Sinonim dari change radically

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To give new life to, or to restore to a healthy condition
regenerate renew revive restore rejuvenate revivify revitalise revitalize uplift reconstruct renovate resuscitate kick-start reanimate reawaken rekindle change recharge reproduce amend freshen improve envigorate invigorate recreate re-establish refresh refreshen reinvigorate repair resurrect rewake rewaken inspirit overhaul reorganise reorganize exhilarate produce redevelop reestablish reinforce restart stimulate breathe new life into raise from the dead give a shot in the arm give a shot in the arm to revamp recondition enliven energize modernize rebuild awaken remodel energise recover rehabilitate modernise update remake strengthen refurbish wake up brace animate enkindle touch up fortify reinstate rouse arouse rally reform bring back brighten mend pep up bounce back do up make over refit reactivate resume quicken bring up to date encourage reinvent reopen reconstitute buck up spruce redo fix up restitute relieve reinstitute fix patch replenish doctor build up vivify give new strength to rescue bring around make whole redesign redevise restate redeem revolutionize retouch reaffirm develop vamp up stir up give a new lease of life to replace reclaim save refashion recycle rework rehab relaunch upgrade boost salvage technologize recall give a boost to regain re-activate put some spark into perk up revolutionise re-form reincarnate re-create go over heal service furbish tune bring back to life get into shape give a new look to cure bolster help re-energize streamline reintroduce transform contemporize establish again prop up retread reassemble revisit redecorate relive recapture prompt prod get going again reindustrialize stir activate create again rediscover rectify innovate put new life into face-lift remaster spruce up tart up give the kiss of life to liven up experience again blow away the cobwebs summon up give new life to set right straighten out set to rights return to repeat copy relight convert reenergize unwind reconnect cheer cool vitalize bring to trigger make healthy galvanize reuse rise again galvanise excite come to life top up put back cool down brush up rationalize do come again reprocess resurge reexperience better rebrand titivate put new heart into make younger add some zest to restore vitality to awake wake waken do over drag into the twenty-first century march into the twenty-first century rationalise lead into the twenty-first century bring into the twenty-first century give face lift to recollect dust neaten sweeten clean tidy give a new lease on life remember make young again recast call up conjure up restore to life freshen up refind replay revise clean up air out make someone feel young again put back together build again make again reorient restructure find again bring to mind go through again dig up summon back live through again go back to discover again reshuffle reinstall repurpose rise from the ashes retool remold remould vindicate absolve refurnish piece together habilitate continue recommence re-equip bring up to code proceed make good give something a facelift recapitulate save from blame restore to favour free from blame remove guilt from pick up begin where one left off start again start over carry over begin over take up carry on go on with proceed with inspire buoy incite embolden motivate hearten buoy up spur steel instigate gladden bear up chirk up cheer up ginger up reassure push comfort kindle assure fillip console reenforce pique goad enhearten jumpstart fire up move gee up raise your spirits enhance emend elate give shot in arm psych up correct enrich redraft jazz up reboot recrudesce jog lift elevate gentrify electrify lead cleanse retrieve blaze a trail hit the ground running gussy up drive empower incentify applaud whet spark disinhibit impassion sway enforce fire spike fan egg incentivize whip up spur on build titillate tempt cheer on ignite rev up provoke raise boost up pump up urge grow promote dispatch impel spring vivificate liven innervate actuate precipitate zip up innerve increase adjust nudge maintain moderate edit refine beef up benefit temper meliorate mitigate polish fine-tune hone perfect fine remediate sustain facilitate ease ameliorate juice up jump-start shake up amp up emendate praise prick right rewrite modify alter redraw stimulate spiritually lift the spirits of give confidence to raise the morale of spirit up give hope to boost morale bield light a fire under stiffen the resolve of redress incentivise boost moral raise spirits doctor up prettify embellish grace zhoosh beautify make more attractive dress up zhoosh up make better add some colour to add to

Antonim dari change radically

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