smart genius adroit quick to learn savvy skillful quick on the uptake quick on the trigger no dummy not born yesterday nobody's fool deft masterly dexterous practised dextrous practiced virtuoso experienced handy ace crack masterful good efficient brilliant master crackerjack consummate versed polished trained mean wizard great professional artful veteran nifty effective slick wicked delicate educated compleat workmanlike well versed bravura professed complete seasoned habile nimble fine exceptional whiz neat top-notch on the ball excellent agile impressive knowledgeable elite nimble-fingered first-rate brainy facile pro schooled ready effectual stellar practical a dab hand at outstanding magnificent specialist marvellous fit first-class learned class nippy marvelous canny cool hot smooth au fait big league out of this world extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified well-versed up to speed with it wised up a hand at formidable perceptive alert suitable suited adequate versant superb phenomenal effortless keen extraordinary remarkable hotshot shrewd fitted active knowing endowed topflight cunning demon old there vet dynamite finely judged up to it having know-how up to snuff top-drawer class act tuned in shining at splendid certified leading fluent supreme simple conversant resourceful sly deadly artistic drilled phenom supremely skilled dominant hep hip cute fleet precise having good hands precocious forward mature dynamic ultraefficient having the know-how powerful feasible cut out for having a knack for equal on the beam A1 sure-handed taught first class well-rounded tutored all-round refined all-around best multiskilled multitalented trainable easy equipped realizable killer useable realisable serviceable hyperefficient usable practicable working strong worthy responsible prepared out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years have the goods got it top-hole advanced for one's age ahead of one's peers quick-witted sharp-witted appropriate inventive highly endowed reliable receptive acute know the ropes know backwards and forwards know one's onions quick-thinking discerning fast ultrasmart observant sensitive supersmart hyperintelligent elegant wise nimble-witted quick off the mark curt vigorous wired mercurial perspicacious wonderful superlative dazzling all there smart as a whip wide awake sharp as a tack quick on the draw useful proper adapted leet old hand having the goods knowing the ropes knowing the score green thumb old-timer has what it takes like a one-man band having the right stuff able to perform like a pistol equal to the task up there peerless hot tamale

Kata sifat

Ready to accept instruction or direction, obedient, subservient
docile amenable compliant obedient submissive tractable biddable manageable pliant ductile deferential dutiful cooperative lamblike unassertive unresisting accommodating conformable controllable law-abiding malleable manipulable meek mild passive persuadable tame willing yielding acquiescent adaptable agreeable childlike complacent cool docious easy easygoing gentle governable humble laid-back mellow milky obliging orderly persuasible pliable quiet resigned soft unassuming usable weak-kneed well-behaved easily handled easily manipulated easily influenced complaisant non-resisting duteous timid patient forbearing subdued self-effacing spiritless obsequious servile slavish self-abasing spineless grovelling supine subservient bootlicking resistless longanimous nonresisting abject nonresistant giving-in domesticated comformable groveling ingratiating obeisant bowing down uncomplaining obeying complying subordinate surrendering amiable placable lowly kowtowing fawning menial trainable disciplinable handleable under one's thumb under the thumb cringing sycophantic reverential respectful toadying tolerant polite toadyish impressionable brown-nosing flexible regardful mean suggestible unctuous long-suffering workable Uriah Heepish peaceable susceptible reverent snivelling sniveling slimy sucky low unresistant tolerating ass-kissing retiring good disciplined unprotesting smarmy lenient accepting oily attentive courteous peaceful modest shy influenceable soapy arse-licking enduring flattering ignoble crawling devoted indulgent base easy-going stoical sycophantish creeping greasy restrained oleaginous prostrate truckling cowed craven diffident mannerly brownnosing considerate deferent subject receptive inferior timorous stoic gullible calm cowering hesitant responsive weak forgiving well-mannered fearful awed moldable apathetic inactive civil non-resistant crouching like putty in your hands go-with-the-flow demure supple transformable bendy assenting loyal faithful cowardly admiring quiescent gracious thoughtful decent unobtrusive ready idle unpretentious mealy-mouthed parasitic philosophical under control beggarly well disciplined game appreciative non-violent venerating unflappable downtrodden solicitous proletarian plebeian unconfident unambitious well trained common nonviolent insecure trusting lowborn sleepy motionless civilized susceptive in one's power in one's clutches in one's pocket shrinking serene plain forelock-tugging excessively deferential apple-polishing well behaved lumpen baseborn low-life vulgar prole lower-class suasible charitable unsure apprehensive at beck and call suckholing despicable easily swayed obscure lax poor ordinary simple self-conscious civilised unwashed tranquil good-natured mundane withdrawing prosaic everyday well mannered rolls with punches putty in one's hands cast down with the patience of Job humiliating administrable conformist assentient accordant consentient consenting seemly domestic tameable tamable controlled acceding conscientious agreeing conforming approving open dancing adoring loving trained untroublesome convenient amendable fatalistic reconciled arse-kissing ingratiatory courtly chivalrous gallant convincible decorous credulous devout enslaved stipendiary sneaking parasitical compliable acquiescing assentive rulable adapted well-disposed genial phlegmatic cordial satisfied adjusted renouncing relinquishing accommodated down-to-earth bowing adulatory scraping saponaceous sycophant dedicated responsible punctilious mousy conciliatory at one's mercy a slave to cringey submitting filial laissez-faire wormlike easily persuaded average declassed commonplace backward bashful sheepish supplicatory bowing and scraping ruly selfless wimpish frightened boneless spongy easily led putty lithy obligatory binding pabulum Milquetoast nothing wishy-washy zero tentative encourageable pious worshipping worshipful solemn wussy unforthcoming aw-shucks at peace able to be influenced mim understanding composed eating crow generous friendly upholding worshiping incumbent on eating humble pie uninvolved non-participating permissive observant imperturbable even-tempered unexcitable sheeplike hearsome honoring unquestioning honouring like a lamb to the slaughter honest good-tempered persistent persevering kind well-trained good-humored good-humoured lifeless honourable correct honorable righteous equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable wrapped around finger on a string non-aggressive honey-tongued insincere smooth-tongued slick silver-tongued smooth-talking smooth impassive philosophic fortitudinous solid high-minded worthy moral virtuous lawful ethical principled proper right-minded dominated reactive static reflexive bearing flaccid disinterested unreceptive asleep latent stolid flat poker-faced moony subjugated bullied browbeaten self-controlled self-restrained saccharine nauseating slippery endearing cloying insinuating wheedling cajoling winsome winning sickening disarming compassionate deceivable unassured nervous anxious oppressed clean-living upstanding upright dupable clement intimidated repressed self-doubting not self-assured lacking in confidence wimpy lacking confidence uncertain lacking assurance lacking self-confidence approval-seeking not confident hands off insinuative timeserving creepy charming serving silken inert merciful pampering naive liberal unsuspicious mollycoddling deludable unoppressive pardoning moderate benign temperate unburdensome humoring spoiling excusing light condoning sympathetic fleeceable nagged low-born low-bred straight just respectable constrained uxorious going through motions walking through it humouring peasant low-ranking henpecked above board lethargic indifferent ground down led by the nose deprived treated like dirt without a mind of one's own in fear of one's partner tied to someone's apron strings subjected to nagging wife-ridden under someone's heel enervated sluggish lazy negligent careless effete indolent lymphatic listless languid uninterested slothful torpid heedless slack unresponsive dormant dull unoccupied lackadaisical sedentary do-nothing tired

Antonim dari a teachable

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