Sinonim dari a weapons

Kata benda

The destructive capacity of guns, missiles, or a military force (used with reference to the number and size of guns available)
firepower power force strength energy might potency muscle puissance vigor vigour horsepower potence sinew armaments arms guns munitions forcefulness stamina brawn powerfulness toughness robustness muscularity mightiness thew welly sturdiness hardiness influence sway lustiness clout capacity capability potential brute force brawniness beef prowess weight stoutness verdure pith ability vim vitality punch strong arm burliness efficacy soundness heartiness enterprise ferocity urgency thewness kick stalwartness determination action animation thewiness strongness effort intensity oomph peppiness punchiness staying power tenacity nerve fury steam arm physical energy pull burn application firmness stability service resistance zip edge efficiency body stableness physique security substance steadiness powerhouse fierceness verve virility vigorousness driving force acceleration endurance grunt physical ability athleticism effectiveness valour authority command efficaciousness jurisdiction mastery competence hard power valor domination moxie forcibleness control persuasiveness impressiveness cogency authoritativeness headiness what it takes impact pressure stress exertion impulse violence impetus stimulus momentum dynamism draft push brunt draught strain tension life trouble velocity sock main pow stuff subjection speed beefiness huskiness physical strength muscular strength severity turbulence vehemence savagery tempestuousness fire intenseness acuteness aggressiveness sharpness weightiness passion wildness fervency frenzy flare-up storm stew rise impetuosity rabidity asperity acrimony conniption rampancy sore acerbity validity harshness emphasis eloquence extremity greatness magnitude concentration depth volume ferociousness deepness slow burn excess boiling point stockiness bulkiness sinews bulk meat physical power physical might physical prowess muscledom manliness fervor excitement efficacity brutality vividness richness grandeur virtue assertiveness performance uproar feverishness agitation furore delirium distraction fever flap furor rage hysteria deliriousness rampage ferity emotion destructiveness ardor keenness earnestness pitch ferment extreme significance anxiety high pitch nervousness vehemency fanaticism fervour tenseness ardour conclusiveness great force bite effect physical force full force logicality convincingness foundation dominance logic credibility persuasion extreme force coherence gumption reasonableness point storminess severeness gravity amount graveness sapience suasiveness validness ardency high degree irateness frenziedness roughness abandon aggression

Kata benda

Plural for all the cannon and small arms collectively, with their equipments, belonging to a ship or a fortification

Antonim dari a weapons

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