Sinonim dari chance something

Kata benda

The occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious intention or cause
accident luck fate coincidence destiny fortune hazard casualty fortuity providence serendipity circumstance hap happenstance doom fluke freak kismet lot misfortune peradventure good luck toss-up a bit of luck a fluke a happy chance a twist of fate bad luck good fortune lucky break a piece of good fortune heads or tails hit or miss stroke of luck wheel of fortune a bit of good luck throw of the dice turn of the cards way the cookie crumbles contingency break twist of fate karma stars Lady Luck quirk predestination possibility predetermination Dame Fortune blessing happenchance what is written in the stars probability incident risk occurrence adventure happy chance circumstances divine will fifty-fifty the stars handwriting on the wall contingence contingent twist even chance likelihood event eventuality turn fortuitousness destination occasion happening luckiness horoscope the times piece of good fortune chance event happy accident fortunateness tossup lucky hit astral influence way the ball bounces luck of the draw oddity mozzle emergency godsend mishap uncertainty accidental happening cast future haphazard haza gamble advantage unforeseen event case long shot Fortuna heritage cup dole odds mere chance inescapableness wyrd orlay unusual occurrence afterlife breaks a stroke of luck windfall Moirai Fates bit of luck Norns strike chance occurrence stroke Lady Fortune lot in life what is written Parcae bit of good luck stumbling upon dumb luck happy coincidence peculiar turn of events divine decree fortunate divine intervention flukiness God's will outside influence one's lot one's portion odd chance piece of luck lucky chance lucky stroke stroke of good luck piece of good luck quirk of fate advent run of luck stroke of good fortune freak happenstance good break streak of luck portion preordination Providence predestiny end what is to come writing on the wall one's dole

Kata benda

A risky action undertaken with the hope of success
gamble hazard venture risk speculation crapshoot adventure bet lottery raffle enterprise flier flutter flyer jeopardy option stake try wager long shot pot luck craps game leap in the dark pig in a poke fall of the cards throw of the dice throw stab shot in the dark shot fling spec attempt exploit experience undertaking plunge leap quest escapade feat trial campaign affair risky business caper deed random shot stunt crusade romp outside chance exploration toss up voyage punt hunch incident potshot gambling occurrence big chance iffy proposition matter of chance risky venture speculative enterprise spin of the roulette wheel episode happening event toss of the dice turn of the wheel luck of the draw flip of the coin uncertainty emprise antic contingency scene trip endangerment gest time risky action luck toss-up fortune blind bargain the luck of the draw project scheme pursuit operation business expedition mission endeavour endeavor activity engagement effort proposition experiment investment proceeding deal measure task essay move setup play plan course peril act process charge thing test pet project business enterprise exercise action work go crack job bid bash assay whack assignment whirl pass manoeuvre maneuver programme program course of action offer performance procedure striving struggle exertion doing step concern ground plan game plan labour responsibility brief duty labor game occupation accomplishment system plan of action design achievement strategy baby aim errand function matter blueprint commission implementation drill master plan proposal coordination vocation idea transaction detail goal toil stint arrangement province travail contrivance tactic racket purpose tactics method one's all one's level best road map problem piece of work big idea line of action initiative movement post interest trade tryout outfit conception lesson agenda onus calling handiwork employment proceedings maneuvering geste triumph attainment plot coup chore trick lick tilt wheeze manoeuvring stratagem outline obligation application ploy industry execution device push scam ruse energy machination stroke burden intention machinations conspiracy subterfuge wile dry run stab in the dark objective tour de force gig secret plan piece of business appointment shop hassle foray workout dealings deployment productivity progress pursual line issue suggestion departure gesture challenge one's best behavior conduct behaviour bag do cause ballgame victory hunt seeking artifice dodge one's darnedest all one's got preoccupation case blow gambit role what one is into craft try-on follow through something done pet number contribution office sham con fastie shift dealing worry lark spree long row to hoe action item fun and games workflow fifty-fifty attempt on crack at bid for path route hard work best shot conquest consummation wish ambition aspiration hope pretension ideal holy grail target contract desire intent crafty designs set-up cunning plan grand design game of chance taskwork devoir care crash project steps lookout preserve headache policy practice recipe formula measures expedient layout masterstroke shenanigan shenanigans bailiwick pigeon funeral heroic act daring act brainchild channels development tour of duty field sphere cabal successful manoeuvre complete success act of genius training progression procedures evolution growth reaction response goings-on diligence conscientiousness acts undertakings go-down trouble force stress sweat strain graft muscle pains power try on expenditure bother while slog moil resolution yakka battle strife determination discipline pull strength tension welly sweat of one's brow hard graft blood, sweat and tears old college try elbow grease hard yakka

Kata benda

The point in time or space at which something begins
beginning start onset outset commencement dawn launch opening break kickoff opportunity day one developing development get-go git-go initiation introduction morning overture threshold unfolding debut inauguration incipience incipiency kick-off preface prelude starting point takeoff activation blastoff dawning establishment induction installation instigation opener presentation rudiment top very beginning opening move first act square one early stages point of departure inception birth genesis alpha nascence nascency baseline origination rise origin creation launching institution arrival source emergence appearance foundation conception founding baptism installment instalment entrance admission formation infancy spring first appearance advent unveiling setting up premiere coming starting investiture inaugural instatement root first basis fountainhead word go invention investment coming out actuation first showing first performance first step opening ceremony leadoff surfacing materialization inaugural ceremony incoming entrée initiation ceremony occurrence enrollment enrolment materialisation indoctrination preliminaries outbreak coming out party outstart commencing startup graduation bow tee off proem embarkation curtain-raiser issue start of play emanation arising materializing setting in motion baptism of fire cropping up popping up turning up springing up evolution bully-off materialising devising verge brink edge early days pioneering breaking out beginnings initiative naissance access seizure assailment onfall onrush encounter prime convocation countdown celebration first steps eruption floating blossoming blooming setting-up organization ordination enthronement awakening acquaintance generation preamble preliminary intro prologue advance foreword prolegomenon investing appointment organisation enactment prolog getting going nearing consecration crowning enthroning swearing-in accession putting in motion getting under way approach lead-in getting off the ground head looming swearing in oncome visitation graduating entree prefatory remarks opening remarks opening statement original production first night opening night coming on manifestation liftoff presence appearing dedication departure triggering actualization representation showing up coming into view display exhibition growth ablution sanctification purification baptismal dunking purge rite purgation ritual ceremony arousal animation jump hop ascent climb rite of passage rite de passage galvanization motivation mobilization stimulation switching on turning on mobilisation new beginning fresh start clean slate upward flight lift off

Kata benda

The random production of favorable or unfavorable results

Kata benda

An event or occurrence, especially one that is noteworthy
happening event incident occasion affair episode occurrence phenomenon experience scene case circumstance activity adventure development escapade eventuality hap proceeding action business thing accident emprise exploit milestone gest geste time situation matter fact issue act transaction set of circumstances goings-on turn of events outcome deed undertaking interlude feat appearance transpiration moment change concern revelation surprise venture juncture instance exigency twist stage condition result movement chapter upshot doings position go-down state of affairs conjuncture contingency turning point phase consequence incidence manifestation state pass story sight reality aspect actuality point encounter fortuity fait accompli ordeal instalment installment enterprise topic to-do instant tribulation happenstance coincidence spot what's going down quest endeavour endeavor hanky-panky carrying on evolvement cutover innovation unfolding turn turnabout convolution pranks process procedure operation intricacy complexity confusion complication eventuation materialization conclusion denouement move revolution transition onrush transubstantiation newfangledness novelty improvement step exercise measure high jinks carrying-on manoeuvre maneuver course materialisation initiative detail performance background environment context picture cause element means particular factor course of action score state of play lay of the land lie of the land set of conditions set-up how the land lies how things stand

Kata benda

A course of action that is resorted to
resort expedient recourse alternative hope choice option possibility course measure resource step remedy device expediency help makeshift opportunity reference refuge relief shift stopgap substitute surrogate source of assistance source of help possible course of action course of action someone to turn to something to turn to means contrivance manoeuvre stratagem maneuver scheme move method way plan machination tactic medium replacement plot trick ruse instrument artifice ploy tool stand-in agency way out last resort dodge system route strategy preference solution agent improvisation pick selection discretion substitution proxy election pis aller temporary solution band-aid sub temporary measure temporary expedient contraption mode appliance make-do practicality expedience aid subterfuge support fetch lurk wile instrumentality invention appeal craft stand-by evasion available resource place to turn to person to turn to gambit equivocation deception hoax deputy representative action act procedure bet initiative control reserve understudy fill-in factor proceeding deed determination evaluation decree decision nomination call other hack standby recommendation redundancy change druthers volition program programme operation backup delegate alternate substitute agent pinch hitter back-up another course of action another possibility other fish to fry other fish in sea other possibility palliative effort legal action process project vehicle ministry arrangement gimmick game wheeze feint play con blind sleight jig scam channel mechanism deceit smokescreen flimflam technique shenanigan knack juggle fraud stunt sham bluff path road organ machinery avenue cheat cover pretense pretence angle pretext grift line of action ways and means manner game plan tack apparatus approach idea power swindle policy intermediary bunco intrigue scenario rort racket imposture flanker modus operandi set-up twist con trick red herring creation fashion auspices paraphernalia equipment organization design proposal masquerade stepping-stone activity proposition bait sting trickery distraction recipe formula duplicity caper chicanery tactics brainchild wangle organisation instrumentation trap force gyp switch canard decoy fastie rig schlenter motion setup snare confidence trick cunning plan plan of action master plan put-on smoke screen put-up job booby trap sleight of hand controls control panel console dials instruments dashboard instrument panel joke prank line plans wiles amenity work influence movement screen cloak mask camouflage front set of tactics pretension hoodwinking springboard innovation coinage concoction wrinkle effect shifting convenience imposition fakery fake conspiracy cunning scheming disguise facade démarche service gamesmanship duck stall sharp practice treachery ambush guile stepping stone attempt progress bit scene falsehood delusion distortion creativity ingenuity wits originality imagination inventiveness craftiness blueprint fabrication slant formation façade benefit provision shenanigans artfulness slyness bait and switch little game one-upmanship venture assistance curveball savvy lie mock attack utility means of access way in double-dealing rip-off practice outline enterprise intention capability property ability capital stock cleverness hoard worth wherewithal store source substance stockpile riches wealth assets talent fortune quick-wittedness make-believe layout oldest trick in the book catalyst machine structure facility potential deal suggestion road map ground plan disposition implement conduit mouthpiece vector means of expression nest egg undertaking thought submission animus purpose methodology treatment projection pattern resourcefulness big picture lure deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption roadmap measures attention-grabber curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue loophole take-in

Kata benda

An advantage over one's peers or competitors
start head start advantage break ascendency edge helping hand lead leg up ascendancy asset assistance benefit boost favor favour leverage lift support vantage aid boon dominance flying start kick-start opening opportunity push upper hand advantageous beginning advantageous position encouragement expediency forestart backing sponsorship gain jump drop luck better stead odds pull handicap whip hand high ground catbird seat inside track fortune supremacy superiority eminence profit authority leeway help value leg-up control mastery convenience virtue service helpfulness usefulness utility way in gratification improvement foot in the door dominion domination foothold sway command headstart head trump card box seat hand avenue shot fate show circumstance happenstance first step fortuity fluke destiny precedence initial opportunity deal strike position good fortune power bulge lucky strike lucky break stroke of luck good luck betterment perks goodness quality grade productiveness applicability functionality worth excuse serviceability serviceableness calibre call stature use good fitness mileage appropriateness estimation grounds importance justification effectiveness significancy caliber substance efficacy significance account blessing plus reward merit privilege bonus perk attraction profitability advantageousness expedience strong point additional benefit fringe benefit avail perquisite added extra preference advisability desirability return beauty influence good point pre-eminence foredeal ace in the hole ace up your sleeve godsend resource upside treasure pro gratuity good thing right entitlement extra licence license authorization concession prerogative franchise apanage appanage selling point authorisation plus point feather in cap saving grace dividend gift amenity permit availment added attraction warrant appeal strength added advantage lure draw attractive feature recommendation icing on the cake honour honor excellent excellence feature inspiration favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature appealing aspect acquisition hold trump winner protection prevalence prestige decider thing in its favour guide venture buy acquirement addition steal liberty facilitation accessory bargain purchase sanction grant freedom investment accretion possession procuration holding crutch claim due good buy good deal birthright allowance indulgence charter luxury windfall resort pointer recourse assist abetment refuge backup pick-me-up freelage solution

Kata benda

The state of being feasible or possible
feasibility possibility usefulness practicality viability workability use value practicability utility helpfulness suitability expediency reasonableness sensibleness achievability attainability workableness expedience constructiveness likelihood conceivability doability feasibleness likeliness probability advantage benefit effectiveness convenience profit advantageousness appropriateness fitness profitability applicability efficiency operability effectibility user-friendliness gumption soberness soundness level-headedness sustainability capability horse sense prudence advisability pragmatism desirability judiciousness aptness propriety gainfulness gain advisableness appropriacy utilitarianism wisdom desirableness propitiousness timeliness meetness opportunism properness service efficacy avail help mileage worth productiveness serviceability functionality account serviceableness handiness note favour favor point function relevance adequacy niftiness good assistance aid merit asset boon quality blessing potency importance usability edge virtue upside efficacity strong point purpose goodness efficaciousness sense effectualness significance influence reward strength substance attraction potence resource plus bonus neatness beauty productivity good point added extra versatility success fruitfulness effect power consequence superiority support perk godsend caliber excellence gratification betterment eminence calibre privilege improvement stature estimation start perquisite successfulness additional benefit fringe benefit good thing functionalism sensibility advantages benefits boot usage aim profitableness ease of use affordance wearing employment capacity ability pull lure draw pro effectuality extra worthiness dividend treasure capableness meaning appeal distinction allure meritoriousness amenity gratuity excellent selling point feature inspiration availment wear validity greatness class meaningfulness attractiveness credit added advantage attractive feature plus point valuation endowment moment mark gift behoof percentage talent perks perfection vantage significancy impact grade magnitude excuse call grounds justification leg-up leeway leverage guide preference foredeal break return luck pre-eminence hand facilitation accessory ace in the hole ace up your sleeve import implication bearing crutch bang for the buck windfall resort pointer recourse assist abetment refuge backup pick-me-up encouragement solution welfare well-being interest greater good joyfulness sake pleasure melioration grace solace benediction manna anodyne happiness prosperity felicity enjoyment delight consolation satisfaction comfort ease joy relief growth mercy

Kata benda

A special right or advantage, granted or available only to a particular person or group
privilege advantage benefit concession right bonus entitlement liberty freedom grant perk prerogative sanction apanage appanage asset authorisation authorization boon claim due favor favour licence license allowance authority birthright charter franchise indulgence luxury opportunity perquisite plus utility expedience freelage profit reward fringe benefit permission warrant dispensation consent power permit leave approval merit blessing dividend gravy honour honor title additional benefit assent exemption premium rights go-ahead green light sufferance gain clearance extra plus point carte blanche gratuity value added extra empowerment advantageousness okay discretion lagniappe droit dibs concurrence mandate award upside seal of approval godsend consideration granting admission freebie admittance amenity interest compensation perks acquiescence endorsement approbation agreement accolade imprimatur good point say-so OK thumbs up immunity indemnity free will good first dibs tip prize warranty gift donative cumshaw call virtue access pretension pretence pretense sweetener usefulness strong point the right pass aid help convenience incentive independence helpfulness expediency service attraction pro largess support ratification beauty acceptance patent confirmation condonance throw-in nod condonation acknowledgment sanctification latitude acknowledgement toleration gravy train rubber stamp golden hello stamp of approval free rein choice reason commission covenant business faculty endowment allotment meed cue deserts garland desert recompense need goodies rate honorarium payment crown repayment bounty appreciation merits grease plum carrot treasure priority justification okaying yes OK'ing letting availment prequisite perquisites benefits allowances solatium added advantage attractive feature good thing prem just deserts feather in cap document windfall strength mileage compensation package employee benefit patrimony heritage autonomy ability will passport use inheritance benefit in kind visa certification worth cream self-determination flexibility facility copyright voucher ticket certificate use of egg in one's beer recognition guerdon suffrage laissez-passer triptyque firman carnet benefit of plume decoration kudo distinction bequest legacy primogeniture empowering badge legalization legalisation card safe-conduct usage of permission to use opportunity to use tribute palm bays laurels civil right civil liberty human right right to use performing right legal protection protection limitation control share blue ribbon countenance credentials backing validation accreditation tolerance verification avowal impunity run endorsation order decree passage seal command all clear registered trademark blank cheque green-light free hand no objection O.K. say so start assistance profitability leg-up avail leeway leverage preference improvement foredeal advisability eminence break desirability return luck influence gratification pre-eminence ace in the hole ace up your sleeve

Kata benda

An act of listening to evidence in a court of law or before an official, especially a trial before a judge without a jury
hearing trial investigation enquiry examination inquest review tribunal inquiry inquisition admittance attendance attention audit audition conference congress consideration consultation council court case discussion meeting negotiation notice parley performance presentation reception test tryout industrial tribunal legal proceedings probe exploration study research scrutiny analysis disquisition probing interrogation delving questioning quest inspection search survey scrutinization examen probation court quizzing legwork case poll quiz grilling autopsy interrogatory postmortem cross-examination third degree fishing expedition Q and A catechizing check pursuit trial balloon query enactment decree measure session rule assembly ordinance regulation question assize magistrates' court high court law court recce scanning sifting appraisal perusal evaluation surveying snooping snoop gander reconnaissance fact-finding fact finding post-mortem fact checking observation assessment dissection scan once-over going-over breakdown checkup surveillance view interpretation assay look anatomization anatomy treatment deconstruction anatomizing cross-questioning look-see diagnosis critique supervision catechism handling check-up estimation coverage report inventory look-over reexamination hunt deliberation reconnoitring experimentation testing account watch commentary resolution pumping scout work reconnoiter reconnoitre reflection vetting contemplation reconnoitering interview questionnaire excursus dissertation enquiring inquiring recon scouting patrol overhaul double-checking opinion poll canvass checking expedition training verification paper investigating monitoring regard forage rummage thought shufti superintendence reasoning vigil observance perlustration debate call request balancing application heedfulness essay glance census discourse ascertainment exam interrogative analyzing discovery comparison analysing debriefing wringer sampling weighing up sweep tally breaking down guard stakeout public opinion poll close watch information-gathering sounding travel exploring combing detection criticism breakup quarry stocktaking comment exposition musing pondering servicing fractionation decoding deciphering interviewing valuation measurement rating dissolution fieldwork treatise physical biopsy postoperative lookout maintenance tune-up screening careful examination the third degree groundwork giving someone the third degree translation delineation analyzation tab close-up trawl experiments watching upkeep demand division investigation into analyses tests enquiries indagation studies concern close study empiricism calculation editorial retrospect reconsideration reappraisal retrospection traineeship analyzes nose dismemberment close examination the eye eagle eye apprenticeship write-up heed novitiate contrast oral examination question and answer session viewing perception process long hard look initiation differentiation juxtaposition medicine etiology morphology genetics zoology histology biology physiology aetiology embryology cytology action care concentration road map learning prowl rap recapitulation file drill reevaluation discrimination distinguishing collation noviciate cognition article R and D reporting reportage distinction trial period diligence assiduity industry mindfulness service maintenance check routine check test period differentiating contrasting recognising overlook recognizing noticing learning new things experimental period poke ferret paralleling relating collating education fresh look second thought second look knowledge intentness advertence attentiveness advertency thinking eye awareness studying ear note piece judgement judgment ratio analogizing discernment dividing press advisement scholarship swotting lessons reading schooling examining appraising assessing findings frisk tour spotlight preliminary survey telling the difference spying out scouting out tuition cogitation academic work exposure content broadcasting piece of research feedback conclusions ballot practical class experiment weighing subject cramming abstraction memorising schoolwork lesson exercise course homework school work revision reports articles pieces description accounts stories oral market research research paper memorizing book work dig question paper viva storeys digging fill-in-the-blank midterm final foraging scavenge viva voce scavenging ferreting set of questions theory test oral exam set of exercises rifling chase scouring hunting pursual pursuance rummaging around witch hunt ferreting around ferreting about pursuit of seeking after rooting around rummaging about rooting about

Kata sifat

Happening by chance or without planning
accidental fortuitous casual unintentional fluky inadvertent unforeseen adventitious random unforeseeable unintended unplanned coincidental incidental serendipitous unpremeditated unwitting aleatory unanticipated unexpected flukey involuntary lucky unmeant unthinking fortunate unknowing odd offhand subconscious unconscious occurring by accident occurring by chance at random unlooked for unlooked-for haphazard undesigned unthought undevised contingent unpredictable extemporaneous arbitrary erratic aimless purposeless uncertain spontaneous unpredicted uncalculated out of the blue incalculable chancy surprise undreamed-of capricious fluke circumstantial innocent by chance unhoped-for by-the-way apropos unknowable without warning variable not bargained for hit-or-miss ad hoc unpurposeful not planned sporadic stray impromptu possible spot related accompanying from left field changeable lucky-dog attendant concomitant contributory concurrent irregular occasional by accident luck out luck in well timed reckless depending liable provisional likely probable probably subject reliant hitty-missy careless thoughtless heedless negligent naive abrupt unsought sudden surprising unmindful providential heaven-sent trial and error uncaring unheeding expedient opportune felicitous propitious convenient auspicious timely irreflective simple happy apt unconcerned jammy feckless not on purpose uninvited astonishing unprompted undreamed of unsolicited unthought-of startling honest natural naïve well-intentioned without notice at the mercy of events unsure iffy dubious dicey doubtful undivinable touchy hit and miss in the balance up in the air touch-and-go hit-and-miss instinctive impulsive automatic mechanical reflex intuitive knee-jerk reflexive uncontrolled unconditioned habitual subliminal instinctual spur-of-the-moment unprepared robotic mechanic unlearned unarranged hasty gut innate unmeditated innermost untaught unbidden responsive unwilled routine mindless perfunctory unforced autogenetic uncoordinated slapdash unrealized inherent uncalculating undeliberate hurried unscheduled rushed rash ill-advised absent-minded injudicious foolish ill-considered imprudent unwise catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter happening unexpectedly stupid silly neglectful precipitate senseless remiss hard-wired hidden oblivious witless concealed brutish unreasoning indelicate outrageous napping vacant blunt untactful extempore extemporary improvised forced underthreshold unrehearsed unstudied off-the-cuff on-the-spot improvisatory extemporized ad-lib improvisational unconsidered unscripted uncontrived offhanded snap blind uncontrollable unwilling ad lib unbewised conditioned unchosen coerced extemporised headlong ad libitum down and dirty off the cuff will-less

Kata sifat

Not required
unrequired redundant needless nonessential dispensable gratuitous inessential expendable useless unneeded superfluous unessential optional extraneous surplus excess irrelevant avoidable extrinsic futile accidental undesirable worthless uncritical noncompulsory causeless fortuitous casual haphazard wanton supererogatory exorbitant prodigal random lavish profuse additional uncalled-for beside the point unnecessary unwarranted unwanted unimportant peripheral cosmetic non-essential not required not needed secondary ornamental minor not necessary not essential incidental pointless disposable trivial undesired purposeless unmerited wasted no need uncalled for to no avail to no purpose excessive extra de trop supplementary unjustified meaningless senseless surplus to requirements inappropriate immaterial supernumerary replaceable aimless indiscriminate undue spare unproductive insignificant purportless empty tangential leftover unused too much unprovoked in excess groundless without rhyme or reason not pertinent indefensible unjustifiable unreasonable subsidiary subordinate remaining vacuous fruitless inapposite inapplicable accessory inordinate motiveless unrelated impertinent unconnected mindless nonsensical inane valueless unprofitable inapt irrelative inconsequential unasked left over superfluent not germane of little account off the subject neither here nor there not to the point out of place skippable removable unwelcome unjust undeserved deadwood petty luxury lesser marginal inexcusable unfair uninvited unforgivable excess baggage diffuse more parenthetical outmoded disused left consumable collateral usable sacrificable inconsiderable supplemental added further odd reserve going begging too many fresh residual over unavailing by the by by the way absurd hopeless ineffectual able to be sacrificed needed like a hole in the head in vain idle unfounded special omissible stupid oblivious insane fatuous footling add-on hollow baseless ungrounded nongermane ineffective immoderate brutish unreasoning careless without reason disproportionate residuary without cause over and above superabundant pleonastic waste to spare unsupportable reasonless assumed bottomless overflowing extreme abounding extravagant overmuch goalless trifling on your hands disliked unloved rejected designless thoughtless otiose witless illogical frivolous irrational vapid inadmissible friendless forsaken shunned feckless inutile desultory brainless unhelpful uncherished undirected ridiculous floundering drifting unpurposed profitless barren wanky detached disconnected unpopular outcast uncared-for remote independent unapt disparate dissociated foreign outside unassociated nothing to do with it wide of the mark not to the purpose separate inappurtenant inapropos not applicable not connected with off base not pertaining to off the topic not connected off the point not related nothing to do with off-topic out of order good-for-nothing hit-or-miss discarded annoying wishy-washy uncared for more than enough

Kata sifat

Occurring, appearing, or done infrequently and irregularly
occasional sporadic irregular intermittent erratic spasmodic fitful episodic aperiodic infrequent unsteady odd episodical discontinuous casual spotty random isolated rare scarce choppy periodic uncommon exceptional seldom unusual catchy desultory incidental unfrequent few especial sometime exclusive particular special specific few and far between not habitual off and on seasonal scattered accidental contingent fluky fortuitous fragmentary part-time semioccasional unwonted abnormal sparse out of the common limited scanty unique unaccustomed out of the ordinary scant thin on the ground atypical anomalous uncustomary aberrant surprising unexpected aberrated extraordinary strange unheard of singular periodical unlikely unconventional rarefied unorthodox meager meagre peculiar queer weird bizarre like gold dust deficient short deviant freakish exceeding unthinkable phenomenal freaky freak thin unimaginable out of the way something else preternatural inconceivable way out uneven outré patchy uncharacteristic scattershot unpredictable on-again-off-again on and off in fits and starts hit-or-miss in bits and pieces curious different unfamiliar offbeat novel stray quirky outlandish oddball off-centre left-field alien funny off the wall conspicuous out-of-the-way incredible once in a blue moon as scarce as hens' teeth light attenuated subtile magnificent flimsy outstanding recherche subtle standout towering tenuous remarkable preeminent attenuate unprecedented inconsistent divergent notable noteworthy incomparable distinct wanting insufficient unheard-of wonderful extraordinaire unexampled unordinary inadequate lacking negligible low shy paltry in short supply exiguous too little not enough not to be had hard to find failing seldom met with truncated threatened not to be had for love nor money hard to come by shortened at a premium

Kata sifat

Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected
freak unusual odd abnormal peculiar uncommon extraordinary anomalous singular exceptional atypical bizarre aberrant rare unique queer irregular freakish uncustomary untypical phenomenal unexpected preternatural unwonted especial erratic aberrated exceeding unparalleled extraordinaire surprising unaccountable isolated unrepresentative fluky unpredictable rogue fortuitous surprise unanticipated unforeseeable unforeseen strange weird curious remarkable out of the ordinary deviant funny eccentric quirky outlandish unnatural oddball unfamiliar unconventional offbeat out-of-the-way different off the wall unorthodox freaky unaccustomed quaint uncanny rum off-the-wall kinky wacky kooky outré mysterious wild crazy unprecedented fantastic idiosyncratic way-out bizarro screwy kookie divergent funky out of the way far-out incongruous uncharacteristic puzzling whacky mystifying cranky weirdo queerish perplexing spaced-out prodigious off-kilter inconceivable unco outstanding way out novel special wacko baffling off-centre foreign incredible droll devious aberrational deviate amazing unheard of dubious spooky unheard-of whimsical inexplicable zany notable flakey flaky astonishing noteworthy suspicious questionable striking miraculous non-typical unreal unthinkable exotic nonstandard out of the common out there infrequent left-field deviating heteroclite eerie characteristic fishy conspicuous signal scarce creepy incomparable unexampled unimaginable distinctive bent capricious distorted daggy particular outre something else quizzical far out off-center out in left field original incomprehensible sensational jarring astounding alien twisted perverted monstrous awesome nonconformist warped new surreal tremendous marvellous stupendous unknown ludicrous ridiculous anomalistic momentous nutty individual marvelous beat cockeyed off-base off-color out of line single distinguished distinct superior eminent wayward inconsistent perverse only superlative sporadic unconforming digressive unlike contrary supernatural disparate newsworthy stunning unbelievable rummy significant transgressing spectacular inscrutable fabulous impressive unmatched unequalled unrivalled wandering mind-boggling mind-blowing terrific wonderful doubtful wondrous comical obscure unrivaled suspect fanciful unordinary matchless unexcelled unequaled absurd preposterous irrational record fresh groundbreaking peerless revolutionary fantastical nonsensical mad foolish cockamamie insane pioneering dilly newfangled seldom first-time in a league of its own without equal out of this world beyond compare ground-breaking sui generis one of a kind without parallel marked grotesque out-there rambling straying inimitable deviative unrecognized defective custom customized specialized exclusive signature personalized distinguishing alone dotty unrecognised non-standard mental psycho slang madcap kookish sick eccentrical thin on the ground occasional few and far between excentrical like nothing on earth atypic memorable awe-inspiring prominent refreshing off-beat off the rails bugged out in left field avant garde malformed unhealthy sicko pervy shady unexplainable heterodox corrupt varying heretical off-key variant dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy limited magnificent staggering unnormal heteromorphic problematical problematic breathtaking nonconforming seldom seen unhinged touched demented unbalanced brilliant surpassing stellar unfathomable not normal impenetrable insoluble unsolvable sole solitary personalised specialised customised supercalifragilisticexpialidocious unusually good out of keeping bewildering arcane random lone substantial huge great funny peculiar inexplainable enigmatic abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding funny strange too good to be true extra special improbable unforgettable eye-catching arresting one unrealistic wildering unlikely serious eye-popping extravagant implausible grandiose one-off mystic unknowable unintelligible amazeballs heavy flash gnarly forby hare-brained unrelated stray far-fetched make-believe off beaten path never to be forgotten unrepeated all-time one and only sublime dramatic eye-opening overwhelming important outrageous extreme glorious shocking startling jaw-dropping imposing considerable monumental grand impossible splendid intense portentous awful noticeable major powerful famous stupefying flabbergasting historic massive dazzling superb indescribable meaningful magical big strong consequential pronounced eventful beyond belief unconvincing excellent acute jolting profound salient unreasonable exciting deep unutterable material alternative commanding super catchy dumbfounding supreme incredulous thrilling noble fascinating large vast unconceivable utmost uncompelling heroic classic blindsiding red-letter majestic emphatic sizeable celebrated unearthly illustrious renowned enormous sizable epic weighty ample obvious dumfounding solid bold interesting observable substantive appreciable incogitable typical august royal formidable extensive gee-whizz unpredicted sudden towering hard to swallow smashing preeminent showy superhuman famed laughable fab electrifying splashy illogical flamboyant horrendous hefty immense avant-garde beautiful manifest abundant much identifying earthshaking noisy bodacious paramount legendary cool transcendent exquisite stately good astronomical healthy standout regal excessive proud earth-shattering magnific pre-eminent Homeric heroical fine baronial perfect confounding high divine God-awful splendorous untried stirring exorbitant ideal cherished ungodly specific individualistic unimagined inordinate romantic arrestive magic ultimate elevated bad tidy evident consummate tectonic ambitious farcical essential handsome enduring landmark unsettling out-of-this-world generous lofty immortal respectable kenspeckle grabby imperial transcendental discriminating enthralling radical headline symptomatic bright unsubstantial glaring diagnostic severe attractive diagnostical harebrained exalted thin dynamite colossal flimsy off the beaten track primo lavish scarcely credible weird and wonderful influential undreamed of far-reaching from left field out of the question incommunicable indelible gorgeous venerable cock-and-bull inane prestigious resplendent celestial unexplored little known very great unholy haunting glamorous unspeakable ineffable risible fantabulous captivating dreamlike fatuous best star glamourous informal proper gallant uncommunicable lasting engaging epoch-making luminous state-of-the-art untold personal treasured redoubtable befuddling immoderate profuse voluminous stiff Bohemian illusory unceremonious unsurpassed citable dreadful vivid senseless weak intolerable disturbing cock-eyed remembered rememberable steep supernormal moving astral imaginary differentiating bohemian mentionable namable nameable exaggerated goodly eternal unthought of insupposable notorious whopping unmistakable unnerving mythical hippy out of place Herculean phony awkward not to be forgotten critical boundless full of it boho attention-grabbing second to none phoney supranatural largish fixed in the mind perceptible hallucinatory hypothetical well-known numinous supermundane humongous giant forceful undreamed-of recherche vital large-scale mythological dissimilar theatrical cock and bull private few inspiring beyond one's wildest dreams above average crucial major-league beyond the realm of reason not in the least likely uplifting fateful nonpareil highly unlikely buzzworthy urgent front-page principal won't wash steady out of sight of note beyond the bounds of possibility shining pivotal out of the blue awe-striking too much remote opulent palatine swell elegant palatial first-rate princely without warning recondite solemn kingly difficult to believe swanky sumptuous first-class queenly statuesque splendiferous uninvestigated heavenly ominous sightly luxurious very unique very unusual odd strange other confusing inexpressible blinding offhand maverick loner touching chimeric imaginative romanesque innovative providential discordant reasonable esoteric discrete diacritic flustering devastating embellished egregious nondescript asinine festive disorderly chimerical pointed humorous arbitrary wonderworking unharmonious breaking new ground farfetched hyperbolic rad unannounced exhilarating legit horrid earth-shaking humbling vagarious changeable teratoid fitful what happy old-fashioned shock disconsonant irrelevant inapropos incongruent incoherent wicked spesh of importance the utmost exemplary model prototypical quintessential visionary misleading artificial errant undescribable red-carpet primary main celebratory bountiful streets ahead copious very different altered imported ready dope enjoyable distingué better than expected mind-altering tense suppositious potty illusive barmy daft raving world class fat titantic of consequence of significance lunatic esteemed intriguing can't miss it outside irreplaceable surpassing belief untenable tall the goofy silly impracticable mercurial whopping great disproportionate top drawer noted acclaimed not prepared suspenseful gilt-edged not on insupportable beyond possibility labored laboured strained uncredible heart-stopping reaching infeasible long psychedelic loony infantile imbecilic crazy-ass pointless wackadoodle idiotic wackadoo clear-cut visible representative what great real worthwhile key unsurpassable unparagoned gratifying lamebrained scatterbrained godlike of particular interest worthy of note zero cool deranged paranormal extended fundamental imprudent derisory foolhardy unworkable puerile quixotic balmy delightful admirable drop-dead clear astronomic gargantuan maximum larger than life honoured respected foreign-looking firm sturdy sound rings phony hard to believe hard to take maniacal stupid featherheaded gripping riveting lively beyond your ken arduous ill worthy of mention murder splash boss hot underlined stand-out patent high-profile herculean forcible whacking daring groovy dandy delicious absorbing affecting like wow hunky-dory rousing of moment unacceptable offensive undiscovered topical archetypal in a class by itself uttermost golden useful durable valuable heavyweight irresponsible marathon graphic climactic ostentatious won't hold water full of holes open to doubt for the birds past belief whacking great immeasurable gigantic telling charming jazzy compelling cogent all your own foremost reputable not able to hold water triumphant fulfilling psychic omnipotent bionic superabundant maximal shock-horror effective stem-winding high-octane heady honored titanic mammoth unsung disgraceful unremarked unregarded very good relevant reachy portly unrepeatable bigger than life bird-brained half-baked out of all reason inappropriate short-sighted ill-conceived beyond all reason occult abiding cheering satisfying honorable pleasurable rewarding pleasing honourable epochal heart-warming the end worth mentioning worth taking a look at meteoric studied decisive milestone timeless unfading imcomprehensible determining big-deal name aristocratic nameless never before encountered little-known unrenowned mystical everlasting perpetual undying larger-than-life very long very large breath-taking mythic purpose-built without precedent once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind separate highest greatest preponderant cardinal impactful high-priority mighty capital keynote burning conclusive high-level pressing heavy-duty earnest resonant all-important worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum ponderable potent climacteric grave imperishable heightened intemperate increased escalated jacked up limitless beyond human well known major league big name highly regarded big-time talked of predominant ascendant ghostly hidden dark enchanting rip-roaring action-packed inapprehensible fairy-tale of substance hair-raising extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful metaphysical extramundane otherworldly phantom non-rational hypernormal scanty subtile subtle sparse tenuous attenuate short light attenuated deficient semioccasional scattered rarefied unfrequent folkloric fictitious beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe undue intensified bewitching not to be thought of deadly raging top sovereign mortal excelling spectral unconscionable recognizable fictional imagined apocryphal traditional proverbial not understandable stamped on your memory infinite unlimited entire intellectual intuitive absolute inspirational accomplished primordial unequalable transcending whole unconfined intact innate abstract theoretical finished overmuch mother of all greatest possible biggish fairy invisible unrevealed superordinary ghostlike secret uncomprehensible concealed distinguishable familiar identifiable allegorical parabolic symbolic storied decent plethoric spellbinding fairytale-like charmed lovely plentiful overextravagant barbarous alarming disconcerting perturbing overdue recognisable individualised enchanted storybook made up fabled scary frightful frightening upsetting devilish unrestrained beyond one's grasp fancy unmerciful independent idiomatic subjective intimate patented individualized privy detectable express decipherable overweening baroque overblown overdone over-the-top OTT more than human

Kata sifat

Very odd, strange, or eccentric
freaky strange odd bizarre unusual weird peculiar queer curious eccentric freakish abnormal unconventional outlandish extraordinary offbeat funny irregular atypical anomalous wacky aberrant oddball rum crazy unexpected screwy deviant wild bizarro unnatural wacko untypical eerie surprising spooky surreal grotesque creepy perverse unco fishy amazing far-out off-centre out of the ordinary way out out of the way quirky uncommon singular kinky unorthodox idiosyncratic quaint off the wall way-out kooky off-the-wall remarkable erratic cranky kookie out-of-the-way weirdo outré zany unfamiliar different uncustomary funky whacky queerish fantastic rare freak spaced-out off-kilter unique exceptional whimsical preternatural out there uncanny unwonted far out left-field mystifying fanciful mysterious absurd unaccustomed phenomenal droll puzzling especial baffling aberrated novel flaky flakey ridiculous original perplexing extraordinaire incongruous exceeding unaccountable outre daggy nutty unheard of alternative avant-garde nonconformist dotty alien scarce exotic in left field out in left field insane mad unpredictable Bohemian infrequent ludicrous preposterous madcap isolated extravagant capricious divergent inconceivable unreal uncharacteristic off-center monstrous unheard-of daft something else malformed out of the common nuts distorted inexplicable wayward twisted batty unhinged demented crackpot laughable special unrepresentative suspicious questionable perverted dubious devious inscrutable deviate aberrational whacko irrational slang comical fantastical creative unbalanced dilly non-typical heteroclite wonderful foreign anomalistic nonstandard off the beaten track unearthly silly supernatural incredible loony unprecedented deranged individual crazed psychotic ghostly bonkers cuckoo loopy incomprehensible cracked barmy mental humorous arbitrary crackers dippy sporadic nonconforming potty progressive eldritch astonishing bohemian nonsensical foolish non compos mentis imaginative amusing other-worldly deviating radical unknown unparalleled cockamamie prodigious spookish eery haunting brainsick looney lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained fruity haywire bats gaga moonstruck daffy psycho meshuga balmy certifiable esoteric hippy arcane warped far-fetched heterodox innovative fresh magical boho inexplainable experimental flighty extreme inspired chimerical conspicuous unthinkable mystic obscure looney tunes loony tunes touched old-fashioned seldom quizzical secret unimaginable off the air unordinary out of line off-base off-color thin on the ground few and far between risible farcical out-there individualistic wigged out schizoid schizo inconsistent advanced skittish vagarious teratoid changeable fitful mischievous playful not tightly wrapped distinctive eccentrical maverick informal like nothing on earth waggish pathetic cockamamy derisive derisory unrecognized new excentrical cockeyed untraditional nondescript startling egregious few notable incomparable noteworthy distinct bent out of the box avant garde anarchistic unstable unrecognised derisible unexampled occasional unhealthy digressive transgressing non-standard rogue disturbed troubled off-beat off the rails bugged out unceremonious sick corrupt doubtful transcendental superhuman transcendent supernormal miraculous unnormal heteromorphic shady neurotic dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy suspect sicko pervy not normal mentally ill bananas problematical problematic deformed wandering varying heretical off-key variant crotchety scary supranormal ghoulish devilish of unsound mind raving mad unexplainable misshapen ugly mixed up sectionable very strange dicey random chancy uncertain witty hideous unsightly not all there mad as a hatter screwed up nutso nutsy barking squirrelly unfathomable nutty as a fruitcake mad as a March hare out to lunch buggy impenetrable insoluble unsolvable misproportioned daft as a brush away with the fairies round the bend a bit lacking not the full shilling round the twist barking mad nobody home unglued with a screw loose unscrewed bewildering unconforming mangled mutilated gnarled expressive enigmatic abstruse beyond comprehension beyond understanding fluky unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely unlikely disconcerting befuddling wildering romantic fabulous out of keeping awful horrific ghastly dreadful ominous fearful dreamy unknowable unintelligible goofy fugly huckery uncouth eerily occult magic numinous supernal clownish comic artistic mythical inventive dreamlike poetic fancy originative unforeseen flustering overwhelming portentous dumfounding confusing confounding artful brilliant fertile ingenious illusory genius imaginary keen flamboyant antic grody ill-favoured surrealistic gross screwball awe-inspiring gonzo innovational chimeric visionary vivid phantasmal quixotic revolutionary phantasmic astute muddling unannounced unanticipated discomfiting jarring nonplussing jolting shattering nonplusing dismaying upsetting hare-brained head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky Promethean acting crazy outrageous barbarous awkward eye-popping stupid senseless fatuous characteristic hysterical up the pole delirious as daft as a brush distracted psychopathic inane stark raving mad harebrained asinine idiotic half-baked sick in the head foaming at the mouth stark staring mad not right in the head doolally manic raving unwise witless brainless simpleminded bushed not together lunkheaded bubbleheaded porangi yarra stark mad unrealistic featherheaded jerky inept tomfool sappy hilarious off your trolley fool off your head illogical diverting out of one's mind not right upstairs not quite right in the head pioneering half-witted frenzied weak-minded distraught dissenting frantic beat implausible iconoclastic dissident joshing camp campy dissentient particular nonorthodox heretic off one's gourd off your rocker exclusive around the bend have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock have a screw loose unreasonable mirthful jocular chucklesome shocking cock-eyed entertaining giddy berserk dopey groundbreaking facetious disordered impractical gelastic riot marvellous distinguishing marvelous ground-breaking ornate unbelievable improbable foolhardy infantile pointless imbecilic impracticable imprudent puerile rebel unworkable unconvincing baroque jocose simple schismatic specialized ill-conceived uproarious sectarian specific killing light-hearted beatnik inappropriate humoristic sidesplitting screaming hysteric comedic riotous disparate newsworthy unlike contrary side-splitting rib-tickling rummy unmatched unequalled unrivalled inimitable outstanding specialised unrivaled jokey off matchless unexcelled striking unequaled record peerless untried flipped out momentous touched in the head rich in a league of its own out of one's head without equal beyond compare sui generis mocking without parallel har-har first-time signal one and only crazy as a loon scream one of a kind off one's nut newfangled intriguing half-cracked birdy oddish gothic Gothic distinguished custom customized signature personalized alternate straying rambling disorderly fringe defective loner cool kookish gleeful jocund merry festive blithesome jolly gay sunny jovial blithe ape marginal arty funny peculiar funny strange improper unsuitable illegal rattlebrained empty dipsy airheaded airbrained scatterbrained dizzy limited breaking new ground anarchic mercurial de trop beyond the pale too much excessive over the top pixilated fanatic obsessed very unconventional crazy-ass wackadoodle wackadoo typical flipped not in your right mind customised personalised freethinking representative errant other discordant unharmonious interesting one-off confused schitzy altered imported not prepared ready personal not right incredulous grandiose essential off your chump off the beaten path liberated untrammelled unconstrained unfettered irresponsible rabid uncontrolled private arty-farty independent ambitious unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial schizophrenic psychopathological bedlamite diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying diagnostical elaborate intricate untrammeled derailed bemused moonstricken unsettled paranoid sociopathic all your own suppositious hallucinatory illusive bird-brained out of all reason short-sighted beyond all reason demoniac raging dazed wrong soft in the head priceless free-spirited Kafkaesque rococo rollicking make-believe unsatisfactory embarrassing pitiful unimpressive inadequate glamourous glamorous laughing a few cards shy of a full deck deprived of one's wits one card shy of a full deck manic-depressive over the edge non compos severely mentally ill one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out as mad as a March hare having bats in the belfry a few sandwiches short of a picnic not of sound mind having a screw loose as mad as a hatter in the ozone out of sight cock-and-bull tongue-in-cheek wry sportive engaging sparkling ditsy incoherent laffer crack-up inconsequential all-time unbelieveable recondite labored laboured farfetched strained forced gagged up for grins state-of-the-art innovatory modern forward-looking trailblazing trendsetting futuristic ultra-modern rebellious avant go-ahead cutting-edge neoteric new-fashioned asymmetrical hippie leading-edge liberal ahead of the times hip vanguard underground head lead mentally unbalanced new wave mistakenly trendy dumb skewed uneven

Kata sifat

Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood, thinking or behavior
capricious variable fickle impulsive mercurial unpredictable erratic inconsistent inconstant changeable temperamental volatile arbitrary fitful freakish quirky unstable whimsical vacillating changeful flighty irregular faddish fluctuating fluid mutable skittish uncertain ungovernable unsettled unsteady wild flaky flakey haphazard random vagarious wayward bipolar crotchety flickery unreliable up and down blowing hot and cold constantly changing wavering undependable shifting varying changing ever-changing protean labile kaleidoscopic uneven quicksilver mobile excitable desultory moody movable spasmodic up in the air fluctuant aimless up-and-down hit-or-miss indiscriminate irrepressible yo-yo giddy active elastic unmethodical casual intermittent sporadic chameleonic turbulent unfixed unsystematic oscillating unequal irresolute chameleon-like untrustworthy scattered faithless waffling full of ups and downs floating helter-skelter patchy episodic scattershot fluky disconnected discontinuous flexible swaying directionless episodical variational occasional stray peaky unfocused chaotic heedless unthinking orderless blind lost reckless careless without purpose alterable untrue disreputable unexpected irrational purposeless choppy aperiodic incidental nonuniform spotty adaptable jerky chancy disorganized slapdash vagrant catchy shifty everchanging unforeseeable tempestuous rambling restless dynamic undirected offhand moving wandering iffy ever-shifting catch-as-catch-can flickering unguided not conscientious roving alternating deviating disorganised thoughtless always changing without goal wanton without direction off and on unbalanced ephemeral transitory inexact frivolous broken momentary transient impermanent fleeting not constant unequable disturbed slippery versatile disrupted without a goal vicissitudinous ambiguous dubious unsound suspect weaving doubtful short-lived altering continuously changing transitional variant irresponsible revocable commutative transformable agitated reversible indecisive interrupted developing growing undulating loose sketchy not fixed periodic indefinite undreamed-of surprise unanticipated adjustable on-again-off-again herky-jerky on and off explosive fiery impassioned knife-edge subject to change likely to change two-faced emotional intense passionate approximate unaccountable unscientific fortuitous coincidental accidental unknowable from left field incalculable serendipitous inadvertent ad hoc unjustifiable uninformed unsupported unjustified goalless pointless drifting lucky baseless unwarranted groundless unfounded unreasoned hot-tempered unforeseen adventitious out of the blue driftless objectless quick-tempered shot-in-the-dark spot contingent shaky infrequent eccentric designless fragmentary unpunctual unconsidered on-and-off off-and-on non-periodic isolated odd rare scarce disjointed uncommon periodical seldom jumbled sparse muddled in fits and starts exceptional disorderly unfrequent confused few all over the place unorganized unusual unorganised few and far between incoherent entropic semioccasional seasonal slipshod fractal non-linear disordered unconnected convulsive uncoordinated on again and off again unplanned out of the common unpremeditated all over the map recurring unaccustomed recurrent limited scant rough illogical scanty cyclical uncontrolled abnormal alternate sometime sloppy unwonted messy bitty scrambled aleatory paroxysmal mixed up not habitual uncontrollable in bits and pieces abrupt inchoate incohesive undisciplined twitching thin on the ground part-time sudden fluke all over the shop strewn widespread discrete intervallic non-uniform fragmented scrappy violent broken up evolving systemless spurtive checkered chequered incomplete lax shambolic hit and miss indeterminate progressive unintelligible piecemeal unsystematized uncustomary adaptive garbled unlikely aberrated aberrant frenzied stochastic promiscuous atypical anomalous unsteadfast outsourced freelance outside in disarray not frequent outré gaping rarefied mixed-up ill-thought-out wobbly inelegant rugged unconventional uncharacteristic surprising unorthodox unique in a state of change hit-and-miss unheard of uncontinuous meager out of the ordinary higgledy-piggledy all over the lot especial spontaneous willy-nilly devil-may-care unconcerned unselective unconscious special specific exclusive particular meagre hit or miss like gold dust once in a blue moon any which way any old way as scarce as hens' teeth twitchy perfunctory cursory remiss meandering lackadaisical dicey nomadic continual cyclic shaking tremulous bumpy isochronal isochronous rhythmic epochal serial punctuated slap-happy rhythmical arrested iterant iterative discontinuing checked metrical jumpy jolting bouncy trial and error stop-go stop-and-go every other now and then here and there some not many scattering by bits and pieces related unintended unintentional flukey unwitting accompanying juddering shuddering contributory by-the-way unlooked-for concomitant attendant by chance circumstantial by accident apropos concurrent

Kata kerja

To take a risk or chance on
risk hazard venture try tempt adventure essay gamble stake wager endanger gamble on jeopardise jeopardize speculate cast lots draw lots tempt fate tempt fortune toss up play with fire roll the dice run the risk have a fling at skate on thin ice stick your neck out go out on a limb put eggs in one basket put it on the line take shot in the dark try one's luck with imperil jeopard gamble with put at risk compromise peril put in jeopardy menace expose expose to danger bet put on the line put in danger threaten jeopardy take a chance on run the risk of injure damage harm take a plunge lay bare be detrimental to pose a threat to be a danger to leave vulnerable do harm to court dare challenge lay open flirt with dice with go for broke take a chance take a crack at make a stab at lay on the line chance one's arm run the chance leave to luck take the risk of put someone's life on the line chance on flirt leave defenseless make liable subject to loss be careless with prejudice guess suggest ask leave unprotected subject to be prejudicial to expose to risk drive a nail into the coffin of go out of one's depth leap before looking hang by a thread be caught short propose presume suppose submit advance proffer throw out take a chance with opine conjecture surmise volunteer go out on limb put forward stand a chance of put trust in buck the odds take the plunge leave things to chance trust in back oneself put your faith in defy the odds act in the hope of bank on trust to luck put your faith take a risk buy a pig in a poke take a leap in the dark take a flyer brave play assay experiment with take the liberty take the liberty of undermine weaken implicate place in danger put under suspicion sell out subject make subject make vulnerable invest punt jeopardize by lay open to put in jeopardy of imperil by endanger by leave open put in harm's way leave unprotected from put at risk of play plunge spec wildcat take a venture make book play the market pour money into have a flutter take risks take a flier take a fling margin up risk doing go ahead make bold to attempt have the temerity pluck up be bold pluck up courage take the risk make so bold as have the nerve have the effrontery try your hand go so far as take the liberty of doing have the cheek make bold undertake be brave enough have the guts hazard doing be so bold as take heart face up to brave doing have the audacity have the courage endeavour be so bold endeavor

Kata kerja

To take place or do something by accident or without intending to
happen occur befall betide come hap transpire luck stumble tumble arrive pass come about come off fall out go on turn out blunder on come to pass hit upon light upon stumble on turn up come down go down be one's fate fall to one's lot arise be take place develop ensue eventuate result do cook materialize crop up fall materialise follow appear emerge pan out break spring present itself come into existence surface supervene go issue bechance come into being become take shape be realized manifest action come out originate start begin stem dawn proceed commence derive erupt burst out upspring break out be born come up take effect set in evolve progress overtake prove befit presage goon present eventualize play out shake out show execute catch contract gel shake pass off end up chance upon have effect see the light of day become a fact actualize form engender flow occur suddenly come forth suddenly come forth birth flow from emanate spawn become apparent issue from come from have one's foundations start off spurt be set in motion spring from loom hail from head emanate from gush rise flare up metamorphose shoot up pick up propagate germinate be a direct result uprise sprout foment spring up make an appearance chance to happen unfold pop up grow come to light take form work out flourish be caused by crystallize be produced by crystallise be brought about by go off fare come along show up manifest itself roll up enter into the picture intervene accompany unravel attend advance recur originate in end mature be consequent on culminate supervene on bear fruit come after pace come into view get along go over bob up finish up perform hit stop terminate fire be the consequence be the result finish see daylight happen suddenly be a consequence broaden deepen launch catalyze swing offer exist accrue be consequent catalyse be a consequence of be a result of appear suddenly sprout up appear unexpectedly be seen be revealed naturalise increase become evident arise from stem from result from merge naturalize leak out come into sight become visible become known come together change show itself arise out of be the result of be carried though be accomplished be completed be brought to a conclusion explode enter come on flame kick in come into begin suddenly embark on start suddenly blaze up blow up burst forth burst into punch in blow in put in an appearance walk on pass in set foot roll in present oneself succeed come next be attended by follow on be subsequent to

Kata kerja

Happen upon
come upon bump into chance upon come across fall upon find happen upon stumble upon turn up encounter meet stumble on stumble across chance on hit upon discover light on happen on light upon uncover run into strike unearth detect run across dig up hit on luck into locate descry catch find out pitch upon stumble onto tumble upon bring to light track down ferret out scare up run down dig out come up with fall in with smoke out scout up dredge up root out nose out rout out hunt up hunt down meet up with come by meet by chance search out sniff out smell out arrive at pin down see run smack into meet with get rub eyeballs run to earth find by chance notice acquire obtain run to ground reach register realise strike on realize run against cross paths with contact pinpoint espy cross the path alight upon touch shoulders run up against make contact with come up against rendezvous with brush against meet face to face salute come face to face with clash with make a meet reveal pick up on hook trip over spot localize learn lay hands on localise rummage read get at ascertain trace determine zero in on stumble against expose catch red-handed burst in on catch off guard catch in the act take by surprise surprise catch unawares catch out take unawares unmask collar corral lay your hand on make out trip on hunt out lay fingers on put one's finger on catch sight of rustle up make the acquaintance of get to know disclose become acquainted make acquaintance meet for the first time stumble hit luck upon track blunder upon blunder across bring into the open wise up to learn of tumble into extricate disinter grub out come to know tumble to discern dig get wind of happen blunder on discover unexpectedly find unexpectedly come on light tumble luck be introduced to be introduced become familiar with become acquainted with elicit exhibit delve spark spotlight fish out extract show root hear uproot ferret root up see the light catch on take the wraps off

Kata kerja

To try to figure out through estimation or hypothesis
guess estimate conjecture calculate predict fathom hypothesise hypothesize judge postulate reckon speculate gauge surmise approximate deduce call determine evaluate figure gage guesstimate hazard make place put rate suppose appraise infer reason suggest theorise theorize venture pick predicate select solve survey size up make a guess at make an estimate of weigh up happen upon think likely hazard a guess work out form an opinion of jump to a conclusion take a shot at take a stab at go out on a limb assess value think consider imagine assume presume valuate believe posit compute measure hypothecate set weigh regard suspect count presuppose put forward cast dope out number premise say adjudge fix quantify tally take for granted analyse peg figure out analyze propound take account of form an impression of count up conceive put a figure on philosophize philosophise project propose contemplate establish deliberate cogitate brainstorm excogitate cerebrate dope check calibrate rank size submit review have a hunch class enumerate call it classify chew over check out call the turn beat one's brains total cipher look upon build castles in air forecast form opinion get the measure of take as a hypothesis sum tot cypher add up assay tot up tote up keep tabs make rough guess propone broach derive apprise gather conclude wonder cost prophesy expect formulate take measure of eye up advance muse totalize calculate roughly hold subtract add together add adjust divide multiply foretell account blue-sky suspicion meditate daresay deem take opine ponder reflect form theories scheme ruminate pipe-dream study read make suppositions nominate affirm choose assert aver claim solicit make guesses formulate a theory form a theory reflect on psych out kick around head trip read between lines see as being set a figure on class as being think of as being regard as being view as being look on as being be of the opinion run it up flagpole grade group tote square run down count noses tick off count heads order categorize sort ascertain arrange scale assign meter quantitate score compartment brand distinguish pigeonhole compartmentalise distribute put down as separate categorise list assort line up typecast mark type break down compartmentalize index put down for range button down position codify put in order test eye metre look over figure in have one's number offer

Antonim dari chance something

Music ♫

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